Chapter 29
Mrs Dongmo stared at the DPO in stunned disbelief. Her husband, seated right next to her was also shocked beyond words. "No,
I'm sure there's a mistake somewhere" she
murmured. "I mean... You can't be serious"
She muttered, looking stunned.
The DPO shrugged his shoulder.
"Unfortunately, I am ma'am" he looked
towards the door and yelled. "Bring her in"
Shola stared at her husband, still replaceing it
hard to believe that Glory wanted her
dead. It had been four days since the
incident at her office and yet Shola couldn't
get the incident off her head. After waiting
in stunned silence for about a minute, the
door of the office opened and Shola turned as a police officer pushed Glory into the office. Shola stood up slowly, her mouth slightly agape as she stared in shock at Glory. Glory had been Shola's friend for so long. They were so close, even got
married in the same church... But where
Shola was rich, Glory was poor. While Shola got married to a wealthy politician, Glory
married a struggling entrepreneur. Shola - as always - took it upon herself to change this, by setting Glory up in a business. She
initially wanted them to work together in her plaza with Glory as her assistant, but
her husband had warned her against it. She
never knew a day would come when she would be eternally grateful for not doing
Shola had instead opened a boutique for
Glory and furnished it perfectly; even at
that, Glory still always asked her for money
every now and then and Shola never
hesitated in giving her until...
"Glory" Shola gasped out, staring at the
battered face of her friend. Her face was
swollen from severe beating and torture.
"Glory, you? You sent assassins to kill
me?" Glory couldn't meet her eyes as she
looked at the ground. "How could you? How
could you, Glory?" Shola yelled.
"I'm sorry" Glory said unevenly, the swell
in her mouth muffled her voice as she
winced painfully.
"Oh, you're sorry ehn? If you had succeeded
in killing me, I'm sure you'd be passing your
'sorry' condolences to my family by now,
isn't it?" Shola yelled.
"Calm down, baby" Mr Dongmo said calmly.
Shola ignored him. "I've dedicated t
en sent belongs t
my life to Contecatede
making you better; what did I not do for
you? Yet, you sent assassins to kill me..."
Shola shook her head. "Is it because of our
little fight? Because you asked me for money some weeks back and I refused?"
"She asked you for money?" Comprehension
dawned on the DPO as he stared at the
scene in front of him.
Shola turned to the DPO furiously. "She came
to me about three weeks ago and asked for
five hundred thousand Naira. I refused. How could I? I don't pluck money from trees, do I? I opened a boutique from her but despite that, she'd always come to me for money." "Interesting" The DPO said, running his fingers around his stubble.
"I always gave it to her but that time,
refused because I expect her to be
swnovel st
financially stable by now." Shola continued.
"How was I to know that she'd go as far as
hiring people to take my life?" Shola's eyes
were ablaze as she glared at Glory.
"I... I am rry. Shola... Please forgive me Content
Glory fell on her knees, crawling towards
Shola. Shola scrambled out of reach.
"Please get her out of here" Mr Dongmo said
forcefully and the DPO nodded at the
policeman standing by. Glory was dragged out of the office pleading and crying. Shola could hear the furious undertone in Dongmo's voice when he spoke. He could keep calm in
the face of a storm and that was what Shola
loved most about her husband. "Come here, baby"
Shola stared at the closed door and exhaled deeply, wishing she could release all the anger she was feeling as she moved closer
to Dongmo, sitting beside him again. He squeezed her lap lightly, in a comforting manner as he looked directly at the DPO. "I want this case charged to court as soon as possible. She has to pay dearly for this." "She can't escape it. I am just glad she is being charged for attempted murder and not murder." the DPO smiled at Shola. "You
really handled the situation well before the police arrived."
Shola shook her head as her eyes turned thoughtful. "Believe me sir, I am not the one
who deserves the credit"☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐
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