Her Precious Baby
Chapter 230

Chapter 230

Chapter 230

Instead of saying a word, he continued to scream, making for a harrowing sight.

Despite an anxious furrow of her brows, Angeline didn’t dare wake Sebastian up due to his heartproblems. All she could do was gently pat him and calm him down with words.

“Good boy, Sebastian. Don’t be afraid. Mommy’s here. No one will bully you…”

After she coaxed him for more than ten minutes, Sebastian finally stopped screaming. Instead, he curledhimself into Angeline’s arms like a baby seeking the comfort of his mother’s embrace.

His subconscious gesture and the trail of tears on his face melted Angeline’s heart.

He has suffered so much, including going through more than what an ordinary person can bear. It’s clearthat moving on from the past will still be an uphill challenge.


At that moment, the phone which she left on the pillow rang. Upon picking it up, she realized it was amessage from the lawyer.

It read: Ms. Sorelle, a date has been set for the alcoholic father’s trial. It will be on next Wednesday. I’lldo my best to help you secure custody of Sebastian.

The update delighted Angeline. Finally, some good news.

With her hands trembling after getting all worked up, she replied: Thank you. I’ll pay you any amount aslong as we win the case.

Once the matter went to court, Sebastian’s guardianship would be transferred to her. The former wouldalso be able to sever ties with his terrible family.

Furthermore, the transfer would enable her to take Sebastian overseas to be treated.

Holding that thought, Angeline felt the pain she carried in recent days gradually fade away.

With their days taking a positive turn, she endeavored to make more money so that she could provideSebastian with a better life.

Meanwhile, after Evander led Angeline away during the product event, their relationship was revealed tothe public, causing quite a stir.

When news of it traveled to Olivine’s ears, she shut herself at home, her temper growing increasinglyworse.

“Ah! It’s all a lie!”

Unable to contain her emotions, she smashed some of the vases in her room.

At that moment, Ruth Chandler, Olivine’s sister-in-law, was standing at the door with some food in herhand.

Feeling concerned, she reminded her, “Olivine, you can’t keep hiding in your room in anger. Come outand have some food. You’ve barely eaten the entire day.”

“Get out! I don’t want to eat anything!” Olivine roared as she hurled a pillow out of the room.

The pillow struck Ruth in the face, causing her to fall down when she couldn’t see where she was going.The food she was carrying dropped to the ground.

“Ouch, it hurts!”

“Mommy, are you all right?”

Mark hurried over from behind the wall when he saw his mother was hurt. Just as he was about to saysomething, Ruth preempted him by shushing him with her finger.

Thereafter, she carefully led Mark downstairs. Once they arrived in the living room, she instructed thehousekeeper to clean up the mess.

She then settled down on the sofa with a solemn expression, her eyes brimming with indignance.

“Mommy, did you hurt yourself? Do you want me to blow on it for you?”

Mark had climbed onto the couch and was shooting Ruth a look of concern.

“I’m fine.”

Ruth gave his hair a tousle while scanning the surroundings. When she saw that no one was around, shewarily reminded him, “Mark, you must remember that now isn’t the time to offend your aunt. She holdstwenty percent of your grandpa’s shares and will decide your future inheritance.”

The words caused Mark’s face to redden in anger before he planted his hands on his hips and snorted.

“Mommy, you always say that, but for how long more should we tolerate it?”

Upon hearing his question, a crafty look replaced Ruth’s cowardly expression.

“Until your father manages to take over the shares from her!”

No sooner had she spoken than a sense of exhaustion descended upon her. Hence, she leaned backagainst the couch and massaged her temple.

“Speaking of your father, he really is a piece of trash. He barely has any progress to show despitescheming for such a long time, causing both of us to be at the receiving end of your aunt’s frustrations.”

“Evander would never be in a relationship with Angeline. She’s not worthy of him! Those are all lies!”

Back upstairs, Olivine, who was having another emotional breakdown, began smashing the things in herroom again.

Hearing that, Ruth simply snorted in resentment, a deep frown marring her face.

“She’s no different from a shrew. All she does is vent her frustrations at home. No wonder Evander hasno interest in her.”

As Mark gave his mother an innocent look, he was smart enough to comprehend the meaning of herwords.

Aunt Olivine is throwing a tantrum and venting her anger on us because she has been dumped byEvander! D*mn it!

As hatred began to consume him, Mark clenched his fists and gritted his teeth tightly.

I’ll never forgive the Golding family, especially Floretta!

When kindergarten started the next day, the teacher stood at the stage and looked down at the studentsin front of her.

Smiling, she informed them, “Children, the results from last month’s handicraft competition are out. Thewinner will receive a flower hair clip which they can keep for themselves or give to their moms. And now,I’ll announce the winner—Floretta Golding!”

As the teacher’s voice echoed throughout the classroom, Floretta’s eyes opened wide and glistened inthe light.

Scrambling up to her feet, she ran excitedly toward the teacher to receive the hair clip.

After which, she thanked her teacher cordially.

Meanwhile, Mark, who was sitting in the last row, was filled with jealousy that was beyond his age.

As he dug his fingernails into his thighs, all sorts of nasty thoughts began to emerge in his mind.

Coming down from the stage with the hair clip in hand, the elated Floretta could already see Angeline’ssmiling face in her mind’s eye.

Angel would definitely be happy to know that I won this prize in a competition!

In order to save the hair clip for Angeline, Floretta kept it close throughout her day in school, neverallowing it to leave her side.

During playtime before the afternoon class, everyone but Floretta headed to the playground to havesome fun. She sat alone at the stairs, not daring to move unnecessarily with the hair clip in hand.

When she suddenly saw Mark approaching her with two of his lackeys, Floretta’s eyes began to fill withfear.

Without a moment’s delay, she got to her feet and began to ascend the stairs.

“Where are you going?”

After reaching out to stop her, Mark stuffed his hands in his pocket and flashed a wicked smile. “Did I sayyou could leave?”

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