His Blind Wolf
Chapter 48

“Tell me you’re joking,” Liza said and I scoffed, did she think I am joking here?.

“I mean it, I can’t stay with someone like, alpha Ryder, I can’t be with him, it’s better I run away from him” I replied her.

“Are you even thinking at all? Where did you wanna run to? Don’t you know Alpha Ryder will get you anywhere you go? You can’t run away from him, it’s better you solve the different because the both of you, he has realized his mistake, forgive and let it go, I am advising you because I am your friend, I want all the best for you, I want you to be happy, I didn’t say you should forgive him easily, you can still stay here and make him suffer for what he has done to you, but running away isn’t an option, you’re a coward if you run away from your problem, learn how to face your problem, make his majesty regret all the things he did to you, you’re a woman you should know better and if you don’t know better I will teach and tell you what to do, running away isn’t an option my love, don’t run away from your problem” Liza said and I can see alot of sense in what she just said, I really wish I have wisdom like Liza.

“I have made up my mind, so I am not listening to you, I can’t continue to stay in this hell, I will kill him if I continue staying in this palace, so it’s better I leave” I replied, I was only pulling her leg, but I am very sure she will fall.

“Killing him will be more better than running away from him, if killing him will make you happy, I support you with ten bottles of soju, your highness” she said with a snirk and I smack her head.

“So you want me to be a murderer? Is it even possible for me to kîll him?” I asked, because I am not sure I can just walk to his room and kill him.

“You’re his mate, you can walked to his room anytime you like, you will just kîll him once you get there” she said with a serious face.

“This face didn’t suit you, it will be better if you go back to smiling your face” I said and she scoffed

“There’s nothing I don’t have doesn’t suit me, you’re a hater and a lier” she said and deepen the frown.

“So I need you to teach me how to kill, your king, it will be nice if I end his existence once and for all” I replied and she left out a devîlîsh smile.

“You really wanna kill, his Majesty? I know you can’t try it, you aren’t that heartless” she replied and I shake my head in a pitiful manner. This girl doesn’t even know what I can do.

“I will kill him, if I keep seeing his annoying face” I replied.

“You’re a lier, his Majesty face is very handsome, it’s not annoying” she replied.

“Can you kindly select a trouser and top for me ma?” I asked and she scoffed.

“Crop too right?” She asked with a smile.

“You will add jacket if you’re giving me crop top” I replied and she nod her head in support.

“You’re a queen and you should behave my one, I understand what you did there” she replied. I love Liza and Old Nana than my real parents, talking about Old Nana, she must be very mad at me, I need to go check on her.

I collected the jeans trouser from Liza and put it on and the maids wear the crop top for me, I collected the jacket from Liza and put it on myself, I look at myself in the mirror and I smile at myself.

“You didn’t reply me because I am right” Liza said.

“Keep quiet, I am still admiring myself” I said turning around and Liza scoffed.

I put on my slippers and walked to the door and the Maida rushed after me, what’s this? Why are they following me? Hope I am not in trouble now?

“Miss where are you going to?” Liza asked.

“I am going to Old Nana room, any problem?” I asked.

“You wanna go to Old Nana room without telling me?” She asked and I opened the door.

“I am talking and you’re still going out what did you think you’re doing?” She asked with a frown.

“You guys should please don’t follow me, I am not running away, atleast not now” I said and they look into each other eyes.

“We can’t allow you to work alone, your highness, that’s the instruction giving to us” one of them replied.

“I am not, your highness, I am Hazel you all know my name, I hate it when you guys address me as, your highness, I am not a prisoner you guys should let me be, you guys and your king are just giving me unnecessary headache, you guys should let me be, go tell your king that I don’t need bodyguard, I am not running away, you guys should give me breathing space” I said and Liza scoffed.

“Take it easy with them, it’s not their fault, remember you’re once in our shoes, it’s the king instruction, they have to follow his instructions, I know you understand what I am trying to say”Liza said, I understand perfectly, but I don’t like how they’re following me around like a criminal, i expect them to go tell landon that I sent them away.

“I know, but I don’t like it, they should go tell who sent them that I am just happy with people going around me, I don’t like crowd” I replied and Liza smile, I don’t understand why she’s smiling in a situation like this.

“Why are you smiling? What’s funny?” I asked with a frown.

“You should learn how to face crowd, you are the Luna of this park, you should learn how to associate with them” she replied with an eyeroll.

“You guys should please wait here for me, I am going to see old Nana, and I don’t want you guys to go with me” I said and they nod their heads.

“Thanks, goodness they accept, Liza did you wanna follow me or not?” I asked and she dragged me ear.

“I don’t know why you didn’t allow those girls ti make you up, you will look different and Old Nana won’t even recognize you again” she said with a frown..

“But I look different even without the make up, I don’t even recognize myself when I check the mirror, so Old Nana won’t recognize me” I said. We get rid Old Nana apartment and placed a knock on het door, we open the door and entered when we didn’t hear any sound. The room is empty. Old Nana isn’t there where did she go to?

“Old Nana, is not in the room, where could she be?” Liza asked and I scoffed.

“Old Nana went out to see her boyfriend” I replied and lye down flat on her bed. I know she will shout if she meet me here, but it has been long I pull her leg.

“Old Nana, is coming for you” Liza said and also join me on the bed.

“Old Nana is coming for the both of us, not only me, we are the same thing” I said and the door throw open, she walked inside with her walking stick and her eyes landed on my us

“Liza who let you in? And who did you bring into my house? Did my apartment look like somewhere you can come anytime you like?” She asked with a frown and Liza burst into laughter.

“Old Nana, I didn’t bring a stranger to your house, this is Hazel” she replied.

“Lier, I am not in the mood for your lies, what are you doing here? You should be in the kitchen not here” Old Nana said.

“Old Nana, the kitchen isn’t for people like me, I don’t belong to the kitchen, his majesty gave me a perfect job that suit me better” she replied and old Nana scoffed.

“How’s Hazel?” Old Nana asked and I stood up.

“Hazel is fine”

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