My decision to stay away from Jackson during the wedding planning was solidified when my first meeting of the day canceled on me for being late. It was the chef and she’d been happy to reschedule for later the same day but it still left such a bad taste in my mouth to have inconvenienced someone. If I couldn’t do my job while experiencing earth shattering orgasms, I couldn’t have those orgasms for the time being.

In another twist of the guilt knife into my chest, I ran into Brad while grabbing breakfast at the lodge. The dining room in the lodge was empty that time of morning since most of the guests weren’t arriving for another week and anyone planning the wedding and working out kinks were either spread out elsewhere, or they were me.

I’d just placed my order for an omelet when Brad showed up and asked if he could sit with me. I motioned for him to join me and tried not to ignite over the embarrassment I felt. I’d slept with his big brother, in a big way.

“I just wanted to apologize for being short with you last night. Christina mentioned that I’d been needlessly harsh and she’s right.” Brad sighed and sat back in his chair. “I just want everything to be perfect for me and Christina. It’s our wedding, you know? It’s a big deal and I just let the stress get to me at times.”

That was the thing with Brad. He was always apologetic for the mean things he said. He was good enough at apologizing to make you forget how bad the mean things had felt, too. “I get it. It’s a big day. You have to trust me, though, Brad. I want it to be perfect, too. I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure it is.”

“Of course, you are. It was wrong of me to question you. I do trust you. So does Christina. She really likes you.” He smiled at the waitress who brought my omelet to me. “Could I just get a black coffee?”

I waited until the waitress was gone to continue. “I like her, too. She seems genuinely kind. You don’t replace that in a person every day. You’re lucky.”

“I am.” He leaned over and took a bite of my omelet without permission. While I waited for a comment about how he was helping me not to overeat, he surprised me by going against my expectations. “You’re glowing this morning, Maggie. I don’t know what you did, but keep it up. You look great.”

I let my guard down a bit and smiled through my blush. I couldn’t exactly tell him my secret to the glow and just knowing it was his big brother and a dozen or so orgasms that did it was killing me. “Thank you. New soap.”

He thanked the waitress for his coffee when she brought it by and then he added half a dozen sugar packets to it. “I’m glad you agreed to plan my wedding. I know it could’ve been weird, but you’re so amazing, Maggie. Not everyone would be able to plan their ex’s wedding, especially while still single. You’re a one in a million.”

I swallowed a bite of omelet that wanted to lodge itself in my throat and nodded. Inside I was screaming that he was a dick for that comment. Outwardly, I smiled like the nice and professional wedding planner I was. “Thanks, Brad. Where’s CeCe this morning?”

“Recording some content for her social media. She’s always working.” He took a sip and then added two more sugars to his coffee. “Not that I’m complaining. That was part of what went wrong with us. I was busy and you had more time to miss me. It was hard on you. Christina is busy enough that she doesn’t notice if I’m out golfing for an extra nine holes.”

I kept smiling. “That’s great. I’m happy for you, Brad.”

“I should get back to Mom. She wants to have a spa day and since Christina’s busy, she’s making me join her.” He stood up and then leaned down to kiss my cheek. “Maybe I’ll come out glowing like you, huh?”

I waved him away and slumped once he was out of sight. He was exhausting. If things weren’t so tight with money, I never would’ve agreed to go anywhere near him. I needed the exposure more than ever. My own mom wasn’t waiting on me to have a spa day. She was stuck in a shitty nursing home, waiting for me to raise enough money to afford something nicer. Every additional day she spent in the bad nursing home was one more day lost.

The wedding would be perfect because it had to be. I’d ignore Brad’s mood swings and insults because I had to. I’d plan a kick ass wedding and get lots of business because I had to. There was no other option. I couldn’t get distracted by Jackson, or anyone else.

I pulled up my schedule on my phone and was going over details of what I needed to do that day when a call came in. With less than two weeks until the wedding, every phone call sent my stomach spiraling. I didn’t recognize the number and I hoped it was a wrong number or a telemarketer. Of course, it seemed I’d used up all my good luck with Jackson the night before.

“Maggie? This is Armon, Armon Germaine. I’m afraid I have some terrible news.” He sighed, unaware that I’d just lost all the color in my face. “I was double booked for the date of the wedding.”

My voice came out as a squeak. “Okay. Can you cancel the other booking? You’re the photographer for a massive wedding, Armon. I need you.”

“I’m sorry, Maggie.” He didn’t sound sorry. He sounded like he was sucking on a cigarette and flipping through a magazine. “The other booking is for a fashion shoot with a brand I can’t afford to tell no. I’ll have my assistant send over a list of photographers who might be free on such short notice. Sorry!”

I stood up, no longer hungry. I’d already been pacing for fifteen minutes when the email came through with the very short list of photographers. I knew I was screwed by the second name on the list. I was laughed at when I mentioned the date of the wedding multiple times. One man even cursed at me and told me I was an idiot. So, it went really well. Obviously.

I’d tugged my hair out of its bun and was chewing on the special necklace my mom had told me to order for the moments I was stressed. Instead of chewing on my nails or my lips, I chewed on the necklace that was made specifically for that. I kept it hidden away in my purse most of the time but I had a feeling I was going to need to leave it on until the wedding was over.

I wracked my brain, desperately searching every dark recess there was, for some kind of idea about how to solve the photography issue. I could, and would, sue Armon for a breach of contract, but that wouldn’t do anything until long after I needed him.

I’d just decided that I needed fresh air when I spun around to make an escape and ran right into Ryan Heath.

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