My Ex’s Roommates: A Reverse Harem College Sports Romance (Ex Marks the Spot) -
My Ex’s Roommates: Chapter 20
Back in my room that night, I did my best to ignore the ache between my thighs. It was a constant reminder of Dylan and his magical penis. Although, his hands and his mouth were pretty magical, too. Maybe Dylan as a whole was just magical. I didn’t know how many times we’d had sex but showering afterwards had shown me that the sheer amount of his come coating my insides and inner legs was astronomical. I didn’t understand why I liked that as much as I did. To be fair, I didn’t understand a lot of things about sex.
Growing up hadn’t left a lot of room for extras, which included dating and sex. I’d just been focused on survival. Danny, Jay, and Matt had also done very thorough jobs at keeping boys and men away from me. That was why they’d been so infuriated when they’d found out that our own father had nearly thrown away the years they’d spent keeping me safe.
I stretched out on my bed, in awe at the feelings of my body. It wasn’t just the ache between my thighs. My thighs burned from Dylan having me ride him. My knees and elbows had rug burn from his carpeted floor. My skin felt like the top layer had been shed and everything was just a little bit more sensitive than usual. I also felt like I was floating in a pool of hot fudge. When I didn’t move and the aches weren’t there, I felt so heavy and warm that there was a permanent smile on my face. Good sex… Who knew?
The sound of my phone dinging roused me but it was only when a second message came in that I actually reached for it. I saw the message from Casey and shook my head. She wanted me to meet her at a bar just off campus but there was no way I was leaving my bed. I told her as much and then groaned when my phone rang in my hands.
“Yes, Casey?” I was smiling still, even happy to turn down a persistent invite.
“Who’s Casey?”
I sat up and screamed, all thoughts of dirty things gone as I heard my brother’s voice for the first time in way too long. “Matt!”
He laughed quietly and I got the impression that it wasn’t exactly talking time in the pod. “Hey, Little Harpoon. Missed you, kid.”
“I missed you! Are you okay? Are Danny and Jay okay? What happened? Do you need anything?” I went up on my knees as the weight of not talking to them slowly fell away. “I-”
My bedroom door sprung open and Silas barged in, eyes wild as he looked around the room. “What happened?! I heard you scream.”
“Who the hell is that?” Matt suddenly wasn’t so quiet.
“I’m on the phone with my brother! Everything’s fine. And Matt, that was one of my roommates. He heard me scream and thought I was under attack, I guess.” I tilted my head at Silas. “You didn’t stop to grab a weapon? What if there had been an intruder?”
Matt sighed. “Leave the man alone, Harper.”
Silas puffed out his chest and flexed his arms while backing out of my room. “I am a weapon, princess. And don’t you forget it.”
I laughed and waved as he closed my door. My heart was beating faster than it should’ve been and I let myself think about how he’d tried to come to my rescue. Only for a moment, though.
“I might like him.” Matt grunted. “He calls you princess, huh?”
I groaned. “Don’t even start, Matty. Just tell me about you guys. I’ve been worried.”
“We’re all fine, kid. There was some shit here but it didn’t concern us so it shouldn’t concern you. Tell me who Casey is and then tell me why your roommate felt like it was his responsibility to burst into your room to save you. Is there something there?”
I curled onto my side and forgot for a second where my brothers were and why they were there. “Casey is Carter’s twin. She’s great. She wanted me to go out but I’m not up for it tonight. And Silas would probably feel entitled to burst into the governor’s mansion. The audacity on that one is incredible.”
“Tell me more.” Matt heard me start to onject. “I’d like to just listen to you talk about your life for a while, Harp.”
Tears peppered my eyes but I kept them contained. “I can do that.”
It was the way I knew that being in prison got to them at times. They were so strong but they were only human. At times they just wanted to hear me talk while they listened and it was the least I could do for them.
I started talking, telling him all about the football team, the plays I’d helped with, my sports medicine classes. He listened quietly while I switched topics and told him about Casey and everything else that had been happening in my life, minus the stuff about Dylan.
“You should go out with your friend, Harper. Life is too short to just stay in.” Matt’s voice was strained. “Be careful, though, obviously. Take that Silas with you. He seems like he’s eager to protect you.”
“Are you okay, Matty?” I listened to the silence that came back at me and felt my lungs constrict. “Matty?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. We all are. The whole prison was in lockdown for so long that we all just really felt it this time. I hate this time of the year in here most. I want to be out, doing anything else.” It was the most he’d ever let me see into his suffering. “We’ve been thinking, Harper… Maybe we’ve been a little too harsh about you not visiting.”
“I can come?” I said the words so quietly, like I was afraid if I spoke too loudly, he’d taken his back.
“Once, Harper. We just… I think we need to see you and see that you’re okay. What do you say?”
“Yes! Yes, a million times!” I jumped up and went to my closet. “Are there any rules I need to know? Things I can’t wear? Stripes, probably.”
He laughed, which was what I was hoping for. “Dress like you have three older brothers who would murder anyone in here who stared at you for too long. Got me?”
“Dress like a nun. Got it.”
“I love you, Harper. We all do.”
“I love y’all more than anything. Thank you for letting me come.” I thought about Silas’ offer to drive me. “Would it be okay if a friend came with me? He would drive. Or I can take the bus.”
“Stay off the fucking bus. Bring your friend and we’ll check him out while he’s here.”
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