Her Precious Baby
Chapter 30

Chapter 30

After exchanging a few words with the people who had approached him, Evander put down his glass ofred wine. When he realized he reeked of alcohol, an imperceptible frown marred his face.

As a businessman, he could never avoid socializing with people, but he was never a fan of the smell ofalcohol.

Noticing that, Sylas, who was following behind Evander, hurriedly handed a mini bottle of perfume tohim.

Evander rolled up his sleeves, revealing his Vacheron Constantin watch, and sprayed some perfumearound his wrists.

As the faint aroma of sandalwood wafted into his nose, his frown slowly relaxed.

Only then did Sylas report, “Mr. Golding, there are a couple of media companies that would like to havean interview with you.”

“Turn them down. I promised Floretta that I would go home early to keep her company. Say goodbye toMr. Halls for me,” Evander said coldly. He looked at the time and realized that it was almost nineo’clock. Floretta will be so upset if I’m late.

As soon as Sylas left, Hanson, who had been standing in the corner, approached Evander. In fact, hewas there with Joseline. While Joseline had gone to deal with Delano’s wife, he had been waiting for animportant person—Evander.

With a glass of red wine in his hand, Hanson went forward and greeted politely, “Mr. Golding, it’s beena long time. I wonder if I could have the honor of catching up with you in the lounge?”

Clad in a white suit and wearing his gold-rimmed glasses, Hanson looked extraordinarily elegant andsophisticated.

“Just tell me what you want, Mr. Yiurk.” Evander looked at him coldly. He could tell the pretentiousnature of Hanson hidden under his disguise at a glance.

Evander did not want to waste another second.

Hanson was momentarily stunned by Evander’s contemptuous attitude, and his expression darkened.

He had always been the favored one, yet he found himself feeling inferior before Evander’s presence.

Such a feeling made him feel ashamed and exasperated.

“Mr. Golding, I wish to talk about Project Serenity with you. It should be a joint project between YiurkGroup and Sorelle Group, but a man claiming to be an employee of Golding Group showed up andintercepted the contract signing. Are you aware of that, Mr. Golding?”

“I am,” Evander replied calmly. “And let me tell you this. Golding Group is determined to win the bid forProject Serenity.”

Hanson was left speechless, and his face contorted. He did not expect Evander to be sostraightforward. With his voice laced with a hint of anger, he said, “This is on a first-come, first-servedbasis. It’s inappropriate for you to do that!”

“I’ve never lost a project that I was interested in. Mr. Yiurk, are you perhaps in the mood to teach mewhat to do?” Evander’s voice was cold, and his gaze was steely.

The aura he exuded was so powerful that Hanson could barely catch his breath.

Those words coming from Evander clearly told Hanson that all the hard work Yiurk Group had pouredinto the project was all for nothing.

If it was someone else, Hanson could have called them out for being unscrupulous. However, if it wasEvander, people would just think that he deserved it.

“I wouldn’t dare.” There was an intense dissatisfaction in Hanson’s eyes. No matter how hard he tried,he couldn’t win against Evander.

Right then, a commotion broke out in the food area. The noises of a few ladies arguing echoed throughthe corridor, drawing the attention of the crowd.

Evander looked over and heard Angeline’s voice. “Now that I think about it, I don’t think it’s worthmentioning anymore. I never use something that I’ve used before.”

Suddenly, Evander’s interest was piqued, and he smirked.

He took a step forward, patted Hanson’s shoulder, and mocked, “Seems like your personal life is muchmore exciting than your work life, Mr. Yiurk.”

Hanson pulled himself together, and his face clouded over. What do you mean by you don’t think it’sworth mentioning?

Angeline had cruelly disregarded the past, which embarrassed Hanson greatly. After all, he had neverbeen looked down on and cast aside like an old pair of shoes. He clenched his fists, turned around,and strode over.

Evander fixed his eyes on him, interested to see what would happen next.

After squeezing his way through the crowd and passing by the dessert area, Hanson picked up hispace, rushed forward, and grabbed Angeline by her wrist.

Feeling a sharp pain coming from her wrist, Angeline raised her head and was welcomed by the sightof Hanson’s screwed-up, handsome face. “Angeline, I didn’t realize you were this good before.”

Angeline was surprised by Hanson’s appearance. Frowning from the pain, she exclaimed, “Let go ofme! It was your fiancée who provoked me first!”

Hearing that, Hanson gave Joseline a displeased look. Throughout their years together, he was verywell aware that Joseline was not a pushover.

Joseline felt guilty from Hanson’s stare. She put on an innocent look and said, “I didn’t, Hanson. I wasmerely trying to care for Angeline, but she disregarded me. She even bad-mouthed you in front of Mrs.Halls.”

The ladies exchanged a glance, and Colleen chimed in, “That’s right, Mr. Yiurk. Mrs. Yiurk is never aperson who would pick a fight with someone. Besides, she’s pregnant. Getting angry is bad for herhealth.”

Upon the mention of the child, Hanson wavered.

He saw that more and more people had gathered around, and they were accusing Angeline of bullyinga pregnant lady. He even heard someone mumbling about the past between him and Angeline. This isso embarrassing. I can only sacrifice Angeline at this moment now.

In a demanding and stern tone, he said, “Angeline, apologize to Joseline!”


“Mr. Yiurk, are you talking to me?” Angeline couldn’t help but question her hearing abilities.

Hanson averted his gaze. Looking solemn, he said, “Joseline is your sister. Even if you’re angry withher, you shouldn’t embarrass her in public.”

He’s putting on a show again to hide his disgusting true nature!

Without hiding her disgust for Hanson, Angeline said, “Mr. Yiurk, I think you’re worried that you’ll beembarrassed if I don’t apologize, right?”

Her straightforward comment made Hanson’s face pale. “Angeline, look at what you’ve become! Sincewhen did the daughters of the Sorelle family need to work and show themselves in public?”

As she had put on her ten-centimeter crystal heels that day, Angeline was standing at the same heightas Hanson. She grabbed his tie, and the scent coming from her made him freeze.

However, in the next second, a cold female voice interrupted his thoughts. “Whatever I do is none ofyour business, Mr. Yiurk. Do you think you deserve an apology from me?”

Upon hearing her bold and arrogant words, Joseline and Hanson wished the ground would swallowthem whole.

There, among the crowd, stood Evander. He remained as cool and calm as ever, but something wassecretly growing in him as he looked at Angeline.

He had once more witnessed how harsh Angeline could be with her words. All in all, she was muchmore interesting than the other ladies, which fueled his desire to continue watching the scene beforehim.

Meanwhile, Angeline showed no sense of remorse. Her gaze remained icy cold. She understood therewas no point in continuing the argument when she had lost the upper hand.

She turned around and left, only to have Hanson grab her arm.

“Hanson…” Joseline threw herself into Hanson’s arms. A sinister look flickered in her eyes, and sheseized the opportunity to push Angeline’s back.

Caught off guard, Angeline lost her balance and fell on the bar. The bar table was, in fact, made fromwooden planks attached together temporarily, which made it incredibly unsteady. The table couldn’tsustain Angeline’s weight, and the wine glasses shattered on the ground.

Like a waterfall, red wine spilled all over the ground.

The pain had Angeline drenched in a cold sweat. Wine stained her dress, and the worst part was that afew pieces of broken glass had stabbed deep into her palm.

“Oh my God!” The crowd fled, and none came forward to help.

Hanson had actually wanted to offer his help, but Joseline stopped him. She wrapped her arms tightaround his and reminded in a low voice, “Hanson, calm down. I saw the reporters rushing toward us.We mustn’t make it even more difficult for us!”

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