His Second Wife -
Chapter 53
Chapter 53
~Camila’s POV~
Marriage is supposed to be pleasant, but mine has been nothing but a succession of storms. Thesestorms are wearing me out. I was never given the opportunity to enjoy my marriage. Storms, accordingto popular belief, are only ephemeral. If you are caught in a storm, you will either die or become numb.Your beauty can even attract the attention of a raging thunderstorm. For some women, getting marriedto Christopher Grayston is the culmination of a long-held fantasy. That is not the case with me, though,as I was fucking married to that cretin without even knowing who he was. With a son now as aresponsibility, I’m feeling the weight of the world. I am overcome with emotion at the prospect of havinga son when I have never had sex in my life. I chuckled hysterically at my own miserable life. I’ve alwayswanted to build a name for myself in this industry. Well, I’ve actually established a reputation for myself.CAMMY. My desire was for something more, and at the moment, that something more is my son. Thatis the one nice thing that came out of this marriage for me. Aside from that, there’s been a nonstopdownpour of rain and hail. What wrongdoing did I ever commit against him? Why didn’t he tell me whatI’d done? My brain quickly turned into a battleground, replete with a slew of ‘whys’ and other questions.Slowly but steadily, the battle in my thoughts pushed its way through my mouth and into my heart, andmy mouth began to feel dried out. My skull hammered on my ribcage as if I were a prisoner about tobreak free from her captivity. Resting my foot on the gas pedal, I drove back to my house.
As soon as I arrived at my residence, the house was completely empty. Liam is still with Chris. Sincethe divorce, I have not phoned. Even though I long to see my son, I’m adamant that I never see Chrisagain. I’m not sure how I’m going to get my son without having to see Chris. I’m still reeling from thefact that I’ve been dumped, scratch that divorce by someone unworthy of me and my love. I chuckled tomyself when I realized how foolish I had been. Oh my God, I’m a complete idiot. A man cheated on menumerous times, and I, the foolish wife, held on to hope that he would change his ways. After all, I’vebeen longing to see my son, and now I must make the trip to visit him in person. I pulled out my phoneand sent him a text message.
Me: Hello, could you please make arrangements to return my son?
I walked down the stairs after sending the message to Chris, only to replace Mary asleep on the couch.She doesn’t take a nap very frequently. She is always busy with something. I could tell she was notfeeling well since she was shivering.
“Mary, what’s going on with you? Are you okay?”
“Camila, please forgive me. You caught me off guard. I was on the verge of dialing your phone number.I dialed my husband’s number and requested that he come and pick me up. I’m not feeling well.”
“That’s fine Mary; you’re welcome to leave. You can go on a week-long break. The amount of time youhave spent working has exceeded your capacity. Get some rest.”
“Are you sure?” I gave a nod. My attention was suddenly drawn to a gentle knock on the door. I knewright away that her husband was the one knocking. I studied my phone screen as Mary and herhusband walked out of the room. Chris’s message was the only thing that greeted me.
Chris: Please send your address. Robin is going to take him back home.
I was almost hesitant, but then I realized that my husband and I were divorced.
Camila: 669 Rosy Lane.
~Christopher’s POV~
I was standing in my study, staring at the mountain of paperwork. My wife’s well-being has been asource of concern for some time now. Since our ostensible divorce, she hasn’t contacted or texted mea word. I’m just wondering if she is doing well. Don’t get me wrong, I see her every day, what she does,what she eats, and what she wears. She likes playing the tough girl, but I’ve seen enough of her toknow otherwise. Despite this, she maintains her tough demeanor in order to protect herself. A divorce,
for no apparent reason, would undoubtedly break her. She could have divorced me for a millionreasons, but she chose to stay with me. My confidence was reaffirmed when she expressed it. To hercredit, she never gave up hope that I might evolve. She hates me right now. Not even a phone call hadbeen made to check on her son’s well-being! Camille cherished Liam tremendously. Is it possible thatshe has abandoned us? Of course, I’m referring to Liam. After our steamy night together, I know that Iam the worst beast in her eyes right now. Why did it have to be now that I have started to see my wifeas a woman rather than as a young girl? It’s no secret that fate is a dickhead. Does this imply thatCamille doesn’t want anything to do with her, ‘Mi Cielito?’ I had to go and look up the meaning of thatname on Google to replace out what it meant. And it means a variety of things, but what attracted my eyeabout the name was that it meant, ‘My little heaven,’ and there are other meanings as well. Such as‘darling.’ But I know Camille well enough to know that Liam is her little heaven. The question now iswhether she will forsake her small utopia as a result of the divorce. A text message jolted me out of mytrance while I was deep in thinking. I slipped my phone out of my pocket and opened it with my FaceID, only to be surprised by a message from ‘My world.’ Yes, you heard that correctly. I had changed hername on my phone long before I knew how much I valued her and wanted to be with her. When Irealized how willing she was to go to any length for my son, I decided to save her as ‘My world.’ As aresult, she meant the world to Liam, and I saved her as if she were my own. But trust me, she’s alsomy world. I miss her teeny-tiny body, scolding me for buying Liam ice cream. The fuck! I miss beingsurrounded by the people I love the most, people I’ve taken for granted. I miss my wife, yeah, CamilaChristopher Grayston, I fucking miss you. I miss seeing you walking around with your bra and panties. Itook my family for granted. I really miss you Mrs. Grayston, my beautiful little wife. I selected themessage and opened it.
My World: Hello, could you please make arrangements to return my son?
I took a closer look at the message. I grinned as I let out a long breath. Still, there is a ray of optimism.It doesn’t matter how much she hates me; she will never give me Liam. She would go to any lengths to
protect her son, even if it meant fighting the entire world. I chastised myself for believing she wouldabandon her own personal paradise. I took a quick look around my office before heading to my room tofreshen up. The moment I walked into my room, I immediately went to the bathroom. I went inside thewalk-in closet and settled on a pair of sweatpants and a vest to wear. Opening the door to my room, Iwalked straight into Liam’s room, where he was resting. With his jammies on, he was already dozingoff. I took out his bag and put a few clothes inside the bag. I then sat close to him while he napped, andI smiled at him throughout the experience. I then decided to respond to Camille’s SMS.
Me: Send your address. Robin will bring him back.
I do, however, know where she stays. Robin and I have also been to her home on a couple of separateoccasions, installing security cameras which she knows nothing about. But she doesn’t know that Ialready know where she stays because I chose to act like I don’t, so I had to ask for the address just tobe on the safe side. Robin and I have been working together to install surveillance cameras for her andLiam’s safety. That is something she is unaware of at the moment. I’m not willing to take a chance afterour divorce announcement. I made enemies all over the place. I took over the Robertson empire afterJack lusted after my wife. In any case, I didn’t even take a single dime. When I sold the business, Idonated the proceeds to a charitable organization. Things could get out of hand if people startedfocusing their attention on my wife. For her protection, I have employed bodyguards. She, on the otherhand, is not aware of this. They are responsible for reporting everything to me, which is a positive thing.Another message from Camille appears on the screen.
My world: 669 Rosy Lane.
Obviously, I lied to Camille when I said that Robin would be the one to transport Liam. I did so becauseI was aware that if I informed her, I would be bringing him personally. She might not even send heraddress, to tell you the truth. The first time, she didn’t want me to know where she lived. But now, shewants me to know where she lives. Since we are no longer married, I suppose she has no reason tokeep her whereabouts a secret from me. I returned to Liam’s room and picked him up. I double-
checked to make sure the chain I had given him was still on his neck. It’s more than just a chain, to behonest… It’s a little eavesdropping device, of course, for his own safety as well as ours. However, itwould provide insight into the conversation between him and Camille, but most importantly anyone whomight have motives. I gently placed him in the backseat of the car, not wanting to wake him up, anddrove to Camille’s house with him.
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