Kidnapped By Rogue
Chapter 21

"Move," River demanded, but I stood my ground, shaking my head.

"I'm not letting you hurt her," I tried to reply strongly, but it came out in a whisper. He hadn't moved the gun that was now pointed at my legs which shielded the unknown girl's head. “F*****g move!" he screamed at me. Two strong, rough hands grabbed my forearms and pulled me from my protective stance. I yelled out and squirmed in the grip that had to be Rouge's.

"No! Don't do it, don't hurt her," I cried out as tears fell freely. I didn't know why this random girl had a gun pointed at her, but I felt strangely guilty. I kicked my leg back and made contact with Rouge's groin. I took the opportunity to lunge for the gun. "Run!" I screeched at the girl as I wrestled River. It was a losing battle yet the few precious moments helped her get out the front door. A furious look locked on River's face as he pushed me and ran out the door. I hit my back on a wall then slid down it until I was sitting. Then I heard them; three; back to back. Gunshots. I covered my ears and put my head between my knees.

"You're in for it now," Rouge yelled, his voice strained. I winced, but refused to look up until I heard a door slam then angry footsteps advance towards me. I made eye contact with an angry glare.

He snatched me up with a yelp of protest from me. "I'm going to kill you," he said before pinning my arms behind my back and pushing my face in the wall. My cheek was squished against the cold surface.

"I don't care anymore! You're a monster!" I mumbled. We stayed as we were for what felt like forever until my arms started cramping. "Well? What are you waiting for?" I challenged. His grip loosened, and he turned me so I was facing him. I felt his warm breath on me as he leaned close to my ear.

"I've changed my mind. I think I'll keep you," he began with a fake enthusiasm, "Besides, I could have a little fun with you." His lips landed on my neck, and I panicked. My widened eyes met with Rouge's smug face. I brought my knee up, but he anticipated that and blocked, enabling me from moving at all. "Now sweetheart, that's not a way to treat someone who just spared your life."

"Please," I mumbled, a tear escaping. He leaned his head away from me and smirked.

"I don't like when people beg," and with one swift motion I was over his shoulder. We went down a hallway I haven't been down and through a beige door. It looked like a living room, but wasn't the one I had seen before. Before I could register anything, I was in a chair. River and Rouge worked together to bound me with rope. I was in shock and couldn't replace the will power to try and fight back. "There," he exclaimed and stepped back to observe his 'work'.

"Why-why are you doing this to me?" I whimpered. "I'll never ever do anything like that again, I swear it."

"Baby, I know you won't because you aren't leaving this room for a while," Rouge explained. I sobbed as they headed for the door.

"God, no. Please," I begged, but they had already left shutting the door. I hung my head and cried heavily as I pulled against my bounds. Darkness surrounded me and silence captivated me. My crying slowly died down to soft sniffling and a headache arrived. "HELP ME!" I screeched as if anyone helpful could hear me. I continued yelling until exhaustion took over. I felt my eyes get heavy as I fought sleep, but I eventually lost and was thrown into an uncomfortable rest.

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