Her Precious Baby
Chapter 271

Chapter 271

Chapter 271

Because of Angeline's preference for simplicity, the fashion show was soon nearing its end.

The host walked up to the stage with a microphone and smiled.

“Now, let us welcome the general manager of Forrester Group for a speech.”

Even though Angeline's speech had been pre-planned and listed on the event itinerary, Angeline stillfroze for a second as the cameras turned to her.

Only after encouraging herself in her mind did she slowly rise to her feet.

She put on an elegant smile, then strode up the stage.

At that very moment, the reporters in the front surged toward Angeline, the cameramen clicking theircamera shutter buttons rapidly.

Fortunately, Angeline had been in the entertainment industry for many years. She knew how to be evenmore graceful in front of so many cameras.

Gripping the microphone, she flashed a gentle smile.

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for taking the time to come to Forrester Group'sfashion show. The hard work everyone has put into tliis project cannot be discounted from its success. Isincerely thank everyone who has participated in this.”

Right as those words came out of her mouth, everyone lifted then arms to clap their hands.

The reporters were the only ones who continued watching her with sharp eyes as if she was a piece ofmeat in the eyes of hyenas.

“Angeline Sorelie—oh, wait, no, I should be referring to you as Ms. Sorelle. Did you not just announceyour retirement from the entertainment industry? Why have you appeared in public so swiftly after that?I mean, there was some bad news about you previously. Yet. you've now shaken off your identity as anactress and stepped into the fashion industry. Do you not fear ruining your own brand?

“Ms. Sorelle, you're someone who has no knowledge about the fashion industry. Are the rumors thatyou have someone backing you as you enter this field true?”

The remarks from the reporters were exceptionally nasty.

An awkward look crossed Angeline's face as she stood in the spotlight.

Her hands resting by her sides clenched into fists as she gritted her teeth and forced herself to staycalm.

In her panic, she noticed Evander in the crowd.

Although she could not decipher whether he was happy or angry by studying the look in liis eyes, shecould see that he had no intention of helping her out of the situation.

That only made Angeline even more determined to make it through the event.

She had already been humiliated in front of Evander once: she would not let herself show fear in frontof him again.

With that thought in mind, a wave of courage swelled up in her chest. After taking a deep breath, shelooked right at the cameras.

“First of all, I think that your standards for women are too difficult to achieve. Any trace of success, andpeople will start wondering if someone is backing her up. May I know if you have any evidence forthis?”

The reporters were displeased by her retorts.

“Ms. Sorelle, you hid the fact that you've given birth to a child from your fans before. Is tliis—”

“Yes, tliis is true,” Angeline interrupted in an angrier tone. “However, I admitted to the matter when itwas exposed, and I've paid the price for it. I left the entertainment industry. Now, I'm just a mother. Am Inot allowed to have a life?”


The reporters were growling and hissing, for they could not replace any words to respond to her.

Angeline's words had dragged the topic of the discussion back, and she had made the reporters seemas though they were the villains of the day instead.

Even though Angeline felt she had more to say, whatever she had uttered made her feel relievednonetheless.

The look in her eyes grew even more determined as she continued. “Also. Forrester Group is thebusiness my mother and my grandpa have left behind. I did not get it via underhanded means.”

Right as she said that, silence enveloped the area.

“That is correct.”

Just then, Hanson stepped out from within the crowd.

He walked up to the stage and pulled Angeline into his arms before a soft look entered liis eyes.

“Angeline and I are childhood friends, and I'll swear on Yiurk Group about her good character.”

Angeline was bound to emerge as the victor from the start, but Hanson's words made the spotlightshine on her again.

They were acting far too intimate, and the way Hanson was defending her was as if he was hersignificant other.

Evander's expression darkened as he began to exude a murderous aura.

The gaze he had on her was piercing. It was as if he was going to sear a hole in Angeline.

Angeline shuddered, and fear started growing in her.

But Evander's getting engaged to another woman soon. What right does he have to intervene in mybusiness?

At that thought, Angeline steeled herself again.

She reached out to hook her aim around Hanson's and gave him a sweet smile. “Thank you.”

She had neither made any word of agreement nor disagreement with liis actions, but her expression ofgratitude was as though she was admitting to the others that she was in a romantic relationship withHanson.

However, to the rest of the world. Angeline was still Joseline's sister. Hanson was technically herbrother-in-law.

It was such a strange sight.

The reporters lifted their cameras to film them again, afraid that they would miss a good scoop.

“What's going on?”

“I have no idea! Why is it so dark suddenly? Is tliis a power outage?”

Chaos had erupted on site all of a sudden.

At the same time, Angeline was getting paler and paler as she looked at the screen with bewildermentin her eyes.

“Mi\ Yiurk, I've settled the matter for you. Now, the focus is on Sorelle Group. No one will suspect youat all. Isn't it time for you to pay the amount you've promised?” came a deep voice of a man with a hintof greed in liis tone.

Then, the screen on the stage lit up again.

In a quiet cafe, Hanson was stirring his tea, sitting opposite a man with an arrogant face who wassmoking.

As Hanson pushed a cup of tea over to the other man, he uttered, “No worries. It will be paid bytomorrow night at the latest.”

The other man grinned in satisfaction. “Aman of his words, Mr. Yiurk.” Suddenly rememberingsomething, he flicked the ashes of liis cigarette onto the ground and let out a sigh. “Still, I'm impressedby you. Mr. Yiurk. Not even your wife matters when it conies to reaping profits. I doubt anyone in tliisworld can be more ruthless than you.”

Right as the man said that, Hanson lifted liis head to look at him in displeasure.

“Don't say any foolish words.”

The man lifted a brow. “I understand. Come, let's drink.”

With that. Hanson lifted the cup before him and sipped on it.

“How's the family of three that was in the accident?”

“There's no way the man's going to survive after getting hit by the metal board. The woman wasmaking a fuss at the start, but what else does she want after getting that large sum of money that willlet her live comfortably for the rest of her life?

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