Property Of The Mountain Man (Montana Mountain Men Book 1)
Property Of The Mountain Man: Chapter 7

“Asshole, asshole, asshole,” I hiss, pacing my room as I surreptitiously listen for the sound of footsteps on the stairs. “Stupid fucking, sexy asshole.”

How dare he tell me that he only realized he wanted me because he saw another guy showing me some interest. I’m nothing more than a toy to him. He only wants to lay claim because deep down he’s a toddler who doesn’t want to share something he perceives as his.

An angry tear rolls down my cheek and I bat it away. I’ve always hated that I cry when I’m angry, it makes me look weak, when really I’m just so frustrated that it’s cry or scream, and screaming feels counterproductive when I don’t want him to come up here after me.

The worst thing is that I’ve been crushing on Beau for so long, that not only has he annoyed the hell out of me for behaving like a moronic three-year-old, but he’s also shattered all my fantasies about what it would be like if he were to suddenly fall in love with me. Beau, to me, was a little like a celebrity crush, so far out of reach that it was okay to indulge in this image I’d created for him. Only now he’s actually real and in my house, eating dinner with me and my dad and just ruining everything.

Flopping down onto my bed, I clench my eyes tightly shut and try to think about anything but him and the way it felt when he kissed and touched me. Somehow from the moment he barreled into the shop this afternoon, scooped me off my feet and carried me into the back, I’ve been teetering between wanting to ride his dick like it’s my own personal playground, and wanting to rewind to the time before he realized I existed.

I hate him for shattering all my childish delusions of him, but I love how big and firm and just plain huge he is in real life. I felt how turned on he was when he lowered me to the floor. I swear he dragged me over his dick extra slow just so I’d feel him.

When my mom first got sick when I was a senior in high school, I’d just started dating Billy Danes, he was sweet, but shy, and a linebacker on the football team. We’d only been going out a few weeks when I got that call to say she was in the hospital, and then the rest of the year was a whirlwind of graduating while helping Mama with her rehab and caring for her. Billy was really nice when he told me he wanted to break up and I understood why; but losing that year of going to parties and dating really changed things for me. When everyone else my age was getting ready to go off to college to experiment and grow up, my mama was dying and my life was thrown into turmoil all over again.

Since she passed, I’ve been too busy to really think about boys, and I always had the fantasy of the oh-so-perfect Beau Barnett at the back of my head to fall back on.

Now Mr. Perfect is offering himself to me on a plate and suddenly I’m not interested. What the hell is wrong with me?

Slapping a hand over my eyes, I shuffle up my bed, grabbing the comforter and wrapping it around myself. Maybe if I go to sleep this will all have been a bad dream. My cell beeps from inside my shirt, where I shoved it in my bra when I drove back from Maggie and Caleb’s earlier. Pulling it free, I click into the message from an unknown number and read.

Unknown – Hi Bonnie, this is Dan from the coffee shop, if you’d still like to, I’d love to take you out tomorrow night. I never got my tour, so maybe I could pick you up at seven, and you could show me around a little before we try the cute looking French restaurant on the corner?

I read and reread the text, waiting to feel something, only all I feel is apathy for Dan. Sure he seems like a nice enough guy, but if I compare him to Beau he simply pales in comparison. “No,” I say aloud, reprimanding myself. I need to learn to stop doing this. I can’t compare every guy to the version of Beau I’ve created in my head, especially when he’s proved today that he’s nothing like my fantasy of him.

Dan is hot, he looks damn good in a suit, and he didn’t need to see me with someone else before he showed his interest in me. Saving his number in my cell, I quickly type out a reply.

Me – Hi Dan, I’d love to go to dinner with you. Seven is fine, but I’ll meet you down in town as I live a ways up the mountain and it’s not the easiest place to replace if you don’t know your way around the roads.

His response is almost immediate.

Dan – Great, where shall we meet?

Me – How about outside Wake Up and Go Go, I’m not working tomorrow, but it’s right in the center of town and I can give you the tour of the highlights from there before we go to dinner. The restaurant on the corner is actually a steakhouse, but the food’s great unless you’re a vegetarian.

Dan – Perfect, I love a good steak, I’ll call and make reservations for us. I’m really looking forward to this Bonnie, see you tomorrow.

Me – Me too Dan, see you tomorrow.

Pressing send, I drop my cell to the bed and force a smile to my lips. Dan is sweet and he seems thoughtful, much more my type than he-who-shall-not-be-named is, and I’m actually almost looking forward to dinner tomorrow, it’s been ages since I ate anything I didn’t cook.

The sound of Beau’s truck’s engine roaring to life shatters the calm that was fighting to take control, and I hate that I glance out the window to watch him leave. His stupid, massive truck ambles off down the drive, no shower of gravel in his wake. He’s not stalking off; he’s just slowly leaving.

I’m angry that he’s driven me to hiding in my bedroom, but damn if I’m still sad to see him go. Apparently, it’s not as easy to let go of the fantasy as I want it to be.

Exhaustion weighs down on me and I crawl out of bed and head to my shower, dumping my clothes on the floor as I let the hot water wash away some of my stress. By the time I’m clean and dry I feel marginally better. Beau may have spoiled the persona I spent eight years creating for him, but on the bright side, who actually gets to make out with their first crush?

This is like Tom Cruise and the girl from Dawson’s Creek all over again, she had posters of him on her walls when she was growing up, but unlike her I won’t get dragged down by my unrealistic fantasies

No, all this crap with Beau has to stop, he decided to like me on a whim, and he can decide to forget me just as easily. In the meantime I’ll let Dan, sweet, normal Dan, take me out, and maybe I’ll fall head over heels in love with him.

Naked, I pad from my bathroom to my closet and grab a baggy nightshirt. I found this online store that sells these amazing plaid nightshirts made of the softest material. They’re snuggly and far too warm for the summer, but now that Fall is officially here, they’re perfect.

Lifting my comforter, I straighten the bed, then crawl back into it, sighing wearily as I lay my wet, tangled hair on the pillow. I know I should replace a brush and tame it, but instead I lift my head just enough to finger comb it, then twist it into an easy braid before I let my head drop down again.

My cell beeps, and sighing I glance at it lit up on my nightstand. If it’s Owen telling me he needs me to work tomorrow, I really am going to quit, it’s my only day off this week and I fully intend to take it.

Braced, I lift my cell up and swipe the screen to bring it to life. Instead of the text from Owen I’m expecting, there’s one from an unknown number. For a second I wonder if it’s from Dan, but I know I saved his number under his name. Clicking into it, I swallow thickly when I read the contents.

Unknown – Hey baby girl, I know I pissed you off pretty good, but my daddy always told me never to go to bed on an argument. If I thought it wouldn’t make you even more angry, I’d be there in your room with you right now, but I know you’re not ready for that, so a text is going to have to do. It might have taken me a year to accept how I feel about you, but I knew a long time ago that you were meant to be mine. The first time I drove past the shop and saw you there all alone, you called to me, drawing me in like I was a fish on a hook. I might not have known exactly why I kept coming back to watch over you every morning, and all the nights you closed up, but I did know that I wanted to keep you safe, to protect you. That guy was the catalyst that made me admit how much I want you baby girl. But you being mine, is nothing to do with him, it’s just about me and you. I know you need some time right now, so I don’t expect you to talk to me, but please Bonnie, please tell me you forgive me, at least for tonight. Don’t go to bed mad baby girl. Beau xoxo

Exhaling, my breath catches in my throat. It’s like he’s two different people, the alpha caveman, using his size to manhandle me, then the sweet guy who doesn’t want me to go to bed mad. I have no idea what to think, or feel. Physically, he’s everything I dreamt he’d be, he’s big, hard, and he kisses like it’s the last time he’ll ever get the chance.

But all this ‘mine’ ridiculousness, when he’s never even asked me out on a date is absurd. Putting my cell back onto the nightstand, I plug it in to charge and resolve just to ignore him. Closing my eyes, I exhale, forcing my body to relax, to melt into the mattress and let sleep take me under. After a couple of minutes my eyes snap open and I reach for my cell, typing out a message, my fingers moving so fast, I’m sure most of the words barely make sense.

Me – I am mad at you! You can’t just decide I belong to you without even asking, that’s not how real life works. You haven’t said a word to me outside of ordering coffee in a year, and now all of a sudden you’re invading my work, my home, and trying to railroad my life. You don’t know me and I don’t know you, we’re practically strangers. If you’ve decided you like me, then try asking me out and seeing if I’m interested before declaring to the world that I’m yours. It’s been a long day, so I’m going to sleep. I forgive you for tonight, I just think it’d be best if you stayed away from the shop for a while.

The moment I press send I feel both better and worse. The sensible part of my brain knows that keeping my distance from Beau while this attraction he feels fades, is the best thing for us both. The illogical part of my brain is screaming, this is your crush, the guy you’ve wanted obsessively since you were thirteen years old. I suppose if he stays away and he still wants me, then maybe he could ask me out, if he stays away and suddenly realizes that I’m not what he actually wants, then it’s better than us getting involved and me getting hurt. Resolved, I turn my cell to do-not-disturb and fall to sleep.

My dreams are hampered with erotic images of Beau Barnett, and when I wake up the next morning my body is tight and needy from hours of sexual fantasies playing on a loop round and round in my head. For someone who hasn’t ever had sex, I certainly know how to imagine myself doing all sorts of naughty things with Beau, and last night we did everything.

Today is my day off, but I usually get up with my dad to make breakfast and then lend a hand on the ranch if I’m needed. My dad is always telling me I don’t need to, but it was what my mom always did. This morning though, I don’t think I can get up and be around my dad when I’m this much on edge. Beau has starred in many of my sex dreams, but I’ve never woken up feeling this unsatisfied before.

Sliding my hand between my legs I replace my clit and circle it, as I imagine how it would feel to have his dick pressed against my core, how it felt to have his lips on mine, his raspy, sexy voice in my ear telling me I was his. I pretend my fingers are his as I stroke and tease myself, barely swallowing down his name as I come, my stomach tensing as pleasure consumes me. When my orgasm fades, I exhale, tension melting from me as I feel every muscle relax. A part of me knows that I shouldn’t be using him as spank bank material now that he’s real and not just a hot guy who I’ve never spoken to, but when I close my eyes and think of what turns me on, it’s always him my mind envisages.

Inhaling slowly, I close my eyes and smile, shaking my head at how ridiculous my life has gotten. My eyes go heavy and I let myself fall back to sleep.

When I wake up again, the sun is fully up and I jolt upright amazed that I’ve slept for so long. Grabbing my cell I see that it’s after ten and I have several texts and a couple of missed calls. Flopping back down to the bed I sigh, rubbing at my blurry eyes and click into the messages. The first is from Beau last night, just a few minutes after I replied to him.

Beau – Agree to disagree, see you soon. Sweet dreams and think of me baby girl xoxo

A surprising burst of excitement pulses through me at his words. My body is still tingling with arousal despite my nap, and I instantly remember how it felt to be in his arms. Physically I want Beau, I think I always will.

Forcing myself to get out of bed, I shower, washing away the evidence of how he affects my body, and dress for a day on the ranch in comfy skinny jeans, and a tank with a thick woolen fisherman’s jumper over the top. I pull my hair back into a braid to keep it out of my face, and make my way to the kitchen.

In my absence this morning, Dad has baked some scones, and the coffee pot is full, the rich aroma filling the kitchen with its comfortingly familiar scent. Grabbing a cup, I fill it and take one of the scones before making my way to the ranch office that adjoins the house. Dad built it on about ten years ago when Mama complained about his paperwork piling up in the den, now it’s where Dad is based during the day.

Sliding my feet into my well-worn work boots I head out of the back door, crossing the few steps to the office and walking in. Dad is on the phone, his head bent over a map, the phone cradled between his ear and shoulder. The sight makes me smile. Work is in my daddy’s blood and when he became physically unable to be as active out on the ranch, I worried that he’d feel redundant, but even though he hates getting older, I think he secretly loves bossing everyone else around from behind his comfortable desk.

“Morning sweetheart,” he says when he lifts his head and replaces me standing in the doorway.

“Morning, sorry I overslept.”

Waving me off with a flick of his wrist, he places the phone down on his desk and gestures for me to come inside. I slide into the seat in front of his desk like I’ve done a thousand times before. “What do you need me to do today?” I ask him.

“You should go enjoy yourself,” he chides.

“I enjoy working on the ranch, so put me to work,” I say staunchly, arching my eyebrows in challenge.

Laughing, he shakes his head softly. “Barber could use some help riding the fences out on the west field.”

“Perfect, I’m going out tonight so I’ll throw you something together for dinner later.”

Shaking his head, he scowls. “I can look after myself, Bonnie, and Maggie invited us both for dinner tonight, so I’ll take her up on it and let her know you’re busy,” he says with a wink.

“Okay, I’ve got my cell, I’ll ride out and catch up with Barber.”

“Stay safe, sweetheart,” he says, already lifting his phone back up as I climb out the chair and head for the door.

Finishing my coffee, I drop my mug off in the kitchen before I head for the paddock to grab my horse, Vali. She’s a beautiful strawberry roan quarter horse, bred and born on the ranch and gifted to me on my sixteenth birthday. Still to this day, she’s the best present I’ve ever received. We have a lot of horses on the ranch and I’ve been riding since the moment I could walk, but Vali is the first horse I’ve ever had from a foal. I backed and broke her myself, she’s mine and I don’t allow anyone else to ride her.

The moment she sees me she whinnies her greeting, and immediately ambles across the paddock toward me. Not bothering with a halter, I open the gate and she strolls through, following me like a dog as I walk back toward her stall. Her soft velvety nose pushes against my arm and I turn and stroke her, cooing to her about how beautiful she is and how much I love her.

When we reach her stall she wanders inside, turning around and nudging me for the apple she knows I’ll have for her. Pulling one from the crate outside the door I feed it to her and she chomps away happily as I groom her, brushing her soft coat and combing her mane and tail. When she’s shiny and gleaming, I leave her in her stall and go to grab her tack from the tack room at the end of the barn.

She’s exactly where I left her when I return, just like I knew she would be, and I snicker as one of the newer ranch hands looks at me quizzically. Vali and I share a bond and she’s incredibly well trained. I don’t need to tie her up, because she knows she’s supposed to stay in her stall and she will. Sliding a blanket numnah onto her back, I slide her saddle on and tighten the girth, then I slip her bridle onto her head, pressing a soft kiss to the fur on her face before I lead her from the stall and out into the yard.

Patting her neck, I check her girth, then place one foot into a stirrup and propel myself onto her back in one smooth movement. Sliding my palm across her shoulder I give her a little scratch, then I gather my reins, slide my right heel back, and she immediately moves forward into a loping walk.

Waving in greeting to the ranch hands that I pass, I make my way onto the trail that leads to the west field, pushing Vali to a trot, then to a canter as she flies across the pasture, eating up the ground, until I spot Barber on his huge chestnut gelding up ahead.

“Hey teenie”, he calls when I reach his side.

“Hi Barber, Dad sent me out here to help ride the fences,” I say, ignoring his use of the annoying nickname I received when I was eight years old and chasing round after my daddy trying to help.

“Great, you want to go up or down?” he asks.

“I’ll go up, it’s been a while since I’ve been out to the peak,” I tell him.

“Okay, meet back in the middle, mark any holes that you spot,” he tells me, handing me a roll of bright yellow tape.

“I know the drill,” I say, rolling my eyes.

“Force of habit, teenie,” he laughs, kicking his horse into action and racing off to the right.

“I hate that nickname, Barbara,” I call after him, pushing Vali into a canter and flying off to the left. When I reach the end of the fence, I pull Vali to a stop and slide from her back, taking a moment to enjoy the spectacular view. The peak provides a perfect view over the mountain vistas that surround our little town and I stare out, so grateful to live somewhere so beautiful.

My cell vibrates in my pocket and I pull it out, remembering that I didn’t bother to check the rest of my messages or missed calls after I saw the one from Beau. I have two messages from my closest friend, Cora, both telling me I work too hard and demanding I join her for a girls’ night out.

There’s a missed called from Owen that I ignore, and a new text from Beau.

Beau – Good morning beautiful, I hope you slept well and had dirty dreams about me. I did about you. My favourite was when you were riding my dick, your head thrown back as I made you come while you screamed my name. I can’t wait to see it in person. Have a great day baby, I’ll pick you up at eight xoxo

An instant blush fills my cheeks as I check around me to make sure no one can see what he put. Then I chide myself for being so ridiculous, I’m in the middle of a field miles away from the ranch. A heat spreads through my core, because the dream he just described was part of the dirty slide show that circled through my own dreams last night. I can so easily imagine straddling him, impaled on his long, thick cock while his huge hands lift me up and down his length.

My clit starts to pulse, swelling in eager anticipation, and I swallow thickly as I read and reread his words. His dirty text is done without preamble, he just straight up told me how he wants to fuck me, and I want to be angry, to be pissed by how high handed and caveman this is. But the truth is, that I want exactly what he’s describing, and I want it with him.

My fingers pause a hair’s breadth above the screen of my cell. I want to reply, but I have no idea what I’d say to him. My hot, achy pussy wants to tell him to get his butt over here so we can re-enact both of our dreams, but the rest of me knows it’s just not that simple.

If I lived in a city, where I could have him screw me six ways from Sunday and never see him again, I’d be halfway back to the ranch by now. But here in Rockhead Point, population – small enough that everyone knows everyone, I can’t have a simple one-night stand. Not that I really want that anyway.

I stand for a few moments contemplating what to reply, and then decide just not to. I have no idea what to say to him anymore and I don’t think informing him I have a date with another guy tonight would go down particularly well, so I just slide my cell into my pocket, jump back onto Vali and get to work.

By the time the sun has started to set, I’m the kind of exhausted that only comes from a day out on the ranch, riding and mending fences with the wind in my face and the fall sunshine at my back. I love this feeling, it’s completely different to the exhaustion I feel after a day at the coffee shop. That’s just tiredness, this is a happily, peaceful weary from knowing I’ve contributed.

Stripping Vali of her bridle and saddle, I brush her down and set her in her stall with some hay for the night. Barber waves as he heads towards the ranch hands’ living quarters and I walk over to the house.

“Hey Daddy,” I call, when I step through the backdoor and into the kitchen.

“Hey Bonbon,” he shouts back from the den.

Making my way to him, I peer around the doorjamb and replace him with his feet up on the couch, a show playing on the tv.

“You have any problems with the fence?”

“No, a few holes, but Barber and I got them sorted,” I tell him.

“Good,” he nods, his attention going back to the tv.

“I’m gonna go have a soak for a while before I go out. Do you need anything?” I ask.

“Nope, I’m leaving in a few to go eat with Maggie, Caleb, and the boys.”

“This early?” I ask, glancing down at my watch, “it’s barely five.”

“Yep, Maggie has a conference call with someone in Japan at some godforsaken hour of the morning, so we’re eating early so she can sleep for a few hours before she has to get back up again.”

“Jesus, I love that woman but she works crazy hours.”

“She does,” he chuckles.

“Okay, have fun at dinner, tell Maggie and the boys I say hi.”

“Will do,” he says with a dismissive wave.

Climbing the stairs to my room, I head straight for the tub and turn on the taps to fill it. Adding some rose scented bath salts, I strip out of my clothes and slide into the tub as it fills, resting my head back as I sigh contentedly.

Grabbing my cell from where I left it on the side of the tub, I click into my current book and lose half an hour in a story where a female hunter has a harem of four guys; a vampire, a werewolf, a male hunter, and an angel. It’s epic and filthy, and the perfect distraction as I soak the aches from my muscles.

Beau’s text me a couple more times during the day and I click into them, unable to delete them even though I know I should.

Beau – I missed seeing you this morning xoxo

Beau – Wear a skirt tonight, I dreamed about eating your perfect pussy last night and I can’t wait to taste you in my mouth. I want to lick your clit until you’re squirming and begging me for my fingers or cock, then I’m going to bend you over and fuck you hard until you come on my dick.

Beau – Stay with me tonight.

I didn’t reply to any of them, even though I wanted to. Despite his sexy, tempting words, he still hasn’t listened to what I told him last night. He can’t just declare we’re together, or that we’re going to have sex, or that I’m suddenly going to sleep over at his house. I think him telling me he’s going to pick me up at eight was his way of asking me out, but asking requires a question, not a statement.

Climbing reluctantly from the bath, I dry myself, rub moisturizer into my skin, and slide on some underwear as I stand in my closet and try to decide what to wear. The restaurant we’re going to isn’t fancy, but it’s nicer than jeans and boots. Grabbing my electric blue skater skirt, I slide on black sheer pantyhose with tiny black dots on, then pull the skirt over the top. I pair it with a super soft, black cold shoulder sweater and my black suede over the knee heeled boots.

Drying my hair, I curl it into soft waves that fall just below my shoulders and add some makeup, with a smoky eye and nude lips. Sliding gold loops through my ears, I give myself one last check in the mirror and call it good.

I’m much more comfortable in jeans and a hoodie than I am in skirts and makeup, but it’s nice to make an effort every once in a while. Taking my cell out, I snap a selfie and send it to Cora. She immediately texts me back.


Smiling, I palm my cell and head downstairs. My dad left a while ago, so I grab my good purse, shove my cell, lip gloss, and pepper spray into it, before picking up my car keys and heading for the door. It’s almost six-thirty, so I climb into my car and start the drive back down into town. Butterflies burst to life in my stomach, but I don’t know if it’s nerves about meeting Dan, or that Beau might turn up at my house expecting me to be there. A thrill of excitement ricochets through me, perhaps if I’m not there waiting on him like a good little pet, he might get the message, or maybe he’ll be over his crush by now and he won’t come at all.

By the time I park my car outside Wake Up and Go Go, I’m nervous. I haven’t been on a date in years, the last one was in high school, and it consisted of a movie, then making out in his car. I really don’t think this one will be the same. Dan appears at my door the moment I kill my engine and opens it for me, smiling widely.

“Hi Bonnie,” he says, holding out a hand to me. Tonight, he’s dressed in slim fitted navy-blue chino’s, a burgundy wool sweater, and tan boat shoes with bare feet. The lack of socks confuses me. Why would you wear leather shoes with bare feet? He looks good, but it’s obvious from his outfit that he’s an out of towner. His hair is artfully disheveled in a sexy rumpled way that makes me want to brush it out of his eyes so I can see his handsome face.

“Hi Dan,” I say with a smile, taking his hand as I look up into his GQ model face. High chiseled cheek bones and a defined jaw, he’s a truly beautiful man and I can’t help but wish I was attracted to him. He’s gorgeous, and I should be drooling over him, but there’s something missing that I fear might be the lack of working hands. With my palm in his, he helps me from the car, his hands soft and smooth.

Soft and smooth. That shouldn’t be a turn off, but there’s just something about a man having hands that are rough and lined, hard-working hands that gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling deep in my soul.

Dan’s hands are neat and probably regularly manicured. His nails are perfectly shaped and round, he’s polished and clean cut, and I don’t know why that doesn’t seem to work for me, but it just doesn’t.

Pulling my hand free the moment I’m standing on the sidewalk, I busy myself locking my shit-heap of a car—that absolutely no one would want to steal—just so he can’t try to hold my hand again. “So,” I say when I turn around, my fingers wrapped tightly around the strap of my purse. “What kind of tour are you looking for?”

“The kind that means we get to stroll and chat for an hour, I booked us a table for eight. Until then, show me around this little town of yours,” he says flirtily.

“Okay, well then let’s go,” I say moving forward. He falls into step at my side and within minutes I’ve relaxed. I’m not attracted to Dan, but I like him, he’s fun and flirty, although I get the feeling he probably behaves like this around all women. We stroll along main street and I point out random tidbits of town history and the things Rockhead Point has to offer, while he nods and laughs and flirts with me.

By the time we’ve circled back to Rochelle’s, the restaurant we’re having dinner at, I’m relaxed and smiling and really enjoying myself.

“Actually, I found some really attractive properties, can I show them to you and you can veto if it’s in a rough neighborhood or whatever?” he asks.

“Sure,” I say as we follow the hostess to our table. “But you do realize our little town doesn’t really have any rough neighborhoods, right?”

Dan pulls out my chair for me and I sit, thanking him quietly as he takes his seat opposite me. We’re at a prime table, right in the window, overlooking the small courtyard seating they’ve laid out which is lit up with twinkle lights and flickering candles in hurricane jars.

“Hi Bonnie, what can I get you guys to drink?” our waitress Claudia asks, she’s one of Rochelle, the owner’s, daughters and was the year above me at high school.

“Hi Claudia, could I get a beer, please?” I ask.

“I’ll have a gin and tonic, Bombay sapphire if you have it,” Dan says.

With a smile she hands us each a menu and then leaves.

“This really is a small town isn’t it,” Dan says with an amused laugh.

“It really is,” I nod. “Not many people leave and if they do, they usually come back. This place isn’t a lot, but it is home and it’s got a charm that pulls you in.”

“Did you go away to college, then get lured back in then?” he asks.

“Nope, I was due to start college then my mama got sick, so I gave up my place to stay home and take care of her.”

“You didn’t re-enroll after she got better?” Dan asks.

“She did get a little better, then she had a heart attack, she died over a year ago,” I say, clearing my throat.

“I’m so sorry,” he says, his eyes showing genuine sadness.

“Thank you,” I say clearing the emotion from my throat. “Now it’s just me and my dad at home, and my brother, sister-in-law, and nephews live on the other side of our property.”

“Your family own a ranch?” Dan asks.

“They do, ranching’s been in our family for generations, but the Williams ranch was started by my daddy, he built the house we live in, and he and my brother built the house my brother lives in with his family,” I tell him, pride brimming from my voice.

“Wow, my dad’s an orthodontist,” he says with a grimace.

I laugh and he joins in as a waiter arrives at our table with our drinks. “Hi Bonnie,” he says.

“Hi Derek, the beer’s mine.”

He quickly places the glass of beer in front of me and the tumbler full of clear liquid in front of Dan. “You ready to order, or do you need another minute?”

Realizing I haven’t even opened my menu I quickly pick it up and start to scan the choices. Working long hours means I rarely have chance to eat out, so my eyes devour all the delicious sounding foods.

“I think we may need a minute,” Dan says, and Derek leaves with a smile. “So, what’s good here?”

“Rochelle is an amazing chef, so everything is good, I think I’m going to go with a walnut and pear salad, then the sea bass,” I tell him.

“The pork loin stuffed with mushrooms sounds amazing,” he says, his eyes fixed on his menu.

Derek returns and we order our food. “So, show me these properties,” I say, lifting my beer and taking a drink as he pulls out his cell.

For the next fifteen minutes he shows me the houses he’s short listed, all of them were built recently, with little to no character in an area we call secondhomeville, because the majority of people who own them only use them during the winter season and on occasional weekends.

Derek delivers our appetizers and we make polite chitchat, not covering anything too personal, strictly first date material all the way.

“So that big guy at the coffee shop?” Dan asks.

“What about him?” I ask dismissively.

“You sure he’s not your boyfriend?”

“No, he’s not, but what makes you ask that?” I ask carefully.

“Well because he just barged into the restaurant, he’s coming this way and he looks seriously pissed.”

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