Maid for the Mafia
Like the Red Sea


*Fuck. That old bastard is here??? At Mickey's restaurant? How in the fuck? Why?*

Romano's eyes shifted from Romany to me then back again, a slow grin stretching across his lips as he leered at her in her thousand dollar dress. He was only about fifty feet from where we were standing and somehow he must not have seen Mickey come in with us. If he had, he would not have been gawking at her that way. Then again, maybe he would have, because he's just that stupid. He thinks he's untouchable because he's a district boss. But someone his age should know better. You're never untouchable unless you're already dead.

"Hey," I whispered, pulling her closer to me, my hand on the curve of her back. "Look at me," I commanded, staring down at her trembling lips and trying to gain her attention. "Don't look at that filth, look at me. Up here. Romany? Up here!" I slide my free hand behind her neck and under her ponytail, fighting the urge to squeeze my fingers into the butter soft flesh beneath. *Goddamn she is soft.*

Her teal blue eyes darted upward and I heard a catch in her breath when she suddenly realized how much closer I was now. Her pupils grew as big as nickels, her eyes dipping toward the open buttons of my shirt and lingering there indefinitely. Suddenly, she licked her lips and my dick went rock hard. *Holy shit.*

*So she WAS checking me out back at Mickey's.* I thought she was, but I couldn't be sure. I never seemed to catch her interest before, so I thought I might have been imagining it. As beautiful as she is and as many men as there are hounding after her... I wasn't sure how I measured up. She's not much younger than I am and to be honest, I was getting the vibe that she was into older guys. Like Mickey and Alex. I really didn't think she saw me at all, really.

But when she came downstairs and I heard her footsteps on the tile floor, I turned around tto see her eyes hot and heavy and all over my body. Her face was flushed as she tore her gaze in Mickey's direction. Almost as if she was afraid for him to see her looking at me. While I can understand the concern for *me,* I hope she knows that Mickey would never* be upset with her. He'd punish his own mother before he'd punish her.

"Tiny," she whimpered, placing one tan slender hand on my chest and almost causing my brain to short circuit.

"Yes," I answered, sucking my bottom lip under my teeth as my eyes are tethered to the front of her dress and the enticing valley between the perfectly round mounds of her breasts. *Shake it off, come on. You're as bad as Romano.* It's almost painful to do, but I managed to break the spell and lift my gaze. "You want me to get rid of him?"

She startled, her mouth pouting out in surprise. "Get rid of him?" she gasped. Then lowering her voice so that it was just below a whisper, she said, "You mean, like, kill him?"

I grinned at her naivete.*She's adorable. And fuck, I'm pretty sure she's got me too. "Okay," I said. "Or... I could pick him up and throw him out the door," I supplied.

She giggled. "He's a little on the heavy side. I'd hate for you to hurt your back." She mumbled under her breath, but I heard her say, "I'm going to want it later."

I lost my smile, my vision going hot and my hand dipping a little lower, *beneath* her dress to trace the juncture of her ass. "Are you?" I choked out, wanting confirmation. Tracing a finger enticingly over her tailbone, I flattened my palm over the top of one heavy globe and groaned quietly.

"Mmhmm," she murmured, closing her eyes as she shivered as gooseflesh sprouted across her flesh.

*Praise God.*

"What are you two doing? The table is this way," Mickey's irritated voice sliced like a knife, severing our lustful haze and parting us like the Red Sea.

I stood at least four inches taller than he did, but he's my boss and a terribly *ruthless* motherfucker, so when his bright green eyes narrowed on me, I tensed. *Fuck, he's pissed.*

"Romano is here," I whispered and that was all that it took for Mickey's entire demeanor to change. He lost his jealous glare, trading it for one of murderous intent.

Mickey nodded, his face a mask of barely checked anger as he slid his arm around Romany's waist and walked her toward our large circular table. "Don't worry about it, doll," Mickey said softly in her ear. "Don't let it ruin our night. I'll get rid of him."

"Rid of him, how?" She hissed, taking a seat in the plush white armchair. "You can't make someone leave a place just because you want them too!" She snapped. "I-it's fine. I-I'll be okay."

*Funny. That's not the reaction that I got when I asked her if she wanted me to get rid of him.* She sounded almost angry with Mickey.

Mickey shot me a look of disbelief before turning back to her. "Well, *I* won't be," Mickey growled, coming toward me to whisper in my ear. "Get the maître d'hôtel to entice Romano upstairs as he's about to leave. The red room. Tell him I'm offering the girl in the gold dress as a token of my respect, Then, you come back here and eat. I'll take care of him while you drive my doll to my penthouse. Then you wait for me there."

I nodded, solemnly. "Are you sure you don't want me to do it, Mick? You know what this will look like if *you* do it."

"You heard what I said," Mickey fairly growled. "I'm going to do it. That fat bastard dies by my hand. Tonight!"

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