Chapter 47

"You..." Jenna took a step back as her face blushed. There were many people staring at them. Howcould he blatantly ignore the fact that people would gossip? Their relationship was not normal tobegin with, but he still did not pay attention to his actions.

"Hansen, the water is here. You should drink it, I have already cooled it down for you," Aria walkedover quickly and stood in between them.

All Jenna could see was Aria's sexy back and hips.

"Okay, thank you." Hansen seemed to be really thirsty and finished the cup of water. Then, hehanded the cup to the staff on the side and hugged Aria's shoulder in one hand, smiling, "Aria,please share your plans with us again."

Aria was delighted. With a smile on her face, she chuckled audibly, "Hansen, you promised to bringme on the stage. Don't forget about it."

"Of course." As he appeased her, Hansen's eyes glanced at Jenna who was standing behind her.

Aria happily repeated the plans for the press conference.

"About that, Aria, move the promotion of the car designs to the peak timing. Also, leave ten minutesfor Jenna to do her presentation," he said indifferently. Although his tone was soft, there was noroom for objection.

"Hansen, why? This will affect the signing of the contract," Aria exclaimed, looking surprised.

"Of course it won't affect it." Jenna was impressed by Hansen's ingenious arrangement. Originally,she only wanted to present in person, but Hansen arranged her presentation at the climax of theevent. It would definitely yield unexpected results. "It will not affect the flow of the event, and it willdefinitely give the cars great exposure. It's the perfect arrangement", she added.

There was a slight smile on her face, almost unnoticeable. In business, Hansen was really smart. Itwas not by chance that his businesses were successful. He was the reason behind the success.

"Hansen, I am in charge of the entire press conference. You have never rejected my planningbefore. Are you doing this because of her?" Aria's expression turned ugly and she complainedunhappily.

"Say no more. It's decided," Hansen's tone became colder, the smile on his face gradually faded.He said, "I still have something to do, please cooperate with Ms. Murphy."

When he finished speaking, his phone rang. He answered the call with one hand and put the otherhand into his trousers pocket. He then walked away slowly.

Aria looked embarrassed. She stared furiously at Jenna.

"Ms. McAdams, arrogance is a disease. You have to cure it. Don’t pretend to understand what youdon’t understand. This is not very good for your beloved man. A man like Hansen will not be fooledby your little tricks,1' Jenna said indifferently while looking at Aria's murderous gaze.

"Jenna, don't get ahead of yourself. No matter what, you're just someone that Hansen has given upon. He will not fall in love with you. I will not let you succeed," Aria cursed in her fury.

"Is that so?" Jenna laughed out loud, "Well, I can't do anything if you don't like me. Hansen was theone who hired me. He begged me to be his designer. What can I do? He likes my designs!"Speaking of this, Jenna took a step forward, "I don't need you to worry about my ten minutes. Ashallow woman like you will not be able to understand my designs. Therefore, I really do not needyou to intervene in anything."

Jenna looked away from Aria after this. She picked up the catalog and read it. She asked one of thestaff, "Who is in charge of the video projection? Ask him to look for me at the Design Department."

"Yes, Ms. Murphy." As Hansen had already given his permission, the staff agreed instantly.

Jenna's eyes lightened, and there was a silky smile on her face. She raised her head slightly andwalked past Aria. "Ms. McAdams, I was once Hansen's legal wife, unlike someone who relies onconspiracy and tricks and might still fail to get the title. I don't mind that someone wants the man Irefused. Perhaps your effort may not even come to fruition!"

Jenna laughed softly, shook her head, and walked away.

"You..." Aria shivered all over. Her face was pale and her heart felt like exploding. She almostfainted. Some of the staff members were laughing softly at the scene.

"Mr. Richards, about the two cars that you asked me to look for. One of them is still parked in thecompound of the A city's city hall. It was originally used by the city's secretary, but due to restrictivemeasures, he has stopped using the car. The other car was originally parked in Green MountainAutomobile City, but strangely, the car went missing. No traces of it could be found," Alvin reportedwhile standing straight with his face full of doubts.

"What?" Hansen raised his head in shock. "It's missing? Isn't it parked at Green MountainAutomobile City? How can it be missing?"

"Yes, Mr. Richards, I also thought that it's strange." Alvin couldn't hide his skepticism and saidstrangely, "After that, I called Calvin and said you sent me here. Calvin took me and looked around,but we still couldn't replace it. However, I noticed some suspicions."

Hansen's hands were twisted together. He leaned into his chair and his eyes darkened. He had askeptical look on his face.

Jenna had repeatedly asked for these two cars, so what was going on? Why would she want thesetwo cars?

Although she had made it clear that she did not want these two cars anymore at dinner last night,he felt confused. The two cars were outdated models. It no longer had any meaning to RichardsGroup. He was not that stingy. As he has promised to give her the cars, he would do it. He did notwant to owe her a favor.

This morning, he immediately ordered Alvin to bring the car out of Green Mountain Automobile City.He thought of giving her one of the cars tonight. However, Alvin brought him the news when it wasalmost time to get off work. It shocked him.

"The car couldn't have flown away?" He couldn't help mumbling.

"No," Alvin replied affirmatively, "I found the car there. However, it has been modified and paintedred. Even the engine number was erased."

Alvin's words shocked Hansen to the point that he sprung to his feet.

"What did you say? The engine number was erased? Who dared to do such a thing?"

"Mr. Richards, I really don't know. This is just what I found in the Automobile City. I only found outafter getting a professional technician to check it out. As for who did it and why, I have no idea atall," Alvin said embarrassedly.

"D*mn it," Hansen scolded loudly.

The luxury car was a global limited edition produced by Richards Group a few years ago. Due to thelimited technology, they hired foreign designers and technicians to produce the car. Only five unitswere produced globally in commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of Richards Group'sestablishment. The founders of Richards Group started the business decades ago. On the fiftiethanniversary, Hansen even ordered the production team to hasten the manufacturing of the cars.The quality of the luxury cars was great. Hansen ordered for one to be put into the Green Mountain

Automobile City for commemoration. It didn't matter how much it was worth, since the Richardsfamily could afford it easily. The car was used when Hansen married Jenna, so the sentimentalvalue was greater than its actual value. However, the car also consumed a lot of fuel, so it was notthe best for daily use.

At that time, Richards Group gifted one of the cars to the city government, so it was not surprisingthat one was stationed in the city hall compound.

Hansen originally thought that Jenna wanted the car as a souvenir from their marriage. After all, hedrove this car when he married her back then.

That day, when she made the request, he thought about it for a long time before agreeing to her.Since he had agreed to it, he didn't want to break his promise. But now, he wasn't sure anymore.

He lit a cigar, took a deep breath, and stood in front of the window. There was a sharp look in hiseyes.

Could there be something behind this?

Why did she insist on these two cars particularly? Now, it did not seem that she wanted them as asouvenir. Their marriage had always been her nightmare. What was there for her to reminisceabout?

"Alvin, continue investigating this matter. Now that the press conference is about to take place, Icannot focus on this matter. I hope to get an answer before my grandma's birthday. I want to knowwho dared to destroy my car, and also the reason for that.1' He was silent for a while before hesternly commanded Alvin.

"Okay, Mr. Richards," Alvin nodded and agreed.

"Also, did you replace any clues about the attack on me at the Green Mountain Automobile City?"Hansen's voice was cold. Obviously, he didn't completely believe that it was only due to the man'simpulse. Hansen had a hunch that someone had planned this incident. As for the purpose, he hadno idea for now.

Alvin shook his head again, "Mr. Richards, for the time being, it looks like the man did it because ofhis personal vendetta. I haven't found out if anyone else was behind this."

Hansen's face was gloomy, the light in his eyes were flickering.

"Alvin, continue with the investigations in secret. Report to me immediately if there are anyupdates."

"Yes," Alvin agreed and left.

Hansen inserted his hands into his trousers pockets, his face was blank as he looked at Alvin'sback. He gradually slipped into deep thought.

Alvin Robertson was a member of the special forces in the army. Hansen spent a long time to replacesuch a capable person. Alvin was his confidant and secretly worked for him.

Not many people in Richards Group knew about Alvin since Alvin did not have to stay in the office.He moved around and only Hansen's secretary had his number. However, even the secretary didnot know what Alvin's job was. If even Alvin had said that the issue was tricky, maybe it wassomething really troublesome and complicated?

Jenna had buried her head in front of the computer for several hours. She was perfecting thecommentary. She only had ten minutes, so she had to be concise and highlight the superiorperformance and characteristics of the car, accompanied by the illustrations. This was of utmostimportance.

Hansen walked slowly and steadily into the room, and sat on the sofa. He looked at her with hishead tilted, a cigar in his mouth.

Jenna was so focused on work that she only raised her head when she smelled the cigar.

Hansen was sitting on the sofa, staring at her. However, instead of saying that his gaze wasburning, it was mysterious. His gaze was deep, but it was not focused. His pupils were black, butthey had glimmers of lights within them. He was looking at her but not focusing on her. His attitudecould be described as friendly, but it was missing a little sincerity. It was not exactly normal either.He stared in her direction without moving an inch. He did not even look away while smoking thecigar.

At this time, Jenna felt that it was creepy.

Recently, he had been courteous to her, and sometimes it could even be considered as amiable.The most important thing was that he had stopped being condescending to her, and regarded heras a normal friend. For the above reasons, she smiled at him.

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