Broken Dreams (Unhingedverse) -
Broken Dreams: Chapter 6
Slick Dreams is currently located in Detroit, Michigan, which is where I’m headed with my brother and Adira’s men.
As soon as I can extricate myself from Adira. She’s staying at my house while we’re gone because it’s safer, and she’s perfectly happy to sleep in the guest room and record in the audio booth.
We’re the problem.
“You have all the codes for the security system,” I remind her. “If you need to take a walk or something, the backyard is huge, I just—”
“I’m staying in the house, with the system engaged, and plan to read books and record content,” Adira says, interrupting me. “I don’t want you to worry about me. Shoo, go get your girl.”
Kane gazes at his omega for a long moment, as if trying to convince all of his personalities that she’s going to be fine. He has a strange baby carrier strapped to his chest and a doll inside. I guess Jed was serious when he said Kane should practice.
This entire pack is insane.
“Alright,” Callum says, sighing. Adira’s nightmares have been much fewer, so I don’t think that’ll be an issue.
She deserves puppy piles of snuggles and cuddles.
“Make sure you piss the old bat off while we’re gone,” Jed teases Adira, giving her a hug.
Emilia Richardson and Adira have been in a feud of epic proportions for weeks. The leader of ROWS doesn’t know Adira is the anonymous blogger on Omega Link offering retorts to Emilia’s podcasts about how omegas should behave.
It’s been pissing the old bag off, which is just what she deserves. Her attempt at kidnapping Adira earlier this year hasn’t helped her cause either. Fucking bitch.
“I’ll do my best,” Adira says with a small smirk. “Seriously, I’m good. All of my favorite foods are in the fridge too. The house and I are going to be fine.”
I’m more worried about her than the house to be honest. Callum and I made ready to eat meals for her in the fridge along with dessert in case the baby wants something sweet to eat. Her appetite has been increasing for the better, which means she’s also expanding from the previous tiny list of things she could eat.
“We love you,” Morris says with a smile. “I’ve done as much research on my end as I can to make sure that we’ll have a smooth mission.”
I thought Callum and I were prepared, but Morris is next level when it comes to replaceing blueprints of the old building. Together, we’ve been able to make sure we’re ready for almost anything when we arrive at the new location for Slick Dreams.
Callum was also able to get his contact to tell him what security was like and then paid them handsomely for it.
“Bye, baby,” Damon says, kissing her as he starts to walk to the door.
If I don’t get them out of here, we’ll start this all over again. The way they love her is intentional and intense. They’ve come a long way from when they met.
Striding across the house to herd them out the door, I shoulder my bag full of weapons. I may not be able to have them with me inside, but I want them close by. The guys will make sure I’m armed when I need to be.
Loading up the cars, I get into my truck next to Callum. It’s a ten hour drive to Detroit, and we’re taking two vehicles. It’s stupid early in the morning, and I expect that Adira will probably curl up in the piles of blankets on the couch and nap for a while.
The plan is to arrive at Slick Dreams in time for our scheduled slot. Bret Harris, the owner of the club, has very regimented rules for this heat. I’m nervous about tonight, as is Callum by the way that he’s tapping his fingers in the air. He’s listening to a tune only he can hear, which so often happens when he’s thinking about Quinn.
Turning on the truck, I take a deep breath as I ease out of the driveway with Pack Dresmond behind me. We’ll follow each other up and then they’ll hide in the area, waiting for us to make our move. There’s an abandoned warehouse they’ve already chosen to be their base of operations during the heat.
They said they’re well used to sitting in wait for missions, so this isn’t any different. In a lot of ways, they’re very laid back and helpful.
They’re nothing like what the rest of the world thinks they are. First impressions are difficult to break once everyone thinks you’re a psychopath.
I’m hiding. Everything hurts, my skin feels warm, and the light is too bright everywhere else. I found the room that’s been set up for my heat and curled into a corner of the bed. There aren’t any blankets, the scents are all off, but the mattress is at least soft.
Bret usually does a better job of airing everything out, but for some reason I hate the way this room feels. Laying in the cool darkness, I shiver despite the fire under my skin. The sheets feel scratchy despite being made of satin, and my clothes are constricting.
Stripping off my thin t-shirt and denim shorts and panties, I gasp in pain as another wave of pain lights up my nerve endings. Silently as always, I bear it without a sound as I curl into a fetal position with my arms around my knees.
Slick is sliding down my legs, making a mess on the sheets. It doesn’t matter because the alphas will love it later, but now I’m all alone here. Since my heats are so intermittent, I have very little tolerance for the pain. I can’t breathe through each cramp or try to think of something else.
Motherfucker! The screams don’t help inside of my head when all I want to do is make noise on the outside. I’m mute by choice, even back when Bret first bought me, and that’s a difficult thing to break.
My fingers slide through my loose curls, pulling on them to try to make myself hurt somewhere else. If it’s pain by choice, maybe it’ll help me replace some kind of balance. None of it eases the resounding fear as everything escalates.
When I was with my friends as a kid, they used to read magazines where people would write in to talk about their experiences of being in heat. Some were funny, while others were sad. I’ll never forget one where she said she had a psychotic episode during her first one because she didn’t know what was happening.
Her family didn’t talk about biology, she was homeschooled, and she went in blind without toys or any alphas to help her.
After that, it heightened my fear of being alone during my heat. However, the only option for a knot right now is Bret, which is an immediate no. My body writhes as my body begins to sweat and I feel nauseous.
Good thoughts. Fuck, think about something good!
This isn’t working, so I twist my body to crawl to the edge of the bed, hoping the rolling chest of toys has been brought in. White knuckling this isn’t going to work. My trembling fingers knock into one of the drawer handles, and I yank it open to attempt to replace something thick.
I don’t even care if it vibrates right now, I just want to feel full. Maybe I’ll get lucky and replace a thick monster dildo with a knot. Anything to help with the devastating cramps. If I don’t do something soon, I’ll end up vomiting.
Bret will fucking kill me then.
Scoring a dildo with an inflation knot, I drop back onto the mattress with my prize in hand. I don’t even care if someone replaces me fucking my cunt with this thing, I just want an orgasm and a knot.
Even if they’re fake or I have to fuck myself to release, it’ll at least help the roaring fire inside of me.
The tip of the toy is thick and exactly what I want as I moan, pushing it inside my slick channel. I don’t have the energy or patience to finesse this as my thighs drop wide on the mattress and my feet are laid flat against the surface of the sheets.
Raising my hips as I thrust the toy into my pussy, I keen in desperation to get to the knot. There’s a button to inflate it once I get to the base so it’ll fill me up, and I’m hoping it’ll be enough to satisfy me. My eyes are watering with tears as my chest heaves, my body reminding me of how miserable I feel.
The level of anguish is making me very vocal, and I’d be embarrassed about it if I didn’t need to come around a knot so badly. They’re wordless grunts and screams, but so much more than I usually have even during sex. Finally, I get to the base of the toy and press the button for the knot to inflate.
It’s a different type of fullness since a knot is already fully formed as an alpha fucks it into me. Sometimes it’ll get even fuller once it’s in me, filling me up like a balloon. That’s more the way this feels as the knot expands inside of my pussy.
It’s intense, refuses to give me any kind of slow incline as it gets larger, and soon I’m clawing at the sheets as my pussy clamps down on it. I want to be a cream pie, filled with cum to mix with my slick, but that’s impossible since it’s fake. Moaning as my toes begin to curl, I feel the beginnings of an orgasm.
Fuck yes! Even now, there’s no words as my jaw clamps down, gritting my teeth as my legs shake and my body begs for release. Finally, I get what I’ve been working so hard for, the fake knot filling me up so far it almost hurts, yet it’s exactly what I need at the same time.
My pussy attempts to milk the toy for all it’s worth, the sensitive nerve endings detonating as I explode all over the bed with slick as I scream.
Somehow my head is off the bed, my body having twisted as I writhed. My chest is heaving as I lay there, happy for the intensity this toy gave me because my heat gives me a small respite. If it’s this bad, I’m going to have to give up the idea that I don’t need a man during my heat. Give me all the knots and dicks please.
This solo shit is for the birds.
The door opens as I lay there, the toy still inside of me because I’m too exhausted to replace the button to deflate it and I’m fucking scared that when I remove it, I’ll begin the cycle of pain and suffering all over again.
The light switch in here slides up so it gradually brightens the room. My hair is in my face so I can’t see who it is. I’m not ready for the alphas, my hair isn’t done, and my makeup isn’t either. Instead, I came in here in the morning and never left.
Bret will have to deal with the fact that I’m a hot, needy, sobbing mess right now.
“Hey, little omega. It looks like we came just in time,” a deep, mellow voice says.
Whimpering, I push my hair away from my face as I hang upside down.
“Poor, sweet girl,” says another alpha. My nose is all fucked up from crying, along with whatever shit Bret injects into me every month, but I do know that the air is clearing with really yummy scents.
Unabashedly, I throw my arms out, eager for the relief the five alphas promise as they walk in.
“She’s already here,” Bret says as he follows them. “I was wondering where she’d gone.”
“It looks like she started early, didn’t you?” a dark haired alpha asks as he begins to undress.
His cock is thick enough to jut straight out once he pushes his pants down his hips, making my mouth water.
I want, give it to me.
I don’t know any of them, they’ll just be nameless alphas who fuck me, but to me they’ll be my heroes for the next four days.
“May as well get to work,” Bret says, amused as he leans against the wall in the shadows.
As long as he doesn’t speak again, I’ll forget he exists. It’s the best someone like me can ask for.
A beautiful, blonde omega that smells like lilacs and warm sugar is sprawled out on the mattress as I open the door and Duncan turns up the light switch slowly. It’s one that slides up to control how bright things get, which is perfect for a likely overstimulated omega in heat.
There’s a spray of slick on the dark satin sheets, and I can see the toy she’s been fucking herself with is still inside of her cunt. The poor darling got desperate in her time of need, and I do love a girl who can problem solve. It’s fucking sexy as hell.
The five of us slowly walk into the room, and the first thing I notice is how musty it is. My nose wrinkles in disgust, and I notice how Duncan’s hand fists as he sees there’s not a single soft blanket or pillow on the fucking mattress.
Nests apparently aren’t something given to the omegas at Slick Dreams. Goddamnit does that piss me off.
It’s taking everything in me to act normal as her scent wraps around me, because I want to scream that this omega is fucking mine. She’s my scent match, the perfect piece of my soul. It’s not simply biology.
Rather, I’d say she’s activating the coding hardwired inside of me to recognize her as mine. I don’t expect her to react to me at all, because I’m sure the rat bastard who is the owner of this club has a fail safe so his omegas can never replace their scent match. It’s cruel and calculating, just like the impression he’s given me since I walked into the club for my “fuck appointment.”
Needing to say something, I purr, “Hey, little omega. It looks like we came just in time.”
I want her to know help is here, and the alphas surrounding me pick up my cue as they speak to her as they pull off their clothes as quickly as possible.
If things were different, I’d throw my things on the bed so our scents could mix together. Since this is transactional, it would be weird if I did that and possibly freak her out.
The omega pushes her blonde hair out of her face and I see the baby blue gaze I haven’t been able to get out of my mind in years.
Quinn, as I live and breathe.
I don’t expect her to recognize us in her current state, and there are teardrops sticking to her eyelashes. Bret said her name is Makayla as we were walking in earlier, and I’ll need to remember that. I don’t want to scare her by calling her a name she probably hasn’t heard in twenty years.
Duncan nudges my shoulder to remind me to get my head in the game, just as Makayla’s face contorts in pain. Whatever she did to give herself a small amount of relief before her next heat spike isn’t working anymore.
“Let’s get that out of you,” Duncan murmurs, crawling naked onto the bed. We covered our tattoos that have her name or the date of her disappearance with a heavy duty makeup so no one will see it.
We can’t allow anything to fuck this up, and having anyone recognize the tattoo definitely would do that. I’m forcing myself to use her fake name even in my head to ensure I don’t slip up when I’m knot deep in her sweetness.
This isn’t how I wanted to start the rest of my forever, but sometimes we don’t get to choose our beginnings.
“Is there a switch?” he asks to himself, his fingers searching for it on the toy.
“She won’t be able to tell you,” Bret says from the wall. “Makayla doesn’t talk. Sure, she’ll make a sound here and there, but words are beyond her.”
My heart clenches in worry, wondering what could have happened to make her close herself off. My brother growls, alerting me to the fact that my scent is souring, which forces me to push away any thoughts that will mess up the vibe of lust and passion.
Even if it is happening in a place like this.
The alpha with the dark hair, whose name is Alesso, taps Makayla’s lips with his cock, and she eagerly opens her mouth to suck on it. Duncan replaces the button to deflate the fucking fake knot, easing it out of her cunt. It’s difficult because she doesn’t want to let it go.
Her greedy pussy leaks slick as the toy is pulled out of her, and despite how fucked up this all is, my cock jerks at the sight of it.
Moving to the bed, I give her something else to pay attention to as Duncan begins to eat her pussy, squeezing her tits and sucking on them. Her back bows back as if asking for more, her fingers digging into my hair, though she doesn’t make a single sound.
It’s almost surreal that the only thing you can hear is the sound of her gagging on Alesso’s cock and the wetness as she coats Duncan’s face with her cream. There’s also the furtive pain filled sounds as she claws at the blanket that make Duncan pop his head up.
“Straight to knots it is, sweet girl,” he mutters.
Duncan and I had to send in proof of a clean STI health scan to be able to bare back it today. Condoms are a pain in the ass during a heat, and soon our minds will be only on keeping her comfortable.
“Is there water and such to keep her hydrated?” I ask as Duncan’s large hands lift Makayla up so she’s splayed over his legs. Leaning forward, he slowly thrusts his hips forward to push his cock into her pussy, his grip keeping her in place.
“Um,” Bret says, looking surprised.
The two other alphas, Lucas and Oliver, glance at Bret in annoyance.
“I’d like to know that before I lose myself in her other needs,” Oliver growls.
I think Bret made a mistake with this group. We’re all good alphas, with the other three looking for a new experience. Alesso even turns to glare at the owner as he’s getting his dick sucked, his eyes hooded. He’s trying hard to concentrate, even though Makayla’s cheeks are hollowed with the force of her suction.
“Water, snacks to feed her when she gets lethargic, right now,” Alesso demands. “Fuck, baby, your mouth is going to kill me. You’re being a good girl for me.”
Duncan grunts as his eyes roll, his hands pulling her to meet his thrusts at this point.
“She really likes being praised,” he says. “Makayla just got so fucking tight for me.”
The five of us narrow our eyes at Bret and he leaves the room like his hair is on fire, only for another man to come inside and lean against the very far wall.
“I’m only here to make sure you don’t hurt her while he’s gone,” he says. The guy has to be in his early thirties, an omega, and wearing a pair of leather pants.
He also appears very worried about her.
“We sent him to get her water and food, hurting her is the last thing we want,” I tell him.
Alesso and Duncan share a glance, and the former alpha pulls his cock from her lips so my brother can pull her firmly onto his cock so his knot is flirting with the opening of her pussy. Her fingers dig into Duncan’s shoulders as she writhes on his shaft, getting used to the fullness.
“She’s desperate,” the omega mutters by the wall.
“She had a toy when we came in here, I think she’s been in heat for hours,” I reply. “Give me her ass, Duncan.”
He swivels on his ass before laying down, so she’s braced on her arms, and Alesso and Oliver can take turns feeding her their cocks. Makayla makes a greedy little hum of satisfaction as she begins to lick and suck on them like her favorite treats. The omega who spoke to me earlier relaxes slightly as he sees she’s being taken care of, approving as I scoop up the slick her pussy is pushing out onto my fingers as she rides my brother.
She’s a beautiful, desperate, sweet omega who needs everything we can give her.
My fingers rub over her tight asshole, purring as I slowly push inside it. She’s slicking here as well, and she leans even further over as if presenting herself to me. Fuck, it does something to me to watch my brother’s cock slide in and out of her sweet cunt as I prep her other hole for myself.
Lucas is watching us as he gathers his precum in his palm and rocks his hand over his cock in a rough corkscrew as he fucks it. His light pants make Makayla whimper, as if she’s upset she doesn’t have another hole to satisfy him with.
“Settle, sweet girl,” I murmur. “I’m sure Lucas will happily cover you in cum if you can show him how much cock you can take, won’t he?”
“Goddamn, man,” Lucas says with a smirk. “I’m trying so hard not to blow, but she’s so damn gorgeous. Every little moan and grunt is sexy as fuck.”
None of us care that she won’t speak for us, because it doesn’t affect our bottom line of taking care of her. As long as we can figure out whatever it is that she wants, we’re fine.
My fingers continue to push in and out of her ass, her greedy little mewls sexy as fuck. Something tells me that she’s more vocal because she’s in heat, and the omega by the wall’s attention on us tells me I may be right.
“What does she absolutely hate?” I ask him, adding a third finger to the fingers fucking her.
“During a heat? Edging,” the male says. “Don’t play with her, fuck her. Makayla disappeared early this morning and I couldn’t replace her. I kept getting pulled away to do other things, so she’s been in heat most of the day I’d figure. When she’s in pain, she hides away when possible.”
“You poor beauty,” Oliver murmurs, pulling her mouth off of him to feed her Alesso’s cock.
Carefully making sure she won’t fall over, she reaches out to wrap her hand around Oliver’s cock as well, so they both get equal attention.
“What else?” I ask, trying to distract myself. I will not hurt her, even if it kills me. Fuck, the way my cock is weeping precum, it very well may.
A fourth finger makes Makayla’s body tighten, but I rub her back slowly.
“I promise you’ll get my cock, baby. I’m pretty big and I don’t want to hurt you,” I murmur.
Duncan’s cock is also large, but the toy from earlier prepped her well to take him.
The omega walks closer to us, his muscles rippling over his chest, and I breathe in deeply. All I can smell is Makayla’s scent and the mingled one of the alphas, my body beginning to feel heavy with lust.
“She can take your cock now. You don’t have to prep her as much,” he says, crossing his arms from where he now watches. “Knot her as quickly as you can. She’s sweating, her skin has goosebumps, and I can tell Makayla is feeling pretty rough right now.”
Nodding, I pull my fingers out of her and scoop up more slick to fist my cock with it. I appreciate his words, but I’m always going to be skeptical until I know they’re true. Just because I enjoy pain with sex, doesn’t mean everyone does.
Lining my cock up with her hole, I slide inside of it, receiving very little friction outside of how damn tight she is. Instead, her body fully relaxes as if she’s finally getting what she wants: cocks in all her holes.
I haven’t been with an omega during a heat, but my instincts to take care of her are riding me hard.
“Knot her,” Oliver grunts. “There will be plenty of time for us. I can feel how eager she is just in how she’s sucking my cock. Fuck, yes, baby. Give me some teeth.”
Amused at how much he’s enjoying her mouth, I fuck Makayla over my brother’s body. We’ve shared betas before, and it’s a natural thing to replace a rhythm. I haven’t had sex in almost a year, so I’m struggling not to blow too soon as well.
Oliver has his knot in her mouth, and her cheeks are so full, she looks like a chipmunk as she sucks on it. I can feel Duncan’s cock through the thin membrane separating us, and my eyes roll back at the sensation of it.
My back is tingling, and Makayla’s body is trying to suck our knots inside of her as if it’s her only lifeline. During a heat as painful as this, it is, so I give her what she wants.
Pushing my knot slowly into her ass as Duncan thrusts his into her pussy, we praise her for taking us so well.
“You’re made for knots, sweet girl,” I groan. “Look at you presenting like the perfect little omega. We’re going to take care of you.”
I can hear Bret walk back in and feel the male omega as he moves away. I don’t know why I’m so focused on him, but there has to be a reason. That’s something I’ll have to think about after…
A white hot flare fills my head and gaze as my knot finally slips the rest of the way in, making me gasp at her tight grip on it. My knot inflates more once it’s clear I’m not going anywhere, and Makayla shudders in response. Duncan’s roar as he lays his feet flat on the mattress and shoves the last inch of his knot into her pussy rattles my bones.
Fuck, this is like coming home. Makayla is an angel as her skin practically shimmers with sweat, her body burning hot still.
My hand ghosts along her skin as I feel myself lose myself to the rut, but not until I feel her come around our cocks. Leaning over as I rock my knot over her sensitive nerve endings, I sandwich my hand in between her and Duncan’s bodies to replace her clit.
His grunt as I accidentally touch him makes my lips twitch, though he doesn’t complain beyond that. It’s clear he’s not the intended target. Her clit is swollen and begging to be touched, though she’s been too focused on getting us to fuck her for us to be able to.
It doesn’t take much before she whimpers as she falls over the cliff, bringing us with her as we come. As fucked up as all of this is, unable to even tell her who we are as we help her through her heat, I’m glad we’re here.
She’s never going to go through another heat like this again where she has to trust strangers to take care of her through an intensely vulnerable moment. Never again.
I don’t know what Bret’s deal is, but for the first time ever, he asked me to stay with Makayla during her heat. I think he’s worried about pissing off the alphas in the room.
The alphas who buy a place in an omega’s heat vary in their cruelty. Once, an alpha named Rock and his pack used Makayla and ignored her needs for water. She was so dehydrated despite Bret’s suggestions that they stop for breaks that she had to be hooked up to IV hydration. Their pack was never invited back, to my knowledge.
The group in front of me is throwing me for a loop though. They don’t seem to know each other except for the alphas who are currently knotting Makayla. Their features are very similar, leading me to believe that they’re brothers.
Leaning against the wall, I watch as the five of them work together to keep my girl happy. I can’t believe she’s been in heat all of this time. It’s been hours, but someone or something kept pulling me away from searching for her.
Shuddering, I watch as the alpha with the crown on his bicep slowly slips out of Makayla’s ass as his knot finally deflates. It’s been at least thirty minutes, which is impressive, and she’s just been content to rock between the two alphas as she uses them as the ultimate fuck toys.
Standing, the alpha moves to the refrigerator to pull out a bottle of water, stopping as his nostrils flare. It’s not a secret that I’m turned on by watching them, so much so that my slick is dripping down my shaft. I’m fairly certain I’m going to come in my pants with very little provocation.
“Are you our babysitter tonight?” he asks, his honeyed tones making my body shiver.
“I am,” I rasp. He gazes at me for longer than is necessary before he nods.
Reaching for his watch, he takes it off and hands it to me before saying, “I prefer you to the bag of dicks who showed us in. In about forty-five minutes, let’s try to get some food in her, okay? I don’t think I’ll be able to get her to eat yet when she’s still so on edge.”
Glancing at Makayla as she’s lifted from the man who was underneath to be given to the alpha named Lucas, I nod. Her muscles are twitching, and her cheeks are flushed with fever. She’s going to need more cum pumped in and on her before she’s anywhere near wanting to eat.
“Water will be fine for a while,” I agree, taking his watch so I can keep track of time. “There’s toys, lube, cleansing cloths, and more in that chest by the bed.”
Bret is a dick and left spreader bars and paddles out on a table, but Makayla isn’t going to want to be touched like that right now. She craves sweetness during her heat, though she doesn’t usually get much of it from the alphas who buy her.
Alesso surprises me as he kisses her and plays with her hair while he rocks her over his cock. Makayla whines as her fingers dig into his biceps, almost begging for more.
“I know,” he whispers. “You’ll get your knot, I promise. Hold onto me and just relax, baby.”
Yeah, these alphas are so different from the usual.
The alpha with the crown on his bicep cups the back of her head as he convinces her to take a few sips. He even manages it before she refuses. Alesso helps her rise up on her knees to line the crown of his cock with her entrance, easing himself in.
Makayla complains with another whine, but the alpha that gave her water kisses her to distract her. He switches with another alpha so he can clean up while she happily sucks on a cock.
The next few hours go on like this, and I’m able to convince her to eat some fruit for me. I’m positive it’s only because she’s surprised I’m there at all. Bret never allows this; however, these alphas very much hate him.
Makayla is sleeping next to Oliver at six in the morning when Bret comes back into the room. I’ve missed an entire night’s worth of work, but this is worth it. My cock is heavy with the need to come, yet I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
Oliver’s knot deep inside of Makayla as she sleeps, his heavy lids telling me he may be dozing. Everyone else is sprawled out around them, waiting for when they may be needed next. I’m still in awe as I watch them, since Oliver is keeping her warm with his body.
They actually asked me around four in the morning why there weren’t any blankets, and my cheeks heated in shame when I had to tell them that we weren’t allowed any. I think that’s when it finally dawned on them that we’re slaves and nothing else.
“Good, she wore them out,” Bret mutters. “They’re so bossy.”
I know they’re not all asleep, but stay silent to see how far he’ll go before they tell him to shut up. It’s not my job to save him from showing the world how much of an asshole he is.
“I highly suggest you leave the omega and go back to your hole,” Alesso says with a yawn. “I’m pretty sure she can hear you in her sleep.”
“She’s not as relaxed as she was earlier,” Oliver grunts, showing he wasn’t dozing at all. Huh, he fooled me there.
“Linus should sleep,” Bret complains. “Am I just supposed to lose money on him while Makayla is in heat for the next three days?”
“I’ll cover the loss,” the alpha with the crowned skull on his arm grunts. Someone called him Duncan at some point I think.
“If it means I don’t have to look at Bret’s face, I’ll chip in,” Lucas mutters.
“Same,” echo the other alphas, making Bret flinch.
Ouch. He doesn’t exactly have a winning personality. I’m happy to curl up against the wall and nap. I’ve slept in worst places.
“Bring Linus a chair and a blanket,” Oliver growls. “He can be our keeper. Makayla actually eats for him.”
Bret makes a face because he doesn’t like to be reminded of the bond she and I share. To be honest, we try to play it down as often as possible so he doesn’t use it against us.
“Fine, but we don’t have any blankets,” he mutters, turning and walking out of the room.
“Don’t push it or he’ll just make our lives more difficult after this,” I sigh. “I can sleep anywhere.”
The alphas’ scents become bitter or burnt, showing that they’re angry, and I wince. The omega in me wants to make this better for them, but this isn’t about me. It’s the reality of our lives.
“You shouldn’t have to,” Duncan grumbles.
Bret deposits the most uncomfortable chair possible just inside the door, and I leave it because there’s no way I’m going to be able to sleep in that plastic monstrosity that’s four times smaller than I am.
After he leaves, the alpha with the crown on his arm snorts in derision.
“Just lay down with us. I have this odd feeling she’ll sleep better for it,” he says.
A part of me is seriously pulled to him and Duncan. Against my better judgement, I climb into the bed, wincing at how tight my pants are against my erection.
“It feels pretty ridiculous to be so modest when you’ve seen our cocks and our “o” faces,” Oliver says with a jaw cracking yawn.
Huffing out a laugh, I carefully strip off the pants, my hand stretching out to touch Makayla’s ankle. She was beginning to twitch in her sleep, but just my fingers on her skin helps to lull her back to sleep.
“You’re definitely stuck with us for this heat,” Lucas mumbles as he gets comfortable again. “I have the feeling if this was anywhere else, she’d be an adorable brat.”
Closing my eyes instead of responding, I feel a wave of sadness. I would give anything to be able to see Makayla free and happy. Literally anything.
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