My Ex’s Roommates: A Reverse Harem College Sports Romance (Ex Marks the Spot) -
My Ex’s Roommates: Chapter 40
Afew days later, I was in a deep sleep, dreaming about the game my guys had won the night before, when strange voices infiltrated my brain. When nothing made them fit into the dream I slowly stirred awake, confused about what I was hearing. I could feel the tangle of limbs I’d grown accustomed to so I couldn’t understand why I’d be hearing voices from outside of Silas’s room.
“Yoo-hoo! Oh, Silie, it’s time to wake up!” The door swung open and I sat up in horror as two teenage boys barged into the room, a water gun in each of their hands. “Attack!”
I screamed. They screamed. Dylan flew out of bed like an avenging warrior, arms out in front of him as he looked around frantically for the source of danger. Carter stumbled out of bed, swearing as he tripped over a pile of our discarded clothes. Two more people, an older man and woman, rushed into the room behind the teenaged boys and the woman slapped her hand over the boys’ eyes. Then the man hurried to put his hand over her eyes.
It took me a few moments too many to understand that they’d just barged in on four naked people in a room and two of the naked men were standing up, parts swinging, while I sat in bed with my boobs out like an imbecile. I screamed again and yanked the blanket up to my chin, uncovering the third and final naked man, Silas.
Dylan came to his senses first. “Mr. and Mrs. McNeil! Um… I’m just going to grab these shorts really fast…”
Carter gave up trying to get off the floor and just laid flat out with his hands over his butt behind him. “Good morning. Silas didn’t mention y’all were going to come by or we could’ve had breakfast ready.”
Understanding dawned on me and I crawled the rest of the way under the blanket. The McNeils were Silas’ parents. I’d just been found naked with their adopted son and his two best friends.
I slapped Silas’ thigh until he finally stirred. “Get up! Get up right now, Silas!”
He groaned and grabbed at me, dragging me into his arms. “Five more minutes, princess. I’m not ready to wake up. Unless you want to recreate the dream I was having about you on your kne-”
“Silas!” I shoved at his chest to make him let go of me. In a desperate attempt to get him to fix the hell that I’d woken up in I ended up shoving him right out of the bed.
“Fine. I’ll get on my knees. Jesus, woman, you don’t have to get all pushy about it.” I didn’t see the moment he noticed his family because I was still hiding under the covers but I heard his shocked gasp and knew he’d finally woken up. “Sonofabitch.”
“We saw your girlfriends’ boobs! Man, I can’t wait to go to college!”
I was going to die of embarrassment. I buried my face in the mattress and let out a muffled cry.
“Kelson!” The woman’s voice was closer. “Honey? You’re going to suffocate under there. If I know my son, I know he hasn’t washed his sheets in a long time and I can only imagine what you’re breathing in. Come on out. I’ll get rid of the teenagers.”
“Mom!” Silas sounded like a kid and for some reason that was all I needed to finish my descent into hysteria. He heard my crazy laughter from under the blanket and a heavy hand landed on my ass through the blankets. “What are you laughing at under there?”
I sat up again, blanket clutched tightly to my chest, and glared at him. “You did not just do that in front of your parents!”
“Hey, uh, Silas? You want to take your family downstairs so I can get off the floor?” Carter let out a groan when the two teenagers laughed. “This is humbling. Maybe I needed this. I’ve had a big head lately.”
“Lately?” Dylan had slipped into a pair of shorts but he looked like he still felt naked. “Mr. and Mrs. McNeil, this is Harper Monroe, our new roommate and…girlfriend.”
I chucked a pillow at his head. “Do not introduce me when I’m naked, Dylan! What is wrong with you?”
He shot me a dark look. “I’m sorry. I don’t exactly know the etiquette on handling this situation.”
“Someone just shoot me.” I pulled the covers over my head again. “It’s okay, Mrs. McNeil. Dylan washed the sheets a few days ago. I’m fine under here. You all go on without me. I think I’m just going to stay here and die.”
Silas groaned. “Enough! Out! Both of you little pervs get out of here and stop trying to steal peeks at my girlfriend. Mom, Dad… Give me a second to get dressed and meet you downstairs? Please?”
“You have nothing to be embarrassed about, honey. Come on down and let us meet you as soon as you get dressed. This is all so exciting!” Silas’ mom giggled. “I did not expect to see naked penises today, I’ll say that.”
“Mom!” That time all three of her sons shouted at her.
It took another couple of minutes to actually get them out of the room and then Silas climbed on top of me and pulled the blanket down so he could smile at me. “So. Want to come meet my family?”
I shook my head hard even as embarrassed tears filled my eyes. “I can’t! I have to leave town and never talk to any of you again. They just found us naked in your bed! Your brothers saw my boobs! They know I’m your girlfriend! And your girlfriend! And your girlfriend!”
Silas laughed when I pointed at Dyland and Carter, who’d finally gotten up off the floor. “They’re pretty accepting people. And I was only asking to be polite. You have to come meet them. I want them to get to know you.”
Of all the high-handed, frustrating, sweet things he’d ever said, that was the sweetest. “You want them to get to know me?”
Carter huffed. “Pretty sure Kelson and Aimes just got to know our woman a little too well.”
“Not helping!” Silas kissed me gently. “Come on, princess. I’ll hold your hand.”
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