Her Precious Baby -
Chapter 279
Chapter 279
Chapter 279
Occupying liis time with work was the only way for Evander to stop thinking about superfluous mattersand contain the heartache he would get from his longing for Angeline.
With a torch in liis hand. Nigel followed closely behind and claimed. “Mr. Golding, you've worked reallyhard. We actually intended to prepare a feast to welcome you.”
“No need to waste time on that.” Evander showed no trace of emotions on liis handsome face. “Just geteveryone to get ready for the subsequent packaging procedures will do.”
“Don't worry. Linlow Island may be small, but we will make no mistakes.”
At this very moment, Evander heard a woman's soft voice calling for help. His expression went taut,and he paused in his tracks at once.
“Hold on. Did you hear a voice?” Evander tilted liis head and carefully listened to liis surroundings.
“Voice?” Nigel's face was clouded with bafflement. “Is there?”
Evander was pretty sure he did not mishear things. After all, he had always had a stronger perceptualsensitivity than others.
“Let's split up and look for the source,” he ordered Nigel while wearing a stem look.
Even though he had only heard the voice calling for help once, he somehow felt liis heart lurch, almostas if a hand was gripping it tightly.
Nigel was undoubtedly at a loss. He dared not refute Evander and could only follow the instructions togo the other way and begin the search.
Evander pulled out liis phone from his pocket, turned on the detector, and started looking for a redcrowd signal on the mountain.
As he had expected, there was someone else present on the mountain, and that person was not too faraway from him.
With that realization. Evander immediately turned on the torch and began searching in that direction.
Not long after, he spotted trample marks on some bushes. Behind, there was a pink suitcase.
At the sight of that suitcase, Evander's gaze turned grim. A sense of familiarity rose in his heart.
Walking up to the suitcase, he flipped over the fabric on the other side of the handle, only to replace theletter “A” printed on it.
This belongs to Angeline!
Evander tightened his grip on the suitcase. Since liis suspicions had been proven right, he began tosense a fear giowing within him.
Only her suitcase is left behind here. Could she have run into some danger?
He raised his voice to the point he was almost growling.
Moments later, he saw a stray cat zoom past him. It stopped before a shrub not too far away, croucheddown, then stared at him intently.
A thought popped up in liis mind, and he made liis way to where the cat was.
Just as he was nearing, the cat leaped up and left. There, he spotted the entrance to the cellar.
Shining liis torch inward, he saw Angeline on the ground with her head resting against the cold wall,drifting off to sleep.
She probably sustained quite some injuries after falling from tliis height...
A multitude of worries flooded Evander's mind. Unable to wait any longer for Nigel's arrival, he decidedto go ahead and open Angeline's suitcase, where he found a first aid kit inside.
Holding onto the first aid kit and some food supplies, he used the rope he brought along and swiftlyjumped down into the cellar.
“Angeline! Look at me!”
Without any deliberation. Evander hugged Angeline tightly. Her skin felt cold to the touch, and he couldnot help but wonder how long she had been exposed to the cold weather.
It seemed that Angeline had heard the man's voice as, in the next second, her finger moved a little, andher eyebrow's squeezed into a line because of the pain.
She had only moved a little, yet she was already moaning in pain.
“How are you feeling?” The concern Evander had in him was overflowing from his eyes and voice. “Areyou hurt anywhere? Tell me.”
While the man was throwing her a barrage of questions regarding howr she was doing, she merelystared at him and flashed a look of bewilderment.
“Evander?” Her voice was full of skepticism. “Why are you here?” She blinked hard as she dejectedlymumbled to herself. “The fall must've made me dumb. Tliis place is in the middle of nowhere. Howr can
you possibly be here?”
The more she thought about it, the more she deemed it was impossible. Overwhelmed bydisappointment, she lowered her head.
Pain surfaced in Evander's eyes as he took in Angeline's mud-covered face. He pulled her into liisembrace, inched closer to her ears, and firmly uttered, “Do you believe it now?”
Astonishment filled Angeline's eyes. Her hands froze in mid-air. She was unsure of how to react.
For some time, she remained in Evander's arms. It wasn't until she sensed the warmth he wasradiating and liis vigorously pounding heart that she slowly returned to her senses.
He's really here. Here I am. all alone in a foreign land. I even have to spend my night out in the wild.And he suddenly appears before me now?
Angeline kept reminding herself to stay strong. However, Evander's w'ords had seemingly triggered heremotions, leaving her on the verge of tears.
“You jerk! Don't touch me!”
Mustering all her strength, Angeline pushed herself free from Evander's embrace. She then turnedaround and wiped her tears as she did not fancy showing her weakness to him.
Despite the frown on his face. Evander allowed Angeline to resist as she wanted. In truth, every of hermove made liis heart gripped in pain.
The next moment, he domineeringly pulled her close to his side, grabbed her ankle with one hand, androlled up her trousers.
Angeline's face grew bright red. “What are you doing?”
“Stop moving.” Evander stared at her in exasperation. “We're in the middle of nowhere, and theenvironment here is so nasty. What can I do to you?”
Angeline could not replace w'ords to retort the man. Left w ithout a choice, she watched him open the firstaid kit, take out an ointment and some gauze, and begin to help her treat her wound.
“I can do it myself...”
Tliis time, Angeline's voice was much softer. It was apparent she wras no longer as insistent as earlier.
Just as she tried to snatch the ointment from Evander's hand, the man placidly shunned her hand, thendipped the cotton bud in some disinfectant and began cleaning her w’ound.
“Sit still.” It was easy to tell from Evander's expression how focused and attentive he was at treating thew'ound. His every move with the cotton bud was extra careful. “There is some food on your right. Eatsome to replenish your energy first.”
Perhaps he was very gentle with the application of the ointment. Angeline became a lot better as herwround felt icy and cool.
Or perhaps it was because she was too hungry to even think about rejecting the man.
She first gulped down half a bottle of mineral water, then tore apart the bread wrapper and devouredthe contents.
After applying the ointment, Evander lifted liis head to look at Angeline while wrapping the bandagearound her wound.
Angeline's face was as dirty as a stray cat. and with her umvashed hands, she grabbed a chickendrumstick and shoved it into her mouth.
As someone with extreme mysophobia, Evander could not stand watching that scene and reminded ina deep voice, “It's unsanitary.”
“I don't care.” Angeline ate the food with relish and even stuffed her cheeks with so much food theylooked like dumplings. “I haven't eaten anything since I got on the plane. I'm so hungry I can eatanything you tlirowr my way.”
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