Where are you going so fast, baby?” A guy I faintly recognized from one of my previous classes spun me around to face him.

I grunted as he yanked me into his chest, my ear burning from where the headphone caught on my earring. Pushing away from him, I scowled and barely resisted the urge to hit him. “Let go of me!”

He gripped my upper arms hard and laughed. “Don’t be shy, slut. Everyone knows you’re open for business. Or do you only fuck football players?”

I drew my knee back and landed a blow to his nuts that sent him sprawling backwards. Stumbling out of his grip I backed into another body and spun around. “Don’t touch me!”

“Whoa, sweetheart, just relax.” The new guy I didn’t even recognize but he had his hands on my hips, holding me close. “Let’s take a walk and get to know each other.”

I yanked myself out of his grasp and shoved him. “Fucking leave me alone!”

“Oh, shit. What’s going on here, Brad?” Another guy joined our little group and leered at me. “What’s wrong, baby? Did my buddy not offer you enough money? How much do you need? Twenty? Twenty-five?”

My breathing was coming too fast. I was panicking but I couldn’t lose control. “Both of you need to leave me alone. Now.”

“Come on, pretty woman. You’d enjoy what I have to offer you.” The new guy came closer and grabbed his penis. “Don’t be a bitch. You’ve been letting everyone else fuck you. What’s the big deal? It’s not like you can put that cat back in the bag. Everyone knows you’re a whore.”

My backpack slipped off my shoulder and the guy I’d kneed in the balls yanked it away from me as he climbed to his feet. I reached for it but he threw it over my head. By the time I spun around to get it back, the other two guys had it, opening it and yanking things out. I watched in horror as they dropped my laptop on the sidewalk and kicked it away.

An arm locked around my chest, pinning me to the man behind me. I struggled against his grip, fighting to get his arm off of me. “Stop it! Stop! Leave me alone!”

Two more guys joined the cruel little circle and laughed when I asked them to help. The circle got smaller as they finished ruining my things and decided I was their next focus. I screamed for help but no one came. My vision grew dark at the edges as I tried to suck in more air but couldn’t. Horrible images filled my head of what they were going to do to me. The tears I’d finally gotten to stop were right back, making the guys around me laugh.

“Get the fuck away from her!” Carter’s angry roar broke the spell of the group around me. I almost believed I was imagining things until one of the guys in front of me was tackled.

“Let her fucking go, motherfucker!” Silas was there then, ripping the arm away from my chest.

I stumbled away, falling to my knees as I scrambled to get free. My fingers buried into the grass, searching for leverage. A scream tore from my throat as a body slammed to the ground beside me before being dragged away.

Big hands grabbed me and I screamed and fought at them until Dylan’s voice penetrated the fog of fear I was in. “It’s me, Harper. It’s me. Get back, baby.”

As fast as he was there, he was gone. He jumped into the fight happening behind me. The sound of violence chased me as I started running and didn’t stop. I meant to run back to Casey’s but when I found myself standing outside of my own house, I didn’t hesitate. I ran inside and up to my room and shut myself into my closet as I broke down. Huddling in the corner away from the door, I wrapped my arms around myself and sobbed.

I’d never felt that unsafe. I could still feel those strangers touching me and I couldn’t stop thinking about what might’ve happened if the guys hadn’t shown up. They’d saved me. No matter what they truly felt for me, they’d saved me. Even if they didn’t love me, I was safe with them.

I hadn’t even been on campus for half an hour and I’d been assaulted. My brain was spinning, imagining what could happen when I went back, what could happen if those guys decided to go to Casey’s house. It wasn’t safe. I couldn’t go back.

I sucked in deep gasps of air but I still couldn’t catch my breath. I curled over into a pile of laundry and squeezed my eyes shut. I’m safe. I’m safe. I’m safe. I chanted silently to myself and pulled more clothes to my chest to hold them tight.

I wanted my brothers. I wanted the guys but I couldn’t have them. That made me cry harder. All the men in my life and I couldn’t have any of them when I wanted and needed them most.


I woke with a start and jerked upright, confused about where I was until it all came rushing back. Taking a deep breath, I leaned back against the closet wall and waited for the panic to suffocate me again. I counted my heartbeats in the silent, dark room and after a few minutes of waiting, I began to breathe easier. I could think clearly again and, while I was still scared of what had happened, I didn’t feel like the world was ending anymore.

As I sat there, I decided I’d been right to come back home. No matter how much it would hurt to be in the same house as Dylan, Silas, and Carter, I would be safe. Casey would be safe.

I slowly pulled myself to my feet and stretched out my aching body. My knees were sore from falling but I felt okay otherwise. I’d made it out of that nightmare situation mostly fine. Walking around campus alone might not be something I enjoyed ever again but I was sure that the fear would subside after a while. As long as I was allowed to slip into anonymity and left alone.

Stepping out of my closet, I nearly screamed when I saw that Dylan was sitting on the floor in front of my bed, his long legs stretched out in front of him. His head was back and his eyes were closed but as soon as I stepped into the room he looked straight at me, unsurprised by my sudden appearance.

I tried not to notice how rough he looked as I stood there, unsure of where the run-in would lead. I bit my lip and squeezed my hands together as a fresh wave of sadness crested over my head. “I’m going to stay here for now.”

He rubbed at his eyes and nodded. “I found you sleeping in there and was hoping that you’d decided to come back. Are you okay, Harper?”

I wasn’t sure how to answer. I’d been okay until I saw him sitting there, looking like someone had kicked his puppy. I’d never seen him look so defeated and sad and I wasn’t sure what to do. I loved him. That didn’t shut off just because he hurt me. I wanted to crawl into his lap and comfort him while stealing comfort for myself. I couldn’t.


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