My Ex-Boyfriend’s Brothers: A Contemporary Reverse Harem Romance (Ex Marks the Spot) -
My Ex-Boyfriend’s Brothers: Chapter 10
I’d decided to go for a ride on my motorcycle but my plans changed when I walked out of my cabin and heard swearing. I knew the sweet voice immediately and followed the sound with a grin on my face. The closer I got to the parking lot at the side of the lodge, the more I could make out what she was saying.
“Stupid, no good piece of shit. You’ve got a lot of nerve waiting until right now to do this to me. I hate you!” Maggie let out a frustrated scream. “I don’t hate you. I needed you, though, and you’re flaking out on me!”
I strode around the corner, interested to see who she was talking to but, to my surprise, she was alone. While I was checking for a phone or earpiece, she pulled her foot back and kicked her car tire.
“I have things to do, Bernie. I don’t have the time or money to deal with you acting like a diva right now.” Maggie leaned forward and pressed her forehead to the hood of her car. “Please, Bernie. I’m going to give you a minute to rethink this and then we’ll try again. I believe in you.”
I stuffed my hands in my pockets and took my time staring at the full curves of her ass. I was happy to stand there and wait with her. That was how she found me when she turned around, staring at her ass with a big smile on my face.
She jumped and screamed. “Jackson!”
I grunted. “Careful now. The sound of you screaming my name is bound to end in you not getting shit done today.”
Her cheeks blushed but she turned away and busied herself with tying her hair up to try and hide it. “You scared me. How long have you been standing there?”
“Long enough to know that you have a very complicated relationship with Bernie.” I smirked. “Where are you going? I was about to head out for a drive. I’ll take you. Unless you’d like to stay here and bargain with Bernie some more.”
Her eyes lit up. “On your bike?”
My dick jumped at the eagerness she couldn’t help showing. “Yep. Have you ever ridden one before?”
Standing in front of me in a pair of leggings and an oversized t-shirt, she was so damn pretty that I almost missed the teasing glint in her eye. “Yep. I went on a couple of dates with a guy after Brad. He rode a motorcycle and took me out a few times.”
I didn’t like hearing that she’d been on the back of someone else’s bike and had loved it. My face must’ve shown my annoyance because she suddenly giggled. “Bubbles… You’re killing me. Come on. You’re definitely going for a ride with me now.”
She nearly skipped over to me. “I have to go to the florist and then come straight back here so I don’t have time for much of a ride but maybe another day? For a long ride, I mean. I definitely want you to take me today.”
I gripped the back of her neck and led her back to my cabin. “I could probably fix your car.”
“Bernie? No, she’s fine.” She looked away. “I just need her to last me another few years. I’ll save up enough money to buy a new used car eventually but right now, I have bigger things to spend my money on. Unfortunately, that also means I can’t throw money at fixing Bernie the right way. So, I can’t let you touch her.”
“You think I’d charge?”
She rolled her eyes. “I think you should. You don’t owe me anything. I don’t expect free work from you, Jackson, and you shouldn’t give it. To anyone. I saw some of the bikes and cars you’ve remodeled. You’re an artist.”
I didn’t know what to say to that so I kept my mouth shut. My job had been such an area of strife with my parents over the years and I’d definitely never heard anyone refer to me as an artist. I was a mechanic who dabbled in body work. A lot. I’d opened my own customs shop and I made good money doing the work I loved. Still, no one in my family seemed to appreciate that because I wasn’t in a three-piece suit like Luke or as charming as Ryan. Or as big of an ass kisser as Brad. I was tattooed, covered in grease most of the time, and had a bad attitude. That felt like a far cry from being an artist.
When Maggie saw my motorcycle, she grinned up at me. “You want to know a secret?”
One of her secrets? More than anything.
“The last year that I was with Brad, I finally got up the nerve to ask him if he thought you’d take me on a ride. I wanted to experience it so bad but he freaked out. We almost broke up that night. He was so mean about it, too.” She shook her head. “Now I get what I want and I don’t have to deal with a giant manchild crying about it.”
“Let your hair down.” I stood there, fists clenching at the idea of Brad being mean to her. My dick was also at half-mast from the idea of what could’ve been. “I only have one helmet and you’re going to wear it. It’ll be a little big on you but it’s better than nothing. I’ll buy you one that fits perfectly tonight.”
She stared up at me as I buckled her into my helmet, her green eyes brighter than the sun-kissed grass behind her. “You don’t have to do that.”
“I don’t have to do anything.” I patted the helmet and tapped her nose. “I want to.”
I straddled the bike and she climbed on gracefully behind me, sliding right up to my back and wrapping her arms around my waist. I took a deep breath and did my best to ignore how hard I was from having her wrapped around me. Starting the bike, I eased out of the parking spot and patted her thigh to ask if she was ready. She squeezed me and let out a high-pitched giggle when I shot forward.
Maggie shouted directions at me over my shoulder and leaned with me smoothly when we took turns. She was an effortless rider, a natural. I’d had women on my bike before that fought me the entire time. They leaned against the motion of the bike when I turned or stayed so stiff that it was like riding around with a mannequin. Maggie was a dream. She also just felt good behind me.
When I pulled up to the place she’d told me to go, I wasn’t ready for the ride to be over. It was clear that Maggie wasn’t either when she groaned before climbing off. The pout on her face was sexy as fuck and I couldn’t resist the need to touch her for another second. I reached out and grabbed the front of her shirt, using it to tug her forward until she was where I wanted her to be. I leaned down and kissed her, probably a little too hard, probably a little too much for nine AM on a weekday morning.
She melted into the kiss and wrapped her arms around my neck, pressing her tits into me so eagerly that I had to reach up and cup one of them. She gasped and pulled away, twisting her head back and forth to make sure no one had seen. Then, with an angry face that wouldn’t scare a puppy, she slapped my arm. “You can’t just do that in public!”
I shrugged. “I keep telling you that I do what I want.”
“I’m going to go check on the flowers. Are you okay waiting out here?” She saw that I was already getting off the bike. “Or, you can come with me. You can be my second opinion about the practice arrangements.”
“Lead the way, Bubbles.”
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