When I wake up, I go into the kitchen. Georgia’s there making breakfast with Isabella and Emma, which shouldn’t surprise me. She does it every morning.

Today, she’s wearing her new ring. It’s the first morning she’s cooked wearing it, and everything about seeing it on her finger gives me satisfaction.

I’m starting to get used to seeing her. And I wonder what it would be like to live the remainder of my days with Georgia in my kitchen.

Naked under her apron.

Wearing my ring on her hand.

I sneak behind her and circle my arms around her waist.

She tilts her head up, smiling.

My heart stammers, and it hits me for the millionth time how she’s a rare beauty. I kiss her on the cheek. The light in her eyes flickers brighter, and joy shoots through me. I ask, ‘What are you making?’

She chirps, ‘Mini Belgian protein waffles and a vegetable egg casserole. It’s in the oven staying warm.’

‘Smells good,’ I admit.

‘Everyone’s in the dining room. Go sit down. You’re just in time to eat,’ she says.

I give her another kiss, pat her on the ass, and obey. She enters the room carrying two casserole dishes. Emma and Isabella follow with the platters of waffles. They set everything down, and I pull out Georgia’s chair for her when the doorbell rings.

‘They’re here,’ Isabella shouts, jumping up and down.

Georgia beams.

‘Who’s here?’ I ask.

‘Melanie and her family,’ she states.

‘Oh yeah. I forgot they were coming this morning.’ I rise and go to the door with her. A short redhead, a man about six inches taller than her, and two kids that look just like the woman step inside.

Georgia makes introductions, and Melanie glances over me for so long, it makes me slightly uncomfortable. She finally states, ‘It’s nice to meet you, Sebastian. I want to say I’ve heard a lot about you, but I haven’t really heard that much to get to this stage.’

My stomach flips.

Georgia groans. ‘Melanie, don’t start.’

‘Melanie,’ her husband Greg warns.

I tug Georgia closer to me, stating, ‘No, it’s okay. I know things happened quickly between us.’

Melanie’s eyes dart between Georgia and me, then she starts the interrogation. ‘So tell me, what do you love about Georgia the most?’

My stomach dives, but my heart seems to expand. I blurt out, ‘Everything. She’s amazing.’

‘Yes, I agree. But what specifically about her do you love?’ she repeats.

‘Melanie,’ Georgia reprimands.

I lock eyes with Melanie, asserting, ‘I love how she replaces the good in everything and how the room lights up the moment she steps into it.’

‘That’s a good start. And?’ Melanie pushes.

‘Ugh,’ Georgia mutters.

I don’t hesitate. ‘She’s the nicest person I know, but she’s genuinely happy. It’s not fake. As I said, I love everything about her,’ I state and glance at Georgia.

Her face flushes slightly.

I suddenly wonder if I’m still pretending. I meant what I said, with the exception of love. I’m not capable of love.

Or am I?

We’ve not known each other that long. So love can’t be true.

But this feels true.

‘What do you think about her career goals? Are you going to support them?’ Melanie questions.

Georgia’s body stiffens.

I cock an eyebrow. ‘Of course I will. She’s going to open her bakery come the New Year,’ I proudly state.

‘You are?’ Melanie asks.

‘Yes,’ Georgia replies.

‘So you’re getting your franchise off the ground?’ she excitedly quizzes.

Confused, I blurt out, ‘Franchise?’

Melanie’s eyes turn to suspicious slits. ‘Yes. So you aren’t in support?’

Georgia interjects, ‘I’ve not discussed that with Sebastian yet. I want to get my feet wet first and then decide if I’m going through with it.’

Melanie tilts her head. ‘What are you talking about? It’s your dream. You’ve done all the work for it. You got your MBA so you could be successful when you did it.’

The puzzle pieces start coming together. I don’t know all the details, but I recover from my initial shock and tighten my grip on Georgia’s waist. ‘I can assure you if Georgia wants a franchise, she’ll have it. But it seems like we have some more things to talk about,’ I say lightheartedly, then gaze at her.

She gives a tight smile, then adds, ‘Yes. We do. We just haven’t gotten that far.’

Melanie continues, ‘You’re marrying him, and you haven’t told him? How do you know he’ll support you and won’t try to stop you from achieving what you want?’

I adamantly state, ‘I would never stop Georgia from achieving what she wants.’

‘Let’s go eat. I just put breakfast on the table. Plus, you need to meet Sebastian’s family. You’ll love them,’ Georgia quickly interjects.

‘And give poor Sebastian a break!’ Greg declares.

I give him a grateful look. I can appreciate Melanie trying to protect her friend, but it makes me nervous. I reply, ‘I can’t blame her for wanting to protect Georgia. But I can assure you I only have good intentions.’

Melanie gives me another suspicious glare.

‘Let’s go,’ Georgia says, grabs her hand, and tugs her toward the dining room.

We eat breakfast, and Melanie drops her interrogation. When we finish eating, the kids run off to play.

Georgia asks, ‘Do you want to see where we’re going to get married? It’s a secret garden and one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever stepped foot inside.’

‘Sure. We’d love to,’ Melanie claims.

‘A walk would be good,’ Greg adds and rises.

My mom says, ‘You go ahead. I’ll watch the kids.’

We get bundled up and go outside. I take Georgia’s hand, and we start down the road. We approach the area with the horses, and my brothers are about to train a new one that got delivered yesterday.

Greg whistles. ‘That’s a beautiful racehorse you’ve got there.’

‘Are you into racing?’ I ask.

Melanie laughs. ‘He’s obsessed with it.’

‘Why don’t you guys stay here, and Melanie and I can go to the garden?’ Georgia suggests.

‘That sounds good,’ Greg states.

‘All right,’ I agree, then kiss Georgia on the forehead.

The entire time that we’re with the horses, I try to pay attention, but I can’t get the fact out of my mind that Georgia has business plans and didn’t tell me.

Why would she tell me?

She should have. We’re getting married.

But I’ve already told her we’re getting an annulment.

There’s no dream of only one silly cupcake bakery?

It’s not silly. She’s super talented and smart.

How would a franchise even work for what she wants to do?

Curiosity starts to morph into an obsession I can’t shake. I don’t doubt she can pull off whatever she dreams of, but I can’t stand not knowing her plans.

I could help her.

Maybe she doesn’t need my help.

Of course she does. I have money to help her make it happen.

Is that why she needed the million dollars?

Did Georgia out-negotiate me because her entrepreneurial goals are bigger than I ever gave her credit for?

A wave of guilt hits me. My ego was so big, I underestimated her. And as the day goes on, I only reprimand myself more.

Everything is so busy that I don’t see Georgia until we’re in the bedroom before the rehearsal dinner.

I step inside and freeze. A tingly, tight feeling ignites in my chest. My eyes dart from her face, down her form-fitting, icy-blue dress, to her matching stilettos. I drill my gaze into hers, claiming, ‘You look amazing.’

She shyly replies, ‘Thanks.’

My curiosity reappears. I demand, ‘Want to tell me about this cupcake franchise?’

She shrugs. ‘It’s not a big deal. Don’t worry about it.’

‘It is a big deal if it’s something you want to do.’

She walks to the dresser and reaches for her earrings, repeating, ‘I said not to worry about it.’

‘Georgia, why won’t you tell me?’ I ask, hurt lacing my tone.

She sighs, pushes her gold earring through her lobe, and utters, ‘Melanie shouldn’t have opened her big mouth.’ She spins toward me. ‘You need to get ready, or we’ll be late.’

I shake my head. ‘I don’t care. I want to know about this franchise you got an MBA for.’

‘Just drop it, Sebastian,’ she orders, then walks out of the room.

Disappointment wells within me. I get ready and try to push it away, but it’s bugging me that she’s keeping it from me. We go to the rehearsal dinner. Georgia remains mostly by my side, but everything now feels off between us.

My father moves me into a conversation with a group of his friends. When I turn to replace Georgia, the hairs on my neck rise.

Andrew Duncan, another oil tycoon whose family is close with mine, has her cornered. I’ve never been a fan of his, but I put up with him because of our business dealings. He’s leaning into her ear and saying something. She pushes on his chest, but he’s a lot bigger than her and doesn’t budge.

I fly across the room just in time to hear him slur, ‘We all know you’re not going to make it down the aisle. My door’s always open. And I can assure you I’ll show you a better time than Sebastian Cartwright.’

I grab the back of his suit jacket and slam him against the wall so fast, he cries out. I grasp his shirt, seething, ‘Don’t you dare ever talk to her again.’

He recovers from his shock and challenges, ‘I’ll speak to whomever I wish.’

I pull my arm back, and Alexander grabs it. ‘Whoa.’

I spin, warning, ‘Get him out of here, or I’m going to.’

My other brothers circle us, and Alexander nods at them.

‘Sebastian,’ Georgia says.

I glance at her. She’s slightly shaking, and her expression is filled with fear. I grab her and guide her down the hall while my brothers are dragging Andrew the other way.

‘Sebastian, I didn’t do anything,’ she claims.

‘I know you didn’t,’ I reply as I push her into the bathroom and lock the door.

Her lips quiver. ‘Then why do you look so mad at me right now?’

I ignore her question and press my mouth to hers, parting her lips with my tongue. I slide it farther into her mouth until her body submits to mine.

She mumbles, ‘Sebast—’

I spin her quickly, move her two steps forward, and push her down so her forearms are on the counter.

Her blues burst with flames. She drills them into the mirror, locking them to mine.

I press my erection against her ass, lean into her ear, and question, ‘How much does your tight pussy miss me?’

Her breath hitches. She swallows hard and then presses her ass into me.

I slide my hand on her thigh, crumpling her dress higher, then tear her delicate thong off.

‘Oh!’ she gasps. Her mouth hangs open.

I release my pants, then take my foot and move her leg to the side while sliding my finger inside her, never removing my challenging stare from her.

Her face flushes. She closes her eyes and then opens them.

‘I think you’re trying to drive me nuts,’ I state, removing my hand and pressing it over the back of her neck. A curled lock of her blonde hair falls over one eye. I graze my cock over her wet heat, and she shudders. I add, ‘Do you know what it’s like for me having to watch other men flirt with you?’

‘I didn’t do anything,’ she claims.

‘Ah, but you did, sweet Sunshine,’ I assert.

‘No. I didn’t—’ She gasps again as I thrust, going as deep as I can into her until my pelvis is flush to her round ass cheeks. She whimpers.

I kiss the back of her neck and continue, ‘You were yourself. Maybe I’ll have to lock you up once you say ‘I do.’ Keep you away from all the temptation.’ I begin to slowly inch in and out of her in long strokes.

‘I don’t…oh…’ Her eyes flutter. ‘I don’t want any of them.’

My ego grows, and arrogance washes over my expression. I demand, ‘Who do you want?’

She takes a few breaths, pushing her hips into me as I enter her again.

‘Tell me,’ I order.

She answers, ‘You. Only you, and you know it.’

Do I?

Is she telling the truth?

Why am I even questioning this?

I move my hand to the front of her body and circle her clit at a faster speed than my thrusts. My cock swells, but I refrain from releasing inside her.

Her moans grow louder.

The handle jiggles, and then there’s a knock.

‘Go away,’ I bark, then move my hand off Georgia’s neck and clasp it over her mouth.

Her eyes widen with worry, but then they roll in pleasure. Her body trembles against mine, and her muffled cry fills the air.

‘Tomorrow night, when you’re my wife, I’m going to make you come so hard, you won’t be able to walk the next day without thinking about what I can do to you,’ I warn.

She shakes harder. Her walls spasm around my shaft, forcing me to use all the restraint I have not to be selfish and bury my seed deep within her.

The knock turns more urgent. ‘I have to go!’

I shout, ‘Find another bathroom.’ Then I thrust faster, continuing to manipulate Georgia’s clit and keeping my body caged over her and the counter.

Her deep moan fills my ears as her knees buckle.

‘Tell me you can’t wait to marry me,’ I demand.

She squeezes her eyes shut.

I slow everything down.

‘Sebastian…don’t…I…please don’t stop!’ she says between choppy breaths.

‘Admit it, Sunshine. Say the words.’ I thrust fast three times, then slow it down again.

‘I can’t wait to marry you,’ she blurts out in a desperate voice.

I pound into her like there’s no tomorrow.

Her pussy clenches me like a vise and there’s no more restraint left in me. I detonate inside her, my vision flashes to white, and I groan louder than I should.

The room slowly returns into focus. Georgia’s still trembling underneath me. And I love everything about it.

There’s another knock. I turn toward the door and order, ‘Find another bathroom!’ I glance back at my juicy little peach. I kiss her on the cheek and pull her dress over her ass. I rise but don’t step away from her. Then I pick her ripped panties off the floor and toss them in the trash.

She slowly rises but still grips the counter.

I wait a moment to ensure she’s steady on her feet, then take a step back.

I ask, ‘Are you okay standing on your own?’

She nods, nervously looking at me.

I state, ‘Don’t worry about whoever’s outside.’

She opens her mouth, then shuts it.

‘What?’ I question.

She spins and says, ‘I need a minute to freshen up.’

I almost quiz her further but decide against it. I slide my hands over her flushed cheeks, staring at her.

‘What?’ she nervously asks.

‘You’re really beautiful,’ I state.

‘Thank you,’ she replies.

There’s another knock.

She rolls her eyes. ‘We should get out of here.’

I peck her on the lips. ‘I’ll wait outside.’ I slip out the door and then shut it.

‘I need the bathroom,’ one of my mother’s friends says, trying to push me aside.

I point down the hall. ‘There are more bathrooms.’

‘They aren’t as nice as this one. It’s a bunch of stalls,’ she says.

‘So? Go use them. This one is still being used,’ I assert.

Confusion fills her expression. Then it turns to shock. ‘Sebastian Cartwright! If you think it’s appropriate—’

‘Save it,’ I bark.

She jumps and glares at me.

I point down the hall again. ‘I suggest you go use those.’

She finally takes my advice, and I lean against the wall. The high of my orgasm wears off, and my previous frustration over Georgia not telling me her franchise plans reappears.

She told me she can’t wait to marry me.

She did it so she could come.

When she opens the door, I slide my arm around her waist and lead her toward the back exit.

‘Where are we going?’ she asks.

‘Why are you hiding things from me?’ I blurt out, opening the exit door.

Confused, she replies, ‘Who said I was hiding things from you?’

‘I want to know about this franchise,’ I state, steering her toward my truck.

‘It’s none of your business, Sebastian.’

‘So you’re not going to tell me anything,’ I state and open the passenger door.

She glares. ‘Why are you pushing this?’

I motion for her to get into the truck.

She refuses for a moment, but I don’t back down. She caves, sighing and then sliding inside.

I shut the door, get in the driver’s side, and admit, ‘I couldn’t understand why you would go through the hassle of getting your MBA only to have a silly little cupcake bakery. Now, I replace out you want a franchise, which makes the MBA make sense, but why didn’t you talk to me about this?’ As soon as I say the words, I regret them.

Anger flares on her face. ‘And what if all I wanted was one bakery? Sorry, a silly little bakery.’

My gut dives. I claim, ‘I didn’t mean it like that.’

‘Yeah, you did,’ she says.

I take a deep breath, scolding myself for my choice of words. ‘I’m a dick. Sorry for saying silly. I didn’t mean it,’ I restate.

‘Yes, you did. But why would that be so bad if that’s what I wanted?’ she scolds.

I sigh. ‘I’m not saying it would be bad. I’m just saying that a woman as smart as you, who’s worked as hard as you have, you know, there’s something more for you.’

‘More for me? Why? Because everything’s about money with you?’ she accuses.

I’ve never felt bad about having or making money in my life until this moment. I’m unsure why, but Georgia sounds so disgusted right now that I cringe inside. I try again. ‘I’m not trying to be an asshole. I just want to know what it is that you want.’

‘What I want?’ she asks, then blinks hard and looks away.

My insides flip. I lower my tone. ‘Yeah, Sunshine. I want to know what you want.’

‘What are you really asking me about, Sebastian?’ she challenges.

My mouth turns dry. I stare at her, and tense silence builds between us.

She huffs. ‘Fine, I’ll tell you about my career goals. I want to open a cupcake franchise, okay? I’ve done all the pre-work and got my MBA so I would have a higher chance of not failing. I know what it will cost down to the penny. Are you happy now?’

I try to process her statement.

She snaps, ‘Oh, sorry. Is that silly too?’

I groan. ‘Georgia, don’t hold that word over my head for the rest of my life.’

She scoffs, shaking her head.

‘What did I say now?’ I question.

She drills her blues into mine. ‘Don’t worry, Sebastian. I won’t hold anything over your head for the rest of your life.’ She jumps out of the truck before I can stop her, rushing back into the restaurant.

I follow her, and the DJ announces, ‘All right, it’s time for dinner. Have a seat, lovebirds.’

We sit down and get through the meal and the rest of the evening. She focuses most of her time on others. When the night is over, she gets into the back of the truck with Melanie and makes Greg sit in the front.

We arrive at the house, and Evelyn chirps, ‘Time for you guys to separate. It’s bad luck for you to see the bride tomorrow morning when you wake up.’

I groan inside. The last thing I want to do is sleep without Georgia next to me.

Evelyn orders, ‘You’re in the other wing, Sebastian.’

Once again, I’m annoyed with my sister, but I’m unsure how to get out of this situation.

‘Goodnight,’ Georgia says and starts to leave.

I grab her wrist and pull her back to me. ‘Hey.’

Sadness laces through her hardened expression. I don’t understand what I’ve done, but everyone is looking at us. She quietly asks, ‘What?’

‘You weren’t going to kiss me goodnight?’ I challenge.

‘Sorry. I’m tired,’ she claims.

I try to give her a kiss, but she’s not having it. My stomach just flips faster and faster.

She says, ‘Goodnight,’ spins, and I watch her leave me, feeling horrible. When I get to the guest room, I text her.

Me: Are you going to show up tomorrow?

A few minutes pass. The sick feeling in my stomach grows.

Georgia: Yes. I signed a contract.

It feels like a knife stabs through my chest at her words.

Me: So is that all this is between us?

I pace the room, grinding my molars, staring at my screen.

Georgia: That was the agreement, Sebastian. It’s what you wanted, right?

My heart pounds harder. I start to text, erase it, and retype it several times. So much time passes that I get another text from her.

Georgia: That’s what I thought. I’ll see you tomorrow. Let’s not complicate things more than they are.

I start to text her again, then stop.

What am I trying to say?

Why can’t I just admit how I feel about her?

I finally get some balls and reply.

Me: I really like you, Sunshine.

Georgia: It’s not about like, Sebastian. Go to sleep. We have a big day tomorrow. I’m turning my phone off.

And just like that, I’ve been silenced, except for a final text.

Georgia: And stop worrying. I always hold up my end of deals.

I should feel relieved I have her reassurance, but nothing feels good about it. All I can think is that she’s only marrying me because she signed a contract.

I’m getting exactly what I wanted.

Yet nothing feels further from what I want.

Only, I still can’t pinpoint what I want to happen between us.

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