If We Only Knew -
The Fear
Princess Hera
Winged Clan
She was flying as she was hanging out with her friends. As she looked at her friends, she looked back and said. “How far can we fly as we left my brother far back.”. She said as she laughed as looked at them. They looked at her as she looked at them and smiled. As she sat on a tree branch as she touched the tree and said. “I’m sorry old friend, but I’ll leave in a couple of days for a new place.”. She said as she placed her forehead on it and looked up like the leaves of her friends had gone away.
She sighed, knowing it was wrong to take out her anger on her friends. She then cried, knowing she wouldn’t return to her tree just like her mother left the tree. She would have to go to the tree as well. The tree was on the east side of the border as she flew back to her home—the place of the Winged.
She was walking in the garden. Her father does not let her see her mother’s and brother’s graves. And she wanted to tell her mother what she was going to do but knew that she would put her brother and her people at risk as she looked at the flowers here for her mother and brother. She saw her older brother and remembered what their father had told them two weeks ago. “You will marry the first and second born of the Lycan clan, and you will bring peace, or you’ll be banished.”
Their father hasn’t been the same ever since their mother died. They looked at each other as they said. “Yes, sir.” They both said at the same time. They obey our father, whether he threatens them or how unbelievable they are. She walked toward him as she saw how he was sitting. She knows that he is overwhelmed by the information given to them.
The weeks leading up to their leaving only stressed them out even more. But she knew that her brother wasn’t going to show it in front of their father, but he was scared of what could happen to her when she was left alone. He alwayed protected her more then their father. She smiled at that as she went to him.
“How are you holding up? You are going to the meeting right? You are still going thru with this right?”. She asked him as she sat next to him. “We do not even know if they are nice.”. He said to her as he looked up since his head was in his hands as he looked at her. He looked upset, and she sighed as she knew he was overthinking again. She sat down closer to him as she looked closely at her older brother.
“I want somebody who can take care of your hyperactive ass. Who can keep you calm when you have your off day’s.”. He said playfully as she laughed. He smiled when she laughed and knew that was what he was overthinking. When she saw his face, she knew that was not it. She knew that he was worried about something else like he always was. “That is not what you are worried about, though, tell me, Dt.”. He looked down at the ground as he sighed, then back at her.
“What if they are already mated?”. He told her as she looked at him and put her hand on his shoulder. “We are not.”. She said as she looked at her brother, who then looked at the ground once more as he spoke. “Yes, but we are not mutts.”. She sighed as she knew that this was what was bugging her brother as she asked. “Dt? Why do you hate the mutts so much?”. He looked at her as he told her.
“They are why mother thought it would be safer if you did not live with our father.”. He said with so much anger. He told her; she looked up at him and spoke. “What do you mean?”. As her brother had looked at her the whole time, she knew that he was not lying as she looked at him with her hands in her lap as he said. “The reason that mother left was that the people she loved died at the hands of a coward.”. She looked confused, but she then looked at her brother. “Father?”. She asked him. “Yes, Father.”.
“You see, He has a possessive issue, and when he does not get the thing he wants, he throws a fit.”. She laughs as she crosses her legs and looks at the ground as she scoffs and says. “Tell me about it.”. She told him as she was looking at the floor. As he said, he looked at her younger sister as she looked even paler than he was. And he thought that he was the only one against it, but then he saw his youngling.
He knew he had to ask her before she did something stupid like he wanted. “How are you? Hera?”. He asked her as he held his hand out in front of her. As she looked up and held his hand. This is their way of calming each other down when upset; it works, so she can’t imagine how they will calm down when they have to live farther away from each other.
“Scarred, if I am honest with you. And if I’m going, being honest with you. Just like you, brother, I have thought about running away from here and starting a new life in the human world.”. She said as she looked at her brother, who was shocked as he had not told her that. As she looked behind her, she saw a guard as she was about to say something to her brother.
The guard screamed at them. “Prince! Princess!”. They both got up when they heard that. The guards only class them like that when something terrible happens. She looked at her brother, and he looked at her. “Sir! We need you at the border!”. She guesses he did not see her because they do not talk about the border when they are near her. But she knew they would talk about something important as she looked at them.
“Four younglings are at the mutt’s border, protecting the female wolf for some reason.”. The guard said to her brother as she looked up at her brother. “A rogue is attacking the younglings and the female.”. He finished off as he looked at her brother. We just hate the male population of the Lycans, or as humans call them wolves, that is why we call them mutts, but we do respect the female population.
Her brother looked at her and back at the guard as he said. “Why would the queen not tell us about the rouge?”. Said Dt. What she wanted to know was not being said, so she asked. “Why would they be at the border?”. She asked as she knew that younglings fear hunters. Her mind goes to the only place where the border of the mutts is connected to the bridge.
Which they only use when they are going to ride the cars. So unless they were going on a trip. Or if they were trying to run away. She didn’t want to think the negative, but she couldn’t help but ask herself. Either they wanted to kill themselves or are asking for death just by stepping on the bridge. So why would they be there? She asked herself as she grabbed her older brother’s hand and felt fear in her heart for her younglings.
This guard is old-fashioned. She could tell because the minute she opened her mouth, he looked like he wanted to slap her. Their clan is primarily traditional but modern, so when stuff like this happens, it angers her brother and her father, which causes Dt to show anger on his face. “She is your princess.”. Said Dt showing his fangs. “And you will do great to remember that.”. He said, standing in front of her.
Not a lot of people like the fact the second oldest is female. And old wives’ tales say it’s bad luck. She grabbed her brother’s gun and put it around her waist, and her knives were around her thighs so she could make do with just that, but she felt safer with his guns since he was always the one that showed her how to protect herself from everything.
She stepped back and ran for the trees and jumped and opened her wings and for a while, she thought that he had not seen her, but he did like he always does when she does something “stupid” in his eyes. “DT! Stop your sister!”. She flew faster and was flying towards their border. Flying to the edge with wings takes about an hour, depending on how fast they can fly. Walking takes about a whole day or two or even four days.
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