My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 777 Disappearance

After having lunch at Darkmoor, Ayan drove Camille back to themuseum before leaving himself. He had a meeting at three in theafternoon, so he had two hours of free time. After checking the time, hecalled Kian and said, "I have some things to take care of. Don't call meunless it's important.”

"Okay, Mr. Simpson," Kian replied. He thought Ayan had a date withCamille, so he didn't want to disturb.

Ayan made a U-turn at an intersection and headed straight for theArmstrong's Villa. When he arrived at the door, instead of going in rightaway, he sat in his car and smoked a cigarette before getting out andringing the doorbell.

The butler recognized him immediately and invited him inside withoutany hesitation: "Mr. Armstrong and Mrs. Armstrong are inside waitingfor you."

Brody was discussing Grace's wedding plans with Page when theyheard about Ayan's arrival; they exchanged glances before Ayanwalked into the room without waiting for their response.

"Hey Ayan! Come sit down," Brody greeted him warmly as Pagesummoned servants to bring tea and fruit.

Ayan walked over to a single sofa on one side of the room while Brodyasked if there was anything important that brought him here today.

"I just have a few questions I wanted to ask you," Ayan replied calmlyafter Page left them alone in the living room.

Since Brody knew that Ayan and Camille had divorced, it was naturallyimpossible for him to have the previous feeling that Ayan was his son-in-law. Although he was afraid and in awe of Ayan in the past, he wouldbe a little proud. After all, his son-in-law was so excellent that he alwaysthought he was higher above him. But now that little pride was gonebecause of the divorce.

Brody tried probing gently: "Ayan, what brings you here today? Is theresomething important?"

Ayan remained calm as ever: "Yes actually... do you remember Elijah?"Brody's eyes flickered with emotion, and Ayan didn't miss it. Brody said,"Of course, he has worked for me for many years, and we have knowneach other for many years."

“You must know him very well then?" Ayan's gaze was light-hearted,but Brody couldn't see what he was thinking.

Brody said, "I wouldn't say I know him very well. If I did, he wouldn'thave almost bankrupted my company.”

Ayan didn't speak but just stared at Brody intently.

His expression seemed to suggest that he didn't believe Brody'sresponse.

Brody frowned slightly and said, "Ayan, Elijah is in prison now. Why areyou suddenly interested in asking about him?"

Ayan smiled lightly and said, "Well, something came up that made mewant to ask you about it."

Brody couldn't figure out what Ayan meant deep down inside so hewasn?? t sure how to respond.

Ignoring his change of expression altogether, Ayan continued speakingindifferently,"Do you really not understand Elijah? He has been by yourside for so many years in a position of great influence. Can someonewho has been around you for so long be someone you don?? tunderstand at all?"

This obviously made no sense.

Even an ordinary employee would have had to fill out relevantinformation before entering the company; let alone Elijah who held sucha powerful position as secretary at Armstrong Corp besides Brody?

If it weren?? t for the power given to him by Brody himself, Elijah couldnever have manipulated Armstrong Corp like this?

Since such great power had been given, Brody must trust Elijahcompletely. Ayan was convinced of this point, but it seemed that Brodywasn?? t willing to admit it. This was an objective answer based onBrody?? s reaction just now.

His gaze remained fixed on broody, his eyes showing some probingquestions: "How did you meet Elijah? He has worked at ArmstrongCorp for so many years. Surely, you must have known him personallybefore allowing him to work beside yourself?"

Although Ayan?? s attitude towards Brody remained polite, it stillcarried a clear sense of distance and coldness which could be feltdistinctly .

That?? s just how Ayan is - except when around those few friends orthe Simpson family members, Camille had seen most of his emotionsas well as facial expressions, and there were no pretenses betweenthem. It was a side others never saw.

Ayan's indifference made Brody's face freeze slightly, and he keptwondering what Ayan meant.

What was he up to by mentioning Elijah?

Brody had been ruminating in his mind for a long time without ananswer, but couldn't ignore Ayan for too long, so he responded quickly:"He really had been with me for a long time, and he was just marriedwhen we met. At that time, I took over Armstrong Corp. I was notfamiliar with everything. It was his help that got me to where I am today,so I am grateful to him, but also have some complaints. But until nowwe haven't seen it, and of course there are things we can't figure out,and I don't know why on earth he did it."

Brody's words are too subtle to be serious.

That was Ayan's first thought.

Their eyes locked. Ayan smiled and said, "You seem very protective ofElijah?"

“I'm just being honest."

“You've known Elijah for years, and you know his family, right?"

“Just fine." Brody asked, "Ayan, why are you so curious all of asudden?"

Ayan laughed. "I want to know something about Elijah’s family, andArmstrong Corp is involved in this, so do you know enough about him?"Brody's face turned serious and he asked, "Armstrong Corp is involved.What is it?"

“I can't tell you anything about Elijah right now, but I came here today toask you about Elijah. Do you know anything about his family? Do youremember the people he had more contact with?"

Brody said, ?? I don't know. I need to think about it.??

"Well, if you think of anything, call me anytime."

Ayan also said this to make Brody pay attention, otherwise Brody wouldcertainly not have any reaction. He didn't stay long enough to say whathe had to say and then left.

Ayan drove back to the Simpson Group after leaving the Armstrongfamily.

But Brody?? s thoughts were stirred up.

Page also came down the stairs.

Seeing Brody not looking well, she asked anxiously, "Is everythingokay?"

Brody sighed and explained, "Ayan came to see me today and askedabout Elijah. He said that Armstrong Corp is involved in somethingserious, but he couldn't tell me more. I need to think about it and see if Ican remember anyone who knows Elijah's family well.”

Page looked concerned and asked, "Is everything okay? Should I beworried?"

Brody shook his head. “I don't know yet, but I want Camille to comeback tonight, so we can talk about it together.”

Page nodded understandingly. "Okay, let me call her right away."

“Let's wait until she arrives," Brody said, his mood not too good. Pagedidn't ask any more questions, but she didn’t want to call Camilleherself. The unpleasantness from before was still fresh in her mind, soafter much hesitation, she called Grace instead.

Page instructed Grace to contact Camille and arrange for her to comeback to the Armstrong family that evening. She made sure toemphasize that it was important for Camille to come back.

Grace quickly called Camille. In response, Camille simply asked,"What's going on?"

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