Chapter 12

Hansen's hulking figure blocked the entrance like a brick wall. His face was livid as he arrogantlyand aggressively faced them. He stood tall and straight with a stiff yet still handsome face, andthere was rage between his eyebrows.

The air in this room froze once again.

The cold light in his eyes violently contracted, shooting out streaks of fierce glares that landed onRayan Whalen's hand around Jenna and threatened to tear it into pieces.

Rayan returned an icy smile as his soft eyes gradually sharpened and took on a hint of slyness.

Two powerful and clearly hostile men were going head to head. Something dangerous could breakout any moment in this atmosphere.

A shiver ran down Jenna's spine. Hansen and Rayan were already sworn enemies when it came tobusiness, it was a terrible idea for them to confront each other like this right now, especially sinceshe seemed to be the cause.

She didn't want to become a laughing stock for what happened today, and was even more afraidthat today's events were going to appear tomorrow in the headlines of A city news, or perhaps evenglobal news.

She tried her best to break free from Rayan's arms. For some reason, her subconscious priority atthe moment was not to embarrass Hansen. Rayan was an aristocratic man to the bone. He was metwith people flattering and fawning over him wherever he went. He was such a powerful andinfluential figure that he had no fear in his heart towards Hansen, who had the entire A city underhis thumb.

No matter how much power Hansen had, he was still limited by the bounds of A city, whereasRayan had taken root in a powerful foreign country a long time ago. No one would win if Hansenchallenged Rayan's authority.

Jenna had always kept a low profile and didn't want anything unfortunate to happen under herwatch. All she wanted to do was smooth over everything and get out of here as soon as possible.

Hansen marched over to her with no emotion on his face. He arrogantly glared at Rayan andreached out to aggressively wrap his arm around Jenna. He took her hand and held it in his own,but with almost no care for the wound on her palm as he rubbed her hand.

He was deliberately declaring his ownership. He was showing Rayan that he could carelesslypossess and even trifle with what Rayan cherished the most, while Rayan couldn't do anything butstand and watch.

This was his advantage.

Rayan's face darkened, but his expression was as waveless as a peaceful ocean. He remainedperfectly composed as he said calmly, "Don't forget that you two are divorced, Hansen Richards."

His words were quiet yet extremely potent, and immediately caused Hansen's body to stiffen. Thefierce glint in his eyes gradually focused onto Rayan like bolts of lightning as he parted his lips, yethe couldn't force out a single word.

"Please move aside. I am going to take Jen to the hospital, and you have no right to stop me."Rayan's tone was indifferent, but his mannerisms were incredibly imposing. "A man who isincapable of discernment does not deserve a woman as pure and noble as her."

The muscles on Hansen's face twitched as he tightened his grasp on Jenna's hand, causing her togasp from the pain. The veins on his forehead throbbed as he said coldly, "I don't need the

assistance of an outsider to handle the injury of my company's employee."

Jenna's heart froze over. She was nothing but a company employee to him. He was doing this toprotect the image of his company, he has never cared about her.

Rayan's face clouded over more and more as he watched Jenna's pale and painful face. But hesoon caught sight of Jenna looking at him like a poor little rabbit begging for mercy. Her sorrowfulexpression sent a ripple through his heart, and the rising anger in his chest slowly died down.

He could never bear to see her suffer! Yet she must be suffering tremendously in this moment!

She was begging him not to confront Hansen here.

She was clearly well aware of Hansen's character.

His expression gradually softened, and a hint of tenderness crept into his heart. This woman hasalways refused to show her weakness or ask for help in front of him, no matter how much pain shewas going through. She was probably only begging him for Hansen's sake.

He only learned of her father's tragic death when he arrived in A city. He was filled with endlesslamentation, and felt an even stronger respect and sympathy towards her.

He could understand her eyes and her every movement. He would always perceive andcomprehend everything about her and cherish them in his heart.

Since she was begging him, the only thing he could do was to protect her and save her fromembarrassment!

But her injury...

The light in his eyes gradually became soft and gentle, even tinged with concern. Rayan smiled atJenna and winked.

Jenna quickly caught the drift. She was relieved and a faint smile appeared on her lips.

"Hansen, Jen needs to be taken to a hospital immediately for the wound on her hand. Please takeher there right now, or at least if you still consider yourself to be a man. I don't believe it will bebeneficial for the Richards Group's reputation if word gets out about how you abuse youremployees!" Rayan said solemnly. His words were stern but justified.

Rage flared up in Hansen's heart. He didn't mind taking pity on a woman, but he could never letsomeone else order him around, especially not a man like Rayan.

They have been flirting with each other and ignoring Hansen's authority in front of all his employeesthis whole time, his reputation has already been tarnished.

"Rayan Whalen, I don't care how much power you have, but I am in charge in A city. I will make youpay if you harrass my company's employee again." He sneered disdainfully as he spat out thesewords, then he grabbed Jenna and strode off.

"Let me go." Jenna began to struggle as soon as they left Rayan's sight.

"Stop moving." Hansen growled as he tightened his grip. Resentment smoldered in his eyes andheart.

He specially permitted Perrie to throw this welcome bash for her tonight to celebrate her joining theRichards Group. Yet she didn't show any appreciation, and even caused a fight during the party ontop of flirting with his business rival Rayan Whalen.

Rage flowed through his heart like lava and spread to his hands. He gripped her with his iron fist, asif he wanted to embed her into his flesh. When his arm brushed against her soft bosom, the

wonderful sensation made his body heat up and lose control like a spark burning up a field.

Jenna struggled fiercely, but the more she struggled, the more intense his agitation became.

Hansen marched outside and opened his car door, then stuffed her into the back of his luxuryHummer.

"You're dead, woman. How dare you flirt with my opponent while you're in my company? Tell menow, why did you come to work at the Richards Group? What is your plan?1' Hansen pinchedJenna's chin with his hand and forced her to look at him. He bent down and furiously interrogatedher.

"Nothing." Forced to meet his gaze, Jenna retorted sharply. "You invited me yourself."

Her bright eyes were determined and candid.

Hansen gazed deeply into her eyes which glistened like clear pools of water, attracting him like aforbidden fruit. The longer he looked at her, the more it rattled his heart and made him feel like hewas going to fall for her at any moment.

Her luscious dark hair fell past her shoulders and spread around her, and the cream-colored leathercushions set off the smooth fairness of her porcelain skin as she trembled slightly.

Hansen's throat felt dry as he watched her. He licked his lower lip and gradually lost control ofhimself. He took off his T-shirt with both hands and revealed his strong and muscular chest.

He bent down and forcibly possessed her rosy lips. He pressed their lips together over and overagain as he reached the edge of no return. The only thing he cared about in this world right nowwas to let her melt away in his hands and make her feel the inexplicable anger and agitation insideof him.

Jenna felt dizzy as her body burned under the scorching heat of his body. Pleasure was beginningto take over when she suddenly snapped back to her senses as her entire body flinched. There wasnothing between them anymore.

No, she couldn't let this happen! What about her principle, what about her pride? What was shedoing?!

She tried her best to resist him by beating his body. His pale skin was stained with the blood in herpalms, yet it looked hauntingly provocative.

The car wobbled from the fight on the inside. Passerbys glanced at the car and shook their heads.

It was just car sex, no big deal!

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