One Year Later

Getting married in Paris while on vacation hadn’t been the plan. I’d been planning a small gathering at a family church back home but when I saw the Island of Love, I melted. Christina and Mac flew in to be with us, even though she was six months pregnant. Mom and Gregor were already with us so it was just a matter of replaceing a dress. It turned out, however, that money could make anything happen and the dress I’d worn during the ceremony proved that.

With the scent of roses in the air, Paris in the spring became the backdrop of our wedding. Mom walked me down the aisle. Gregor carried our son, Anderson, with the rings. It was a fast ceremony with a long dinner afterwards. We danced under the stars and got drunk on expensive champagne while Christina and Mac babysat Anderson to prepare for their own son. We also broke the hotel bed and woke up with awful hangovers.

The rest of the vacation was magical and had even ended in Gregor proposing to Mom. I knew I was a lucky woman when I was just as excited to go home as I’d been to go to Paris. We’d been married for three weeks when I realized we’d brought back something extra from Paris.

I had a positive pregnancy test clutched in my hand when I walked into Luke’s office. He, Ryan, and Jackson were sitting around his desk, looking over the blueprints for the house they wanted to have built for us. Ryan was wearing Anderson against his chest, the dinosaur wrap oddly in place on Ryan’s large frame. They all looked up and smiled when they saw me.

“I thought you were meeting with Beth to talk about her wedding plans.” Luke came around his desk and kissed me. As he always did, he picked me up and walked me back around his desk, to put me down on it. The blueprints crinkled under my ass but none of them seemed to care.

“Mom told me to plan it all. She just wants to be married in the next six months.” I held my hand between my thighs with the test hidden. “Are you guys almost done for the day?”

“We were just wrapping up. You okay?” Ryan moved around to cup my cheek. “You look a little pale.”

I stared at Anderson and smiled as he yawned and reached for me. Ryan handed him to me and I took advantage of the peace his solid weight brought me. Pressing my lips to his head, I inhaled his scent and listened as he babbled at me.


I took a deep breath. “I have a late wedding present for you guys.”

Jackson leaned in to study me and then his eyes widened. He rubbed his jaw and let a slow smile stretch his mouth. “Oh, yeah?”

I blushed and looked away. “I’m worried it’s not something you wanted right now.”

Luke ran his hands up my thighs and spread them so he could step between. When he looked down and saw the pregnancy test, he stilled, though. “Maggie?”

I drew in another deep breath. And then another. “It’s too soon. Anderson isn’t even a year old yet. My pregnancy with him was rough at times. It’s going to be a lot, having two babies so close together. I didn’t think it could happen so-”

Luke plucked Anderson from my arms and pressed his lips to mine. “Hold that thought.”

I gaped at him as he hurried from his office. Looking at Jackson and Ryan, I shrugged. “Is he expecting us to pretend like I didn’t just tell you both I’m pregnant?”

Jackson pulled me into his arms and laughed. “You’re worried about nothing, Bubbles. This is good news. Plus, we kind of suspected.”

“Yeah. You begged for us the other night like you did when you were pregnant with Andy.” Ryan groaned. “I really hope Luke was taking Andy to your mom and Gregor.”

“I did.” Luke came back in, breathing hard. He took his place between my thighs again and unclipped my hair. Running his fingers through it, he held my gaze and gently eased me back until I was lying across the desk. “I love you and everything you are, baby. I love that you’re going to grow our second child in your amazing body. I love all of the specialness of it. But…”

I frowned. “What?”

His grin was dark. “Selfishly, I love the way you turn into a needy little thing when you’re pregnant. I love the way you take us when you’re pregnant, love the way your body grows for us. Here.”

I gasped as he cupped my breasts.

“And here.” She flipped up my shirt and lowered his mouth to my stomach. “I love the way you come when you’re pregnant, like everything is right in the world for a while.”

“Everything is right in my world.” I gripped his hair and tugged his mouth up to mine. “This is really okay?”

Jackson pushed Luke out of the way and gripped my leggings. Pulling them down, he barely had them off before he had two fingers in me. “You’re our wife. Our very wet wife who is going to give us more babies. How could it not be okay?”

I moaned, the wild need already blossoming out from my core. “It’s not too soon?”

Ryan pinched my nipples, forcing a loud moan from me. “Never. Now spread your legs and tip your head back, baby. Let us give you what you need.”


Six Months Later

“Get in here, woman.” Ryan stood in the shallow end of the pool, his hands on his hips. “Faster!”

I laughed happily and stripped out of my coverup. My baby belly had grown even faster than it had with Anderson. The two piece swim suit I wore was bright pink and did nothing to hide any part of my body, so unlike the suits I’d worn to their family pool when I’d been with Brad. “I’m coming as fast as I can!”

Jackson pressed into me from behind and growled. “I’ve seen you come faster.”

I blushed and playfully slapped his hands away. “Stop it. Your dad is right there.”

He ran his mouth up my neck. “Get in the water, Bubbles. It’s hot out here.”

I pretended I was going to dive in and laughed when four grown men immediately started shouting at me to not even think about it. Rolling my eyes, I waved my hands at them to relax. Smiling at their dad, I wagged my finger at him. “I’m starting to think you like me.”

He blushed and looked away. “I just don’t want you to shake my granddaughter up.”

Luke scooped me up and walked me to the steps into the pool. Carrying me in, he didn’t let me go until he could pass me to Ryan. “You’re going to give me a heart attack.”

“You?” Their dad muttered something under his breath and shook his head. “I’d like to live long enough to meet the girl, you know?”

I luxuriated in the pool until the four of them, my new babysitters, grew worried about how much sun I was getting. I’d learned quick and fast how overprotective my husbands were during my pregnancy with Anderson. It was surprising to see their dad react the same way. He’d only come around to the idea of me after Anderson was born and had apologized for his behavior. Then he really started warming up after replaceing out I was pregnant again.

I loved that he’d finally gotten nicer. It’d taken a while for me to get over the way he’d treated me before but I wasn’t great at holding grudges. Plus, my guys had done that for me. They’d only agreed to visit their family home after months of being asked to.

Later that night, after I’d put Anderson down for the night, I was sitting on the same couches I’d once sat on with Brad, with my husbands. I leaned back against Luke’s chest and giggled when his hand trailed up my stomach to my chest.

“Are you missing me?”

He kissed my neck and cupped my throat. “Yes. If you can be quiet, we could go to our room and take care of it.”

Ryan snorted. “Maggie? Quiet?”

I lightly kicked him. “I can be quiet.”

“You can-”

The alarm dinged and let us know someone had opened the front door. I sucked in a sharp breath because I knew their dad and step-mom were already in their room for the night and that they’d mentioned Brad could be stopping by. It’d gotten late enough that I convinced myself I wouldn’t have to see him after all.

Luke pressed his mouth to my ear. “Relax, baby.”

Easier said than done. I hadn’t seen Brad since the day in Christina’s hotel room when she’d dumped him. I’d worried about running into him since then, afraid of how awkward it would be, or if he’d be mean to me. There was also a tinge of fear that he’d try to hurt my relationship again. I just didn’t trust him.

Jackson leaned over and kissed me before standing up. “I’m just going to grab something to drink.”

I grabbed his hand. “Jack.”

He sighed. “I’m not going to do anything, baby. I’ll be good.”

Luke and Ryan both snorted. Ryan picked up my foot to massage it while shaking his head. “Bullshit.”

Before any of us could make another move Brad was standing in the doorway. He stared at us, a deep frown on his face. He’d put on a little bit of weight since I’d last seen him, all of it centered in his middle. His hair also looked thinner.

And just like that, I realized I’d built him up to be bigger in my head than he was in real life. I’d let myself turn him into a monster who could ruin my family but he wasn’t. He was just a sad little man.

I struggled to my feet and put my hand on Jackson’s chest to settle him. “Brad. It’s been a while.”

He looked at my stomach and a cruel smirk played at his mouth. “I-”

“I wouldn’t if I were you.” I smiled. “I’m over how you treated me, but your brothers aren’t. If you vocalize whatever mean thing you’re thinking about me, I can’t promise you that they won’t do their best to make you eat your words. We have a family now. You have a nephew upstairs and a niece on the way. I’m willing to leave the past in the past to make things easier for your dad and everyone else here. Are you?”

Luke wrapped his arms around me from behind and growled. “I suggest you say yes, Bradley.”

Brad seemed to be thinking it over. His face darkened as he did and then he narrowed his eyes at Luke. “Give me back my job. With a raise.”

“No.” Luke didn’t expand on his answer.

“Then you can all go fuck yourselves.” Brad turned around and a few seconds later we heard the door slam.

I shrugged. “Well, that was dramatic.”

“You okay, baby?” Jackson cupped my face with shaking hands. I could tell he wanted to go after his brother.

I smiled and nodded. “Honestly? I think I needed that. He looks pitiful. I don’t wish bad on him but it does seem like karma has taken a chunk out of him.”

“He really just asked for an allowance, basically, to be nice. God knows he never actually did any work so it wasn’t like I could expect him to now.” Luke sank back down on the couch and pulled me into his lap. “You were brilliant, baby.”

“I think so, too.” I laughed at their incredulous looks. “What? That was something I’ve been dreading for so long and now it’s over. I feel great. I feel like I could stay really quiet for you guys tonight.”

Ryan laughed and blew out a deep breath. “Jesus, you’re perfect, Maggie. I don’t know how we got so lucky.”

“You were patient and you worked hard. That’s how good things come to everyone.” I bit my lip. “Just like I’ve been patient and worked hard at keeping my libido at bay today. So good things should come my way.”

Jackson picked me up and barked at his brothers. “One of you grab the baby monitor. The pool house should be far enough away to mute some of her screams.”

I grinned over his shoulder at Luke and Ryan. “And grab a snack for after!”

Jackson grunted. “And to think, you used to be so sweet and quiet.”

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