My Ex’s Roommates: A Reverse Harem College Sports Romance (Ex Marks the Spot) -
My Ex’s Roommates: Chapter 14
I started with Dylan first. The lump on his head wasn’t as bad as I’d first thought. I gave him a bag of ice to hold to it and forced him to drink water while I listened to Carter explain why they had swollen knuckles.
“We went to a party and we were minding our own business. We didn’t start anything. We’re good guys, Harper. Just downright upstanding citizens, you know?” He nudged Silas with his elbow and winked, like I couldn’t see him the entire time. “These guys started bothering us, talking shit. We tried to ignore them.”
I’d moved to Silas to clean his knuckles and I knew all about trying to ignore someone. Silas’s pupils were blown out as he watched me with his bottom lip caught between his teeth. He’d shifted on his stool at the island so that I was standing between his muscular thighs and the heat from his body was stunting my brain activity.
I held his right hand and rubbed ointment on it, doing my best to not notice the way his thighs were gently tightening around me. “Okay. What next? You tried to ignore these assholes and then what?”
“Dylan told them to back off and one of the fuckers swung on him. There were a lot more of them than there were of us but we came out winners. It was the first time tonight.” Carter grunted. “Dylan had a pool stick and you should’ve seen him. Did you study karate, dude?”
I didn’t have much choice in how I moved since Silas didn’t seem interested in letting me go so after I finished rubbing ointment into both of his hands I reached over and started cleaning Carter’s from where I was. The more Carter talked, the more concerned I became. “Did anyone get hurt?”
Dylan grunted. “Besides me when that little shit suckerpunched me? I don’t know and I don’t care.”
“You don’t know and you don’t care?” Frustration brought out a thicker version of my accent as I stared at the three of them. “Okay, let me get this straight. You got into a fight tonight and you won the fight, according to Carter. You don’t know how you left the other guys. So, someone could’ve been hurt. Am I hearing that right?”
Carter pouted. “You’re not supposed to care about them. You’re supposed to care about us.”
“I do! If you get in trouble for that fight, the three of you are going to be off the team. You’ll leave the team in worse shape than it’s already in. You can’t afford that. Besides that, you could easily end up sharing a pod with my brothers if you hit someone just a bit too hard. No more fighting. If that means you don’t go to parties where you don’t know absolutely everyone, then that’s what it means. I refuse to spend my football season pissed at the three of you because you stupidly got yourselves benched.”
Dylan hung his head. “They started it.”
I slipped out of Silas’ grip and went to Dylan. “You know the team is fucked for sure if you aren’t there. Right?”
He groaned, long and loud, but then he jumped to his feet and nodded at me. “You’re right. No more fighting.”
He cut me off by yanking me into his chest and landing a hard kiss on my mouth. It was over before I could react but the feeling of his lips on mine didn’t fade. “Thanks, Harper. Time for bed now.”
I stared after him as he let me go and stumbled out of the kitchen. It was almost strange enough that I could’ve believed I’d imagined the whole thing. That was, until I looked at Carter and Silas and my breath caught in my throat. They were each staring at me like I was a freshly grilled steak. Both of them seemed larger than ever as they watched me, their eyes raking over my figure from head to toe. I suddenly felt naked and overheated all at once.
“And don’t mess up my kitchen!” Dylan’s shout from the top of the stairs jolted me into action.
I grabbed my first aid kit and practically sprinted up the stairs and into my room. I shut the door and locked it, more to keep myself in than them out. Dropping the kit on the floor, I immediately turned off the lights and crawled under my covers, my heart racing.
Dylan kissed me. Silas and Carter looked like they’d been considering kissing me. After the kiss I’d shared with Silas already, I knew none of it was a good idea. It just made my hormones do stupid things and made things awkward in the house. What were they thinking? What was I thinking?
I hadn’t struggled against Dylan’s kiss. I just let him kiss me and if he hadn’t stopped when he did, I would’ve let him continue kissing me. Just like I would’ve let Silas continue kissing me the week before. What was wrong with me?
You’re horny for them. Pervert. I pulled my pillow over my face and groaned into it. I couldn’t be horny for them. Firstly, there were three of them. Secondly, they were infuriating men who made me want to poison them some days. Thirdly, and most importantly, I’d only ever been with Jake and I’d never been all that excited or into sex. I couldn’t just suddenly be a sexual deviant after being almost indifferent towards sex for most of my life.
Why was I thinking about sex? It was just a kiss. Two kisses, actually. Just two kisses that didn’t mean anything.
Determined I’d sorted it out and that I had nothing to worry about, I laid there in bed, staring at my ceiling, waiting on my body to relax. It wouldn’t, though.
My sheets felt heavy on my skin, the soft slide of them over my bare legs almost too much. I couldn’t keep still. As electrifying as the material felt against my legs when I rubbed my legs together, I couldn’t stop. My nipples were hard under my t-shirt and my hands moved towards them without thought. Every nerve ending in my body felt like it was standing on end, waiting for more.
My hands cupped my breasts over my t-shirt as I squeezed my thighs together. Full and heavy, my chest rose and fell faster as I stroked my fingers over my nipples. I was on autopilot as I moved my hand under my shirt and found my bare breasts. I rolled my nipples between my fingers and sank my teeth into my lip to stay quiet as pleasure rolled through my body. My other hand moved down my stomach and slipped into my shorts and panties. Wet. I was messy with my desire, the truth of it slicking my lower lips and drenching my panties.
The first brush of my fingers against my clit made me gasp and plant my feet on the bed. The second made my back arch and my fingers tighten on my nipple. I forgot to breathe as I found a spot just over my clit and rubbed it with ever-quickening circles. Bucking my hips against my own hand, I stumbled into an orgasm faster than I ever had at Jake’s hands. I sucked in oxygen and lay there shocked, embarrassed, and kind of impressed.
I never masturbated. I hardly ever orgasmed. Yet I’d managed to come at lightning speed after thinking about my roommates. That shocking reality had me yanking my wet fingers from my bottoms and rolling over to my side so I could press my face into the bed. I’d been thinking of them, of their longing expressions, when I touched myself. That wasn’t okay!
I told myself to get up and go wash my hands but even with the panicky thought that I was in trouble with my roommates, I passed out fast and slept through the night without budging once.
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