my desk this morning.

Not that I’d expected any.

Kissing Weston had probably screwed up our chances of having a light, fun friendship like we used to. In my mind, I wanted to put the blame on him, but it was just as much my fault. Last night, when he had me pinned against the wall in the bar, I could have left. He hadn’t been holding me captive.

Despite the fact that anyone could have seen us like that, including my date and my brother, those dangers hadn’t crossed my mind until later. It had been all Weston’s tongue on my skin, his dick prodding my belly, his body looming over mine. For those breathless moments, he had consumed me.

In the cold light of day, I understood how careless I’d been.

This was Weston. My boss. Elliot’s best friend. Nothing like that could happen again.

As soon as I turned on my computer, I logged into my email. There at the top was one from Weston Aldrich, CEO.



Dear Elise,

Please see me in my office at 9:30 this morning.

Thank you.



I groaned, cupping my face in my hands. I had fifteen minutes to ruminate and fret over this. It could be nothing. Our trip to California was coming up. Perhaps that was what he wanted to discuss. I hoped it was and we could get back to our professional relationship.

Please, please, please let this not be about the kissing. That was the last thing I wanted to talk about.

“What’s wrong, Lisie?”

I looked up, replaceing Miles perched in his favorite spot on the edge of my desk.

“Headache,” I answered. It wasn’t untrue. It was his brother who was driving the ice pick into my head.

“Wild weekend, eh? I never took you for a party girl. You should have invited me out. I liven up every room I enter.”

I squinted at him. “Really? Is that the only reason a person might have a headache?”

He tapped his chin. “In my experience, it’s the most common reason.”

“Which says a lot about you, Miles.”

“You’re sassy on this sunny Monday morning. It’s very becoming on you.” He waved his hand in a vague circle around me. “This whole thing is working for you. I like that you haven’t succumbed to wearing Andes like the other carbon copies who work here.”

I wore yellow today, hoping the sunny shade would put me in a better mood. So far, it wasn’t working. It would take more than my favorite cardigan to pull me out of this slump.

“Thank you for saying so. If you want to know the truth, I did buy some things from the company store, but I can’t bring myself to wear sportswear in the office.” I grimaced. “I just can’t do it.”

Miles smoothed his hand over his tailored vest. “It’s you and me to the end, Lisie. You won’t catch me dead wearing Andes to work. It will never happen.”

My phone started ringing before I could reply. Miles made no move to leave, so I answered it.

“Good morning, this is Elise.”

“Hello, Elise. Weston asked me to remind you of your appointment,” Renata breezed out.

My eyes closed, and I sighed. “I haven’t forgotten. I’ll be there at 9:30 sharp.”

Her voice dropped. “He doesn’t mind if you’re early. In fact, I would suggest it. He’s pacing inside his office like a lion in the zoo.”

Another sigh. “Fine. I’ll be right up.”

With my agreement, she hung up without saying goodbye. I replaced my phone and pushed my chair back to stand.

“Have you been summoned?” Miles asked.

“I have.” I started to touch my hair to make sure it was all in place but decided not to care.

“Is my brother giving you a hard time?”

I grabbed my phone, tucking it in the pocket of my A-line skirt. “He’s just being Weston.”

Miles scoffed. “So, that’s a yes.” He shoved off my desk, walking with me to the elevator. “Don’t let him trod all over you, Lisie. When he gets in his moods, he forgets other people have feelings too.”

He’d behaved that way last night, taunting me in that hallway. Jealousy, or something close to it, had driven him to piss all over me without any regard for how it would affect me.

“Don’t worry about me.” I patted his chest. “Don’t you have work to do?”

He jumped back as if I’d scalded him. “Jeez, why do you have to remind me like that? I’m being all supportive and all you can talk about is work. What’s up with that cruelty?”

I laughed even though I wasn’t feeling particularly cheerful. “Shut up, Miles.”

He stepped closer, poking my dimple. “Nice smile.”

I gave him a shove. “Go away.”

“You wish.”

He stayed until I was on the elevator, waving at me as the doors slid closed. I shook my head, still smiling a little at his antics. When he was like that, it was easy to forget he’d made my life miserable for years.

Then again, I’d changed in the eight years since graduation. Miles obviously had too. Holding on to old hurts had gotten me nowhere. I had to let go of it for the sake of keeping the peace at work. It would do me no good to be angry at him until the end of time.

I hadn’t been up to the executive floor. Here, there were offices instead of open spaces. The receptionist directed me down a quiet hallway. Weston’s office was in the corner.

Renata’s desk was outside his open door. Her serious mouth flattened as I approached. Though we’d spoken, we hadn’t met in person yet. Looking at her, I realized she was the older woman I’d seen with Weston in the cafeteria on my first day here.

“Elise?” My name came out like a snap, sharp and precise.

“Yes, it’s nice to meet you.”

The corners of her eyes pinched. “That’s fine. He’s expecting you. Go inside and close the door behind you.”

“Close the door?”

She gestured to her desk. “Please. I have a busy morning. I don’t have time to listen to Weston expel whatever bug crawled up his butt today.”

I sputtered, shocked at the way she was speaking about our mutual boss. She stared back at me with unimpressed, dark, beady eyes.

“Go on then.” She nodded toward his door. “Don’t keep him waiting.”

Despite being directed to go straight in, I knocked first. From inside, Weston barked for me to enter. I was beginning to think Weston and Renata were a match made in heaven. They probably spent the day shouting back and forth at each other.

I slipped inside, shutting the door behind me. Weston stopped pacing behind his desk to stare at me. Glower, really.

This was a bad start.

“Good morning,” I said.

Bracing his hands on his desk, he leaned forward. “Do you know why you’re here?”

I twined my fingers to keep from fidgeting. I’d known this man most of my life, but he still managed to intimidate me. Under his relentless gaze, it was difficult to be still and not bow my head. I wasn’t even a head-bowing kind of girl.

“Well, when I read your email, I assumed you wanted to discuss the California trip. Now, I’m not so sure.”

“Sit down, Elise.”

I walked forward and took a seat in one of the two chairs in front of his desk. He remained braced as if he was going to spring at me at any moment.

“Renata will email you the information about our trip.” He straightened, crossing his arms over his chest. He’d removed his jacket and rolled up his sleeves. The muscles in his taut forearms flexed.

“I’m looking forward to it,” I replied, determined to remain professional. At least one of us should have been.

“Are you?”

“Yes.” I nodded. “Salma and I found three employees I’m going to interview while we’re there. I’ve been trading emails with one. His name is Cameron and he’s an avid rock climber. If we have time, I’d like to go watch him—”

“You won’t have time.” His brow dropped into a fierce line.

“Are you sure? I checked the schedule and—”

“I’m sure, Elise. My schedule has no leeway.”

I tilted my head, confused. “I know that, but I was under the impression I’ll be doing interviews on my own while you attend your meetings.”

“That’s true, but you’re not going rock climbing with some guy named Cameron unless I’m there too. Since that’s not possible, no, you won’t be accompanying him.”

My mouth dropped open. Weston continued glaring at me as though I’d done something heinously wrong.


He scrubbed his hand over his mouth and stalked around his desk, coming to a stop at my side. “You see, this is why I wanted to see you.”

“I’m here now.” I nodded to the chair next to me. “Please sit. I don’t want to speak to you while you’re looming over me.”

His ego was almost a tangible thing. He’d been a boss for too long. It was probably next to impossible for him to take orders.

Finally, he lowered himself into the seat, bracing his ankle on the opposite knee.

“I’m confused,” I said.

“It’s simple.” He paused, raking his fingers through his hair, making me think it wasn’t actually simple. “What happened this weekend can’t happen again. It will get in the way of my relationship with Elliot and my working relationship with you. We barely kissed and I’m already having bouts of jealousy that are entirely unwanted and, frankly, I have no time for. We’ll go back to how things were before and forget this ever happened.”

I huffed a soft laugh. “We barely kissed?”

It was interesting that Weston was trying to rewrite history. Both times we’d crossed the line, he’d been the one to initiate, and he’d definitely been the aggressor.

He blinked at me. “Is that what you’re stuck on?”

“I suppose so since I agree with the rest. Your jealousy is completely unwanted.”

“You agree?”

I did agree. It was just…this felt an awful lot like rejection, and it stung. It hadn’t been long enough for me to get over the way Patrick had eviscerated me, so I was being more sensitive than normal. Plus, this was Weston. The first keeper of my heart.

The first smasher too.

“Mmmhmm. We should absolutely go back to how things were before.” I stacked my hands on my lap, smiling pleasantly. It was a show and a good one. “But wait, which ‘before’ are we talking about? The one with your plethora of women? When you pulled me aside to whisper in my ear that I was making a mistake moving to Chicago? How about the ‘before’ when my brother forced you to have lunch with me? Oh, wait, maybe when you sent me flowers every week and left cute little Post-its on my desk. Which one, Weston?”

“Elise—” He reached for me, but I drew my hands away, causing his frown to deepen. “There’s no need to argue if we both agree.”

“I’m not arguing. I’m asking how you would like me to behave toward you.”

“Professional,” he answered flatly.

My stomach lurched, but I made sure it didn’t show. If Weston wanted professional, that was what he’d get. Later, when I was alone, I would have time to process this dagger in my gut.

“I can do that. Can you?”

His gaze remained steady and unaffected. “Of course.”

“Good.” I bobbed my head once. “Please remember if we run into each other socially.”

His mouth twitched downward. “What do you mean?”

I flicked my hand around. Lackadaisical. Not a care in this brutal world. “You know, if I’m on a date and you happen to see me, don’t corner me in a dark hall and carry on about my attraction to bad, bad men. That wouldn’t be very professional.”

He lowered his chin, fire burning in his dark eyes. He kept his tone flat, bored even. “You’re right. It wouldn’t. It won’t happen again.”

“Fine.” Oh, I had to go before I got sad. Being sad over Weston was so five years ago. Now was definitely not the time. “Is there anything else?”

When he didn’t answer, I hopped to my feet and smoothed my hand over the back of my hair. “I really should go. I have a lot to do before the trip.”

I took three steps toward the door before my elbow was caught and I was yanked back against Weston’s solid chest.

“I know you too well,” he murmured beside my ear. “I’ve upset you.”

“Stop it,” I whispered.

“I don’t want to hurt you.” He nuzzled into my hair. “Don’t you know that?”

I squeezed my eyes shut. “No.”

“I don’t, Elise. These last few days have driven me crazy and caused me to act outside of my character. I’m sorry for that. You just ended a serious relationship. The last thing I want to do is hurt you further.”

I shook my head. “You haven’t.”

His mouth was beside my ear, which was the only reason I heard his soft groan. “I wish that was true.” He let go of my elbow to wrap his arm around my middle, drawing me firmly against him.

“Weston…” I rasped, torn between pulling away and leaning into him. “Please. This isn’t—”

“Once you leave this office, I won’t touch you again. Let me fucking have this, baby. Let me hold you for a minute, then you can go.”

It was stupid of me not to immediately walk out his door, but I didn’t. I allowed him to turn me toward him. He took my face in his hands and covered my mouth with his. I held on to the lapels of his jacket, whimpering into his mouth.

He kissed me hard, backing me into his door. In that wayward moment, I didn’t even care that Renata must have heard me clunk against it. Weston urged my mouth open and delved his tongue inside.

His kisses were deep, licking, and his hands were sure, roaming to my breasts, my ass, palming my pussy, before returning to my breasts again. He kneaded them, pinched my nipples, rocked his hips against me. It wasn’t sordid or dirty, though it should have been given the location and who we were to each other.

What was happening between us was nothing less than desperate desire. At least now I could be sure I wasn’t alone in these feelings. Weston must have carried the same attraction, one we could not act on.

We had this. These few minutes to taste each other, to touch and grasp, but this was it. It really had to be.

Weston reached down, gathering my skirt in his fist until he exposed my panties. His fingers grazed over the satin material to the elastic side, hooking inside. Calloused fingertips grazed my wet slit. Our groans twined together, low and breathless with surprise. I widened my stance, letting him in. This was happening. He was touching my pussy in his office. My Weston was sliding his fingers between my lower lips, replaceing my clit swollen and throbbing.

What was he doing to me?

This didn’t feel like goodbye.

This felt like the beginning of something naughty and out of control.

In less than a minute, I was so close to coming I forgot how to breathe. He kept going, rubbing me with his thumb, the other fingers exploring my slick heat.

“Let me have it, baby,” he murmured against my lips. “Give me this one time.”

He was almost begging me, but he didn’t need to. All he had to do was touch me like that, look at me how he did, and my pleasure was his for the taking.

“Give it to me,” he demanded.

I was helpless to deny him this. My orgasm swept through me with the power of every fantasy and ounce of longing I’d carried around for Weston for years. I jerked and moaned into his licking mouth, and he held me through it, stroking my hair as he continued to stroke my clit.

“That’s a girl,” he praised. “So beautiful when you come.”

When the last tremor abated, he let my skirt fall, and his mouth covered mine, this time kissing me slowly. The goodbye on his tongue was bittersweet.

We drew it out with languid, somber kisses and slow exploration of the places on each other we would never touch again. Every second that passed shook my resolve. Giving this up, now that I knew what he felt like and how tender he could truly be, would be difficult.

But necessary.

We were snapped back to reality by the soft knock on the other side of the door I was pressed against. Weston raised his head, his eyes glassy but wide. My breasts were in his hands. My hands were in the back of his pants.

He cleared his throat. “Yes?”

“Your ten a.m. meeting, Weston. It’s time,” Renata said.

“All right. Two minutes.”

A long pause, then his gaze landed on mine. “Fuck.”


I slid my hands out of his pants, and he peered down at where he held me, a line between his eyebrows. I thought he’d let me go, but instead, he dipped his head. I gasped at the first touch of his lips on the upper curve of my breasts. He peppered kisses over my chest, paying special attention to the fading bruises he’d left two days before.

When he was finished with me, he carefully extracted his hands and righted my bra, then my blouse, arranging it neatly at my hips. He scanned me, and when he got to my hair, he combed his fingers through it until he was satisfied.

“Perfect,” he whispered.

“Thank you,” I whispered back.

“I have a meeting now. I’d like you to go so I don’t have to walk into the conference room with an erection.”

I laughed despite the pit in my stomach. “Okay.” I glanced down at the tent in his immaculately tailored pants. “Good luck with that.”

I rushed out of his office, avoiding eye contact with Renata. I had a feeling she’d had a pretty good idea of what had gone down. Luckily, I doubted I’d be spending any more time on the executive floor. I wouldn’t have to face her again, and it was a good thing.

My strange…whatever that had been, was put to rest. My heart hurt, but since it had already been bruised, it was impossible to tell how much had come from Weston.

Then again, it was over, so it didn’t really matter anyway.

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