I stared at Christina with a blank expression on my face as a very blunt woman named Ila smeared mud all over my mostly naked body. Ila had already slapped my hand and chastised me once and I was doing my best to not make her mad again. I had to bite my tongue and close my eyes when she lifted my boobs to spread mud under them.

Once she was done and walked out, Christina and I were alone in the private spa room she’d reserved. Christina looked like she was struggling to not laugh but when I sighed, she lost it.

“She was scary. Do you think she’d slap the big time, rich guests who come here? Could she smell how poor I am?” I tried to shift but I was too slippery to move unless I wanted to slide straight onto the floor. “Is this enjoyable?”

“She’s definitely slapped rich people before. I’ve been to another resort she was at around a dozen times over the years and she slapped me during my first visit. I had a red mark on my hand for hours. But I learned to not do anything she didn’t like and now we’re fine.” She smiled through the mask on her face. “And no. This part isn’t all that enjoyable. It does amazing things for your skin, though. Not that you need help glowing. Not with all the sex you’re having.”

I’d already given her a short and sweet run down of what had transpired so far. I didn’t give her all the details she wanted but she’d settled with knowing I was having amazing orgasms. “Do you think she’d smack the back of my head if I fall into the floor and she has to pick me up?”

“Definitely.” Christina delicately lifted her champagne glass to her lips and sipped. “Do you think you’ll see them after the wedding?”

My stomach flipped with nerves. “I’m afraid of how cheesy this is going to sound, but yes. At least, I hope so. I’ve never been with anyone like them. It’s overwhelming and wildly outside of my normal character, but I’m happy. It’s only been a few days, but I’ve always had so much respect and care for them. Visiting the Heath family home was always my favorite part of being with Brad.”

“Even with the parents there?”

I giggled, the champagne definitely loosening my tongue. “They weren’t the best. I try not to speak ill of people but oh, my god, do they hate me. I hope it’s not weird to talk about this with me. It honestly doesn’t even feel like I was with Brad at this point. It’s been three years and I have a decent amount of emotional distance from it, but if it’s weird for you, I’ll shut up.”

“Are you kidding? I love this. You’re refreshing as hell, Maggie. I adore you and your honesty. I’m also obsessed with how sweet and innocent you look when you’re a freak behind the scenes.” She laughed at my surprised expression. “Don’t even try to say that you’re not a freak. I saw the way Luke looked at you this morning. That’s a man who wants to do filthy things to the women he likes.”

I fanned myself. “He’s so hot. They all are. I don’t know what the hell they’re doing with me but I’m going to enjoy it while it lasts.”

“Are you kidding? They see a hot woman with a giant heart and a solid work ethic who cares about the people around her. I know you only agreed to this wedding to help with your mom’s care. The dedication that takes is bigger than you know, Maggie, and people see that.”

I sat up. “Did I tell you about my mom?”

She looked away. “You must have.”

I swallowed a lump in my throat as I realized that she was the person who paid for Mom’s care. I thought back to the call from Cara Conway and gasped. “Christina…”

She raised her eyebrows. “Drink your champagne before it goes flat.”

“You paid for my mom’s care.” Tears filled my eyes as she met my gaze with a somber one of her own. “Christina…”

“You deserved it.” She sniffed and sat up straighter. “I heard you talking and I could hear how scared you were, Maggie. I have the money. I owe you for putting together such a great wedding for us.”

I stood up and awkwardly walked over to her. Hugging her tight, the mud squished between us. “You have no idea how much it means to me. My mom had a stroke a few years ago and she needs a higher quality of care than what I could afford. You just saved her. I’ll never be able to thank you enough.”

“Stop. You’re making me cry.” She gently pushed me away. “If Ila sees you messing up her work, she will slap you again.”

I wiped my eyes and moved back to my seat but my heart was still in my throat. “Christina… I’m going to kiss you when we’re done here. And then I’m going to have my mom kiss you when she’s better.”

“Told you that you were a freak.” She grinned and drained her glass. “God. Emotions made me feel so weird. That’s definitely something I should talk about with my therapist.”

Ila opened the door and came in, a deep frown marring her face. She looked us over and sighed. “No getting sexy in here.”

Christina laughed so hard that she started snorting and it was the first sign of a flaw I saw in her. The snorting turned into a hoarse bark that just made me laugh even harder. Ila pointedly took our glasses away and left.

“Oh, my god. I haven’t laughed like that in years.” She slowly came down and then narrowed her eyes. “If you tell anyone I laugh like a dying horse, I’ll murder you.”

“Your secrets are safe with me. Always.”

She leaned over and held my hand. “You’re the first person that’s said that to me in years that I actually believe.”

“You had a friend for as long as you wanted the moment I met you.” I had to clear my throat of emotion. “Now that I’ve seen your heart? You have a friend for life, Christina. And I take my friendships very seriously.”

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