Extinguishing Wildfire
Chapter 24: Worried


I headed back up to finish the movie, but I really needed to talk to the guys. I didn't know if I'd be able to wait as I was already feeling anxious.

"Hey, do you know where Cristian is? He's not in his room, I already checked." Evie, of all people to run into. I really wanted Cristian to be done with her as I wasn't sure what exactly he was still doing with her. She was in his room nearly every night.

"Last I saw, he was in the entertainment room, watching a movie with everyone else." I didn't really want to give her the information, but I also didn't see the point in being rude to her.

"Great, I'll just follow you there."

She walked in behind me, and I immediately felt the atmosphere in the room change. Everyone tensed up as they saw her, and none more than Cristian. For him to let Evie in his bed so much, he sure didn't seem happy to see her.

"Oh, I love this movie." Evie squeezed in next to Cristian either not noticing the looks from everyone else or not bothering to care about it.

I turned to Noah and Cristian, "Hey, can I see you two in my room for a sec?" No way I'd be able to sit through the movie with the way the room was right now. Jasmine and Gema looked like they were about to kill both Cristian and Evie just with the daggers coming out of their eyes.

Noah stood up immediately but Cristian hesitated. He probably knew he'd be getting it from his sister for leaving them alone with Evie. "Hey, why don't you wait for me in my room?"

"But I want to finish the movie." Her whiny voice made the girls roll their eyes, and I laughed as I knew I would enjoy the repercussions this would bring to Cristian. We left the girls with Evie as we had no other choice.

"For something you once said was a mistake, you sure keep her around. I'm telling you now, Gema still won't have her as her Beta female, and if Gema's out, so am I."

"So you won't have her just because she's not my fated mate?" I watched as my Beta and Gamma hashed things out.

"This has nothing to do with being mates or not. This has to do with the fact that it's obvious you don't love her. I loved Gema before we even knew we were mates, and you two would have accepted her as your Gamma female even if I had chosen her as my mate. Jordan's the same way, Aaliyah is our Luna, not because she's Jordan's fated mate but because Jordan loves her. If he didn't, I sure as hell wouldn't forgive everything she put Jordan through."

"Is that what you think, too?" Cristian looked my way.

"The part about Evie? Yeah, you don't love her. Don't even know why you keep messing around with her." Ax's silver eyes came through as I spoke, it seems he didn't like Cristian's extracurriculars either, "Regarding Aaliyah, Noah's also right. I love her, she accepted me, and she'll be your Luna as soon as I get her back."

"Is this what you wanted to talk about, cause it seems you two are butting into my personal life a little too much. I don't tell you who you can or can't put your dick in, so what gives you the right to tell me?"

I sat down in my chair, and Noah took the bed while Cristian stayed standing clearly feeling defensive. "It's not at all what I wanted to talk about, but you let Evie crash our family movie time. I'm sure you'll hear another earful from our sisters after this. Now sit and we can get back to our real business."

He sighed but sat down.

"The foxes get here Monday but we're also going to start mobilizing our troops west to be closer to Wildfire. Alpha's waiting to hear back from a couple of fox packs before finalizing anything. I'm worried about Cobalt Falls, though…Marek only left our pack because of the deal Uncle Tomas made with Gema. Now that he has Aaliyah and thinks Gema's dead, what reason does he have to keep our pack alive?"

"Shit, I was scared for our parents, but I hadn't even thought about the rest of the pack. What can we do?" Noah ran his hands through his hair wondering what to do. I was thinking we should talk to Alpha, see if he or Olivia had any ideas. She's coming in tomorrow, so we can talk to them both as soon as she's here. I wanted to see what y'all thought though."

"I can't think of anything right now, but are you okay if I ask Gema? We're better at coming up with stuff when we work together."

"Of course, man, she's as much our Gamma as you are."

"Don't worry, I won't be talking to Evie about this." Cristian raised his hands up in surrender as he spoke, and I couldn't help but laugh at his words.

"I wasn't worried…I didn't think you two actually talked." Noah and I burst into laughter at my joke.

"Haha, very funny," He grabbed my pillow and threw it my way. "But I guess you aren't completely wrong." He whispered that last part. I saw Ax come through again, which made me wonder about him. Cristian had gotten really good at controlling his wolf over the last two years, but I couldn't help but wonder why Ax kept coming out. Did he just really dislike Cristian messing around with Evie or was there something more? Neo's alpha instincts were kicking in, and he wanted to do more for our Beta, but we weren't sure how to help for now. I'd have to get him alone to talk about it another day.

"Let's get back to the movie, I'll get with you guys about this again tomorrow."


I stared out my window as I listened to the sounds of Evie sleeping in my bed. At this point, I wasn't sure how I'd gotten here. Evie wasn't my girlfriend, and I didn't want her to be, but somehow I kept letting her into my bed.

I couldn't even say I enjoyed the sex all that much. It was just a means to an end, something to clear my head from all the shit going on in there.

Ax wasn't happy with my choices. He'd always hated that I fucked around, but he had accepted it so far because none of those other girls ever lasted long. This was the longest I'd ever bothered with a woman, but it certainly wasn't because I felt something more for her. She was just convenient.

Ax had been quieter than normal these past few weeks, but I could feel his anger…or was it my own anger that I felt? I don't think I know anymore.

"Babe, what are you doing? Come back to bed." Evie gave me a pouty look as she extended her hand towards me.

"Go back to sleep, I'll be back in a few minutes. I need to go for a run." She laid back down and with that, I left, not even bothering to put on my shoes as I wouldn't need them once I shifted.


"What did Jordan want with you and Cristian?" Gema came out of the bathroom, wearing her cute little silk pajama set that made my dick hard and Cosmo howl in my head.

'Not yet, Cosmo, I want to talk to her first.'

'Okay, but make it quick.'

"Jordan said he's worried about the pack back home. Thinks Marek might not keep them around without you. He asked us to think of ways we can either get word to the pack or help them in case Wildfire attacks them."

"And that's why Jordan will make a great Alpha, he's always thinking of his pack first." She hopped into bed with me and put her legs under the covers. "I don't have any ideas, but I'll think on it. For now, come over here and kiss me." She didn't need to tell me twice before my arms were wrapped around her and we settled in for the night. The world around us might be going to hell right now, but I knew that I'd be okay as long as Gema and I were together.


Alpha had been busy all morning getting the foxes that had arrived settled in. He and Isaiah had been revising the schedules and getting extra warriors to help with training. It was lunch now, and I couldn't wait anymore to talk with him. This waiting was going to make me explode as I felt that my pack needed me. Neo had been agitated ever since I talked to the guys last night. I checked the dining hall for Alpha, but he wasn't there, so I headed to his office and knocked.

"Come in," His deep voice sounded out from the other side of the door

"Jordan, I thought you were our lunch. Was there something you needed?"

"Yes, Alpha, I'm sorry to interrupt." Isaiah was with him and the two of them were standing over some papers at the conference table.

"No, no, come sit. You seem worried about something. Is it my sister?" His eyes widened with fear as he was likely thinking I had felt something through the mate bond.

"No, I miss her like crazy, but as far as my wolf and I know, she's safe. I'm actually here about Cobalt Falls. Cristian, Noah, and I are worried about what Wildfire might do with them now that Alpha Marek doesn't need Gema." I saw Isaiah tense up at my words, and I assumed he was thinking about his mate.

"You're right, we hadn't even thought about that. Tate's been keeping an eye out on them still, but Wildfire could always attack again anyway." He scratched at his chin.

"What if we have someone try to infiltrate the pack?" Isaiah spoke up, and I swear I could see the wheels turning in his head.

"Infiltrate? That's way too dangerous, we can't risk doing that, who would we even get to do that? Not the cats as Wildfire would already suspect them coming from us. I'm surprised Marek hasn't put two and two together yet and thought about the cat attack at the wedding."

"I'll do it. I'll fake car trouble…or pretend I was visiting a friend at Brown Claw and got lost. We just need to get inside and get word to someone trustworthy that we're fighting for their pack, right? If the Cobalt Falls wolves are on alert, then it gives them a chance to keep the pack safe from the inside."

"That's actually not the worst idea. We can give you names of people we trust that might help, but don't you think it'll be suspicious if you just break down right by the pack?" I looked between the two brothers.

"It would be pretty obvious." Alpha raised his eyebrows at his brother.

"Okay, so what if we get Alpha Tate to monitor the guards? He already has cameras up in most places, what if he gets pictures of the guards and you can tell me if they're trustworthy or not, and I go when the right guard is on duty." Isaiah looked hopeful, and I knew he wanted to do this to get to his mate, but it sounded like a dangerous plan…but for now, it was all we had.

"I kind of really dislike that plan. Do you have phone numbers for anyone at Cobalt Falls? What if we just get a burner phone and call one of them?" Alpha Kedrick didn't seem to want his brother risking his life.

"Please let me just do this, K. If this were about Ellis, you'd be there in a heartbeat. I'll be safe, and I can take backup, or we can ask Tate for help." He looked like he was about to get on his knees and beg, but Alpha just nodded slowly.

"Fine, go to Texas. I'll have Noah and Jordan help with the training schedule, but you have to stay in touch every minute you're there. If anything goes wrong or there's even a hint of you being caught, you step back from this." Alpha pointed his forefinger at Isaiah to emphasize his point.

"Don't worry, I will."

"Good, now, let's finish this up. We'll run this by Olivia once she's here. Ellis is going to kill me once she replaces out what I agreed to, we're supposed to be heading west soon, not east." I was certain Alpha was talking to himself more than to either of us as he was mostly mumbling those last couple of sentences. I didn't have it in met o question anything, and Olivia would straighten us out if she felt this was as bad an idea as it sounded.

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