“Be extra cautious when you’re around vampires. It’s better if you don’t associate with them at all,” Lucius advised upon entering a gloomy yet elegant looking village that he saved from getting assailed by the mantikhoras.

They had concrete houses with sable brick walls and pointed roofs. The floor of the road was embedded with white, grey, and black pebbles. The villagers seemed a bit shady with their faces hidden underneath the protection of their cloaks. They lingered in the shadows, peeking at us and hiding from the sun.

“Why not just trust no one?” I deadpanned. “If you make a mistake there will be no one to blame but yourself. If you achieved something alone the rewards will be yours alone,” I added further.

If one does not trust anyone, then he will not experience betrayal. Living alone was the easiest way not to get hurt.

“You’re basically telling yourself to live like a hermit and relish a slow but sure insanity,” he commented with an amused expression.

“Prorsus (Exactly).”

“Lucian, you need other people to live. Who will you depend on to catch you when you get pushed off the cliff?”

What a stupid question devised by a cretin.

“The floor.”

Lucius cackled, pushing my cheeks together so that my lips would protrude from the squished cheeks.

“You’re funny chii, but I’m referring to a person. Who will have your back when you’re in trouble?”

Briefly, I considered the royal family, Segreth, and the rest of the Higher-Order. However, that option was gradually vanishing.

My eyes wandered about in search of the precise reply. The only beings that could possibly catch me were also the beings that made this kidnapping possible.

“You and Argo will take care of me, won’t you?”

It was the most sensible response I could give him. They were the only ones who would and could save me. They had the responsibility to do so considering what they had committed.

Lucius’ expression became soft.

“Of course, I will. Argo and I will always be there for you. But Lucian, there are lots of people who would be willing to befriend you, and when that time comes you need to be there for each other.” He held my hand, moving it close to his lips. “Let your emotions roam freely. Don’t let greediness take over you. Learn to love and care for others because when you do, the fruits are sweet.”

“Does it taste like peaches?”

Lucius simply snickered from my query. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling Argo’s rein as we ambled through the clear streets. The villagers continued to watch us. Lucius pushed me forward.

“You’ll understand soon. You will love someone, you will care for that person, and you’ll feel sad when they’re sad. You’ll learn how to forgive, and you’ll learn how to sacrifice. There are many things about the basics of the world that our parents deprived you of but even though they are basics, some people don’t do them very well. Do not fret. We are not in a rush,” he encouraged.

I scrunched my eyebrows, lowering my head in thought. “Then why change me if there are people like me?”

Lucius did not make any sense. I could not even comprehend what he was saying. It was...frustrating.

“I want you to become a better person. If people are cold and selfish that does not mean you should stay like that too. I know you can do it, chii,” he cheered.

Easy for him to say. I was never the enthusiastic type. It was merely yesterday when my sleeping emotions began to stir. This was another cycle of the unknown.

Lucius and I headed towards a rather lofty house where the head of the village resided. My kidnapper did not bother to knock and went straight inside. The thick and sable curtains in the room were drawn together which prevented sunlight from coming in.

A man was lying on an ebony chaise longue. His white and lengthy velvety hair cascaded from the curve of the chair. He was resting peacefully. His hands rested on top of his finely tailored vest. He had a very pale skin and pointy ears that were pierced with multiple earrings.

“Greetings Orpheus, I think you need a little sun. Would you like me to open the curtains?”

A set of lethal fangs flashed playfully. His eyes opened; there was a bright disc glowing within his pupils.

“I always knew that the Ancient race had a barbaric way of showing friendship. You had forgotten how camaraderie works after hiding like bunnies in a hole all these years.”

“And we all know how you blood-sucking vampires would drain every single drop of blood from either friend or foe without feeling remorse.”

Orpheus sat up, pointing an upset finger at him. “How many times would you use that against me, huh? I did feel bad about drinking from Lucinda!”

Lucius looked up to the ceiling. “Hear that, Lucinda? He says he feels bad, your soul may rest now.”

The two of them burst into laughter, giving each other a quick hug. Orpheus turned to me, there seemed to be danger hidden beneath his noble and gentle appearance.

“Your Highness, is that your brother?”

“Yes, this is Lucian. I brought him along since he was becoming a statue back home.”

Orpheus hummed and gestured for us to sit. I surveyed his office. There were shelves filled with stone and wooden tablets along with colourful paper leaves.

“You better watch over him carefully,” Orpheus warned. “You do know Prince Freydjadour?”

Lucius’ body tensed beside me, but he managed to maintain his calm composure.

“I heard many recent stories about him. He is becoming a popular name but not a pleasant one.”

I don’t.

“We were alerted that the prince will come and visit the village in a few days. Once you’re fully rested, it’s best if you head out as soon as possible. Something is anomalous about him these days.”

Lucius scoffed. “Be honest, you just don’t want us here.”

“Of course, you ancient bastards caused world mayhem.”

The two of them shared another boisterous laugh. Was rubbing each other’s faults considered humorous now? What happened to not be trusting of vampires?

“Thank you for that warning, Orpheus. I will take care of my brother. You sure you don’t want any sun?”

“I’ll tell you when I feel suicidal. You can aid me by then.”

They ended their derisory interaction with a firm handshake. Lucius led me out of the house and into a small yet acceptable residence to dwell in for a while. He forcefully blew through his nose after plopping on the mattress. He was displeased and unsettled by something.

“Veni huc (come here),” he ushered.

I tilted my head in question but did what I was told after making a few bounces on the lectus. Lucius scooted to the wooden headboard. I sat beside him.

“There are evil men in the world, Lucian. They will want to use you for their own desires even if it is against your will. Find someone you know who can take care of you and love you unconditionally.

“You care for me, don’t you? Why do I need to replace someone?”

There was no need to replace someone else. Lucius will always be there for me. He will have to compensate for his absence for the last eighteen blue moons. I placed my trust in him.

“Of course, I care for you tesoro, but there might be a time when...you and I might be separated. I need to prepare you for the worst,” he cooed.

“You will leave? Again?”

I shifted closer to him, grasping the sheet of the bed from the sudden weight on my chest. He placed his hand on top of my cold one. “I’ll do my best to stay by your side no matter what happens.”

“Make that possibility to zero. I will not accept failure.”

He snickered and saluted. “Yes, Your Highness.”

Why did he need to be so melodramatic?

Lucius grabbed my head and rained kisses upon kisses on my face. I had to wipe the filth he placed upon my skin with the blanket.

“Let’s start practicing your skills in the forest while we wait for one of the Scums. You’ll need to know how to defend yourself.”


Lucius realized my unfamiliarity with the term. He readied himself for an explanation.

“Scums is a group consisting of Veteran Ancient Knights tossed out of the kingdom for being half-bloods, too unstable, and too rebellious against the Higher-Order and the royal family. They are the defects — the flaw to our knights’ perfection. They help me purify the land all over the world.”

“Our rendezvous is this village?”

“Yes, as soon as we escaped, one of the members named Aramastus was waiting by the gates. He bought us more time to escape and dealt with the knights.”

I now know the reason why there were no pursuers. But if Aramastus was able to deal with the knights alone, he must be as calamitous as this man.

Lucius hoisted himself up and out of the bed, beckoning me to follow him outside where Argo was.

“Let’s go back to the forest.”

My stomach fluttered; I got on top of the pegacorn without help.

“Woah, excited, aren’t we?”

“I do not know what you mean. Come, let us get this over with.”

I was not particularly keen on seeing the werewolf again. Not at all.

Lucius took me to the forest but far from the giant tree where we met the werewolves. He removed his boots and placed them to the side.

“I’ll teach you how to control your powers even without the belt. The gem in the belt is used to collect the souls of the catastrophes. It nullifies your powers. I believe that is the last one that is not confiscated by the reaper.”

The Reaper (as explained by Lucius) was a powerful being who placed claims of serving a deity above. He collected souls and carried out orders of extermination. Anyone who ever challenged or resisted against him would end up being sliced into ribbons. No one was known to ever survive.

“Then why doesn’t he help extinguish the catastrophes?”

Surely, he had that capability. If he possessed the nerve to confiscate these gems, then he could do all the work on his own.

“Well...he’ll only kill if he was ordered to do so. His main purpose is solely to collect the souls of the dead.”

“That is stupid. He is stupid. I hope those gems fall on his head and he’ll have no other choice but to collect his own soul,” I deadpanned.

Lucius exploded into another fit of laughter. He attempted to calm himself yet ended up laughing in a more intense volume. He held his knees for support, wiping a tear.

“Lucian, stop being cold. Anyway, there has been no sight of the reaper for years now. No one knows what happened to him,” he snickered.

“He must be busy collecting his own soul.”

“Don’t be like that chii, your mouth will get you in trouble one day. If one knows how to sympathize and empathize there will be lesser arguments; we can deescalate potential violence. But if battle is inevitable, read your opponent, think ahead of them, and outsmart them. They always have a weakness.”

I stared at Lucius impassively. “Teach me then.”

Let us see if I become enlightened or end up having Lucius discover profound frustration.

“Okay, let’s start with empathy. Just put yourself into other people’s shoes. It’s trying to feel what they feel.”

Such mystification I was in. What was he blethering about now?

“Just...putting myself in someone else’s shoes?” I tried to clarify.

He nodded. “Precisely.”

I removed my sandals and walked to where Lucius’ boots were. I slipped my feet into them then faced him.

“I do not know how wearing other people’s shoes will make me a better individual. Will you please explain further?”

He palmed his face, biting his lower lip as he tried to keep himself together.

“This will be a long day.”

The sky turned purple like my feet from the excessive standing. Lucius switched from teaching me morals into teaching me to control the life I give.

“You have to feel the energy that comes out. The reason why you can’t regulate your power is that you are emotionless. You block every feeling. Think of how good the energy that flows out of you feels like. Do not think of them as nothing. It’s like silk coming out from your feet and palms.”

He had me blindfolded. My shoes and gloves were removed.

“When you want to control, just clench your hands tightly and stiffen your body. When you want to release, just take a deep breath and exhale. Relax your body and unclench your hands. Before you know it, you can manage your power as if it was your instinct to breathe.”

“I do not think I can do this.”

“You can. Always think that you can,” he cheered. “I’ll remove your belt now.”

I stiffened my body once the belt was unclasped. I clenched my hands and restrained any possible energy that might escape. The sudden surge of power tickled my palms and feet.

“Okay now, azatum (release).”

I loosened my fists, exhaling slowly as I did so. The energy was smooth and warm. My heart raced, my lips curling into a smile.

“Very good,” he complimented.

The rotten smell of the forest was shadowed by a sweet smell. The woodland moaned back to life with the constant sound of wood cracking. The birds began to sing again.

“Now, control.”

My heart kept pumping faster. I didn’t want to stop.

“Lucian, imperium! (control)”

Someone began to laugh. Every muscle in my body loosened. I completely surrendered. My whole body trembled from excitement, but once the belt was clicked back, the tickle stopped. Lucius removed my blindfold. My lips flattened.

He bore a soft smile, caressing my cheeks as the mirth vanished.

“As much as I love hearing your laughter, we still need the forest dead to test your progress,” he explained. “You almost revived the Tree of Beginnings. That is astonishing. I cannot wait to see your full potential.”

Our surroundings became vibrant. A wide diversity of plants grew in the area. Small and fluffy hopping animals came into view before they disappeared into the bushes. Insects made bizarre noises. Yellow glitters floated midair.

I did this?

“You did well today, don’t you think so too, wolf?”

At that acknowledgment, I turned around and found the same black werewolf I encountered earlier. He was peeking behind a tree that didn’t do much in covering his gigantic body, especially that tail that kept wagging. He licked his nose, shyly lowering his head.

I approached him. His eyes moved from left to right as if he was looking for an escape route. I knelt in front of him, making him tower over me. Fenris leisurely dropped his head to the ground. His tail wagged excitedly when he saw my hand moving towards his head. I placed my palm on his fur, feeling the same tickle in my chest from our initial encounter.

“Lucius...can we bring him with us?”

“I don’t think the vampires would enjoy having a werewolf near them. They are too cautious.”

Upon hearing the word ‘vampire’, Fenris rose in caution. He whimpered, pushing his head to my chest which made me fall to my bum. Despite smelling rotten, I did not mind it at all.

“Vampires have started hunting werewolves.”

“Hunting?” I repeated.

Why would they hunt such innocent-looking creatures with some tendencies to rip one’s leg off?

“I will grow a huge tree in their land and make sure that the roots swallow them all.”

I will make great use of this new skill. Lucius’ teaching shall not be put to waste.

Onii tried to ask Fenris to change himself into his man form, but Fenris merely shook his head and whimpered. My brother created a house for him and more trees with edible fruits for his benefit. Fenris wagged his tail as he witnessed how I tried to give life to a tree he was pawing on. He bounced back and forth after my success.

It was time to retire for the night. Fenris was giving me gooey eyes. I petted his head.

“We will come back tomorrow,” I assured him. I glanced at Lucius for confirmation.

“We will return so do not fret Fenris,” he supported.

The werewolf whimpered, snuggling against my chest. I did not want to leave him alone in this dark and eerie forest. If those vampires tried to hurt Fenris, who would back him up against them?

“Can Argo carry the three of us?”

Argo neighed in protest.

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