Her Precious Baby -
Chapter 299
Chapter 299
Chapter 299
“We've arrived.” Jonathan's teasing voice sounded.
Angeline noticed that the air around her had quietened and slowly opened her eyes.
When she saw the Forrester Group building in front of her, she breathed a sigh of relief
“Ms. Sorelle, you're really lucky to be able to have a free racing experience. Is your mind clearer now?”
Angeline was rendered speechless. She cast a glare at the man as she tried to tamp down herirritation.
“You're crazy!”
She could not believe that Jonathan was still in the mood to joke with her given that she was almostscared to death earlier.
His brain must be wired wrongly.
The gratitude Angeline had for the man diminished. Smoking with anger inside, she opened the doorand got out of the car.
Before she walked away, Jonathan said. “Ms. Sorelle. you're a smart woman. I trust you will make theright choice.”
The smirk on the man's face disappeared and was replaced with a serious expression.
“Joseline has committed heinous crimes. She shouldn't just get away scot-free.”
After saying that. Jonathan shut die car door on the passenger's side and drove off.
Angeline froze for a moment and remained in a daze as she watched Jonathan's car disappear into diedistance. She clenched her fists tightly.
Even though she was upset widi die man's actions, she had to admit that she shared the samesentiments as him.
He's right.
Angeline hated Joseline to the core and could not wait for the day when the woman was finallypunished by the law. Only dien would she be able to have a good night's sleep.
However, in addition to liis mysterious identity, Jonathan was also extremely unpredictable. Angelinewas hesitant to take the risk and collaborate with him.
It was already past midnight when Angeline got home.
As she opened the door, she saw a light coming from the living room. Nancy was lying on the couchwhile looking at her phone widi a cucumber mask on her face.
“You're back?”
Nancy looked up upon hearing die door open and cast a glance at the woman.
After removing her shoes at die door. Angeline entered the living room and said, “I'm so late todaybecause I had some last- minute tilings to settle. Why are you not sleeping yet?”
“Only old people sleep this early.”
Nancy picked up die face roller on die table and started massaging her face.
“Why do you look so troubled? What happened? Tell me about it,” she asked casually.
Angeline did not intend to hide the trutii from her friend. She sat down on the couch and told Nancyeverything about Sebastian's case.
After Angeline finished speaking, Nancy replied with a grim expression, “Actually, I've found Joselinesuspicious right fiom the beginning. After all, she has never liked you. Why would she make it so easyfor you to replace your child?”
Angeline's heart skipped a beat when she heard that.
“So, do you also think that Sebastian is not my son?”
Nancy glanced at die woman meaningfully. Even though she did not give a verbal response, it wasobvious what her answer was fiom die look in her eyes.
Angeline's face fell, and a crease appeared between her brows. At tiiat moment, she could not help butfeel extremely dejected.
“Rather than wallowing in regret, isn't it better for you to put your energy into investigating what exactlyhappened? What you heard from the orphanage was just their one-sided story. There might be morethan meets the eye.”
Nancy removed a piece of cucumber fi om her face and popped it into her mouth.
“By die way. there's sometiiing else tiiat I wanted to confinn with you. Are you sure you saw Olivinenear the staircase on the day we went to collect the DNA results from the hospital?” Angeline askedwhile staring at Nancy intently.
Nancy furrowed her brows and gave it some careful thought before replying, “I did see someone whoresembled Olivine talking to a doctor, but I'm not entirely certain that it was her. We can always check
die surveillance footage at die hospital to confinn.”
I guess that's the only way.
Angeline had an ominous feeling, but she had been trying her best to suppress die anxiety and fearinside her heart before the trutii was out.
After talking to Nancy, she headed to the bathroom to wash up. She was exhausted after a long day.
When she was on her way back to her room after showering, she stopped outside Sebastian's room.She placed her hand on the doorknob and hesitated for a while before opening the door.
A bedside lamp in the shape of a star was lit, and a small figure was lying on a loft bed that had a slideattached to it.
Angeline walked toward die bed and saw tiiat Sebastian was already asleep. The boy was a messysleeper and had kicked liis blanket aside.
After tucking Sebastian in, Angeline fixed her gaze on his pale, tiny face and fell into a daze.
She had difficulty facing die boy after her visit to die orphanage.
She was afraid she would replace out tiiat Sebastian was not her son. If tiiat was die case, she did notknow if she could bring herself to tell him die trutii, as she did not want to disappoint him.
The boy had gone tiirough so much, and diere was finally some hope in liis life. Angeline did not wantto be the one to take that away from him.
She sat next to Sebastian's bed for a while and was about to tidy liis desk when she spotted asketchbook.
As she flipped tiirough the pages, tears started to well up in her eyes.
All of Sebastian's drawings portrayed the daily lives of Angeline. Floretta, and himself.
There were pictures of them spending time together at the park, having meals, and playing games.
Sebastian was a talented artist, and liis drawings were full of life and color.
Even though he could not speak, he was much more sensitive and perceptive than other kids. Thedrawings in his sketchbook were all that he hoped to experience in real life.
Angeline felt her nose sting and tears started streaming down her face.
Not wanting to wake Sebastian up, she covered her mouth and nose widi her hands before turningaround and crying silently.
Angeline was experiencing an array of emotions after getting a glimpse of Sebastian's inner world.Suddenly, she seemed to have understood sometiiing.
So what if he's not my biological child?
Sebastian was a sensible and considerate boy. Since he had accepted her as liis mother, Angelinedecided that she would be responsible for him until the end.
Although die woman had come to terms widi the situation, she was still determined to investigatethoroughly and get to the bottom of the matter.
The next day. Angeline contacted Liam. After setting up a time to meet, she bought some fruits andheaded to the hospital.
As usual, die laboratory, which was located on the top floor of the hospital, was bustling with activity.
Liam was holding a test tube in liis hand and seemed to be in the midst of an experiment. His hair wasdisheveled, and he looked as though he had not slept for days.
Angeline approached the man and greeted him cautiously. “Dr. Kingsley.”
“Oh, Angeline, you're here.”
Liam put down die test tube and looked up at Angeline.
“You must be very busy. I'm really sorry to have to trouble you so suddenly. I brought you some fruits asa small token of appreciation.”
Angeline placed the fruits in front of die doctor with an apologetic look on her face.
“Thanks! But you really didn't have to bring anything.” Liam said with a smile as he accepted the fruits.
Noticing howr anxious Angeline was, Liam wrent straight to the point.
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