A lot can happen in a year’s time, the situation in the Great City has grown more hostile. The Lord, Drakuul Lexus has spread his horrendous corruption like a poison does a wound, ordering the deaths of all who opposed him, impaling heads on spikes outside of the House of Parliament. The residents of the city, just to survive, volunteered to become spies but he worked in tricky ways, forcefully turning all of the men and women into Enforcers, replenishing the numbers of his army. Every night, the legions would roams the streets, searching for those posing a threat, or who hadn’t retreated inside for the curfew deadline. It didn’t matter to the Enforcers, if they were arrested or killed, they acted on their impulse to feed for their hunger was insatiable. While the legions performed the tasks given, Drakuul and Matrx, the General of his legions of mortals, Nightwalkers and hellish beasts or flying menaces, gathered in the Throne room engaging in a heated discussion.
“Have you found anything yet?” Drakuul barked loudly.
“Nothing yet, no.” Matrx answered in disappointment.
“Nothing yet? It’s been over a god damn year and you are telling me that you have found nothing?! Tell me brother, how is that possible?!” Drakuul slammed his hands on the table.
“Because BROTHER, there isn’t much to replace, that’s why!” he argued loudly, “You have my men and I running around here and there where we don’t even know what we’re f*cking looking for!” he frowned.
“Marxus, you’re looking for Marxus!” Drakuul clenched his fists, then shook his head.
“Marxus, right.” Matrx nodded mocking his brother, “You’re still searching for a man that we haven’t seen for a century, he is probably long dead for all we know, which means this…” he held out his arms, “search you’re having us go on a nightly basis, it pointless and relentless, because you’re wasting all of our time!”
“Marxus…” Drakuul leered at the General, “despite what we feel and think about the man, is resourceful, and as far your whining complaint, I sense that he’s gone from this world.” he straightened his posture, “Which means, everything that was once his, is out there somewhere, and it will be mine because it belongs to me!”
“So that’s what this about?” Matrx mocked, “And you’re sayin’ I’m whining and complaining? All I hear from you is Marxus this, Marxus that, and it’s starting to become extremely tiring!”
Drakuul groaned, throwing out his hands, pulling his brother toward him with an invisible tether, and once he stood inches from him, he grabbed his brother by the neckline of his armor. Leaning in close inches from Matrx’s face, Drakuul muttered as he looked deeply into his brothers brown eyes.
“I want you to listen to me, brother.” his voice was deep and menacing, “I have my reasons for searching for Marxus, ones that you are aware of.” he squinted his eyes, “And for that, I’ll not apologize for wasting your precious time away from all of your wick-dipping with your house of whores!” he gripped tighter, “Marxus has the Book of Solomon which is mine, because after all of the a** kissing that we’ve done to get here, I think it’s time that I have something that’s rightfully mine, unless you’re saying Marxus is entitled to all that power?” he groaned, giving a rough shake, “Hmm?”
“First off, let me go!” Matrx warned as he began squeezing his brother’s wrists, but he didn’t listen, “Let…go.” his voice demanded bluntly once more.
Drakuul leered at Matrx, studying his rugged features and a scar across his face. He never took interest in physical combat, he wasn’t a warrior, for like most magically capable men and women, relied on his magic for everything. If Matrx, or any other warrior charged at him, magic would be his defense. He knew how fierce and powerful a warrior Matrx was, knowing that he practiced martial arts and sword skills from their time when passing through Japan; the General’s skills were unmatched. As Drakuul released his grasp, he took a step back, watching as Matrx adjusted his metal armor, laying his hands on the hilts of his Katanas that hung from his belts.
“I didn’t know the world owed you that much.” Matrx spat, “Especially a book that you’ve never seen, or held in your…” he huffed, “f*cking hands, so tell me brother, do you…I don’t know…” he shrugged, “even know what it looks like, this old and valuable, or powerful whatever, Book of Solomon?”
“It doesn’t matter if I’ve seen it or not, it still belongs to me!”
“So that’s a no, got it.” Matrx nodded, “Now this is what I am going to do, since you insist on keeping yourself locked away in your little tower.” he glanced around the room, “I’m going to replace Marxus, and give him what he deserves by my hand, not for you, but for myself because the day he locked us away, he took my life and although that means very little to you, it means something to me!” he affirmed, having his voice echo, “You will be informed when, or if, information is found but as far as that, it could be hours from now, days or maybe weeks, so in the meantime, I’m sure you’ll replace something to do.” he turned, storming out of the room, leaving Drakuul standing by the large Throne.
Drakuul closed his eyes, taking deep breaths. As he opened his eyes, looking toward a black crystal ball sitting on its base alongside the Throne, he approached, reaching out his hands, stroking its smooth, highly polished surface. From his touch, it took on a smoky appearance within its center, revealing not a damn thing that was useful to him.
“Show me what I seek.” he ordered, “Show me!” but nothing manifested, “Fine, keep your secrets you worthless piece of sh*t!” he cursed then turned, walking out of the room. As he strolled down the halls of the Parliament, he ignored the men and creatures that moved rubble and broken glass aside from holes in the roof caused by some of his Trolls and Harpies.
Arriving at another room designated for his use only, PRIVATE ACCESS was stamped on the door. Swiftly sweeping inside without anyone taking notice, he approached an altar where Lexa’s book sat open and other magical tools lying alongside the text. Flipping through the pages, he had found the spell he needed; he prepared the ingredients, then cracked his knuckles. Throwing pinches of herbs into a bowl, mixing it with oils and other liquids, he pricked his finger with the blade of the ritual athame, dripping a few drops of his blood into the mix. Once the reaction that he eagerly expected occurred, he began reciting the words written in an ancient Latin tongue.
The mortals working in the halls, or passing by, listened as the Immortals’ voice recited words that conjured God only knows what, followed by loud and eerie shrieks, moans and hissing, or thumping. They became fearful, wondering what their Lord had conjured or created yet again. Sharing a series of glances, they scampered down the hall far from the room, not wanting to know what could emerge at any moment.
“Again!” Shung-Lee barked loudly, standing above her.
Grunting deeply, lying on the snow-covered ground, I stared at the man. I knew what he was trying to do but this was getting tiresome. Pushing myself to my feet, I leered at him.
“What more do you want from me?!” I held out my arms, “I have been at this for two years now, and yet you still expect more from me!”
“Yes, that’s exactly what I expect because you are capable of more! Now do it again, just let go of your past and all of those distractions and just…” Shung-Lee turned, and as he stomped his foot, the ground cracked along the dirt in a straight line, splitting one of the trees nearby in half, all with the use of his level 5 arcane magic, “That is what you should be able to do, not this I see before me, it’s pathetic!”
Panting, placing my hands on my hips, I studied the man.
During the two years stay in Ireland, I left my mom to attend the Wiccan gatherings of the magical practitioners while for me, I had other meetings to tend to, training with Shung-Lee, the man that I stumbled upon during one of my walks of the grounds. He was an ex-soldier but watching as he practiced a set of martial arts skills and arcane magic against one of the practice trees, I was amazed. Once introductions were made, he offered to train me in things that would be beneficial to me as both a warrior of physical skill, but also that of my magical capabilities as a half-breed.
“How did you do that?” I looked at the tree that managed to still stand despite its split trunk.
“I told you, let go of your inhibitions and it will come to you.” Shung-Lee turned to her, “Your turn.” he instructed, and as he turned to the tree, he waved his right hand outward with a glowing palm, repairing the tree from the damage that he had inflicted upon nature. Crouching down, he quickly sealed the deep crack within the ground. Standing, he dusted his hands, then turned to her, “Did I not just say it is your turn?”
“Yes, but…how did you do that?” I looked at the tree, and as I took steps forward, I laid my hands on the bark, feeling such a strong sense of magic that wasn’t like anything I had ever encountered before, it was older. Turning to Shung-Lee, I bit my lip then muttered, “Can you teach me to do that?”
“I can’t even get you to pay attention to what I am teaching now, and you want to learn that?” he mocked, “No, not until you are ready for advancement.” he shook his head, “You are a skilled warrior, there is no doubt about that, so I no longer need to teach you those lessons for you are my equal now and that says a lot for I have none, but there is something that is holding you back from utilizing the true potential of your power, and only you, can discover what that is before you and I continue any further.” he adjusted his coat.
“And how am I going to do that?” I complained, taking a deep sigh, having my breath fog in the Winter air.
“Meditation.” Shung-Lee advised, “Come.” he walked past her, leading her to the small cottage that he never seemed to enter. Approaching a table and chairs that were set outside, it was with a snap of his fingers that he conjured a pot of tea and cups, “Sit.” he gestured at the chairs.
Glancing at Zanzabarr and Abraxas laying nearby, I sat. As he handed me a cup of tea, it felt like deja-vu because this one moment reminded me of when I first spoke with Marxus back on the Isle, after he requested to speak with me. Blowing on the surface, I looked at Shung-Lee who seemed to gulp down the tea as if the heat didn’t phase him.
“Now…” he spoke softly, laying his cup on the table, “tell me.”
“What?” I took a sip then grimaced in disgust for the taste of the tea was unlike anything I had ever tasted, “Ugh, what the hell is that? Dirt and water?” I placed the cup on the table.
“Mushrooms, actually.” Shung-Lee barked with a frown.
“Mushrooms?” my eyes widened, “Hallucinogenic ones?” my voice cracked.
“No.” Shung-Lee grinned, “Just mushrooms.”
“Forgive me if I don’t replace that comforting.” I took the napkin, wiping the taste off my tongue before placing the soiled cloth into the cup that I pushed away, “Now what is it you want me to tell you?” I confronted, looking at him.
“Everything.” he leaned back, crossing his legs.
“Wh-why? You know everything already.” I complained.
“Yes, you have but there is something that you haven’t and it is holding you back from your training and I’m sure that you remember the day I agreed to this, that my time is not to be wasted, yes?” Shung-Lee leaned forward, tilting his head.
“I remember.” I nodded.
“Good. Now tell me, look inside yourself and replace the answer.”
Sighing heavily, I leaned back, closing my eyes. Tapping the tips of my fingers on the arms of the chair, I sorted through all of my memories, the choices I’ve made and the concerns I had about what was taking place on the island for things were escalating without my presence.
Shung-Lee raised his right, and with this index finger, he twirled it in a circular motion as if rewinding time, helping her go back through her memories.
“Ah, there it is.” Shung-Lee advised, looking at her intensely.
“There’s what?” I opened my eyes, looking around, seeing nothing.
“No, that’s…” he chuckled lightly at her humorous reaction, “not what I meant.” he shook his head for he couldn’t help but replace her company amusing, and for him, that was rare because he had never shown such attachment to anyone or anything, not over his 6,000 years.
“Oh.” I mumbled shyly, “Right, sorry.” I grinned.
“It’s all right my lovely, I understand.” he leaned forward, “I see now that you’re holding yourself back wondering about all of the events taking place in your absence back on the Isle.”
“Y-yes, that’s exactly right.” I frowned, “I know you’re a level 5 Demon and all that but…there’s a lot more to you, and I’d like to know why you’re helping me, really helping me when you have no reason to.” I folded my arms, “And don’t tell me it’s because we have something in common, or because I came across you one day, that’ll be a load of bullsh*t.”
“You’re right, perceptive as always.” Shung-Lee grinned as he stood, pacing slowly, “I am helping you because I see such a strength in you, a power that is waiting to be unleashed, and I replace it a real shame that you are trying to contain it, letting it control you, instead of the other way around.” he clutched his hands behind his back, “You might be half mortal yes, but you are also part Demon, and from an ancient bloodline from what I can sense, and while you’re trying to belong to one or the other, you are not one or the other, you are both which is a balance that most do not possess. Mortals are mortals, and Demons are Demons, each expressing their own emotions or deeds that define them as what they are, but you…” he turned to her, standing still, arching his shoulders back, “must not be caught between that blurry line, trying to choose between the two. Your mortal half drives your emotions of compassion and love yes, there is nothing wrong with that for it is what makes you who you are and I respect that, but your demonic half wants its own freedom to express itself and that Yzavela, is what’s holding you back. Let go of your mortal inhibitions, allow your demonic bloodline to meld with every fiber that drives you, that keeps you fighting another day and only then will you be able to truly learn.” he held out his arms with his hands glowing in a bright red hue that looked more like fire than magic.
Standing slowly, I approached him, studying the magic that I somehow felt drawn to. Reaching for his hands, there were a series of red sparks that once pinching the tips of my fingers, an energy raced through my entire body from head to foot.
“Teach me.” I urged, enjoying the intoxicating sensation.
“Once I begin, there is no turning back and I will not go easy.” Shung-Lee lowered his hands, extinguishing his magic with a clench of his fists, “And I will not treat you as half mortal, for this will be strictly arcane practices, is that understood?”
“Yes.” I nodded.
“Good.” he bowed his head respectfully, “We will start today.” he walked around her, approaching the training nearby.
“Already?” I wondered, following after him, “Just like that?”
“Yes, just like that.” he snapped, “Were you expecting less?”
“No, but I just thought enough has been said and done today.”
Turning to her, Shung-Lee stood tall.
“There is always enough time in a day to learn, whether it’s a morning, afternoon or evening. Now come…” he turned away.
Standing there watching him, for a moment I could’ve sworn that I saw what looked like a taller, 6 foot something figure in a blurry glamour that appeared for only a few seconds before it faded, allowing me to only see Shung-Lee’s average height. There was something more to this man and whenever I made the attempt to peek around his mind, I was met with several mental blocks that shut me out.
The training was grueling but like Shung-Lee advised, there was a balance to it all, one that I began to accept and learn. It took a while though, from days to weeks, then months before the two years passed.
Even Zanzabarr and Abraxas, both the wolf and dragon, had gone through training of their own aside from their mothers, needing and wanting to know what they were capable of to protect her at all costs. The Zyphyn practiced shape-shifting into forms of animals that wandered the forest, and in various ways that would be considered unnatural but he was learning, coming into his own powers, that included teleportation in a dramatic manner with fire and magic that he shared with his mother, while the wolf expressed his own hellish nature, releasing his hellhound aggression, looking a bit more like a hound you would replace in hell with singed fur down his back, a protruding ribcage giving his girth a larger frame, his jaw stretched wider than their natural gape and his paws would leave large singed prints as he walked, while releasing a hot breath when he panted.
It was Winter, December 2027 when things for my mom and I were made clear as to the purpose of this gathering that had kept us in Ireland for two years. Returning to the grand Irish castle, having evenings free to attend all of the gatherings that were of no interest to me, I made my presence known out of respect for the practitioners, and I wasn’t going to leave my mother alone with them; I didn’t get a good feeling from them.
Returning to my room after another long day and afternoon of training with Shung-Lee that was coming along rather well, once letting go of distractions, I took a long hot shower. Afterwards, laying on my bed, closing my eyes, my phone on the table, rang loudly. Quickly reaching for it, hoping that it was my Anthony, the hopeful smile on my face faded slightly, seeing it was only Erik, but the smile remained in a friendly manner as I answered the call.
I wasn’t unhappy to see him but I did hope it was Anthony because being apart for two years wasn’t easy on our relationship. I worried, because he was a sexual man that had the unfortunate reputation under his belt of having many women, or replaceing another to keep him company but I didn’t want to believe that he was that kind of man that would say one thing, commit himself to one woman, then have a fling on the side. We had video chats on a nightly basis, some a little more flirtatious and bold than others, but the rest were spent just talking about ourselves, and the events taking place on the island. There were times we spoke for hours until both of our batteries died, and it was all we could do to see each other again, even sharing date nights via video chats but it was, or had to be, enough.
“Hey.” I greeted Erik.
“Hey love.” Erik greeted her, leaning against his pillows, “Uh, are you all right?” he studied her face that was a bright red.
“Yeah, I just…got back from training, that’s all.” I answered.
“Yes, Erik…again.” I frowned, “Don’t say it like that.”
“Sorry, I just…hoped I’d be the one training you, that’s all.”
“Well, maybe when I get back. Whenever that is.” I mumbled.
“Mm, right.” he nodded, “So, what’s going on over there?”
“Same stuff, really. Training on my part, then attending the gatherings with my mom, it’s exhausting. I’d rather be on the Isle dealing with all of that drama than being here around all of this.” I looked around the room, “The practitioners that are here, those that came from other parts around the UK, are so stuck up with all of their noses in their books and their heads up their a**es.”
“Tell me how you really feel.” Erik grinned.
“I would but it’s not worth it.” I complained, then admired his smile.
“Mm.” he looked around, “I miss you, you know.” he looked at her, watching as her dark eyes widened, “I mean, we all miss you…the island misses you.” he broke his gaze, trying to keep the conversation going.
“Well, I miss everyone too.” I smiled, knowing he was trying, then suddenly a wide smile grew on my face, confusing Erik.
“You okay? What’s that smile for?” he wondered curiously, “Did I say something?” he hoped.
“Sorry, I uh…I have to go, I’ll talk to you later.” I wanted the call to end because another beep came in, waiting next in line to be answered.
“Um, sure. Night, love.” he nodded.
“Night.” I waved then ended the call, immediately answering the next in line, “Why hello there, I was just thinking about you.” I studied Anthony’s handsome face on the screen, he was just perfect.
“Were you now?” he smiled at her, “Good things I hope?”
“Of course.” I reassured, “Maybe a few fantasies, hmm?” I flicked my left eyebrow flirtatiously.
“Ah, yes…about that.” Anthony teased, “You are one naughty little girl…” he shook his head, letting out a few soft TSKS, “to send me such dreams that are not only comfort, but also torture as well.” he growled, flashing her his yellow eyes with sexual excitement.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I teased, before I let out a soft laugh, “So, what have you been up to today? How’s Thomas and Louisa?”
“They’re doing well, the shop’s been busy.” Anthony adjusted as he sat in one of his chairs in his room, then went on telling her that both he and Thomas have had to deal with all of the business in RP&V, managing it together, “I will never be able to understand how Marxus managed to keep his composure, I mean those mortals are idiots.” he exclaimed in a higher voice, “Always whining about this or that, complaining about their spaces that weren’t assigned and all of that, I just…wanted to shift and tear them all apart.” he growled impatiently.
“All right, calm down.” I urged softly, “Please.” I gripped the phone tightly, pulling it closer, “Speaking of shifting, isn’t it the full moon tonight?”
“Si.” he pulled his phone closer, wanting to be as close to her as he could, “Just a few hours away actually.”
“Then why aren’t you in the compound?” I worried.
“I have time, it’s all right. Please, little Yza…” he rasped her name in a way that made her melt, “I just want to spend any moment with you, even if it is over the phone.”
“I know, me too.” I sighed, “And I’m sorry that I’ve been gone so long, I didn’t anticipate being away for two years.” I bit my lip, “I’m sure it hasn’t been easy on you either because of your urges and needs as a man and all, you know?”
“What are you saying?” Anthony frowned, looking at her.
“I’m not saying anything, I’m just trying to imagine what it’s like for you, that’s all.” I shrugged.
“I know what this is, you’re having doubts.” he barked bluntly, “And I can only guess that it’s because of Erik spewing this or that about me again, is that it?” he scoffed, “When is that boy going to learn that you are not his?” his dark eyes flashed yellow once more with a heated temperament.
“Yes, Erik has tried but I don’t believe any of it.” I comforted.
“Good, because I told you the night we made love for the first time I imprinted, committing myself to you and only you.” he spoke softly, “And that is it, you are it for me, so please…my little Yza, don’t have doubts about us because when I give you my word that when you return, I am not letting you out of my sight, and I don’t mean that in a manner of obsession. I hope you know that, I hope you know I respect who you are.”
“I know you do, and I appreciate that, but if anything, I’m not going to let you out of my sight either.” I smiled, “I miss you, so much.” I closed my eyes.
“And I you.” he too, closed his eyes, then grunted deeply as he felt the shift beginning to stab at his gut.
“Anthony?” I worried, hearing bones loudly crack over the speakers.
“It’s…” he growled, bouncing the phone around, shaking the screen slightly from his movements of hunching over, “I have to go. It’s the shift, it’s…” he looked at the screen with his yellow eyes that brightened, while snarling his fangs.
“Go…you go, be careful!” I worried, “I love you.”
“And I love you.” he nodded then ended the call.
Staring at the black screen, I sighed feeling tears stinging my eyes. Looking around the room, I then made another call.
“Hi, Wyatt.” I saw his face on the screen.
“Hey, Yza…” he greeted her with a friendly smile.
“Listen, can you do me a favor?”
“Sure.” he nodded, “What’s up?”
“I just got off the phone with Anthony and he’s starting to go through the shift and since he should be in the compound by now, could you go to his room and make sure he gets there?”
“Um…” he looked around, “yeah, sure.” he glanced out over the wall, watching as a pack of Lycynians made their way out toward the compound, “But it looks like he’s getting there on his own, look.” he turned the camera view around, allowing her to see men and women rushing across the estate, “Here…” he zoomed in on Anthony who grunted, hunching over as he struggled to contain the shift.
“Oh thank god.” I sighed in relief, seeing him, “Thank you.”
“No problem, but I’ll make sure he gets through the gate. He and others have been having problems with Leonus, nothing new.” Wyatt grumbled, walking along the length of the wall.
“What do you mean, what’s he done now?” I argued bluntly.
“Where do I start? Let’s see…” Wyatt frowned, telling her in quick excerpts that Leonus had allowed Lycynians he claimed to know from the mainland onto the island, “he’s also trying to push his weight around, using the fact that you have been absent for two years with no word to those that matter. His words Yza, not mine.” he clarified, “He’s also tried getting the Lycynians their freedom to roam the estate within the wall during their transitions, and don’t get me wrong, I don’t like that son-of-a-b*tch but he has a point.”
“In what way?”
“The Boar-wolves are becoming more aggressive, which yes, is presenting an issue for the Demons and I because we can only keep the barrier in place for so long in certain areas that are persistently being bombarded by both the Boar-wolves and Lycynians, you know how they are, they’re trying to get to one another and fight. It’s not pleasant and unfortunately, it does include Anthony, though he isn’t aware of it.” Wyatt finished.
I sat silently, staring at the stone floor of my room then as I glanced toward Zanzabarr and Abraxas who laid on my bed, I nodded.
“I see.” I muttered, “And have the Boar-wolves ever broken through the barrier into the compound?”
“No, thank the gods, or there’ll be an unimaginable carnage.” he reassured, “But the Demons and I have in under control.” he nodded, “We’ve put in barriers up many hours before the Boar-wolves and full moon, that way it has time to set and if needed, we infuse it with more so far so good, despite both of the aggression toward one another.” he sighed, then looked away, “Give me a moment.”
“Okay.” my voice squeaked softly. Watching as the scenery on the screen bounced around, I listened as Wyatt instructed the Demons and Wraiths to make sure the gates were sealed as soon as the Lycynians entered the tunnel through the wall.
“Sorry.” Wyatt apologize, “Here…” he laid his phone on the wall, landscape angle, and as he tilted it over the ledge on its stand, he zoomed into the compound.
Watching as men and women undressed quickly, I could see the pain on their faces as their bodies hunched and jerked, for their bones were beginning to break. Catching quick glimpses of Nathan and Leonus, I then spotted Anthony standing near one of the trees, fiercely scratching the bark while hunching forward.
“Oh my god, that’s enough…” I pleaded looking away, not in disgust, but it hurt me seeing him go through such a natural, but horrific transition, “Wyatt, that’s enough!” I shouted.
“He’s safe, Yza…” Wyatt reassured her softly, “don’t worry.”
“That’s the problem.” I looked into his blue eyes, “I do worry.”
“Yeah, I know you do.” he grinned, “Listen, I’ve got to go but I will call you if anything goes wrong, okay? I promise.”
Sniffling, quickly wiping my tears away, I nodded.
“Thank you, Wyatt. Again.” I appreciated.
“Sure thing.” he grinned at her again, then watched as one of her hands covered the camera before the call fully ended, “Ah, sh*t.” he sighed, tucking the phone in his pocket, then turned, hearing the Guardians shouting to close to the gate before all of the Lycynians ran through the tunnel.
Sitting on my bed, thinking about the conversation with my Anthony, then the reports from Wyatt’s own lips, I abruptly stood, beginning to pace nervously and just as my petite form outlined in white steam, it changed into a bright Aura, which I learned to accept thanks to Shung-Lee’s grueling teachings. As I turned to the fireplace where the flames were dying out, I held out my hands, gathering orbs of a fiery essence, then I threw them outward toward the fireplace, igniting the logs in a bright burst that shot up the chimney.
Huffing heavily, I paused, standing with my back facing the fireplace then glancing over my shoulder toward Zanzabarr and Abraxas, I felt a sense of peace in their presence. Talking slow steps, sitting on the bed, they rushed over, offering their comfort in ways that always proved to be effective.
Walking down the hall, dressed in a black dress and a velvet cloak to match, Lady D wondered where her daughter could have been, for she was was forty-five minutes late. Just as she approached her daughter’s door, she could hear her blurting out obscenities followed by an eerie silence. Knocking gently on the door, she waited, listening as Zanzabarr growled with a thump of his massive paws on the door inside. Taking a step back, she listened as her daughter’s voice dismissed the wolf before opening the door.
“Hi?” Lady D greeted her daughter awkwardly, with her hand on the hilt of her athame that hung off her belt.
“Hi.” I smiled, “I’m late, aren’t I?” I opened the door, allowing her to enter.
“Only by forty-five minutes.” Lady D teased, “So dare I ask?”
“Where do I start?” I closed the door.
“The beginning, for starters.” Lady D teased.
Watching as she walked over, sitting on the ledge of the bed, I began telling her everything that I learned from Wyatt just moments ago. Pacing anxiously, the fireplace violently spat a series of embers that luckily didn’t catch fire on the rugs that were strewn on the floor. Sitting next to her, I sighed heavily.
“I can’t believe this.” Lady D gripped her daughter’s hand but realized, “Well, actually I can. This is Leonus we’re talking about, it shouldn’t be much of a surprise.” she frowned.
“Not a surprise at all.” I groaned, then looked at her.
“And Anthony, how is he handling all of this?”
“As expected, but he and Thomas are replaceing it difficult to handle the vendors and shopkeepers, I think they are both starting to realize just how complicated things are running RP&V.” I revealed, then giggled remembering Anthony’s reaction, “Poor Anthony just wants to rip their heads off, and I don’t blame him really. Can you believe that I actually got a call from one of them, complaining about how rude both Giovanni brothers were?” I grinned.
“Oh, I can’t imagine how that must have turned out.” Lady D teased, “I heard you cursing a little while ago, was that what it was about or something else?”
“Part of it, yes.” I stood, then turned to her, “Look, I’m sorry I was late but if you give me twenty-minutes, I promise that I will meet you downstairs for this…whatever the hell it is.” I waved my hands around.
Standing, adjusting the skirt of her dress and cloak, Lady D nodded, accepting her daughter’s promise. Placing a kiss on her cheek, then offering Zanzabarr and Abraxas a brief wave, she approached the door but paused, hearing her daughter call out after her.
“Um, Mommy?” I rasped.
“What were you going to do with your dagger?” I gestured at her, “Poke my problems away?”
“No, but at least maybe nip it in the butt however I can.”
“Right.” I nodded with a smile, “I’m sure you would, if you could.” I shook my head, “But thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Lady D winked, “Don’t poke fun at my things.”
Walking over, I poked at the bladed weapon, sharing a mother and daughter moment that we always managed to share, even in the most awkward, or tense situations.
“Poked it.” I laughed.
“Hey…watch it, it’s sensitive.” Lady D pouted but not childishly, as she held the athame close to her waist, “It’s blessed and has a mind of its own.”
“Okay then.” I held my hands up, “Well, keep its mind to itself.”
“Mm.” Lady D moaned, “Now, hurry…get dressed.” she urged, then exited the room with her cloak flowing elegantly behind her, seeming to, at times, vanish from the movement along the ground.
Sighing, I turned, approaching my trunk. Removing black clothes and cloak of my own that had been purchased upon our arrival here, I dressed quickly then took a few steps toward the door but then I stopped, just moments before I could reach for the knob. The strangest feeling came over me, and I know it sounds weird but, I quickly turned to scamper toward my bed, kneeling. Reaching under the hems of the blankets, I grasped onto the hilt of the sword removing it slowly, scraping the tip of the sheath along the stone floor. Before placing the strap over my shoulder, draping it across my back, I wanted to examine its beauty once more. Slowly, I removed the medieval Masonic short sword from its intricate sheath with a red Templar cross and elaborate etchings down the silver casing. As the blade slid, creating a hypnotic ZHING, I laid the blade across my left palm while my wide, curious eyes examined the rest its beauty. The hilt was black, with a Templar cross and knight’s helmet on the pommel and a silver hand guard with small red crosses on each side, and its sleek blade glistened, polished enough to see my reflection.
I could sense the power and magic within it, and whoever had crafted it, made sure it was durable and powerful for whoever yielded it. Although, I don’t think it had ever seen much war, or use, for its blade had no chips or nicks along its sharp edge. Re-sheathing the sword, I placed the strap across my chest, hiding it beneath my cloak then stood once more, and turned back to the door, then listened as Zanzabarr and Abraxas ran, or flew, after me.
“Ah-ah, you two stay here.” I instructed the wolf and dragon, “I’m sorry but you will not be welcomed, not this time, or this night.” I knelt down, quickly scratching Zanzabarr’s neck and Abraxas’ soft scales.
“Be careful, Mother.” Abraxas advised telepathically, “I sense there is a full moon tonight, but there is something peculiar in the air, something is coming.” he stretched out his wings.
I frowned, wondering what he could have meant.
“Thank you.” I appreciated his concern, taking his warning to heart. Kissing them both, then quickly slipping out of the room, I listened as the wolf and dragon let out loud whines and roars, before I scampered down the hall, lifting my hood. Joining others in black cloaks and coats, the sea of black was quite menacing. Meeting my mom downstairs, we followed everyone outside, strolling through the rear doors of the castle, gathering behind the estate in the Winter evening; the cold air stung our lungs and noses. With the full moon in the sky, shining above, a quick set of clouds passed over and I immediately thought of Anthony who, in this very moment, was going through his transition, “Be safe, Anthony…please.” I prayed.
“Hello there.” a friendly male voice suddenly greeted.
Knowing it sounded familiar, Lady D and Yzavela turned.
“Billy, hello.” Lady D greeted.
“Hi.” I grinned.
“Hello again.” Mary appeared behind him.
“Mary.” I nodded.
“I knew there was more to you.” Mary returned the nod.
“What are you doing here?” Lady D shivered, wrapping the cloak tighter around her shoulders and neck.
Billy and Mary gave a brief explanation of how they’ve both been members of this coven for a long time, however, both of them admitted to arriving only an hour ago just before all of the rituals began. Standing there speaking with us, a loud bell rang three times, attracting everyone’s attention. As the four of us turned, the High Priest and Priestess approached; they stood near the castle’s rear doors, and this was the first time that my mom and I had seen them since our arrival and long residency.
Lady Agatha was an elderly woman in her 50s, graying hair a bit flecked with white streaks, shadows framing her blue eyes with wrinkles and crows feet, making her look tired. Her long, black dress hung on her thin frame and figure, with her cloak hanging off her shoulders, draped behind her back. She wore silver rings that dressed up her old, withered hands, and what looked to be an older Wiccan athame hanging off her belt.
Lord Ian, Agatha’s brothers’ son, was a pompous a** in his 30s, with dark red hair and green eyes. His lanky, 6 foot frame was dressed in a steampunk pant suit decorated with chains and buckles, carrying a pistol and dagger on his belt. With an Irish brawl, he introduced himself in a sanctimonious manner, gazing into the thick crowd that gathered around, listening to their announcement.
“The Council of Witches would like to welcome all of you…” Lady Agatha announced in a raspy Irish voice, as her hands gestured around, “our fellow practitioners, Shayds and covens. Welcome to our Quinquennial.” her blue eyes scanned all of the faces looking at her, “For those of you who don’t know, it is an event that we house every five years during a glorious and bright full moon, such as tonight. We will be offering the fire goddess a sacrifice tonight as part of the harvest ritual, so we ask that you prepare yourselves for the gifts that all of us shall receive.” she closed her eyes, feeling the power behind her words.
Hearing the words FIRE GODDESS and HARVEST, I said nothing for this felt like deja-vu because of the town with no name. I worried, wondering how these people would react if they found out that I was more than a half-breed but part fire Demon. Glancing at my mom, her expression matched mine.
“If you have something to say Mommy, spit it out.” I rasped in a soft whisper, leaning in close.
“I was just thinking if this was all a coincidence.” Lady D said through a smile she offered to passing witches and warlocks, “Sacrificing to a fire goddess of all damn things, and here you are, a fire Demon.” she looked at her daughter, trying to be a bit humorous about the whole thing.
“That’s not funny!” I snapped, then continued telepathically, “But don’t you think I know that?!” I pulled my cloak closed, “F*ck me sideways.” I complained verbally, then remembered Abraxas’ warning.
“Everyone please, gather together and prepare yourselves!” Lord Ian announced smoothly, “We will be starting the great sacrifice soon, and for some of you that have never been here, what you are about to witness shall remain here and on these ground, and will never be spoke of again.”
“And for those who have witnessed this already, know of all the preparations. We shall begin with the chant, summoning the goddess to be in our presence.” Lady Agatha added loudly, “It would be wise for all of you that don’t know the chant, to be in the moment and listen to the words of the practitioners around you. I am sure the goddess will accept it as if you had spoken the words with your own lips.”
“Sacrifice?” I whimpered, “That sounds worse by the minute.” I looked around, watching as Billy and Mary mingled with a few other witches and warlocks, before disappearing into the thick crowd.
“Stay close to me.” Lady D worried.
“Don’t have to tell me twice.” I huddled close, looping arms.
Cautiously, we examined our surroundings, wondering what, or who, they were sacrificing. Continuing to look around, my eyes noticed glances in our direction and I hoped they had no intentions on sacrificing the newbies like my mom and I, or others that arrived during our stay.
Waiting for the Priest and Priestess to return, both my mom and I mingled trying to replace out more information, however, for some reason, everyone seemed tight lipped about it, which didn’t make things any creepier at all.
A young man, another Ian, was a Gothic guy with black dyed spiked hair, guy-liner highlighting his blue eyes, ear piercings and black nail polish. He, among many times before, tried to strike a conversation about things that I weren’t into like the anime world, or LARP, so after a while, becoming agitated by his persistence, and impatient, knowing he wouldn’t leave me alone, I turned to him.
“Look kid, you’re sweet and all, but I’m not interested.” I spat the words, “You’re only eighteen, and just not my type okay? Besides, two things. One, I’m old enough to be your sister and two, I’m interested in someone else, got it?!” I clenched my fists, trying to control my annoyance.
“Really? Is he, or she, here?” he searched the crowd around us.
“No, HE is not.” I made the emphasis on male interests only, “And why does everyone assume that I’m gay?!” I groaned.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. I was just thinking, and asking.” Ian muttered, “And I didn’t say you were gay, cause you don’t give off those vibes but I haven’t seen you around with anyone so I just assumed, you know.” he shrugged.
“Yeah, well…HE isn’t here. He’s…let’s just say he wouldn’t be welcomed here.” I rushed the words, protecting Anthony’s existence.
“Why not?” Ian pestered her, “If he’s yours, shouldn’t he uh, be here with you?” he scratched his chin.
“Because he’s a Lycynian.” I revealed bluntly.
“A Ly-Lycynian? Geez love, what the f*ck is wrong with you? That’s bloody disgusting!” Ian shouted, backing away from her, as if she offended him.
“Nice talking to you too!” I waved sarcastically then listened as the bell rang three more times, alerting everyone that this ritual was about to begin, “Wonderful, here we go.” I sighed.
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