I’m so embarrassed.” Those were the first words I spoke the next morning when I woke up in a human dog pile of naked men. I felt one of them tighten their grip on my ass and groaned. I was sore. Sore in a way that I’d never known sex could leave me.

Dylan lifted his head from my chest and the sight of his messy hair and sleepy eyes hit me dead in the chest. “You better not be having second thoughts. Not after we pledged our bodies to you for as long as you want them.”

I laughed and stroked his cheek. “No second thoughts. I’m just embarrassed that I cried after sex. That’s so lame.”

Carter’s head was on my thigh and he didn’t seem motivated to move anytime soon. “We weren’t easy on you, Harper. It was intense. I think I saw Silas crying, too.”

Silas grumbled from behind me. “Everyone who isn’t Harper needs to shut the fuck up. I’m trying to sleep.”

I grinned. “You don’t need me to shut the fuck up?”

He nipped at the back of my neck. “No, you’re special. You can talk. They can’t.”

“It’s my room.” Dylan rolled his eyes but he was still smiling as he watched me. “You’re beautiful, Harper.”

I blushed, which was ridiculous after all we’d done the night before. “So are you.”

Silas lifted his head and I knew he was going to take his shot to mess with Dylan. “Aww, Dylan, you’re beautiful.”

Carter planted a kiss right over my sex and then stood up, as naked as the day he was born without an ounce of shame as he stretched. “We’re going to need to work on a sleeping plan. These beds aren’t meant for three big men to share. I wonder how soon I could get a custom bed delivered. Something big enough for all of us but also maybe something we can pull up to separate Silas away when he’s moody.”

I watched him stretching and then his words filtered through my groggy, sex hazy brain. “Did you just say you’re going to order a custom bed?”

He shrugged. “I have the money and I like to be comfortable. Why not order a custom bed?”

“Is he for real?” I could tell by the looks on Dylan and Silas’ faces that he was. “Carter, don’t waste your money. This is fine. I kind of liked waking up in a pile of men.”

“Only these men.” Silas groaned and rolled over to grab his phone. “What time is it? This is awful.”

Something about the ease that they were talking about us made me giddy. I felt ridiculously happy just listening to them grunt at each other. I decided that I wanted a snapshot of the moment, something I could always have, even if things fell apart. I wanted to remember the feeling I had in that moment, the excitement for whatever came next. I really wanted to remember that I’d been myself to get there. Not the Stepford wife version of me, but just me.

“Let me see your phone?”

Silas handed it to me without any hesitation, something else that made me want to kiss him. Jake would’ve never. I pulled up the camera and looked at Carter. “Come here. I want a picture.”

Silas rolled into me, hands settling on my body eagerly. “I didn’t expect you to be into-”

“I just want a selfie, Silas.” I laughed and shook my head. “Never in a million years would I chance the image of my body gyrating around being seen. No, thank you.”

“I happen to think it’s pretty hot.” Dylan pressed a kiss to my jaw and then got into frame for the picture.

We all shoved in, with plenty of complaining from Silas, but I got the picture I wanted. The four of us looked happy. Thoroughly rumpled, but so happy. I ran my finger over the screen and then sent myself a copy. “It’s perfect.”

“Okay, now I need the two of you who aren’t Harper to go away.” Silas threw his arm over my waist and pressed his face into my back.

“Again. It’s my room.”

Silas let out a deep laugh. “We share now, Dylan.”

I made him unhappy by sitting up and tugging the blanket up with me to cover my naked body. “I know I already said it but I’m really proud of y’all. That game was amazing. I’m surprised the cops didn’t get called here for a noise complaint. I lost my shit. And then my brothers called and they were losing their shit, too. They never did that when Jake was playing. Not once.”

Dylan’s smile stretched wide, even crinkling his eyes in the corners. “Your play was brilliant, Harper. You should be proud of yourself.”

I giggled when he pulled me into his lap and held me tight. “I knew my play would work amazingly. I just didn’t know that anyone would listen to me. But y’all did.”

“Of course we listened to you.” Carter came over and kissed me hard before pulling back and groaning. “I have to go meet my parents. Want to come with me?”

I shook my head before I could even think it through. “After last night? Nope. Not even a chance. At least not the morning after. Or the week after. You know what? I feel sick. I might be contagious.”

He threw his head back and laughed. “Stop before you hurt yourself trying to get out of it. I wouldn’t put you through that yet. Casey and I don’t even like going to these meetings.”

“Get out, rich boy.” Silas threw a pillow at Carter.

Dylan grinned. “Carter and Casey have Saturday morning meetings once a month with their parents to go over their financial portfolios.”

My mouth dropped open. “Your financial portfolios.”

Carter’s cheeks tinted pink but he put his hands on his hips, still standing naked. “They like us being actively involved in handling our money. In hopes that we don’t start doing drugs and gambling everything away. So far, so good.”

“There’s always time.” Silas sat up and scowled. “It’s too damn early. Is this my life now?”

I tapped the picture still open on his phone. “Look at how cute we are. Can you really complain if you have to wake up a little early?”

His eyes took in the selfie and he rolled his lips in between his teeth. As much as he acted put out by Carter and Dylan, I watched him quickly send a copy to both of them with a warm smile on his face. “It’s a good picture.”

Dylan looked at it and whistled. “Well, if you ever want to absolutely wreck Jake’s brain, send him a copy of that.”

“No.” I shook my head hard enough that my hair flew out and hit Silas in the face. I patted his head when he grunted but looked back at Dylan. “Not only do I never want to see or talk to him again but Jake tried to bully me with the fact that my brothers are in prison. If he had a picture like this? He’d try to ruin me.”

“Just you? He’d be out for our blood.” Dylan cupped my face and kissed my forehead. “None of us would do that, Harper.”

I leaned into his embrace and sighed. “You know how things are. You guys would be praised for running a train on someone. I would be tossed out on my ass for being a whore or whatever other awful names people would call me. People are cruel to women who embrace their sexuality.”

Carter came over and pulled me out of bed, ignoring my protests when my bare body was fully on display. “Anyone calling you names like that will end up at the top of the list I have of people I plan on destroying. Also, is that what you want to call what we’re doing? Running a train? It feels a little…gauche?”

Silas let out a bark of laughter. “Gauche? Really, Carter?”

“You have a list of people you plan on destroying?”

“I’m doing all that I can to come into my super rich, super evil villain era.” Cupping my ass and planting kisses down my throat, Carter pressed his hard length into my stomach and groaned. “I have to go. Can one of you two assholes make sure our girlfriend knows that we’re not running a train on her?”

I sank my teeth into my lip and smiled up at him. Their girlfriend. I liked hearing that too much. Pushing him away I reached down and found one of their shirts from the night before. I pulled it on before looking back at them. “I have a kitchen to clean and food to inhale after all that exercise last night.”

Dylan blushed. “I took care of it last night after you fell asleep. Your brownies didn’t survive.”

“Dylan, no! I was going to clean the kitchen! You shouldn’t have had to clean up after me.” I frowned. “I forgot all about my brownies. Tell me I didn’t almost burn the house down.”

“You didn’t almost burn the house down.”

Silas snorted. “And the smoke alarms barely went off.”

“I slept through smoke alarms?!”

Carter smacked my ass on his way out the door. “We put you to sleep, baby. Just call us Nyquil.”

Dylan and Silas both groaned but I cackled. “You want me to call you a cold medicine? Are you sure?”

He blew out a hard sigh. “I’ll think of something better.”

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