Extinguishing Wildfire -
Chapter 8: Slumber Party
The first of the cat shifters arrived today. I was both excited and nervous as this meant we were another step closer to our attack on Wildfire. Alpha had asked me to be with him and Luna Ellis to help greet the families when they arrived, so I was waiting at the front porch with them as we had gotten word that the first two families had crossed the border.
Olivia would also be with the cats to help facilitate the transition. I felt anxious as I heard a car nearing the packhouse. I'm not sure why, I just felt a lot of pressure to be on my best Alpha game. The vehicles stopped, and Olivia was the first one to step out.
"Hi, guys. I see you're all ready for your new guests. I just have two families with me today. The other two got a little delayed but should be here later this evening. They had further to travel.
I just want to remind you that cats live a more secluded life than wolves, so my people are used to living very private lives and don't always trust others. It took a lot to get them to come here. Many of them are fighting because they've experienced hardships caused by Wildfire, so despite everything, they are loyal and trustworthy."
"We'll treat them with the utmost respect. They'll be considered pack for as long as they're here." Alpha reassured Olivia, and she waved to the waiting vehicles.
A couple and two teenagers exited the first vehicle, and another couple with a baby exited the second. "Let me introduce you to the Leon family…Nathan, Emily, and baby Harper. They are cougar shifters."
The man shook all of our hands, while the lady nodded at us politely as she held her baby. "They're new parents, so only Nathan will train, but he would like to ensure the safety of Emily and Harper during the war."
"Welcome to Harvest Moon. We will do everything in our power to ensure the safety of your family."
"Now, let me introduce you to the Bautista family…Rafael, Isabel, Alejandro, and Veronica. They're a family of jaguars, Veronica just turned 16, and Alejandro is 14. They'll need to register for school, but will also participate in your pup training.
The other two families are coming in from Texas, but I have another family who will be here by the end of the week coming in from Louisiana. They're all bobcat shifters like me. We have a few cougars who will be joining some of the other packs, and then several of the single cats who agreed to fight decided to remain at their homes for now.
"That sounds good. I have some small cabins for each family, so we'll let them head over now and start unpacking. We'd like to officially welcome you at our pack dinner tonight, so we hope to see you there."
The others didn't talk much. Olivia had told us to expect them to be quiet and more skittish than other shifter types. She said it would take them a while to get used to being with us.
"Alpha Jordan, will you please show the Bautista family to their cabin, and I'll show the Leon's to theirs?"
"On it, Alpha." We hopped back into the vehicles with me in the passenger seat. Olivia stayed behind with Luna Ellis.
"You're an Alpha? Aren't you a little young for that?" The boy, Alejandro, if I remember correctly, said from the back seat.
"Not when your dad's the Alpha and he dies."
"Your dad died? Was it Wildfire?"
"Alex!" His mother scolded through gritted teeth.
"Yeah, it was Wildfire."
"Man, fuck Wildfire."
"Alex, that's enough." It was his dad this time.
"What? Like we weren't all thinking it?"
"I'm sorry, Alpha, we lost my parents to Wildfire." Rafael spoke calmly, "They were unable to escape the fire that was started near their home, so I understand how difficult it is to lose both of your parents at the same time."
I made eye contact with Rafael through the rearview mirror, and we nodded at each other sharing a moment of understanding.
Wildfire had taken so much from so many people. I had a feeling we wouldn't know the full extent of that asshole Marek's destruction until we got rid of him.
We pulled up to the cabin and got out. Everyone helped unload.
"Hey, I'm sorry, if I came off as insensitive back there." Alex apologized, "That wasn't my intention. I'm also sorry about your parents. Wildfire deserves what's coming for them."
"No worries, man, I get it. This is rough for all of us," I pulled out a suitcase from the car and noticed he was still there. "Hey, what grade are you in?"
"8th, I just turned 14."
"Cool, my kid sister's in 8th grade, too. I'll introduce you to her at dinner. Maybe she can show you the ropes at school."
"Yeah, thanks, man." He perked up at my offer. "Is she doing the training stuff, too?"
"Yeah, she is. Most of the pups here are new to fighting, so you don't have anything to worry about. You'll be in good company, and the teacher, Gamma Gema, is great." I never missed an opportunity to talk up my pack.
"Alright, Alex, let's let Alpha Jordan get back to his regular duties." Rafael held out his hand for a hand up. Jshake, which I gladly accepted. "Thank you, he's a good kid. He just has a bit of a mouth on him."
"It's no problem, I was like that at his age, too. Most of us grow out of it, eventually."
We said our goodbyes, and the driver took me back to the pack house where I continued my day as usual. It was actually nice meeting different shifter types. I don't know how we'd defeat Wildfire without everyone's help, but it felt great being a part of something bigger than myself and bigger than Cobalt Falls
I felt like I was a giant black hole for so long that it was nice to finally feel like I could function again. I still wasn't at my best, but I wasn't at my worst anymore, so that was something. The meds and therapy had made a world of difference, but I think being with Jordan again was the real game changer. We would never be the five of us again, but Jade, Jordan, and I could be something new together.
I stepped out of my room and met Gema by the stairs. We were having a special dinner to welcome the cat families that had arrived. Jordan said one of the families had kids who were my and Jade's age, so he wanted us to meet them and help them feel welcome.
"Okay, so…I have to tell you something before we head inside." Gema stopped me at the bottom of the stairs.
"Please don't tell me you have another bomb to drop on me. Between Wildfire, Evie, and Jordan's mate, I've had enough for one summer…maybe even a lifetime…" I sighed loudly. "Unless you're pregnant…and if that's the case I totally call dibs on godmother," Gema said she wasn't ready for kids yet, but with the way she and Noah were always going at it, it was a total possibility.
"No, I'm not pregnant. Why would you ask that!?" She looked horrified at the thought. "At least give me a few years…but no, I wanted to tell you that Hadley asked me about going to a slumber party on Friday."
"Just the three of us?"
She grimaced before continuing, "So…um, Luna Ellis wants some of us girls to get together. She thinks it would help us with everything going on."
"Okay, so Luna Ellis is doing this?"
"Well, Luna Ellis asked Aaliyah to host."
"Oh, hell no."
"Please, do it for me…Hadley begged me to go and I already promised. Don't leave me alone with them."
"You do realize that this is like...owe me your firstborn child level of favor, right?"
"Yes, and you'll totally be godmother when the time comes, just don't make me go to this without you."
"Fine…but don't expect me to play nice while we're there."
"Thank you! Thank you! You're the best."
"Not that I disagree, but why is Jasmine the best?" Noah sidled up to us as we walked into the dining hall.
"She agreed to go to the slumber party.
"Oh, how'd you swing that?"
"She promised me your firstborn child."
He hissed, "That's a steep price, but can't say I blame either of you. You couldn't pay me to go to that party."
"I see Gema told you about Friday," Jordan said as he sat down with his food. "Look, I know she's not your favorite person, but can you try to play nice for just one night?"
"No promises." I shrugged.
He sighed loudly, "Maybe you can invite Veronica? She could use a few friends."
"Is that Alex's sister?" Jade cut in from her end of the table.
"Yeah, they're both in y'alls grade."
I saw Jade look over at a boy sitting at the table behind me and smile. The boy smiled back at her and she blushed.
That must be Alex, and it looks like my little sister has her first crush. This should be fun.
The rest of the week went great. I think my doctor and I finally found a combination of meds that really helped with my anxiety and depression. I wasn't thrilled about this party, but I put on a new pair of cute pajamas and slippers as I headed out to meet Gema and Nora.
Luna Ellis had set up the entertainment room on the Alpha floor for us, so we headed upstairs. Aaliyah was already there with Hadley and her friend Carissa, and it was good to see that she looked just as uncomfortable with this get-together as me and Gema.
Veronica was the last to arrive, and we settled in to eat pizza as we put on a room com. For the most part, Hadley and Carissa were the only ones talking as they were the most comfortable with everyone.
The movie ended without incident, and Hadley pulled out a cheesecake for us to share.
"I know I'm the only person of age here, but I went ahead and brought wine. I thought it could help us unwind a little."
"Yes, please." Gema grabbed the bottle and poured herself a glass before taking a big gulp. She tried handing me her glass to get a drink, but I shook my head at her discreetly.
"I'm sorry, I forgot." She mouthed at me.
My doctor told me not to drink while on my meds, so I was being really careful. I hadn't had a panic attack since my first week here, and I wanted to keep it that way.
"Here, I also brought cider for those who don't want to drink." Hadley passed me a glass, and I thanked her.
"We should play a game! Like never have I ever." Carissa suggested
"A drinking game?" Nora asked.
"I'm not sure that's the best idea." Aaliyah chimed in this time.
"Oh, come on, it'll be fun…and we can get to know each other better." Carissa again commented.
"I'm in." Gema raised her glass of wine. "Never have I ever…had a pregnancy scare."
Carissa drank, and then Hadley surprised us by also drinking.
"What? Really? When?" Gema questioned.
"So, just this week. My period was late and I freaked, but I'm good now. Sawyer was really excited about it though. I know we just met, but he's totally ready to have pups already. I think it's kind of sweet.
A collective 'aww' sounded out around the room.
"Okay, Veronica, you're up."
"Umm, okay…never have I ever…umm…had sex."
Everyone but me and Veronica drank. Yep, just a pair of 16-year-old virgins over here. It's nice to see that my brother's mate didn't wait for him…unless she did…eww, I don't want to think about that. It's none of my business what she does, but she could have waited and I still would have hated her for what she did to Jordan. Just looking at her made me roll my eyes, and I groaned internally as it was now my turn.
"Go on, Jas," Gema nudged me.
"Alright…" I let out a sigh, "Never have I ever…rejected…my fated mate." Gema and Carissa both gasped and looked shocked by my words. They were the only ones who reacted, so I assumed they were the only other two people who knew what was going on. I looked straight at Aaliyah to see her reaction, but she just narrowed her eyes at me. I looked at her innocently in return, still waiting for her to make a move. Was she going to drink, or was she going to keep her secret?
Unfortunately, just as it looked like she was about to grab her glass, Carissa cut in.
"I think I've had too much to drink. I'm a total lightweight, embarrassing for a wolf, I know, but how about we watch another movie?"
"Good idea," Gema agreed a little too enthusiastically. She widened her eyes at me discreetly, but I just shrugged a shoulder at her.
I usually wasn't this petty or vindictive, but I wasn't going to be as forgiving as my brother. In my opinion, he had let her off too easy. She needed a taste of her own medicine if she was ever going to put herself in Jordan's shoes.
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