Leap OF Fate
Chapter 18

What is going on? Serene's head is about to burst from confusion. Who is Chester? Why is he apologizing to me? Serene cocked her head as she stared at Chester. At this moment, Chester has closed his eyes as if gathering his thoughts. The way Chester looked has unlocked something in Serene's brain. Once again, the picture of the man sitting at the edge of the bed, with his eyes closed, head tilted back and making titillating moans flashed right in front of her. Shocked, she covered her mouth with her hands, then pointed at Chester, "You're Bryan's husband?" Her tone was incredulous as she focused on Chester and forgetting his deadringer, whose aura just got colder. "Uhum," Chester confirmed.

Instead of his confirmation clearing out the questions in her brain, she looked more confused. She shifted her body towards Justin, "Then you are?"

"He's my brother. We're twins." Chester answered for Justin, who just stood there watching them like a cold statue.

"You're his brother?" she again inquired Justin, this time her tone slightly raised and was full of disbelief. This person did not bother to correct her misunderstanding all this time. Did he take pleasure in seeing her make a fool out of herself? What an asshole! Serene shot angry stares to Justin. As if challenging him to prove her wrong. However, this brewing war got cut off when she felt that her hand grabbed. She looked at Chester, who was gripping her hand and was looking at her with glassy eyes.

"I'm sorry. For everything. For all the pain that I have caused you. I'd like to say that it was unintentional, but that would be a lie. I knew Bryan was in a relationship then, but I still made the choices I made. I do not expect you to forgive me, but I am happy that finally, you're here and I can tell you how sorry I am for hurting you. I know how much you loved him. He told me that many times." He spoke and looked so sincere that she cannot help but feel touched.

In the movies, when situations such as this happen, the jilted girlfriend would typically slap the third party hard on the face and go on a verbal tirade. But this was not a movie. It felt ironic, but Serene felt warmth in her heart hearing what Chester said. She had to exercise self-control to not embrace him. She just stood rooted in her place as she looked at Chester and inwardly studied her feelings.

He was very sincere. She was expecting to feel a powerful surge of anger, but somehow, hearing what he just said now, it seemed to her was all that she needed. She needed Chester to admit that he was wrong and that he was remorseful for what he did to her.

Finally, she found her voice and said, "Why?" Chester gave a self-deprecating smile. "Honestly, Serene. I don't know why. I just felt happy and content around Bryan. I felt accepted for the person who I am. I was selfish because all I cared about was the happiness I have with him and not care about anything else." He took a deep breath and added, "But I know he loves you and he's hurt by the thought that he caused you pain."

He looked at her with pleading eyes. Did he want me to say that I forgive Bryan? She smirked. As if it was that easy. If forgiveness was as easy to give as they thought it was, she would have forgiven him already. But it was not. How can she easily forgive him, when she has not forgotten what had happened, and the pain she went through?

She was in a storm of thoughts and emotions when the door was once again opened, and Justin let spoke angrily, "Dammit! Do you people think you can just barge into my office anytime you want?" The intrusion annoyed him, but his annoyance grew when he saw who barged in.

Bryan hurriedly entered the room and ignored Justin's angry expletive. He also did not immediately notice the other man in the room.

"Shen..." he called her with urgency.

Serene's face turned stony when she heard the familiar address. Her haughty expression stopped Bryan from his tracks. Then he saw the other person in the room. "Chester..."

"Hi, Dear," he gave a small smile.

"Dear? Really?" Serene sneered at Bryan. "Can't you be more original?" She mockingly looked at him, then turned her attention to Justin.

"CEO Justin, I'll be taking my leave. As I mentioned, I've already decided and I'm sticking to it whether or not you approve it."

With that, she made an about face, then strode to the door. She did not bother for Justin's reply since she was resolute in her resolve. When Bryan tried to approach her, she coldly said, "Don't come near me," then continued her way out of the room.

It had been a long, tiring, and emotionally draining day for Serene. But at least finally, she no longer had to deal with those three. Ha, now they were three! She cannot help but laugh at the irony she found herself in.

Reality definitely trumped her imagination. Not even in her wildest imagination that she would see Bryan and his husband in such a circumstance. Add in that mess that jerk of a person, Justin, who basked knowing that she thought she was Bryan's husband. What an asshole that one was! She was just so relieved that she no longer had to deal with any of them beginning today.000000000000

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