
"I don't like your fucking good mood, James," Eric muttered in irritation. "And don't even dare try stopping me from going to Japan."

The three brothers were at Scott's apartment, sitting around on the veranda outside, taking in the great view and the sun while they ate lunch.

Eric's mention of his good mood put a smile on James' face, and once again, he thought about Mia. Fuck, he couldn't help himself. That sex had been great. It had only been their first time together, and he was hooked. He couldn't wait to spend more time with her.

That sex was also Mia's first time. He wondered if it lived up to her expectations. The thought it possibly didn't caused his stomach to twist in dread a little. No, it was definitely great for her; no doubt about that. The look on her face when she came was complete satisfaction for him.

"Hello? Anybody home?" Scott chuckled, waving his hand in front of his brother.

James blinked and laughed. "My bad. Sorry."

Eric got even more irritated at James' lack of enthusiasm about his trip and more so at the fact the brother was against it. "Snap out of it, James. I said don't even try to stop me-" James cut him off. "Nobody can ever stop you when you put your mind to something," he said, both with admiration and annoyance.

Eric laughed while Scott just stared at James.

"James?" Scott's voice held a warning. His tone made it clear they had to stop Eric at all costs.

James took a sip of his beer and then rested his head back against the chair. He stared up at the bright-blue sky as he said, "So what's your plan once you're in Japan?" "Find what's her name and put a stop to the wedding," Eric said confidently.

James laughed and turned his eyes to the youngest brother. "How the heck are you going to stop her?"

"You don't even know what she looks like," Scott said sourly. "Don't be such a kid and just deal with it, Eric."

"I'm not acting like a kid, Scott!" Eric snapped. "Like hell I'm going to accept a twenty-five-year-old child for a fucking stepmother. She's practically my age."

Scott and James looked at each other. They both knew Eric was very passionate about the subject, but shit, there was simply no way they could do anything about it. It was the old man's business. "And FYI," Eric said, staring at Scott, "I do know what she looks like."

Scott raised his brow with interest. "Seriously?"

"Seriously," Eric said. "Now if you'll excuse me, brothers, I have business to attend to."

With that, their youngest brother took off, his expression dark.

Scott turned his attention to James and glared. "What the fuck, James? I thought you were going to stop him."

James laughed. "You and I know there's no stopping that smart-ass."

Scott nodded. "He's a Maxwell."

James sighed. "Yep, he's a Maxwell."

"Shit," Scott muttered under his breath. "Dad's going to flip if his bride doesn't turn up."

James laughed. "Like you actually care."

Scott shrugged. "I don't. Fact is I hope Eric succeeds, but..."

"He will," James said.

"Shit will hit the fan," Scott muttered.

James leaned forward. "Why don't you go with him?" he suggested.

Scott raised a brow at his brother. "To Japan?"

James nodded. "It'll be fun."

Scott laughed then. "Fucking hell. I guess I should."



The view before me was indeed breathtaking, and under any other circumstances, I'd enjoy it. But today was different. As I sat there staring out into the vast expanse of the city of Los Angeles, all I could think about was what happened a few hours ago.


I just couldn't believe I'd just had my very first sex. And with one of the hottest and richest guys I'd ever met. Oh, the ending was good, just like all the girls in high school had whispered about. That wonderful ecstasy when one came. The pleasure and exquisite feeling of being caressed and stroked. It was amazing. Yet once it was finished, there was nothing. It was purely physical, wasn't it?

Was this what it was meant to be like between me and my new lover, Mr. James Maxwell? Our relationship would be nothing more than purely physical pleasure? Of course, there had been no exchange in the emotional arena. No passionate connection whatsoever. Just the bodily contact. And somehow I felt let down, that sex wasn't what it had been hyped up to be. At least compared to what romance books painted it to be. Fanciful worlds conjured by lonely authors who had too much spare time, imagination, and creativity.

I bit my lip as I pulled up my legs and tugged my knees under my chin.

"James," I whispered. "Will you always be like this toward me? Using my body and then leaving?"

I felt fear emerging within me, the invisible monster screwing into my heart and twisting about, making me feel awfully sick.

That was part of the contract, wasn't it? That was part of my job as mistress to a billionaire.

Tears stung my eyes, but I willed them away with the force of cold logic.

"Stupid!" I muttered to myself.

I won't cry. I was doing this to save my brother. It was a job I'd see to the end.

Yes, I won't feel sorry for myself. I should just be glad my brother and I needn't think about the two-million-dollar debt anymore.

Yet...that feeling of loneliness was still there. The hope that perhaps at least there'd be some sort of emotional bond between us. Oh, how I wanted that emotional connection-the lovey-dovey type between a man and a woman. The type I'd seen between Mom and Dad. Would I ever get the chance?

Instantly, images of James came into my head, the smile and the twinkling Prussian-blue eyes I loved. Then there was that amused look as well as the fiery expression I'd seen. And what about his tender embrace back at the motel last night when we'd returned from dinner? And then that gentle kiss on my forehead? Those were affectionate moments. It was like he cared about me, yet...

Yet that sex had been good physically but lacking emotionally.

I shook my head. "Stop thinking about it," I muttered to myself. I smiled. "It's going to be okay." Instantly, I dismissed the thought and turned to my brother. "Andy," I said.

I'd get to see him tomorrow, and I prayed he'd be all right. I prayed this Matt wasn't hurting and torturing him, but I knew otherwise. The agonizing sounds from Andy's voice and the harsh words from Matt I'd heard through the phone last night had nearly driven me insane. It had nearly killed me. I was worried sick about him. Even though James had reassured me Matt wouldn't hurt Andy, after what I'd heard, there was no way I could believe him.

I shut off my mind from the thoughts of my brother, too, and got up from bed. I rushed out the door and then down the stairs into the living area and kitchen. I mucked about, searching the fridge for something hearty to eat and cold to drink. It was three in the afternoon, and I was more than a little hungry. I hadn't had anything to eat since breakfast around seven in the morning, which had been before the contract signing and then the sex.

James, of course, had left straight after, informing me he had work to do and he'd return tonight. He'd told me not to leave the premises as there were still people after me. He also told me not to worry about security, as this was his building and no one was stupid enough to break in. I had no idea what that meant, and I didn't ask.

My eyes lit up as I searched about in the humongous fridge. I was surprised it was stocked up with every basic food item imaginable. Did that mean he resided here often? And what about his mansion? Did he spend most of his time here or over there where that beautiful brunette named Sophie stayed?

The thought of James spending more time over at the mansion and with that woman made me a little uneasy, and I didn't know why. Why should I feel anything if the two of them were together? It clearly had nothing to do with me. I knew in my gut, however, that the woman didn't like me, and I hoped like hell we never crossed paths again.

Dismissing the thought, I began making myself some sandwiches. Once done, I poured a cup of apple juice and carried my very late lunch toward the veranda, which was next to the living area. I made myself comfortable on the sun couch there and ate as I admired the view. I was just finishing my drink when my eyes caught sight of a man down below. That sleek black car the man was leaning against looked oddly familiar. Then it hit me hard, and I swallowed the last of the apple juice in shock.

"William," I said just under my breath, my voice shaking. "What's he doing here?"

Then I realized. This was James' building, and he must have known I was here.

Suddenly, he looked up. I held my breath as he watched me through his sunglasses. He waved, and I could tell there was a smile on his lips.

I didn't know what to do and just stood there staring at him. A moment later, he climbed into his car and then drove away. I cocked my head to one side, confused. Had I thought wrong that he'd seen me? I would have thought he'd barge right in and steal me away.

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