Her Precious Baby
Chapter 220

Chapter 220

Chapter 220

In other words, Joan Group was the main pillar of the entire fashion industry.

Angeline nodded at the photographer to signal him to stay in his spot. Then, she took a glass of redwine from the server’s tray and ambled over to Zeferino.

“Hello, Mr. Levert.”

When Angeline reached him, she smiled and inclined her head at him.

Zeferino turned to glance at her and gave her a polite smile.

“You must be Angeline Sorelle. I know you. You’ve been popular on television lately.”

“It’s an honor to be remembered by someone like you.”

Angeline chuckled, and she covered the lower half of her face as she did so. There was even a shytinge of red on her face.

Zeferino found her interesting, and his eyes drifted down toward the name tag on her chest. When hetook in the words on it, he furrowed his brows.

“Are you here as a representative of Moistdore Cosmetics?”

“I am,” Angeline replied. Then, in a puzzled tone, she asked, “Is there a problem?”

“It’s nothing. Moistdore Cosmetics works closely with us, and they’re a trustworthy brand.”

Zeferino flashed her a small smile. In the next second, he reached out to pat Angeline’s shoulder andsaid, “Good luck.”

“Thank you.”

Angeline froze for a second, thinking, Here’s the main pillar of the fashion industry. It’ll be such a wasteif I let this golden opportunity slip by me.

With that thought in mind, she put on a sincere look and politely said, “By the way, Mr. Levert, I have anapparel company called Forrester Group. If you don’t mind, I’d like to hear a word of advice or two fromyou about it. Maybe we can even be great business partners.”

“Forrester Group? I heard about it from my family when I was younger. It’s an old brand, and it waspopular seven years ago. However, it’s starting to fall from grace.”

“Yes.” Angeline’s eyes darkened as her voice deepened. In a somber tone, she continued, “ForresterGroup was my mother’s—Cynthia Chandler’s—brand. After she passed on, the company started goingdownhill. I was hoping to revive it and return it to its former glory.”

After hearing that, Zeferino had an apologetic look as he said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know much about it.”

“It’s okay.”

Angeline took in a deep breath and swayed her glass before letting a wistful smile grow on her lips.

“It’s all in the past. If I get Forrester Group back on the right track, I’m sure my mother will be able torest in peace.”

Angeline’s words were meant to give Zeferino a little pressure. After a while of mulling over her words,he curled his lips into an ambiguous smile.

“Although I can’t help you much, I don’t mind sending a few designers for guidance if that’s somethingyou’d like.”

“Really? Thank you so much! But the price…”

Angeline trailed off. Designers who could work in big companies like Joan Group would certainly gethigh pay.

Yet, Angeline was facing financial trouble, and she also needed to provide for Sebastian. Therefore,she would not be able to afford those designers if their wages were too high.

“It’s fine. The amount will be up to you. Think of this as me trying to be friends with you.”

Zeferino enunciated, the slow pace of his words giving her a sense of security. He then lifted his glassof wine and toasted to Angeline.

“All right. Thank you, Mr. Levert,” Angeline exclaimed as she beamed.

She did not expect much help, especially in the form of an investment, from a big company like JoanGroup.

Angeline would have achieved her goal as long as Zeferino offered a little help and agreed to beassociated with her.

Hence, Angeline smiled and lifted her glass as well to clink their glasses together. After they shared alook, they downed their wine.

As Angeline drank her wine, she glanced at Zeferino for a few more times. Their close proximity meantthat she could notice the fairness of his skin and the definition of his facial features. He looked majestic.

Unlike Evander’s icy and stoic appearance, Zeferino’s beauty was of a softer kind. Moreover, heseemed to have much ease navigating the choppy waters of the corporate world. It reminded Angelineof the gentlemen one would see on television.

“You don’t need to thank me first. This is nothing to me. However, I’d like to say that it’s best for you tothink about this matter long and hard, Ms. Sorelle. Apparel companies are unlike other businesses. Asthe owner, you must decide on the brand’s style, or else this will be a difficult path to continue.”

Angeline lowered her gaze and nodded. “Yes, I understand. Thank you for telling me this, Mr. Levert.”

Right then, a clear voice of a woman sounded out.


Angeline instinctively lifted her head to look in the direction of the voice.

It was then she saw an arrogant woman with her head held high in a yellow dress walking over to them.

She had brown curls and a face a stereotypical influencer would have. What did not escape Angeline’seyes was the contempt in the other woman’s eyes.

Once she reached Zeferino, she held his arm so tightly it was as if she was trying to glue herself to him.

“Zefe, did you know I was looking for you for such a long time? I didn’t know you were hiding here. Whois this?”

As she spoke, she glanced at Angeline from the corner of her eyes.

Zeferino furrowed his brows, and a tinge of annoyance appeared on his face. Nevertheless, hemanaged to speak as calmly as ever.

“Siobhan, you can’t be so impolite. Her name is Angeline Sorelle. Say hello to her.”

“Angeline Sorelle?”

Siobhan’s gaze landed on Angeline. When she noticed Angeline’s hung head, she curled her lips indisdain.

“I couldn’t catch a clear glimpse of your face earlier, but now, I realize who you are. Aren’t you mycousin’s ex-girlfriend?”

Hearing that, Angeline tightened her fists as her breathing turned laborious.

She then raised her head to glance at Siobhan. After recollecting herself, she greeted, “Hello, Ms.Yiurk. It’s been a while.”

She never expected to encounter Hanson’s younger cousin here. Moreover, it seemed like she wasconnected to Zeferino in a way.

Siobhan had always been arrogant because her father was an oil tycoon. She even looked down onthe Yiurk family, let alone Angeline.

Angeline could still remember the many times Siobhan put her in difficult spots five years ago. At thatmoment, she wistfully thought about how the world seemed so small. Who knew I was going toencounter my old enemy in the blink of an eye?

“Angeline, you’re amazing. Who did you get as your sugar daddy after leaving my cousin? I’msurprised they actually brought you to such an upscale event,” Siobhan mocked as she folded her armsbefore her chest and looked at Angeline condescendingly.

Right then, Zeferino spoke. He looked back at Angeline and asked, “You know each other?”

“Zefe, don’t be fooled by her looks. She’s talented at seducing men, and she barely has any morals.Five years ago, if it wasn’t for how she slept with—”


A displeased look had appeared in Zeferino’s eyes, and he uttered, “Angeline looks like a nice womanto me. Where did you hear these from? Please be respectful toward her.”

At that, Siobhan put on a pitiful frown.

“Zefe, why are you scolding me? Has she put a spell on you too?”

“Stop your nonsense.”

Angeline could see anger simmering in Zeferino. She did not want to put him in a tight spot, and shedid not want to linger in a place like this.

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