Forgot To Tell You Something: An Angsty, Later in Life Romance
Forgot To Tell You Something: Chapter 10

Stefani slides the basket of bread across the table, offering me a rueful smile.

“Beautiful carbs, how I’ve missed you.” I grab a roll and slather it with butter. Screw dieting. My heart hurts in too many places for a salad to heal.

“You don’t need to diet. You’re tiny, Lu.”

“It’s because I diet. I’m five feet tall. If I ate what I wanted, I’d blow up like a beluga.”

“I highly doubt it,” Stefani snickers. We’re across the street from the hospital in a pub-style eatery, frequented by medical staff. She’s working today, but I haven’t drummed up the courage to walk into the unit yet.

I took a few days off to handle my father’s injury, but I’m mostly avoiding Owen. It’s safer for my heart this way. My hormones aren’t speaking to me at the moment, but no matter. My brain is riding shotgun, and it knows that Owen and I are too cosmically connected when we’re in the same room.

Hence, avoidance.

“How’s your Dad?”

“He has to go to rehab for a few weeks, but they don’t think there’s any permanent physical damage.”

“Did he know you?”

I shake my head, tears filling my eyes. “He didn’t seem to.”

“Lu, he might be having a bad day.”

I nod, but we both know the truth. The fall knocked any remaining remnants of my father’s personality from his body.

Stefani toys with her napkin. Oh, I know what she’s about to ask. Joy of joys. “So…Owen. What’s happening there?”

I shrug, grabbing another roll. Diet, sit down, and shut up. “Nothing.”

“Just nothing? He told me he’s called you countless times, but you don’t answer. He texts, but you don’t respond. He stopped by your apartment last night and the night before, but you weren’t home.”

None of this is news. Okay, the visits are a surprise, but my phone is fully aware of how many times Owen called. “I fell asleep at the hospital, so I got home late. Besides, it’s better if I don’t see Owen. Seeing him only muddies an already precarious situation.”

Stefani swigs down her soda, tapping her fingers on the table. “We’ve been friends for years. Best friends.”

“Ride or die.”

“But I have no idea why you won’t date doctors.” She holds up her hand, preventing my interruption. “I know, you dated one, and he screwed you out of a job. Lu, that doesn’t even make sense. Doctors don’t hire nurses, and nurses don’t directly report to doctors. You’re not telling me the entire story. So, if you want me to have sympathy for your plight, spill it, girl.”

But I can’t spill it. Not today, possibly not ever. The only person who knows the truth of the situation is Beth, the manager at the women’s shelter where I volunteer, and it only spilled out during a drunken crying fit.

I run my hand along my right side, feeling the raised areas, now covered by ink. No, Stefani doesn’t need to know this ugliness.

No one does.

“I have rules, Stefani. Those rules, however ridiculous they may seem to you, have kept me safe. I’ve been taking care of myself for as long as I can remember. My parents did the best they could, but Mom was fragile, and Dad was always working. When you grow up alone, you learn to walk the straight and narrow, because when you don’t, should you fall, there’s no one to catch you.”

Her hand reaches across the table, squeezing mine, her eyes bright. “But if you never leave that path, you won’t see all the people there waiting to help you. I’m always here, Lu. That bastard deserves no more of your time or energy.”

“Owen? You’re right, so he’s not getting any of either.” Am I deflecting? Absolutely. Am I lying? Oh, hell yes.

“Sure. That hot, tattooed body hasn’t been running through your dreams the last few nights? I know a load of crap when I hear one.”

“He’s gorgeous. Delicious, in fact. But he’s off-limits. It’s in the rule book.”

“It’s your life—and your rules, Lu, but the man is crazy about you. Maybe you should reconsider those rules as they apply to Owen?”

That’s the problem. I have considered it, but I can’t get over the crux of the issue. “He lied, Stefani.”

“I get it. Owen knows it was a shit thing to do. So do I. But you love him.”

“I’ll get over it.”

“So, you two are friends now?”

“We’re work colleagues. Nothing more.”


I flip her the bird as we stroll back to the hospital. I won’t admit it to Stefani, but I took extra time getting ready this morning, donning a navy-blue dress that Owen damn near ripped off me during our brief courtship.

Maybe I’ll get the same reaction today, sans any public indecency. I would love to make the bastard drool, though.

We round the corner of the unit, and my heart jumps into my throat.

Standing directly in our line of sight is Nicole Hedges, aka Hot Doc. I’m serious, that’s what they call her on the units. Everyone with a penis, and many without, lust over the woman. Right now, she’s lusting all over Owen.

She isn’t even trying to be discreet. Her hand rests on his arm as she bats her lashes in his direction, her high-pitched giggle carrying throughout the unit. It’s all systems go for Hot Doc.

But it’s Owen’s reaction to her advances that make me see red. He’s grinning down at her with that wide, dimpled smile that is an equal mix of flirtation and sex god.

Stefani shoots me a pointed look. She knows my fiery temper firsthand and is likely placing bets on how long it takes for my feelings surrounding our new cardiologist to become public knowledge.

Sorry to disappoint, Stef. I will maintain my outward facade of calm, even if I’m seething on the inside.

I stalk into my office and riffle through papers, my ears keen to the conversation between our two most eligible doctors.

“Did Ken mention that dinner with Sanofi? You must come. It will be a wonderful introduction for you, and they’re holding it at this five-star seafood restaurant that just opened. Their food is divine. Besides, we can get to know each other better.”

I glance up, catching Owen’s gaze. He knows I’m hearing every word. If he values his life, or his balls, he’ll tread lightly.

“Sounds like a plan. Thank you for the invitation, Nicole.”

“It is black-tie, but I’m certain you can fill out a suit.”

Is she fucking serious right now? I hold back a gag, pretending to be terribly interested in a staff newsletter. God, I hate women like her—all pretty and confident and sexually brazen.

“I have one just for this type of occasion.”

Wow. If I thought I could hit him from here, I’d pitch my stapler right at his handsome shaved head. The son of a bitch made plans with another woman.

In front of me.

How typical.

I feel Owen looking at me, but this time, I don’t give him the benefit of eye contact. Screw him. Actually, I’ll leave that for Nicole, who likely will be before too long.

“Lu, I have a proposition for you. One that will set your panties on fire.”

My head flies up, smiling at Eric, one of the surgical techs. Behind him, I notice Owen hovering, his jaw tense, our roles reversed from only moments ago.

The banter between Eric and me is innocent—we are strictly work buddies. The man is happily married to Jeff in the Emergency Department. And I mean happily. Romance film level happy.

But Owen doesn’t know that fact. All he knows is some good-looking young guy wants to set my panties on fire.

Eric, I love your timing. Owen, eat your heart out. Not so much fun on the receiving end.

“A statement like that will certainly get my attention. What’s up, Eric?”

“I have someone for you to meet. Get this, he loves punk music, he’s inked, he’s cool as fuck, and sexy as hell. He’s also off tonight and looking very forward to meeting you.”

I clear my throat, chancing another glance in Owen’s direction. The man is borderline furious. I can continue poking the bear, or I can dead the situation.

As tempting as poking one handsome hunk doctor sounds, I’m not in the mood for a mid-unit tussle. “I don’t know, Eric.”

“I showed him your picture. He thinks you’re beautiful.”

That did it. “Tally, can I speak to you for a minute?” I swear Owen is puffing his chest out, as if he needs to look any bigger. He already towers over Eric.

“Hey,” Eric grins at Owen, earning a forced smile in return, before swinging his gaze back to me with a shrug. “Just think about it, Lu. You need a good man in your life. Unless you’re dating someone. It’s been a while since we talked.”

Of all the questions he had to ask, he chose that one. Right in front of Owen.

I mumble the only two words that describe my current situation. “It’s complicated.”

“Isn’t everything?” Eric retorts with a wink. “Well, back to the dungeons. See you later, Lu. Call me if you change your mind.”

Owen closes my office door, flipping the latch to the locked position. “What the hell was that?”

“By all means, make yourself comfortable.”

“I’m not kidding. I’m about to lose my shit.”

He cannot be serious. This man just made plans with another woman in front of me. Now he’s giving me crap? Oh, hell no. “If you’re having issues, contact HR.”

His fist hits against my desk, making me look up. “Oh good, we’re back here. I wasn’t sure which Tally I’d get today.”

“Which Tally? No doctor, unlike you, I only have one version. And unlike you, I don’t make dates in front of the staff or former relations. But then again, I don’t lie, either. So, you and I have very little in common.”

Owen huffs as he plops into a chair. “You went MIA on the man you’re dating. So much for taking the high road.”

I want to hit him. Hard. It wouldn’t hurt him, but it would shock him into silence. “What the hell are you talking about?”

Owen turns on his phone, scrolling through his call log. “Twenty phone calls and forty texts over the last few days, all unanswered. Not to mention, I stopped by your place the last two nights, but you were conveniently out. Me? I look like an obsessed psychopath.”

I hate how much my heart warms, hearing how desperate he was to see me. Then, my brain reminds my naïve heart that this man made plans with another woman.

Heart, return to icy exterior immediately.

“I didn’t think we had anything to discuss.” I speak the words without emotion, but they elicit one from Owen. I swear, the man winces at my statement, and me, being a marshmallow in armor, feels immediate guilt over his reaction. “I turned my phone off last night. I stayed in the hospital with my Dad. I didn’t want to leave him.”

He’s on his feet, his bulk pinning me against the filing cabinet. “Is there any improvement?”

I nod. “He’s going to rehab tomorrow or the next day.” That’s his cue to back up. A cue that Owen ignores as his fingers trace along my collarbone, and I bite back a whimper. This is the trouble with amazing, mind-blowing sex. When it ceases to occur, your brain and body go on strike, and the slightest touch can hurtle you over the cliffs of madness.

I’m clinging to a bare root on the edge of that cliff.

“I’ve been so worried about you, Tally. I haven’t heard from you since the other night.”

The night he gave me a hickey, fed me Chinese, and put me to bed. But when I awoke, he was gone. It’s funny how, after only a couple weeks, I’m used to his presence.

“You snuck out.”

“I didn’t sneak out. You fell asleep. I had an early call and didn’t want to wake you.”

The truth of our reality seeps back in. He’s off-limits, and the sooner my heart gets with the program, the better. “Look, I have a ton of backlog here. It’s been a rough few days.”

He presses his forehead to mine. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?” It’s an honest question. There are multiple things he can apologize for right now.

“Anything that hurt you.”

“You hurt me.”

“Not intentionally.”

My anger flares at his qualifier. “Yes, intentionally. I don’t know what, if anything, I should believe from the last few weeks.”

A muscle ticks in his jaw. “What is that supposed to mean? How do you think I feel, Tally? The woman I’m dating won’t talk to me. For days. Then she waltzes in, looking so good I can barely contain myself, and agrees to be set up with another man!”

I love how he remembers a totally different version of events than the one I took part in. “That is rich, Dr. Stevens,” I scoff, pushing my hands against his chest. “I didn’t agree to anything. You, on the other hand, simpered all over Dr. Hedges. I have a tux just for the occasion.”

He captures my wrists, holding them captive. “That’s different. It’s a work event, Tally.”

“It’s not different. Not for her. It’s a segue. You’re too smart not to know that, so spare me whatever bullshit excuse you have for making plans with another woman in front of me.”

“I want to take you to the dinner.”

“Sure you do. I heard you inquire about that part real clearly.”

“I was going to—” Owen takes a step back, running his hand over his beard. “Fuck, Tally. Can we please stop fighting?”

“Sure. You came into my office, yelling at me and making demands. If you’re quite done, there’s the door.”

But Owen is an immovable mountain. He’s not going anywhere.

I have to get back to work. I pull open the filing cabinet, bending over to grab a file. Yes, it’s a cheap party trick, but I never claimed to play fair. Work with what you’ve got, right? “Since you won’t leave, what do you want?”

“To rip off your underwear, bend you over this desk and lick every inch of your pussy until you’re screaming my name.”

I whirl around, my jaw slack, but my body overheating at his words.

“You asked,” he responds with a wink.

I’ve never met a man with such an obsession for my lady parts. Oh, sure, I’ve met men addicted to sex, but they were more concerned with getting themselves off. Owen loves getting me off. And I love letting him.

The trouble is, sex can’t fix our issues.

“It’s all about sex, isn’t it? Men are so typical,” I sneer, acting as if his statement didn’t send my hormones into an uproar.

“That’s a load of crap. Why haven’t you returned my calls? We’re never going to work through this if you don’t spend time with me.”

A knock sounds at my door, and Owen unlatches it, pulling it open a few inches. Oh, joy. It’s Hot Doc, come to collect her new man. “Hi, Lu. Owen, a few of us are grabbing a drink later. Did you want to join us?”

“Not today, Nicole. Thanks,” Owen replies, his tone clipped, his gaze intent on me.

“Are you sure? Well, here’s my card, if you change your mind.” She slips him her digits, sending me a pearly smile before ducking out of the office.

I’ve got to hand it to the woman, she’s persistent.

Owen taps the card against his shoe before shoving it in his pocket. “You know, I have an answer for all of our issues.”

“Hold my head underwater until the voices stop talking?” I’m kidding. Mostly.

“You’d better not.”

“I’d totally haunt your ass,” I reply with a smirk. This time, I’m not joking. I would be his worst phantasmic nightmare.

“I might spend more time with you that way.” At my scowl, he chuckles. “I’m kidding.”

“What’s your answer to all our problems?”

Owen pulls me into his arms, his lips capturing mine without warning. Sneaky bastard. Lucky for him, he tastes delicious. “We tell people that we’re in love and moving in together. That puts all interested parties on notice.”

Just like that, the glitter fades, and the truth rears its ugly head once again. “Not an option.”


“You know why. I don’t date doctors.”

Owen throws his head back with a groan. “Yeah. I heard you the last hundred times. But I don’t want you to date some random doctor. I want you to date me. I want you to move in with me. I miss you, Darlin.”

See? That’s where he gets me, because I miss him, too. I ache for Owen. But this time, I have to protect my heart, a heart that got wounded watching the man I love make dinner plans with another woman.

In. Front. Of. Me.

Love looks better from a distance. It’s like an impressionist painting. Close up, it’s sticky and messy and riddled with uncertainty. Far safer to keep it at arms’ length.

“Owen, even if I threw out my rule, which I’m not saying I will, we aren’t allowed to be together.”

His eyes narrow at my words. “Why the hell not?”

He told me a lie. Now it’s my turn to spout one. “We work together. In the same unit. There are rules against that sort of thing.”

Owen shakes his head, chuckling. “They never enforce those rules, and you know it. But, just in case, I plan on reading the employee handbook.”


“Because I don’t believe you, Tally.”

What a smug bastard, being all…right and everything. “Well, now we’re on equal footing. I don’t believe you, either.”

Another knock at the door. Like I said, the bitch is persistent.

“Sorry to interrupt—”

“Again,” I mutter, forcing a grin in her direction.

“The rep from Sanofi is here and would love to meet you. Do you have a minute, Owen?” Her face is so eager.

Damn girl, play a little hard to get. Truth be told, I understand. I fell into Owen’s lap that first night. Literally.

“I’ll be right out.” Now it’s Owen’s turn to force a smile. What a banner day we’re having at Memorial.

I cross my arms over my chest, motioning toward the door. “Nicole is waiting.”

“Tally, so am I. I’m not going anywhere.”

“Except to dinner and drinks with Dr. Hedges.”

He rubs his hand over his brow. “Not that I was going to do anything, but I won’t go for drinks or to the dinner—on one condition. You agree to give us a chance.”

Oh, good. An ultimatum. Either I renege on my morals, or I can watch Owen saunter into the sunset with another woman. “Wow,” I manage. Truthfully, it’s about all I can manage as my anger careens into the red. “You have some nerve.”

“I don’t mean it like that, Tally. I’m desperate to spend time with you.”

“I told you, we aren’t allowed—”

“Bullshit. That’s complete garbage, and you know it. You’re so unwilling to bend your own rules that you would rather let me walk away? I know you love me, Tally. God knows that I adore you. Why isn’t that enough?”

“You lied to me. You betrayed me, Owen.” I blink back tears. “My faith in people is all I have, and you broke it. Then you make plans with a beautiful woman in front of me. What did you think would happen? Did you think that would make me cave? You hurt me, and then you hurt me again, and now I’m the bad guy? No way.”

“It’s not a date, Tally. But you’re right. I will speak to Nicole and let her know I’m involved.”

I shrug, chewing my lip. “But you’re not. You’re a free man, and you’ve already made plans with her. On multiple occasions, and in front of me, I might add. Have fun.” The words fall like acid from my mouth, destroying everything the sound waves touch.

His eyes blaze at me, and I swear he’s going to throw something. “Fucking great. Thanks for that, Tally.”

He storms out of the office, and for once, I don’t care who’s watching.

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