Chapter 94

"I've told you to stay away from Norton. Why didn't you listen?" In the Hummer, Hansen's eyebrowswere tightly knitted and his face was full of displeasure.

Jenna was upset and spoke up in frustration, "Please be more reasonable, will you? If he wants tocome over, can I chase him away? Besides, he's a man, do you think I have the strength to do so?"

"Oh, that's your reason? You wouldn't be sitting so close to him if you didn't want to, did you? Did heforce you to sit next to him?" Hansen said sarcastically, "You don't even think before you doanything. You two looked intimate. Everyone in the Richard Manor knows who you are. Do you wantthe whole world to know that you are an unchaste woman who doesn't know how to behave andloves to stir up trouble?"

Anger welled up in Hansen's chest. If he hadn't covered up what happened three years ago, wouldshe still be standing here in the Richards Manor or would Grandma have trusted her so much? Thiswoman didn't know what the consequences would be. She should have known that many peoplewere staring at her and waiting for her to make mistakes. If she still didn't know how to restrainherself and if Grandma Richards found out what happened three years ago, she would definitelyrevoke her inheritance of the Richards Manor.

In fact, he was trying to protect her by asking her to do so, but her face was full of grievances andshe didn't appreciate it!

It was so heart-wrenching!

An Audi suddenly stopped in front of their car. Hansen was so annoyed that he honked his horn,causing everyone to look at them.

Jenna felt wronged in her heart, but she didn't dare to tell him the real reason why she got into theelectric car with Norton. She was irritated by his arrogance. She just sat there with a long face and

her cheeks flushed.

She understood what he meant. Even if she told him the truth, he still wouldn't believe her.

He would never believe that she had nothing to do with what happened three years ago. Perhapsher lost chastity had already been imprinted on his heart and had been deeply buried in his heart.All his distrust in her was probably due to the fact that she did not bleed when they had their firstintercourse on their wedding night. He firmly believed that she was not a virgin when she marriedhim. He even thought that she was a fickle-minded woman, so he naturally blamed her for what hadhappened three years ago.

No matter how hard he tried, he would not be able to get rid of the anger in his heart.

"Do you really want to leave when you haven't sorted things out with Hansen? Tell Grandma, do youlove him or not? Do you want your life to be overshadowed? When you have the ability to get theanswers, why do you choose to run away?" Those were the questions Grandma Richards askedwhen she called her into the room yesterday. The series of questions left her speechless and yether mind was suddenly enlightened!

It was time to let the truth be known. Although she knew that the problem between her and Hansenwas never about the misunderstanding about her virginity, Hansen's humiliation of her characterand his contempt for her made her feel extremely uncomfortable, as if something was choking her!

In order to get him to concede and to clear her name, she would have to at least prove that she wasstill a virgin when she married him. She had to have evidence. Nothing could be more persuasivethan evidence!

She must let him know that she had always been a virgin. It was his fault for misunderstanding herthe way he did! As for whether he would accept her or not, whether he loved her or not, that wasanother separate matter!

The reason for returning back to the Richards Manor was to replace out what was going on. If she didn'tuncover the truth, she would not be able to make Hansen clear his doubts of her, let alone theaccusation that he had imposed on her..

Hansen might not love her, but he was in no position to insult her!

With her father's tragic death, her mother's illness, and her current situation, his misunderstandingand disrespect for her had already made her entire world fall apart. She had no reason to remainsilent anymore.

"Hansen, I'm going to buy a car today." After a long silence, Jenna finally spoke up just when theHummer was about to reach the entrance of International Kinsey Center.

Hansen's face was cold and he didn't speak.

Jenna was also depressed and pulled a long face. The harmony they had earlier in the morning wasgone.

Of course, just because Hansen didn't say anything, it didn't mean that she would compromise.Now that Hansen had confiscated her car and the Richard Manor was a huge estate, it would bedifficult for her to go out without one.

She took the elevator to the 88th floor with Hansen.

The office of the Design Department was still located next to Hansen's office. When Jenna openedthe door, he was surprised to see some changes. All the staff as well as the equipment in therewere gone. This place was turned into an independent and luxurious office. Although it was slightlysmaller than Hansen's office, the interior decoration was somewhat comparable to his. Moreover, itwas clean and luxurious without being gaudy, which was very much to her liking.

Jenna was stunned. It had only been two days since she last came to work. How could there havebeen such a drastic change, or was she in the wrong office?

"Come over to my office later," when Hansen was about to push open the door of the office, hesuddenly remembered something and calmly said to Jenna who was standing by the door. At thesight of her surprised and confused expression, the corners of his mouth curved into a beautifulsmile.

"Me?" Jenna was perplexed and terrified.

She slowly walked into the office.

She much preferred the current look of the office rather than the previous one. The designer's officewas much better equipped now than it was before. She stood there in a daze. She didn't know whatHansen meant. After thinking for a while, she put down her bag.

Perhaps this was not her office, or maybe he thought she was too much of an eyesore and wantedto move her to the 86th floor later. However, there was nothing wrong with that. Wouldn't it be moreto her liking not to stay with him?

She gave a wry smile and was not in the mood to think about those things. She didn't even take asip of water and headed for his office.

Hansen was already used to drinking a cup of tea as he casually browsed through the newspaperon the couch. His thick black hair highlighted his facial complexion, which made him look veryhandsome.

Jenna knocked on the door lightly and walked in cautiously only after when he agreed to let her in.In fact, she still had a lingering fear in her heart. She had all kinds of feelings, and a bad omen.

"Mr. Richards, what can I do for you?" She asked professionally as she slowly approached him.

Hansen took a sip of tea and read the newspaper seriously. He was elegant and dignified. Shestood right in front of him, but he didn't even raise his head to meet her eyes as if she didn't exist.Yesterday, this man was still pounding away at her. They were seamless and intimate. However atthis moment, he was sitting in his office, aloof and distant, as if he had never known her before.

Jenna's heart was full of mixed feelings and she couldn't do anything to deal with his arrogance!

However, this was his territory, the territory of a powerful person. She was just a small fish and hadto do what he said!

"Mr. Richards, what can I do for you?" Jenna, who had been standing there helplessly for a longtime, asked again.

This time, Hansen finally raised his proud head.

"Why did you come over so soon? Can't you see that I'm busy? Or, did you miss me?" Hansensuddenly burst into laughter and asked an inappropriate question. He had a sly grin on his face,which was really annoying.

If she hadn't been used to his weird behavior, she would have been at a loss. However, she wasalready used to it and said seriously, "Mr. Richards, is there a mistake about my office?"

She had to make it clear whether the newly refurbished office was hers or not. She was not used tosuch an opulent office.

"What do you think?" Hansen looked at her with a deep look and was not in a hurry to speak.

"It doesn't matter if that isn't my office. I'll just move out now," she said faintly and turned around toleave. She had already known that it was a mistake. Fortunately, she had a foresight, so she did notmake a fool of herself. "Come back!" Hansen shouted in a low voice and stood up discontentedly.

This woman was always presumptuous. He didn't even answer and she was self-assured. She wastoo presumptuous!

"There's no mistake," he said in a serious tone, giving her a meaningful look. He walked past herand straight to his desk, saying, "From today onwards you will be the Vice President of thecompany. You are in charge of the design and marketing part."

He said indifferently and took a file out from his desk drawer.

Jenna was dumbfounded. She must have misheard him!

"Vice President of the company? He appointed her as the Vice President of the company?" Jennastill felt like she was dreaming and stared blankly at him.

"Are you not willing to accept this position?" Hansen stared at her face and asked. He found herdumbfounded look a little amusing.

"Me as the Vice President of the company?" Jenna spoke up again. It was incredulous. This mustbe a dream! She had already felt lucky that this guy did not humiliate her. How could it be possiblethat he had promoted her?

Jenna was so taken by her look that she didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Hansen smiled slightlyand stepped forward. He waved his hand in front of her and said casually, "Didn't you spend threeyears in America? After all, you're a young lady from a famous family. How could you have no suchknowledge? You're like a country girl who hadn't seen much of the world."

He was a little angry. This woman looked at him as if she was looking at an alien. Obviously, she didnot believe him, which made him very uncomfortable.

"I'll email the official announcement to all the departments immediately. I'm sure you'll do a goodjob." In order to allay her worries, Hansen showed a charming smile and said gently. He turned

around and took out a bunch of keys from the drawer and handed them to her. He said, "This is thecompany car that is assigned to you. The documents in this file are about some of your main jobresponsibilities. Have a look at it. Also, your share of the profits from the model of the luxury car youdesigned last time has already been allocated to you. I have instructed the finance office that theywill give you a 5% commission of the net profit on all orders for the car you designed and thefinance team will then calculate it on time."

It felt like luck was on her side. For a moment, she was at a loss for words!

If he gave her 5% of the profits, it would be a lot of money. He actually kept his promise. Thisamount had exceeded that of the Whalen Group.

However, the day before yesterday, he publicly humiliated her in the office and almost put herthrough hell. However, today he was flattering her with all of the good news that she couldn't believeit.

Didn't he always not trust her? How could he entrust such an important role to her? The design andmarketing were the key components of the company. Wasn't he afraid that she would mess up orruin the company? If he already knew the reason she joined the company, then, was this a test forher?

Or did he only do this because she had slept with him? It seemed that men really were animals whothought with their lower bodies.

Judging from the modifications to the office, this decision was not made on a whim. The decisionmust have been made a long time ago.

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