Property Of The Mountain Man (Montana Mountain Men Book 1) -
Property Of The Mountain Man: Chapter 4
Fucking perfect.
Bonnie is fucking perfect.
Her mouth, her body, the way she ground her wet cunt all up against me. She’s perfect. I never thought I’d want a girlfriend; I wouldn’t have called myself the settling down kind. But seeing her flirt with that guy did something to me. For the very first time, I feel like having a marriage like my mama and daddy did might be a possibility.
Until yesterday I didn’t know that I’d been waiting on Bonnie for the last year. She’s too young, probably a little too sweet for me, but I want her all the same. This morning I didn’t make myself clear and she was justified in getting a little mad with me.
She’s mine.
After the scene I made in the coffee shop this afternoon, I’d be surprised if there was a soul left in town who didn’t know Bonnie and I are together now. That’s fucking perfect, because it saves me from having to spread the news that she’s most definitely unavailable to anyone who might have been thinking about trying their luck with her.
Lifting my axe, I bring it down into the trunk of the tree in front of me. I could fell it much easier with a chainsaw, but there’s nothing better to relieve anger than chopping down a tree the old-fashioned way, with a sharp axe and some brute force.
Getting that text from Bay, telling me that Bonnie was planning to meet up with the douche from yesterday, infuriated me. I didn’t even stop to think before I was in my truck and barreling toward town. Thank fuck I wasn’t on the mountain and it only took me a few minutes to get to her. At least now that dick saw me claim her, and he saw the way she let me.
Her flirting with him and agreeing to a date was my fault, I didn’t explain properly what it means to be mine, but she gets it now. My dick twitches at the thought of her naked beneath me, her cunt wet and desperate for me. I check my watch. it’s barely five but I can’t wait any longer. The store doesn’t close till eight-thirty, but I can sit and wait for her, I’ve been doing it for over a year.
Slinging my axe over my shoulder, I salute the amused group of loggers that have been watching me hack at a hundred-year-old pine for the last twenty minutes, and head for my truck. The trees we’re felling today aren’t too far off the beaten track, so I drove myself back out here after my visit to Bonnie earlier.
I can’t wait to get my hands on her again, the small touch I got earlier stemmed some of the want, but I’m eager to feel her grind her pussy all over me again as soon as possible. It takes me almost an hour to get down off the mountain and into town. Pulling into a space a little way down from Wake Up and Go Go, I climb out of my truck and stride down the sidewalk. Glancing through the window I expect to replace her beautiful face, smiling as she works but instead, there’s a sullen looking Owen Morris leaning over the counter, his cell in his hand.
“Where’s Bonnie?” I ask brusquely.
“She finished at three,” he says without looking up from the game he’s playing on his cell.
Frustrated, I turn and leave, stomping back to my truck. Pulling my cell from my pocket I go to text her, only to realize I don’t have her number. The thought startles me. Two days ago, I had no idea how much I wanted her, hell, I barely spoke to her. I don’t have her cell number because we don’t actually know each other. I’m barreling towards happily ever after with this woman, and I can’t even call her to tell her.
Climbing into my truck, I turn on the engine and drive back up the mountain, passing the turning to my home, and for the first time ever, turning onto the Williams ranch. The main house comes into view at the top of the driveway, and I smile when I see the neat as a pin, cape cod style house. Unlike the traditional low ranch homes that are common in this area, like the one my family and I live in, this house is painted white with red shutters hanging beside the windows. It’s a feminine house, with flower boxes beneath the windows full of fall flowering plants.
Slowing to a stop, I park my truck behind Bonnie’s Toyota and stride up to the front door, rapping against it with my fist.
Mr. Williams, Bonnie’s dad, answers the door, his eyes narrowing a little when he sees me. “Beau?” he asks. “Beau Barnett?”
“Yes, sir,” I say politely. “Is Bonnie in?”
“How are you, son?” the older man asks, stepping outside and pulling the door closed behind him.
“I’m well thank you, sir. How are you keeping?”
“I’m old. I don’t recommend it. But I’m okay apart from that,” he says with a laugh. “What exactly do you want with my daughter?” he asks bluntly.
“I was hoping I could take her out to dinner,” I say equally as bluntly.
“She mentioned you’ve been watching out for her,” he says shrewdly.
“Yes, sir,” I say, letting a hint of impatience tinge my voice. Now I’m this close to her, the fact that her father is keeping me from getting to see her is starting to piss me off. I’m not some wet behind the ears teenager he can intimidate, and he needs to know that right off the bat.
“What are your intentions towards my daughter?” he asks.
“I plan to marry her,” I tell him honestly.
His mouth falls open and he stares at me, obviously shocked, then he starts to laugh. “Well good luck with that,” he chuckles, opening the door to the house and stepping back inside.
He doesn’t invite me in, but he doesn’t slam the door in my face, so I take that as an invitation and step through the doorway into the warm house. The smell of food hits me the moment I enter. I’m not sure exactly what is cooking, but I can smell cheese and bacon and a faint hint of bread.
“Bonbon, you’ve got a visitor,” Mr. Williams shouts, as he walks down the hallway and toward a room at the back of the house.
“Who is it?” Bonnie calls back.
Her voice sounds like it’s coming from the direction Mr. Williams is moving in, so I close the front door behind me and follow after him, catching up to his slower stride in a moment.
“Hey baby girl,” I say as I enter the kitchen.
Her head snaps up and I expect to see lust or happiness on her face. Instead, her cheerful expression evaporates and her lips twist into a scowl. “What are you doing here?” she snaps, glaring at me.
“I came down to the coffee shop but Owen said you’d left. We need to finish our talk,” I tell her.
“I’ve got nothing to say to you right now, Beau,” she snaps. “Like I told your brother, you and any other Barnett in town are banned from Wake Up and Go Go till you get your heads back on straight. I don’t know what’s gotten in to you in the last couple of days, but whatever it is, you need to get yourselves settled down before you’re welcome again.”
Mr. Williams snorts, shuffling over to a worn wooden table and lowering himself into a seat. “Beau was hoping he could take you out for dinner,” he tells his daughter with a smirk.
Her hands still on the dough she’s kneading, and she looks at me with so much confusion on her face that I just can’t help but go to her. She stiffens as I curl an arm around her back and pull her to me, while her daddy just watches, clear amusement etched across his face.
“What are you doing?” she shrieks.
“Saying hello,” I whisper, as I press my lips against hers, swallowing her shocked gasp.
Her lips stay frozen and unmoving for a long second, then her mouth moves, slowly at first as her fingers lift to my arms, gripping me tightly. Within a moment she’s kissing me back, just like she did earlier with that tentative enthusiasm that has me smiling against her lips.
Mr. Williams clears his throat, and I reluctantly pull myself away from her. “Let’s go grab some dinner, we can talk,” I say quietly against her ear.
She tenses against me a moment before she lifts her hands up and shoves at my chest. “Let me go,” she hisses.
Sighing, I loosen my hold on her, not letting her go, but giving her a little space.
“What is wrong with you?” she cries, her expression incredulous. “Why do you keep kissing me?”
Laughing lowly, I press my lips against the side of her neck. “Baby girl,” I coo.
“Don’t baby girl me,” she shrieks, batting me away from her with flailing hands. “Daddy, I can’t believe you’re just sitting there laughing while he manhandles me,” she shouts at her dad, who is still just watching with clear amusement on his face.
Without even a moment’s hesitation, I bend down and hoist Bonnie off the ground and over my shoulder. “Excuse me, sir, I need a moment to talk to your daughter in private,” I tell Mr. Williams. I don’t wait for him to agree, I just turn and walk out of the kitchen while Bonnie kicks and writhes, slapping and punching at my back as I carry her away.
She’s so tiny, I restrain her almost completely just by spreading my palm wide over the back of her thighs, then reaching up and squeeze her butt. “Stop wiggling unless you want me to drop you,” I warn.
“I want you to put me down, then I’m going to shoot you in the balls right before I call the hospital because you have clearly lost your mind,” she rants, still trying to kick and hit me.
Opening the front door, I carry her down the steps and toward my truck. Pulling her off my shoulder I pull the door handle, and climb in still holding her, her back to my chest as I slide into the seat. It’s a tight fit, but I manage to get behind the steering wheel with my arm still banded around her waist, even as she claws me with her nails and tries to break free.
Pulling my door closed, I hit the button for the lock. “Stop,” I snap, loud enough that she immediately stills, turning her furious red face toward me.
“Beau, I swear to god if you don’t let me go right this second, I will call the cops and have you arrested for assault,” she screams in my face.
Scowling, I tilt my head from one side to the other stretching the muscles in my neck. “Baby girl, I don’t appreciate you screaming at me,” I tell her.
“Well I don’t appreciate you sexually harassing me,” she screams.
“Bonnie, you want me just as much as I want you. I might have been a blind idiot this last year, but I wasn’t blind enough to miss the way you look at me. Even as pissed as you are right now, I bet if I was to put my hands in your panties your cunt would be wet and dripping for me.”
Her gasp is so loud I chuckle. “I’m more than willing to prove it to us both if you want,” I say, sliding my hand from where it’s banded around her waist and slowly gliding down towards her heat.
“No,” she cries, her hand slapping down over mine to stop its progress.
With another chuckle, I move my hand back up to where it was, then reach around and turn the key that I left in the ignition, bringing my truck to life.
“Where are we going?” she asks panicky.
“My place.”
“So we can talk in private,” I tell her simply, shuffling her over so she’s still in my lap but her legs are straddling one of mine.
“I don’t want to go to your place, and I really don’t think we have anything to talk about,” she snarls, still fighting to free herself from my hold, even though I’m already driving down her driveway and toward the main road.
“Just settle down, we can get things sorted for real, then you can stop acting like I’m a felon,” I laugh.
“Settle down,” she cries, “are you serious? You’ve lost your mind, that’s literally the only thing I can think of that explains you behaving like a madman.”
She scratches at my hold on her, stabbing her fingernails into my arm the entire ride to my house, getting more and more frustrated when I don’t release her and laugh at her instead.
“I’m not going in that house with you, Beau Barnett,” she screams when I slow to a stop outside the house.
“Sure you are, baby girl,” I say, unlocking and opening the door. It takes a little maneuvering when she’s still kicking and flailing, but I manage to climb out and fling her over my shoulder without even breaking a sweat. She’s so tiny, I doubt there’s anything she could do to actually hurt me.
“Put me down you fucking asshole, I’m gonna get you arrested, then have you thrown in a mental ward with huge Russian orderlies twice your size. I’m going to kill you for this, Beau, I don’t know what you think gives you the right to manhandle me, but there’s thirty ranch hands back at my place who are going to take turns kicking your ass if you hurt me, and that’s only after my daddy shoots your dick off and my brother makes you eat it.”
I ignore her cursing up a blue fit, and stride into the house past my brothers who all laugh as they watch me go.
“Help me,” she screams to them. “One of you stop your brother, he’s lost his god damn mind,” she cries.
“I told you, you were gonna get it,” Bay calls back as I walk into my room and shut the door behind me.
Slowly I lower her to the ground, and she takes a moment to push the hair away from her face before she looks up at me, her face red and scowling. She looks so god damn sexy that I can’t help but look her over. Her chest’s heaving up and down, making her high, perky tits bounce, her tiny hands are clenched into fists at her sides and her tight black skirt has ridden up a little, giving me a flash of the tops of her firm thighs.
“Come here, baby girl,” I coo, taking a step towards her as she steps back.
“Beau, I am gonna hurt you if you touch me again,” she hisses, like an angry kitten.
“Bonnie, you’re so tiny and perfect there’s nothing you could do that’d cause me any damage. Look at me, honey, I’m a big guy.”
Her eyes look me up and down, and I can’t help but tense my muscles to show off how big and ripped I am. Doing a manual job, cutting down trees all my life, has left me fit and well-muscled. I don’t stare at how pretty I am in the mirror all day, but I’m not oblivious to the fact that I have the type of body women appreciate.
Inhaling sharply, she smooths down her skirt, unties, then refastens her hair back into a messy pile on top of her head, and then moves. She smiles up at me sweetly as she closes the distance between us. When’s she’s almost within reach, she tips her head back. “Beau.”
“Yeah, baby girl?” I say, waiting for her to touch me.
“Stay the hell away from me.”
Her foot meeting my balls pushes the air out of me in an umph sound as my knees give way and I crumple to a heap on the floor at her feet, my hands cupping my poor injured dick and balls protectively.
“I really have no idea what’s going on with you the last couple of days. This all seems really out of character for you, not that I know you well enough to really assess that. For the last year I’ve seen you most days and you’ve never manhandled me, or been even mildly flirty or inappropriate, so yeah all this,” she gestures between us and to the room around us. “Is freaking me the hell out. We don’t know each other, we’re not friends, we don’t hang out or talk about anything other than coffee.”
I grunt, unable to form words.
“I am not yours, Beau, I’m not your baby girl, or your honey or whatever. I’m the girl that serves your coffee, that’s all.”
Then she steps around my prone body and walks out.
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