I lift the bottle to my lips and take a swig of cold beer as my gaze skims over the crowd. Music pumps, the bass vibrating in my bones. People are dancing and cutting loose on a Friday night.

We won our game yesterday.

Afterward, we all headed to Slap Shotz to celebrate with rounds of shots and karaoke. It’s the unofficial home of the Western Wildcats hockey team.

There’s barely time to revel in our victory before we have to prepare for our next game against the East Town University Rattlers.

That’s one we abso-fucking-lutely need to win.

Even thinking about their left wing, River Thompson, pisses me off. I crack the muscles in my neck to loosen the mounting tension. The rivalry between us dates back to high school. He’s a right wing and always looking to score. I’m a defenseman and always shutting him the fuck down.

On more than one occasion, we’ve come to blows on the ice.

Aw, hell…who am I trying to kid?

It’s unusual if we don’t get into a brawl and end up in the box.

I’m knocked from the tangle of those thoughts when slender hands glide their way up my chest, and I replace myself staring down at the dark-haired beauty beaming up at me.

“Hey, Mav. I’ve been looking all over for you.”

I lift the bottle to my lips again and take another drink. “Looks like you found me.”

Her grin intensifies. “Lucky me.”

Jenna Montgomery.

She’s one of the Wildcats’ biggest fans, if you know what I mean.

I flick another glance around the room.

It gets snagged by Ryder and Juliette playing kissy face.

My nose scrunches.

They really need to warn people before engaging in PDA.


Even though they’ve been together for a couple of months, I’m still trying to wrap my brain around the fact that my best friend and sister are now an item.

Should I have seen it coming from a million miles away?


I’ve always sensed the tension that vibrated in the air when they were in the same room together. It’s been that way since middle school. I’d just assumed they hated each other.

Joke’s on me—turns out the opposite was true.

When my chest tightens, I shove those thoughts from my head.

Not that I’d admit it to anyone else, but I miss the way things used to be before they started dating. Ryder was usually down for anything. We’d chill out and play a little NHL or Madden on the Xbox. Sometimes we’d head to the bars after practice. Or we’d get a lift in.

Now he spends all his spare time with Juliette.

Hey, it’s not like I begrudge their happiness.

I really don’t.

I just wish it weren’t at my expense.

A sigh escapes me.

And now I sound like the world’s biggest pussy.

Exactly what I didn’t want.

Unable to watch them make out for another second, my gaze settles on Wolf and Fallyn. Another couple who recently got together.

Or maybe a more accurate description would be that they were just hitched in Vegas.


Mind completely blown.

Who the fuck gets married when they’re twenty-two?

Especially someone who has the hockey world by the balls.

I shake my head.

The answer to that question would be Wolf Westerville—future NHL goalie for Boston.

And then there’s Ford and Carina, Riggs and Stella, Madden and Viola, and last, but certainly not least, our newest couple on the block—Colby and Britt.

Christ, the guy can’t keep his damn hands off her.

Turns out, they secretly tied the knot in Vegas as well.

It wasn’t all that long ago when these guys were single and ready to mingle.

Or get laid by groupies.

Now, however?

It’s me, Bridger, and Hayes.

We’re the last ones standing.


I really hate all these maudlin thoughts trying to weigh me down. There’s been too many of them lately.

I stare into Jenna’s green eyes. “Yeah?”

She presses closer until I feel the rounded softness of her breasts against my chest. “You seem tense. I know exactly what will help with that.”

I’m sure she does.

Jenna’s superpower is that she’s capable of making you forget your own name.

Maybe that’s exactly what I need.

To forget all this bullshit pressing in at the edges.

When I don’t pounce on the offer, she stretches onto the tips of her toes and nips my lower lip with sharp white teeth.

“Trust me, I’ll make it worth your while,” she adds in a husky voice that’s chock-full of promise.

And just like that, my decision is made.

I jerk my head in a tight nod. “Sure, let’s go.”

A sly smile lifts the corners of her pink-slicked lips before she grabs my hand and drags me toward the staircase. On the way across the living room, Hayes catches my eye and smirks. His hands are full with two eager bunnies.

Now that Colby has officially retired his dick, Hayes is drowning in pussy. By the look on his face, he couldn’t be more thrilled with the predicament.

And Bridger?

He’s off moping in a corner by his lonesome.

I haven’t seen him drink or hook up since the mass texts became a bone of contention with his old man, the chancellor of the university. They’ve put a serious crimp in his social life. Bridger employed a couple of friends to help figure out who’s behind the messages, but they haven’t been able to get to the bottom of this Scooby Doo mystery.


I feel bad for the guy.

Whoever’s intent on making his life hell must have a serious hard-on for the dude, because it hasn’t let up. Just the other day, another one surfaced. Within five minutes, his father was blowing up his phone. Bridger ended up dumping his uneaten lunch in the trash and storming off to his office.

I raise my beer to him as Jenna drags me up the staircase. Once we hit the second-floor landing, we take a right and pass by two closed doors before she wraps her fingers around a knob and shoves it open.

It’s not the first time my room has been graced by Jenna’s presence, but it has been a hot minute.

I’ll fully admit that I went a little crazy in the pussy department freshman year.

How could I not?

I had all the freedom I craved, and girls were throwing themselves at me as if I were already a superstar on the ice. Ryder and I were going out all the time. Sophomore year turned out to be more of the same.

Hockey and girls.

In that order.

Now I’m almost done with my third year and my business classes have become more of a challenge. I have to work harder just to keep my head above water.

Maybe it’s for the best that Ryder is preoccupied with Juliette and I’ve lost my partner in crime. I’m forced to sit my ass at home and plow my way through all the required reading.

As soon as I cross the threshold, Jenna slams the door shut and leans against it. The expression on her face is nothing short of gleeful.

“I’ve been dying to get you alone for weeks,” she admits.

Barely do I have enough time to set the bottle of beer on my desk before she flings herself at me. Her fingers slip beneath the hem of my T-shirt to gather up the cotton material and drag it over my head.

This girl doesn’t have a coy bone in her body. It’s straight down to business.

Gotta appreciate that.

“You are so damn gorgeous.” Her palms slide upward, stroking over bare flesh. “All that hard, chiseled muscle.” A fine tremble racks her body. “And for tonight, it’s mine.”

The way she eats me up with hungry eyes should be sexy.

Instead, it leaves me feeling slightly uncomfortable.


Like I’m nothing more than a piece of meat.

“Ivy is going to be so jealous when I tell her.” She flashes a triumphant smile. “And I’m going to share every tiny detail for her to savor.”


I’m not sure how I feel about that.

Do I catch wind of the rumors that float around campus concerning my…appetites?

Yup. It would be hard not to.

I was amused by the stories freshman year.

Now, however?

Not so much.

The last thing I’m interested in is being a notch on some girl’s bedpost.

You’d be surprised by how mercenary some of these chicks can be or the way they like to compare notes.

Without looking, she tosses the T-shirt over her shoulder. It hits the bottle of beer on my desk, knocking it to the floor. Golden liquid bubbles up from the long neck and spills everywhere.

I swear under my breath as my mood takes a swift nosedive.

With a giggle, she swings around and picks up the glass container before setting it on the desk. Her gaze gets snagged by the English paper I tossed there a few days ago.

“Just leave it,” I say with a grunt.

Trying to lose myself in this girl was a mistake, and I should have realized it sooner. Instead, I forced something that wasn’t there to begin with.

There used to be a time in the not-so-distant past when hooking up and having non-discriminant sex was fun. A way to blow off steam for a couple of hours and relieve the stress that would build to a breaking point inside me.

It hasn’t felt that easy in a while.

Jenna stares at the paper before glancing over her shoulder to meet my gaze. “Linstrom is your professor and you still got a D minus?” Disbelief threads its way through her voice. “All you have to do is show up and you’re guaranteed a C.”

Embarrassment slams into me as flames lick at my cheeks.

She flips the page to glance at the second one. “Have you ever heard of a little thing called spellcheck?”

I swipe at the paper, only wanting to snatch it from her. At the last moment, Jenna shifts so that it’s just out of reach and my fingers claw the air.

“Give it to me,” I growl. My teeth are clenched so tightly that my molars ache. It takes effort to keep from lashing out and jumping down her throat.

I fucking hate when people read my papers or see my grades. In elementary school, it was an endless source of embarrassment. After all these years, that feeling has never subsided. It doesn’t matter if there’s an explanation for it. I’m sure as shit not about to share that with Jenna.

She waves me away. “Just give me a minute and let me read this.”

“I asked you to give it back. So how about you just do it?”

“Are all your classes going this well?”

That question sends another tidal wave of humiliation crashing over me as I clamp my lips together, refusing to give her an answer. It’s just easier to go numb and block out the shame that tries to eat me alive.

When I remain silent, she tosses the paper onto the desk before swinging around to face me.

“That’s all right. I doubt the university gives a damn if you pass your classes.” A smile tips the corners of her lips. “Not when you’re busy winning championships for them.” She gives me a little wink. “Personally speaking, I don’t mind my hockey players a little slow on the uptake. Just as long as they know how to wield their sticks.”

My chest constricts as the comment circles around in my brain. I didn’t think it was possible to be any more pissed off.

It takes effort to force out the question and not lose my shit. “Excuse me?”

She shrugs. “I’m just saying that the only thing that really matters is that you’re going to the NHL.”

Her bluntness is enough to steal the air from my lungs.

“The only thing that really matters is that you’re going to the NHL.”

The muscles in my belly clench as even more heat stings my cheeks until it feels like they’re on fire.

When I continue to stare, she moves closer and twines her arms around my neck.

Like hell that’s going to happen now.

My fingers shackle her wrists before prying them loose as I take a giant step in retreat. This girl can go fuck herself, because I sure as hell won’t be doing it.

Not tonight or any other night in the future.

“You need to leave,” I growl.

I wince, hating the hurt that bleeds into my voice.

She blinks in confusion. “What?”

I speak carefully so there’s no chance of her misinterpreting what I’m about to say. “You need to leave. This is no longer happening.”

Her eyes widen as her face scrunches. “Are you serious?”

“As a heart attack.” I point toward the door. “Get out.”

Her teeth scrape against her lower lip. “Look, I’m sorry. I was joking around. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”

“You didn’t.” Huge fucking lie. “I’m just not in the mood anymore.”

Actually, I was never in the mood, but, unlike her, I keep that little tidbit to myself.

“Oh.” There’s an awkward pause as guilt flashes across her expression. “I guess I could help rewrite your paper. I mean, it would take a lot of work, but⁠—”

This girl is off her rocker if she thinks I’d accept a damn thing from her.

My voice grows colder. It’s a wonder she doesn’t get frostbitten. “Do me a favor and close the door on your way out.”

Unable to stomach the sight of Jenna, I swing toward the window.

It’s only when the lock clicks into place that the thick tension filling my shoulder blades loosens and I become more aware of the music that pulses through the floorboards from downstairs.

There’s no way in hell I’m returning to the party.

Although, that decision has nothing to do with the chick I just kicked out.

I’m sure she assumes I’m just another lazy jock coasting by on his athletic prowess, marking time until he can get picked up by a professional team.

And maybe there’s some truth to that.

Given the choice, I’d already be playing in the NHL. Instead of applying at Western, I would have played a year or two of juniors and then entered the draft. Instead, my parents insisted I needed a degree first.

Trust me, I fought that tooth and nail.

But after Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, I didn’t have the heart to argue with her. I would have moved heaven and earth to give her whatever she wanted.

So, here I am—in my junior year at Western.

Unlike my sister, academics have never come easy to me.

Juliette is the resident brainiac of the family.

I, unfortunately, take after my father and was diagnosed with dyslexia in early elementary school. It’s my fucking cross to bear.

As I drop onto the queen-sized bed and stare up at the ceiling, my mind circles back to the shitty English grade Jenna got such a kick out of.

It takes effort to force out the stalled breath trapped in my lungs.

If I don’t get it up, my ass will get benched, and with playoffs right around the corner, that’s the last thing I can afford.

Sure, I’m here to get an education.

But even more importantly, I’m at Western to play hockey.

And if I can’t do that, what’s the fucking point?

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