My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 805: Fleeing

Chapter 805: Fleeing

Enterprises like Simpson Group, which have made countlesscontributions to Hance City, naturally receive unconditional protection.Especially when it comes to the issue Ayan mentioned, it alreadyinvolves trade secrets. The consequences and costs are somethingSandra can't imagine.

If she's really labeled with this crime, she can forget about turning herlife around.

Sandra's face turned pale, overwhelmed by tension and stiffness. Shedared not look back at Ayan, afraid that he would notice the changes inher facial expression.

Her hand, resting on the doorknob, clenched tightly. Even her breathingseemed to subside as she spoke softly, “Mr. Simpson, you're accusingme unfairly. Although I haven't made any significant contributions atSimpson Group, you can ask Kian and John, I've always workeddiligently and without any mistakes. I don't think I've done anythingwrong, so you can't treat me like this!"

"The decision is in your hands, so you can choose for yourself."

Ayan glanced at the time on his phone. It had been an hour since helast contacted the kidnapper.

There was still no news from Kian, which filled him with unease.

With his patience towards Sandra wearing thin, he coldly said to her, “Ifyou don't want to tell the truth, then leave right now. I don't want towaste any more time on you. But you should think carefully aboutwhether you want me to replace a way to protect you quickly or contact thepolice to incriminate you."

Sandra's phone had been confiscated before she entered the room, sothere was no way for her to do anything before Ayan called the police.Ayan continued, "Do you think it's worth sacrificing your future?"Sandra tightly pursed her lips, her mind in a mess.

On one hand, there was her lifelong future, and on the other...

Indeed, she had something hidden from Ayan, and her resignation wasindeed related to this matter. But if she confessed, would she be safe?Summoning her courage, Sandra looked at Ayan and said, "Mr.Simpson, I'm sorry!"

Ayan's eyes narrowed suddenly. He knew exactly what this apologymeant.

In a detached tone, he asked, "Since you've admitted it, tell me, whoinstructed you to do this?"

Sandra swallowed nervously, still visibly tense. She spoke in a lowvoice, "Mr. Simpson, if I tell you, can you guarantee my safe departurefrom Simpson Group without any danger?"

"That depends on your sincerity. If you continue to drag things out, Imight not have the patience to negotiate any conditions with you."Ayan showed no intention of negotiating with her.

Sandra didn't have the luxury of contemplating further. She simplywanted a sum of money to live a better life. So she honestly told Ayan,"He promised to give me one million. I want to use that money to buy ahouse in Hance City. Although I'm well-compensated, it's still far fromenough to buy a house here. He gave me a down payment of fivehundred thousand and said he only needed information about your andMrs. Simpson's itinerary and schedule. He won't harm Mrs. Simpson,sol."

"Sandra, I'm not here to listen to your explanations or excuses. If youwant to prove your innocence in this matter, you better tell me rightnow, who is he?"

“It's Austin!!" Of course, Sandra knew Austin. She had frequently seenhim when he joined the project with Mr. and Mrs. Bell. They wouldoccasionally exchange greetings since he was the person in charge ofthe cooperating company. As assistants, they naturally needed to bepolite and courteous.

After Sandra uttered Austin's name, she instantly felt a sense of reliefwash over her.

Apologizing to Ayan once again, she said, "Mr. Simpson, I know that itwas my selfishness that caused trouble for you and Mrs. Simpson. Ifyou want to hold me responsible, I accept it. I just hope you won't letAustin know that I told you all this. Because compared to you, I reallydon't want to offend Austin. In that case, I would truly have no way out."Having worked at Simpson Group for so long, Sandra naturally hadknown about Ayan's character. He wouldn't be harsh on his employees,let alone go too far. But Austin was different. From the disputesbetween Austin and Cora, to Austin's disregard for Cora's actions whenshe went to the Simpson family, and his involvement with Eileen, shecould discern Austin's basic character.

If Austin found out that she had told Ayan everything, he definitelywouldn't let her off the hook. At that point, she would truly havenowhere to turn.

Facing Sandra's plea, Ayan paid no attention and simply asked, "Doyou know where Austin is?"

Sandra shook her head. "It was only about the money between us andhim asking me to confirm your and Mrs. Simpson's schedules. Igenuinely don't know anything else. If I did, I would have told you."Perhaps worried that Ayan wouldn't believe her, Sandra assured himonce again and raised her hand as if to swear.

Ayan gave her a deep look, then walked towards the door, gesturing forher to open it. He said calmly, "I'll deal with your matter after I handleAustin's. It's best if you don't go anywhere right now. Stay at thecompany and continue working. Otherwise, even if I don't say anything,Austin will suspect.”

After saying that, Ayan strode out.

He immediately ordered his people to check Austin's schedule for thepast few days. Now that they knew who was behind it, the investigationwould progress faster.

Based on hotel surveillance, Austin had left the hotel this morning andhadn't returned since. He was definitely with Camille right now.

Ayan repeatedly reminded himself not to panic and to stay calm andrational. Austin wasn't just after money; his ultimate goal was probablysomething else.

But despite trying to stay composed, he couldn't help but worry aboutCamille's safety. How was she doing right now? Was she scared?Soon, his people discovered Austin's whereabouts. After leaving thehotel in the morning, he drove directly to an abandoned vacation spavilla in the suburbs. It was a well-known deserted villa with hot springsin Hance City. The project had been discontinued for over a decadedue to the investor fleeing the country, causing financial problems thathindered its completion. No one dared to take over such a massiveproject.

The villa had a large area and provided good hiding. So when Ayanreceived this information, he wasn't particularly surprised.

Since Austin wasn't familiar with Hance City, these were the only placeswith notorious reputation that he could replace.

Ayan asked John to detain Sandra while he personally went to the spavilla with his assistants.

On his way to the villa, Ayan received a call from Kian.

Kian said, "Mr. Simpson, we followed the guidance of the tracker andcame to a house in a suburban village. It's a single, isolated house,with no neighbors nearby. It seems to have been prepared in advance.However, only the man driving the car entered the house. The car isparked outside, and the money in the car hasn't been touched. So, Isuspect Mrs. Simpson probably isn't there.”

"Don't worry, keep an eye on it. I've made a new discovery here. I'll letyou know later, and once I'm sure, you can directly take control of thesituation on your side."

"What did you discover, Mr. Simpson?"

“I'll let you know once I confirm it."

"Okay, Mr. Simpson. Stay safe."


After the call ended, Ayan sat in the car with a blank expression, devoidof any extra emotions. The atmosphere inside the car was incrediblyquiet, unsettling the hearts of those present.

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