"I still can't wrap my head around what happened," Ashley huffed, flinging her handbag on the couch the instant we stepped into the living room. "That woman is unbelievable!"

"Ash, just let it slide," I sighed, slumping next to her. "I'm alright, and that's all that matters."

Ashley turned to face me, her face serious. "You see, that's the problem. You're too soft and unproblematic, and that's why she picks on you all the time. She should be hiding her face with all she's done to you instead, she's still making trouble." "Ashley, no need to rehash things," I pleaded, rubbing my temples.

"But someone needs to remind you," she countered. "Do I list all she has done to you?" She asked, her eyes challenging."

"No, don't bother," I replied, waving my hand.

Ashley scowled. "You need to stop being nice to your enemies, Arielle. Sofia is your enemy; treat her as such. Imagine wanting to help her after all she's put you through."

I sighed, feeling exhausted. "Ashley, drop it, okay? I just want to move on from this."

Her expression softened, and she wrapped her arms around me. "I'm just worried about you, that's all. You know I love you, right?"

"I know, and I appreciate you," I said, smiling. "But let's just focus on important things for now.

Ashley nodded and I rested my head on her shoulder. And we stayed that way for a long time.


I settled into the backseat of the Uber, and the driver zoomed off. Ashley had an early meeting at work, hence I had to board an Uber. I nodded slowly to the cool music emanating from the car's radio.

Just as we stopped at the traffic light, my phone rang. I gestured to the driver to lower the volume of the radio when I saw the caller's ID.

"Good morning, Ma," I greeted, bracing myself.

"Arielle, how are you?" Jared's mother asked.

"I'm fine, Ma, and you?"


"You always say that."

The older woman chuckled before her voice turned serious. "I don't want to waste your time, I called to remind you about our lunch date. You promised, remember?"

"Oh, yes, I did. And if it's okay with you, Ma, we can meet today." I glanced at my watch, calculating the time.

"Venue?" She asked..

"There's a fast food place a few drives away from my workplace. We can meet there."

"Alright, text me the location and time."

"I will, Ma," I said, and the call ended.

I typed out a quick text with the details and sent it to her. Afterward, I focused on getting to work.

I arrived at work and settled into my usual work routine, my mind occasionally drifting to the lunch meeting with Jared's mother. And Before I knew it, it was already lunch break.

I grabbed my bag and headed out dialing Jared's mother as I walked.

"Hello, dear," she answered.

"I'm here, Ma. Where are you?

"Look For the corner table near the window. You'll replace me there."

"Alright, Ma."

I spotted her easily and made my way over. As I approached, I noticed the change in her hairstyle-her once shoulder-length auburn hair was now cut short to a Bob level. She looked stunning, regardless. "Hi, Ma," I greeted.

"Dear, you look good," she replied warmly, gesturing for me to sit.

"What will you have?" She inquired, as I lowered myself into the seat.

"Just iced tea, please."

"That's not enough," she chided, frowning. "You need to eat something. We'll be talking, and I want you to have something in your stomach."

"I'm really not hungry, Ma," I insisted.

But she wouldn't budge. "Order something, Arielle."

I gave in, and a waiter appeared, and we placed our orders. And while the waiter was getting our orders, Jared's mother started a conversation.

"How have you been?"

"I've been fine," I responded, feeling a little awkward. I was divorced from her son, yet she was being nice to me.

Our food arrived, and we dug in. While we ate, I impatiently waited for Jared's mom to state the reason for the meeting, but the older woman had other plans. She didn't utter a word until we were done eating.

She cleared her throat, looking at me intently. "Arielle, I know you're wondering why I asked you to meet me."

I nodded, "Yes, ma."

She gave me a knowing smile. "It's all over your face."

I looked down, feeling a flush spread on my cheeks. Had I been that obvious?

"But before I proceed, you have to do away with the "ma" title. You used to call me mum; if you don't feel comfortable calling me that anymore, Mrs. Smith can suffice."

I was momentarily dumbstruck for a while, before nodding meekly. Words failed me.

"First, I want to apologize to you for what happened between you and Jared -my son. Trust me, as much as I love Sofia I am not in support of what transpired. I like her, and her family too, and Frankly speaking, she probably wouldn't have ended up with Jared if she didn't travel abroad. Their bond was that strong, and our families wanted it to happen. But life happened, and they both chose different partners. Believe me, Arielle, I never regretted Jared getting married to you because you're a good woman. We might not share the same bond I share with Sofia, but it doesn't mean I do not like you. I like you, respect you even. You're a good woman, and I hope you forgive Jared and understand he went after his heart."

After she was done talking, I just remained mute. Not because I wanted to but because I didn't have anything to say. There was silence for a while until I blurted, "What do you want, Mrs Stone, and why are you telling me all this?"

"Because I do not want you to hate Jared or me. I want you to please forgive him."

"But you're not Jared," I pointed.

"But I'm his mother."

That's right. I let out a sigh. "I have nothing against you, Ma. Like you said; we were not close, but you treated me so well. As for Jared, it's hard not to want to hate him, but I'm learning to let go. It might take a while, but I'll get over it. Thank you for bringing me out here, and the meal, but if you don't mind, I'd like to return to work. My break is over," I said, stealing a glance at my wristwatch to make a point.

She nodded. "Alright, dear. Thank you for agreeing to have lunch with me. It means a lot to me."

I nodded, "You're welcome," and rose to my feet.

"Arielle?" She called as I turned to leave.

I swirled back, brows raised.

"You're a good woman, always remember that."

I stared at her for a while, unblinkingly, before breaking the gaze.

"Thank you," I mumbled, turned back around and walked away.

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