Her Precious Baby
Chapter 232

Chapter 232

Chapter 232

Outside the operating room, a deathly silence filled the atmosphere.

The sullen-looking Evander was sitting on a chair, exuding an authoritative aura.

In front of him were two teachers—a man and a woman. Both of them had their heads hung low andwere trembling in fear.

The scene before her caused Angeline's heart to drop as a sense of dread crept into her.

Their silence couldn't be any more telling. The more time Floretta spent inside the operating room, themore pessimistic her condition was.

It was then that the operating room doors gradually opened. A young nurse emerged with her glovescovered in blood.

With a giim voice, she informed Evander. "Mi’. Golding, your daughter has lost too much blood and is ina grave condition. She is in need of a blood transfusion immediately.”

Evander's expression drastically changed upon hearing the update. With his fingers fidgeting anxiouslyon his thigh, he inquired, "Does the blood bank have enough of it?”

Shaking her head, she replied in a fearful tone, “We have been collecting blood based on your previousinstructions. However, the amount is lesser than expected due to how rare her blood type is.”

Her words brought a solemn look upon Evander's face. Clenching liis fists, he shot a frosty glare at theteachers.

Terrified by the look he gave them, the teachers responded in quivering voices.

“Mr. Golding, my blood type is 'A.' I don't think it's compatible with Ms. Floretta.”

“Mine is 'O.' If it's compatible, I would be more than happy to donate!”

Their words simply deepened the frown on Evander's face. As a sense of exhaustion descended uponhim, he raised his hand to massage his forehead.

Ever since Floretta was brought back to his side, he learned that she possessed an extremely rareblood type—Rh-negative, which only one in a hundred thousand were.

As a result, Evander had gone to great lengths to protect her and keep her at home most of the time.That was also the reason why he didn't allow her to go to kindergarten previously.

Little did he expect his worst fears to come true.

“Take mine.”

Just when he was racking his brains on what to do. a crisp female voice suddenly rang out.

When everyone's gaze was drawn towai d it, they were greeted by the sight of a slender figureemerging from behind the wall.

Angeline's hair was strewn all over from running. Despite the paleness of her face, the conviction in hereyes was undeniable.

“I have Rh-negative blood. Take mine.”

“You too? Why have you never mentioned it before?” the surprised Evander asked.

Nonetheless, Angeline was in no mood to think of anything else. Floretta's safety was all that matteredto her now.

She gave the nurse an anxious look. “We'll talk about that later. For now, please take me to her.”

“Thank God! Floretta's condition isn't looking good. We have no time to waste,” the nurse reminded,looking relieved.

“Okay. Let's go now,” Angeline agreed without any hesitation.

Just as she walked past Evander, she felt him grab her arm.

Stopping in her tracks, she felt her heart warm when she saw the worried expression on liis face. It wasthen that she feigned a casual smile.

“There's no need to thank me. Floretta is like a daughter to me too.”

Her words alleviated the guilt in Evander's heart, sparking a glint of affection in liis eyes as he spoke ina gentle voice.

“I appreciate it.”

Just the sight of him filled Angeline with courage, for she was someone that was afraid of pain. A singleword of liis was sufficient to melt all her fears away.

Upon entering the operating room, she was separated from Floretta by a mere curtain. Unable to helpherself, she pulled it aside slightly and saw the little girl lying on the hospital bed.

The wound on her head had already been dealt with and was covered by bandages. In spite of that,her face was still pale as a sheet.

As a sympathetic glint flashed across her eyes. Angeline took a seat in a nearby chair upon thedoctor's instructions. Thereafter, she allowed the nurse to roll up her sleeve and poke a needle into hervein.

It hurts...

Having steeled herself, Angeline simply furrowed her brows without making a sound.

She felt as if she was ready to do anything for Floretta, even if it meant sacrificing her life.

Once the blood was drawn, the nurse pulled out the needle and pressed a cotton ball on the wound.

She subsequently teased, “Mr. Golding will be extremely grateful to you for saving Ms. Floretta. Tohave the same blood type as she does is extremely rare. It seems fate has brought both of youtogether.”

“Thank you.”

A smile broke out across Angeline's pale face. As she trained her gaze upon Floretta, the look in hereyes gradually softened.

At the same time, questions began popping up in her head.

All this while, the knowledge of her rare blood type caused her to be extra cautious in life.

Therefore, she was surprised to learn that Floretta shared the same blood type as her. Moreover, it wastoo much of a coincidence for the former to also have a mole on the shoulder at the exact same spot.

In fact, Angeline had a hunch that Floretta was more of her child than Sebastian was.

The conclusion that she arrived at unsettled her by staying stubbornly at the forefront of her mind.

“Ms. Sorelie, you can leave the room now,” the doctor instructed while she was lost in her thoughts.

Jolted back to her senses, Angeline nodded in acknowledgment before getting up from her chair.

Right before walking out the door, she couldn't help but turn around to give Floretta a look. It was thenthat she discarded the earlier thoughts she had.

That can't be possible. I took a maternity test together with Sebastian. There's no way such a hugehospital could have faked the results, is there? But then, these coincidences are simply too much toignore.

Upon walking out of the emergency room, Angeline was suddenly struck by a dizzy spell when thejarring white lights outside shone on her face.

As she held her forehead with her hand, her body began to swoon. No sooner had she reached out tothe wall for support than she bumped into a muscular chest.

Right as she attempted to look up, a deep and stem voice rang out beside her ear.

“Don't move.”

Angeline had no choice but to allow Evander to help her to a chair.

“Here you go, Mr. Golding.”

She was then greeted by the sight of Sylas hurrying over with a cup of water, some biscuits, andcandied fruit.

From the sweat beading down liis forehead, it was clear that he had been miming for a long time anddidn't even get the chance to wipe them off liis brow. Without a moment's delay, he handed the food toAngeline.

“Ms. Sorelie, since you have donated a lot of blood, your body must be weak right now. Therefore, Mr.Golding has tasked me with preparing some food to help you recharge.”

■'Thank you. I appreciate it.”

Upon taking the items from liis hands, Angeline drank some water and munched on the biscuits. Thequick snack helped ease the discomfort she felt from her dizziness.

Consequently, Evander's concerns were alleviated when he saw the improvement in her.

In a gentle voice, he offered, “As it will be some time before Floretta awakes, I've prepared a ward anda nurse for you upstairs. Why don't you go up and get some rest?”

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