Forgot To Tell You Something: An Angsty, Later in Life Romance -
Forgot To Tell You Something: Chapter 15
I’m halfway through a patient’s dressing change when Owen pokes his head around the privacy curtain. I meet his gaze expectantly while trying to control my hormones whenever he’s in my space.
I know it was my idea to keep our dating on the down-low. I didn’t say that it wouldn’t suck. It’s awful, but I’m still working through my own demons. My ghosts, as Owen calls them.
I get it. He’s not that guy, but he also doesn’t know how close I came to losing everything. It doesn’t help that Nicole is not taking the hint, although part of me doubts that Owen has actually tempered her advances. I don’t think he’s messing around with her. But she’s a gorgeous woman, and he’s basking in the adoration.
He is a man, after all.
So, at work, we are colleagues. Outside of work, behind closed doors, we are passion personified. Unfortunately, that passion has been shelved for the last few nights. I’ve been with my father and Owen…well, I’m not entirely sure where he’s been. All I know is that he wasn’t with me.
“Can I help you, Dr. Stevens?” I inquire, pushing a stubborn strand of hair from my face with my forearm. Why is that whenever your hands are unavailable, your face itches? Seriously, what kind of next level hell is that?
“You’re working bedside today, Tally?”
“I do it a few times per month. Keep my hand in.”
“That’s smart,” he remarks, flashing a hint of that dimple beneath his neatly trimmed beard. Have I mentioned how much I adore that dimple?
“I have my moments.” I gaze down at the patient, her eyes widening with worry that I might not be an experienced handler. “Don’t worry, Mrs. Hobbs. I’m the nurse manager for the unit.”
Owen looks past me to the patient. “You’re lucky. Tally is an amazing nurse. She’s an amazing soul.”
My heart catches. “Thank you. I appreciate that.”
“I mean it. Can you come to my office?”
I lift my gloved hands, giving him a shrug. “I’m a little busy at the moment. Can it wait?”
Owen chuckles. “I meant later.”
“Okay.” Our exchange is innocent, but it’s the way he looks at me, the fire burning in those gray depths, that sets my body humming. How in the hell am I supposed to claim we’re just friends when I drool every time I see him?
The good doctor knows the effect he’s having on me, and he’s enjoying every second. Owen leans in, his lips brushing against my ear, his voice low so that only I can hear. “I miss that gorgeous mouth. I need a refill.”
An hour later, I stroll down the VIP corridor, heading for Owen’s office. No, it’s not the technical name, but with all the big-wig doctors down this hallway, it might as well be.
I wonder how often Dr. Nicole Hedges replaces a reason to be in this same hallway, with the same destination.
Bitch had better back off. Just saying. I know it might be a ‘having my cake and eating it too’ scenario, but I’ll break every finger on her pretty hand if she touches Owen again.
Ugh, I really hope he isn’t lying when he says they haven’t done anything together.
I bite back some nausea. Another fun addition over the last week. No doubt it’s because of the stress I’m putting myself under by over-analyzing everything. As per usual.
I knock on his door and immediately hear his gravelly timbre. “Come in.” Even those two simple words drip with appeal, but hell, Owen is appealing to everyone. It makes his comment last week so confusing. He asked me if I was ashamed of him as if that was a scenario he encountered before.
I can’t imagine any woman anywhere, being anything but proud of Owen Stevens. Hell, I’m in awe of the man, even if I can’t admit publicly the number of his body parts on my worship list.
Discretion is a dying art. I don’t need our co-workers poking their noses into our business. Besides, should it go south, I don’t want those sympathetic glances or whispers about another one biting the dust. Yep, it’s my good old self-esteem issues. Back in action. I need a shrink. Or a drink. Likely both.
I walk into Owen’s office, jolting when I spot Dr. Empreso standing by Owen’s desk. I break out in hives whenever I’m near him. He is one of Memorial’s top surgeons and an absolute sleaze. Literally, that’s his nickname, and I didn’t invent it. I certainly use it enough, though.
Owen smiles at me from across the room. “Hi, Tally. It’ll just be a second.”
“Should I wait outside?”
Upon hearing my voice, Dr. Sleaze pivots, offering me a slow, shark-like smile. “Oh, it’s you, Lu. What’s shaking?” The question is innocent, but his openly ogling gaze is anything but.
“Why does everyone call you Lu?” Owen questions. “Why not Tally? It’s softer.”
I shrug, aware that Dr. Sleaze is still ogling me, and Owen is blissfully unaware. “Everyone always called me Lu. I can’t remember how it started.”
I really wish this surgeon would look anywhere but my tits. Hell, could he at least pretend to be interested in the conversation? “A good question. Lu is such a masculine name for such a wisp of a woman.”
“Your Dad calls you Tally. I call you Tally. But then again, I’m not everyone. Am I, Darlin?”
My jaw slackens at Owen’s brazen use of my pet name, showing just how well he knows me. Then I meet his gaze and realize he is blissfully unaware of nothing. Owen is rigid in his seat, and I bet money his fists are clenched under the desk as he observes Dr. Empreso’s blatant eye fuck.
The surgeon swings his beady-eyed gaze to Owen. “You sly devil. It appears you know Lu better than I do. Well, I won’t keep you two. I’m sure you have tons to discuss.” With a final wink, he walks out, ensuring his body brushes against mine. “See you soon, Darlin.”
I close my eyes and grimace at his unwelcome touch. When I hear the door latch, I release an audible shudder. “I want to go take a bath in bleach.”
Owen is on his feet, striding with purposeful anger toward the door. “That smug son of a bitch—”
My hands raise to his chest, halting any further forward movement. “No. Go sit down.”
Owen grabs my upper arms, his eyes flashing. “The way that man looks at you. The way he touched you. No, just no. It’s not happening.”
“Stop it. He’s not worth it. Dr. Sleaze does that to several women. He thinks he’s God’s gift.”
“I’ll take him down a few pegs. He won’t do that to you again.”
There’s nothing quite as endearing—and sexy—as Owen’s quest to save my virtue. But he’s also very determined in said quest, and if I don’t distract him fast, there will be a heated exchange for the hospital to see. Not the best way to end a week.
Looping my arms around his waist, I lay my head on his chest and squeeze. Holy hell, I love this man. He’s my home. “Thank you.”
As soon as my body connects with Owen’s, I feel the fight leave him. His tense muscles relax as he returns the hug, squeezing me so tight it almost hurts to breathe. “I know what you’re doing.”
I giggle. Of course he does. The man knows every facet of me. “Is it working?”
“You have the magic touch. But I’m still going to speak to him.”
My gut clenches. Dr. Empreso is a sleaze, no doubt, but in Memorial’s eyes, he’s irreplaceable. Me? Not so much. I don’t want to lose another job because of a jealous and vindictive man, and I certainly don’t want Owen coming under scrutiny for defending me. “And say what? He’s a pig, Owen. That’s what he does.”
“I’ve seen the way he ogles you, and not just today.” He runs his fingers across his beard, letting out a huff. “The way most men here ogle you. It drives me crazy.”
I laugh, gazing up into that gorgeous face. “Don’t even get me started. The entire hospital is in love with you, one doctor in particular.” I don’t say her name. He knows who I’m talking about.
“I’m in love with you.”
I burrow my head deeper against his chest, willing back the tears. God, I love him too. I just can’t say the words. When I said them the last time, everything went to crap. Call me superstitious, but I’m being careful. “Owen—”
“I read the employee handbook. Cover to cover.”
I narrow my eyes at him. “That’s likely a first for anyone, even those working in HR. Cure for insomnia?”
“Yes, but that’s beside the point. The insomnia is your fault.”
“Yes. Anyway, the handbook doesn’t say anything about employees dating.”
Holy shit, the man really did read the book. “It doesn’t?”
“You know it doesn’t, Tally.”
“What are you saying?”
“The same thing I’ve been saying since we met. I want to be with you—publicly with you—like we were those first two weeks. It’s hard to defend my rage when I’m your co-worker, and a guy hits on you. But if they know we’re dating, they’ll keep their mouths shut and their hands to themselves.”
I consider his statement, not because I’m worried about the ogling philanderers at Memorial, but because I’m replaceing it exceedingly tricky to not stake my public claim on Owen. “You really think that would stop them?”
“If it doesn’t, a punch in the mouth will,” Owen mutters. “Although I have another idea.”
My ears perk up. Hopefully, Owen hasn’t decided that an open relationship is the best option. I’ll vomit all over his shoes. “What’s your brilliant idea, Dr. Stevens?”
His eyes are silver with intensity. “We make you Mrs. Stevens.”
My jaw slackens as my gaze flies up to meet his. He did not intimate what I think he intimated…did he? “What are you talking about?”
Owen grins, and I know I’d be happy staring at that smile for the rest of my days. “We get you an enormous diamond. You can pick out the ring, or I’ll design it for you. I’ve considered a few styles.”
I open my mouth to retort, but I’ve got nothing.
He sends me a knowing wink. “No, I want to design it.”
Words. I need words. I’m fluent in English, so why can’t I figure out anything to say? All I can do is gape up at him, certain he’ll burst out laughing, claiming it’s a joke.
The question is if he is kidding, would I be relieved or disappointed? I’m leaning toward disappointment, making this utterly untrodden ground.
“I’ll make sure that the ring represents you.”
“All this to ensure Dr. Sleaze stays in his own lane?”
Owen shakes his head, dipping down to steal a kiss. “Hey, it is a solution,” he replies, chuckling at my glare. “Darlin, I’m going to marry you because I love you.”
I bite back a smile. Damn him for getting me so excited. “Do I have a say in any of this?”
“Sure. Emerald cut or round?”
That Owen knows the cuts of stones stops me in my tracks. Could he mean what he’s saying?
“You didn’t think I was serious, did you?”
“Damn mind reader,” I grumble, tucking my head back against him.
We pass the next few minutes like this, existing in the warmth of one another. My hands stay firmly planted against his lower back, maintaining a relatively PG posture. Not Owen. His hands are totally misbehaving. Within moments, they’re traveling along the curve of my ass, causing his erection—and my desire—to grow by the second.
At this rate, we’ll be naked and screwing on the table. Again. Time to shift back to our regularly scheduled work personas. “You wanted to see me?”
“Shh.” He presses my head back against his chest while his free hand slips beneath the waistband of my scrubs, tracing along my skin.
“Hey, hands, mister.”
“It’s your fault. Your skin is like silk, Tally. I want to peel off your clothes and devour every inch of you.”
“Right here?”
“Right now.”
It’s suddenly a thousand degrees in here. Placing my chin on his chest, since he isn’t letting me break the embrace, I meet that glacial gaze. “Dr. Stevens, are you trying to seduce me?”
A half-smile decorates his lips as he moves his hands up to frame my face. “That’s called love, Darlin. If I wanted to seduce you, you’d be sprawled across my table, and I’d be replacing a second pair of underwear.”
Two thousand degrees and rising. Maybe I can skip my daily rounds. This is far more important for my mental and emotional well-being.
“My Mom is in town,” Owen states.
Random subject change, but at least it throws water on my overheated hormones. “Really?”
“She never actually left Florida, just traveled to Tampa to visit a friend. She’s taking full advantage since she only saw me once a year when I lived in San Fran.”
“I get it. You’re her baby boy, and she’s spent enough time away from you.”
“I’m having dinner with her tonight at that restaurant. The one you refused to dine at with me. She wants you to come.”
I arch my brow. “She does?”
“Yes, and so do I.”
“Are you sure it’s a good idea? How do we explain being together if someone sees us?”
Owen clears his throat, a muscle twitching in his jaw. He’s aggravated as hell with our arrangement. “Is there something you need to tell me? Are you secretly married, Tally?”
“No, what a ridiculous question!”
“Then who cares is someone sees us. In fact, I hope the entire staff sees us tonight.”
His fingers press to my mouth, and I reward them with a kiss. “Stop arguing, Tally, or I’ll announce right now, over the hospital loudspeaker, that you and I are getting married.”
That’s such a tempting idea, maybe I should keep arguing.
“Just say yes, Darlin.”
With a smile and nod, I concede. “What time should I meet you two?”
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