Kidnapped By Rogue
Chapter 31

When I opened my eyes and rubbed away the sleep, I looked around and saw I was alone. I licked my dry lips and tasted salt so I brought my fingers to my face to wipe away the tears I hadn't realized I shed.

I went into the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face, without taking in my reflection. I decided to skip a shower and went to the dresser to choose some clothing, a pale yellow tank top and some grey sweatpants. When I was fully dress, I wandered into the kitchen. "Hey Blakely," Sadie greeted when I entered. I waved half-heartedly and opened a cabinet to grab a bowl. "Cereal?" she asked, obviously trying to strike a conversation.

"Yeah," I replied bluntly, reaching beside her for the frosted flakes. I sat next to her while I ate as she finished her omelet. "Where'd you learn to make that?" I questioned with my mouth full.

She looked confused for a second before glancing at her food, "Oh, this? My mom was a housewife and taught me to cook several things when I was real young," she shrugged. I bit my lip and nodded.

"Cool," I mumbled, and she said 'yeah' under her breath. We stayed quiet the rest of the time as we ate until I stood to put my dishes in the sink.

"Hey, um Blakely?" Sadie said. I turned towards her and lifted my eyebrow. "I'm sorry. I mean, about all this. I know you're not comfortable here so I just felt as if I should apologize.." she trailed off. "It's not your fault, Sadie," I assured, sitting back down beside her.

"No, I know. I know its not, but I just.. I understand how you feel. And it's horrible. And I know you don't want to hear about how 'it gets better', and blah blah blah, but it really does and I'm just really sorry that you have to go through all this," she babbled. Not knowing what to say, I only nodded. A few awkwardly silent minutes later, Brydon came into the kitchen.

"Goodmorning, baby," he said kissing Sadie's forehead. "Hey Blakely," he nodded his head towards me which I returned with a small smile. "You two hungry?"

"No sir, we ate," Sadie spoke and I wrinkled my nose when she addressed him as sir. He shrugged and turned on the stove, getting out a pan.

"You sure? I'm making scrambled eggs," he informed us, wriggling his eyebrows suggestively. Sadie started to shake her head 'no', but Brydon shot her a glare.

"Sorry, I meant no sir, we're sure," she nervously corrected. I felt a wierd tension in the air as Brydon turned his back to us. I shot a look at Sadie, but she ignored it.

"Sir?" I blurted before thinking. Brydon glanced at me.

"It's respectful," he said while stirring the egg yolks. I scoffed quietly.

"Okay," I replied sarcastically. Sadie was staring at me like I sprouted an extra head. "What?" I asked her. She excused herself from the table and cautiously walked up behind Brydon, wrapping her arms around his waist and talking inaudibly to him.

"You making me something to eat?" Airion voiced when he entered the kitchen while making his way to the table. When he sat, I saw Tinleigh standing behind him.

"You can cook," Brydon replied. With a groan, Airion grabbed Tinleigh and pulled her into his lap, crashing his lips onto hers hungrily. I averted my eyes to keep from burfing up my breakfast. "Hey! No PDA," Brydon screeched at them.

While they argued, Rouge came into the room and when he noticed me, he smirked. "Hey Blakely," he said. I rolled my eyes and let out a strained smile. "I have a surprise for you," he announced, turning around and leaving. I sprung from my seat and followed him. He led me past our room and to River's, where him, Riz, and Ace were.

"What's going on?" I asked slowly, looking around the room. My eyes stopped on something moving- or better yet someone.

A muffled cry sounded where the 'surprise' was moving, and my eyes crept up it and stopped on its face where I dropped to my knees in horror.

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