Hybrid Aria by Jessica Hall -
Chapter 1
Aria's POV
Two weeks earlier
“Come on, Lily, time to get up,” I whispered to my six-year-old sister. She rolled on the mattressstretching and yawning, her beautiful sapphire blue eyes fluttering open to look back at me. Ourroom was the smallest in the Packhouse and at the back of the house away from everyone. Theroom consisted of a double bed mattress, a window, and a few toys for Lily. All our possessionseasily fit in the duffle bag that was also our wardrobe.
“You've been jogging, Ari,” she said, sleepily looking down at my outfit.
“No, they are just comfy now. Come on you have to get ready for school,” I sat next to her on themattress on the floor. Lily sat up frowning at me. I pulled her pyjamas top off before pulling herschool shirt over her head.
“Quick, hop up and put your pants on while I get ready,” I told her.
I quickly got up, walked over to the duffle bag next to the mattress, and pulled my work uniform outmy bag before quickly undressing and slipping it on. I reached for my brush, pulling my hair into ahigh ponytail before doing the same to Lily's hair while sitting next to her on the bed. I reachedover, grabbing her joggers and socks, placing them on her feet and tying the laces. We could hearpeople moving about in the house. Lily froze, staring towards the door.
"He's up, Ari,” Lily whispered.
I quickly threw my shoes on and grabbed the duffle bag, throwing her pyjamas in it and the clothesI had on earlier. Throwing the bag over my shoulder, I walked over to the window, knowing wewouldn't be able to sneak out of the house using the front door. Slowly opening the window, Idropped the bag out before reaching for Lily. She climbed up onto the windowsill before jumpingto the grass below. It wasn't a big jump; the house was only one level besides the basement and theattic. I climbed through, jumping to the grass below before reaching up and shutting the windowbehind me gently.
Running up the side of the house towards the side gate, I glanced to make sure none of the Packmembers were in the front yard. It was exceedingly early still. The sun had only just started comingup, light starting to break through trees that surrounded the house. I grabbed Lily's hand andstarted jogging towards the bus stop at the end of the dirt road, which was also the driveway. As weneared the end, I could hear the bus coming past. We ran faster to the bus stop, getting there just intime. I threw my arm out, waving the bus down. The bus driver smiled when he saw us.
“Hey, Bill,” I said, getting on the bus and passing him our bus fare.
“No smile today, Lily?" he asked, smiling down at her. Her lips tugged at the sides before she gavehim a big toothy grin.
“That's my girl,” he said. We moved to the back of the bus. The drive into town was only ten minuteslong, and Lily stretched out on the seat next to me, placing her head in my lap.
“Ari, I'm hungry,” she said, gazing up at me.
“I know, I will make you some lunch and breakfast when we get into town,” I told her as I leant downto kiss her head.
I gazed out the window watching the trees and morning birds. I was over having to live this life. Mystepfather was a cruel man, and he was the Alpha of one of the most notorious Packs in the city. Iwould have left when our mother died, but he wouldn't let me take Lily. I don't know why, it's notlike he was ever a father to her. He hated her from the moment she was born, blamed her for ourmother’s death. I still remember when he brought her home and told me my mother died duringchildbirth. He shoved little Lily in my arms and said, “Look after it.” I remember being confused. Iwas only thirteen at the time. I knew nothing about babies. I had to drop out of school, give up myentire life. I raised her, loved her, and she became my whole world. I didn’t understand how hecould reject his own pup, his own flesh and blood
Lily was an adorable baby; Mum would have loved her. I named her Lily since David didn't evenbother to do the paperwork. Lily was Mum's middle name. She was so excited when she found outshe was expecting, and so was David, but when my mother died that excitement turned to hate. ThePack suffered for 6 years since. Petrified of him, they would never go against him. He was Alpha fora reason. So here I was, a high school dropout raising my baby sister. Luckily, Mum had everythingready for her arrival before she passed because the Alpha didn't help me with anything. I had to getformula off Pack members. Luckily, even after Mum's death, they didn't hate her or me. They feltsorry for Lily so they would sneak me tins of formula and nappies.
When Lily turned five and was old enough for school, I enrolled her and started looking for a job soI could try and provide for her. It wasn't much, but it was better than having to ask or beg Packmembers for anything she needed. I still remember the beating I got when I asked David for somemoney to buy her school uniform. He split my lip open before dragging me to the basement, wherehe beat me until I passed out. I shook my head at the memory before looking down at Lily, who wasplaying with my father's necklace that hung from my neck.
The necklace had a wolf on one side and a man with fangs on the other side. My father died when Iwas two, I don't remember him. My mother used to tell me how loving he was, but after the Alphatook us in when I was seven, she didnt really speak about him. Alpha David didn't want to hearabout her past life. She was his mate, he always thought it was a betrayal that she had a child withsomeone who wasn't her mate sent by the Moon Goddess.
What made it worse is my father wasn't a wolf. He was a Vampire and my mother was a wolf,therefore making me a Hybrid, which isn't all it's cracked up to be. I'm an abomination. I can'tcompletely shift like other wolves. I can grow claws when needed, which is quite painful, and I canalso mind link. From my vamp side, I get their speed and sense of smell. I also can't heal like a wolfor a Vampire unless I drink human blood. Being raised in a wolf Pack means I don't get blood, whichis okay. I can live without it simply fine, but it means I'm always weaker and I can't heal. Alpha Davidforbids me from drinking blood, and besides him, the only other people who know what I am aremy mother and Lily. I hoped one day, Lily and I would be free of this hellhole so I no longer musthide what I am, but that will never happen.
The bus pulled up out the front of the diner I worked at. I quickly pushed Lily towards the exit,stepping onto the footpath.
“Come on, Lily. If we hurry, I will get Marcus to make you some pancakes before school.”
Lily took off into the diner to her usual spot, which was close to the kitchen. I watched as she slidalong the booth seat, placing her bag down on the red leather seat beside her. Lily loved the diner;she came with me every morning before school and after school, because my shift didn't finish until6. I would use my lunch break to pick her up from school, but the biggest bonus of working herewas Zoe.
The owner was a human woman who owned “Joe's Diner". Her husband was Joe. He died years ago,and she took over her husband's business. Zoe was in her late sixties. She has long white hair that'salways pulled into a bun with green eyes and rosy cheeks. She is a bigger woman but one of mymost favourite people I know. She always smiled and loved Lily, and since she didn't have childrenof her own, she kind of took me and Lily in. Zoe always made sure Lily had lunch for school andbreakfast and dinner. After Lily got seated in the booth, I greeted Zoe with a hug before walking outto the kitchen. Marcus was standing at the stove with his hippy tie-dyed shirt and jeans, alreadymaking Lily pancakes.
Marcus was probably my only real friend; he was a good-looking bloke with his blonde hair andblue eyes, but unfortunately for me, he was also gay. I waved to him as I walked past to replace myapron. Lily has pancakes every morning before school. I grabbed my apron and wrapped it aroundmy waist before walking back out to grab the coffee. I started refilling a few customers’ cups. Joe'sDiner was always busy no matter the time of the day. When I finished refilling cups, I walked backinto the kitchen to grab Lily her pancakes.
By the time Lily finished her breakfast, it was 8 AM. I cleaned up the booth Lily was at and duckedback into the kitchen to grab Lily's school bag, which I kept in the duffle bag. As I was walking backthrough the kitchen, Zoe was already waiting with a paper bag.
“I made her ham and salad sandwiches, and Marcus threw in some quiches from yesterday for her,”she said, smiling, placing the bag in my hand. Lily came running into the kitchen, wrapping her armsaround Zoe, her little arms barely making it halfway around Zoe's hips. Zoe smiled down at herbefore placing a kiss on top of her head.
“Have fun at school and learn new things,” Zoe told her. I thanked Zoe before chucking the bagover my shoulder and grabbing Lily's hand to walk her to school. The school was only one blockaway, so Lily and I walked hand in hand the whole way. The streets were busy with everyone gettingready for work, and I quickly pulled to the side as a rush of people came out of the subway, just intime for us not to be trampled. We quickly made it to the school, stopping just out the front of thegates, and I gave her a quick kiss. “I'll see you at 3 o'clock, okay? Have fun,” I said before giving hera quick hug.
I watched her run off towards her friends before turning and walking back to the diner. Once I gotback to the diner, I quickly went to retrieve mine and Lily's clothes from the duffle bag, but when Iopened the bag, it was empty. Before I even got a chance to close it, Marcus walked in.
“Zoe already put them in the wash for you,” he said before walking back to the kitchen. I quicklyretrieved my apron and went to start taking orders and refilling everyone's mugs. The day went byquickly, and before I knew it, Zoe came out of the kitchen, signalling for me to come over.
“It's quarter to 3, you have to get Lily, dear. Here, eat this on the way. I noticed you haven't eatensince yesterday morning,” she said, placing a roast lamb sandwich in my hand with a napkin.
“No, I'm fine, really Zoe, you do enough for us already.” She refused to take it back.
“You girls are like children to me, don't be ridiculous,” she replied before quickly turning around andwalking into the kitchen.
I ate the sandwich while walking to the school. As I did, I looked up at all the high-rise buildings. Iloved the city; everything was so fast-paced and alive, constantly on the go. I loved watching peoplerushing around going about their lives. When I made it to the school, I waited out the front for theschool bell to ring. I wasn't waiting long before Lily came bursting through the doors with a hugegrin on her face. She ran straight towards me wrapping her little arms around me in a hug. I bentdown, picking her up and placing her on my hip as we walked back to the diner. She told me allabout her day and what she did in class. Once back at the diner, Lily grabbed her books out of herbag and went to sit with Zoe, who was already sitting in a booth waiting for Lily's arrival. Everyafternoon after school, Zoe would help Lily with her homework and listen about her day. I waitedtables getting ready for the afternoon rush when I suddenly felt eyes on me. I looked up fromrefilling Lily's cup with water, but no one was there. Shaking off the feeling, I walked back into thekitchen to get the next order ready.
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