Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 100: [The End]


As I walked down the aisle, my gaze only fixated on the most handsome man in my eyes. His sweetsmiles send me over the moon. At this moment in time, I felt like we were the only two people inthe world. Everything just vanished, and he is the only one I see in this vast place filled with peoplewatching us. My eyes glistened as we made eye contact while I walked towards the altar where myhusband-to-be was waiting for my hand in marriage.

Before I knew it, I was already in front of him. His eyes also glistened with tears of joy. We smiled ateach other and he took my right hand, then kissed them gently. He looked at me with all the love inthe world. My heart flipped as soon as I noticed the invisible red strings of fate tangled on my wristand index finger, which connected to Azrael's wrist and index finger, too. We stared at each otherwith a knowing smile.

These red strings of fate are the symbol of our eternal love. This means that whatever happens, wewill always be together forever. Fate will always bring us together, no matter what happens and nomatter where we are.

"Ah, you are so handsome, my cupcake!” I heard Val utter. So I looked at her and saw her squeezingDrelix's cheeks. Drelix's face flushed, and we all chuckled.

"Valkyrie, stop pinching my cheeks. We still have to do the wedding ceremony.” Drelix said, and Val'sface flushed red. I know that look.

“Call me Valkyrie one more time and I'll stop,” Val whispered and winked.


My sisters and I gagged while the others suppressed giggles. “Oh please, stop flirting! We're in themiddle of the ceremony, you know?" Damona whispered.

“Ehem.” someone cleared their throat, and we all turned, then saw the gods and goddesses in theirrespective seats. They were all smiling at us.

My sisters and I, with our partners, walked arm in arm to the wide altar below the gods andgoddesses. We stop in front of small pillows on the floor. Then we all kneeled with the pillows onour knees and bowed our heads in respect.

“All rise,” God Jupiter said and everyone rose. Songs played in the background beautifully. ThenJuno, the Goddess of Marriage Ceremonies, walked in front of us carrying her scepter, giving off hermajestic appearance.

“My children, please be seated,” she said, and everyone obeyed. Everyone sat down except us. Ofcourse, we have to remain standing for the ceremony. We all turned our attention to Goddess Juno.She continued, “First, I'd like to begin by welcoming and thanking each one of you for being heretoday to witness the happiest days of the lovely wedded couple to be.”

“Today, we are all lucky to witness their most remarkable moment and their commitment to alifetime of love for one another. Most of you, all witness their love story, especially Alice and Azrael.”Goddess Juno glanced at me and Azrael with a smile, then proceeded. “Their love story is a rockystart filled with ups and downs. But nothing love cannot do when bringing two people together byany means. Well, that's because they are meant to be. As you all know, love is an immense andpowerful emotion that changes the life of an individual. Love is a desire that is deep-rooted in yourheart more than it does in your minds, which occupies and fills eternity. It's a divine spark that existswithin us-the soul itself, which is immortal and infinite. But if you love without a little suffering andsacrifices, you won't experience eternal love and true happiness.”

I couldn't help but smile at her words. That is spot on. It's my first time hearing Goddess Junotalking about love. Speaking of love, Goddess Juno is really devoted to God Jupiter and only loveshim her entire life. What a pity that Jupiter can’t love only one person. He is quite a womanizer. =_=I felt Azrael squeeze my hands, so I glanced at him and smiled sweetly.

Azrael smiles and holds my right hand. His eyes glistened and also mine. “My Alexandria Gregory,my Alexandria Vermount, my one, and only Alice. I swear to dedicate my all to you. I know I'm notperfect, but I try my best to be perfect for you. We first met with a rocky start. I have inflicted youwith so much pain because of my pride and arrogance. When I couldn't protect you when you diedback then, I blame myself for not being strong enough. From this moment on, I will protect you,love you more freely and unconditionally, make you the happiest woman alive, and cherish you untilthe last of my days. On this day, I promise to be your guiding light in the darkness, a warmingcomfort in the cold, and a shoulder to lean on when life is too much to bear on your own. And Ipromise to never stop holding your hand. I give you this ring, as a sign of my everlasting love and asa promise of eternity with you. I love you, my Alice...” I cried as he put on the ring on my ring finger.Our memories shared together flashed through my mind.

I sniffled and smiled. “Actually, I didn't prepare a vow. So... Uhm, can I just say I do?”

“What the?!”

“Seriously, Alice?”

"How could you not?!"

"Ah, why didn't you tell us?”

“Aww, Alice...”

My sisters reacted real quick, which made everyone laugh

“Can you at least put in more effort? Today is your wedding day! For heaven's sake!” Goddess Junoalso reacted in disbelief.

"Pft. Hahaha. Sorry... sorry... I didn't mean to. Azrael, will you still take my hand and my heart?” I saidwith an expectant look. “I will,” Azrael winked and chuckled. He knows me very well.

“Ahh... so... so adorable!”

"Aw, my dear daughter, can I keep you? Huhu, I regret giving you a mate. Waaahhh, I don't want togive you away all of a sudden.” Mother Selene said dramatically with teary-eyed.

Everyone let out a laugh. I saw my five little darlings give me a thumbs up while grinning. Aww, theyare so adorable and gorgeous. I can't wait for the ceremony to finish and cuddle with my littledarlings.

I cleared my throat. “Ehem. Just kidding everyone.” I said, and turned to Azrael with a smile. “This isa lot of pressure. I better not blow this up. I... uh, what's your name again?”

Everyone laughed.

"Oh, I remember now. Ehem. Azrael Shepherd, I swear to you that I will only cherish you for the restof my days. I vow to thrill you each day - to amaze and astonish you - did I mention all the magictricks I haven't shown you? I vow to run with you in the woods and not leave you behind because Iran faster than you.” Everyone chuckled. “And I, take you to be my lawfully wedded husband, tohave and to scold, from this day fast-forward for better but not worse, forget sickness only in health,to loathe and to cherish, till fate do we part, or you turn into a zombie.” Everyone was laughing.Azrael chuckled, while wiping his tears from the corner of his eyes. I also chuckled. “With this ring, Ipromise you the Sun and the Moon. As Sun says, “I'm too hot for you, but I love you to the moonand back”. I winked and everyone laughed again. I actually made that up on the spot. Hehe.

I took his right hand and put on the ring on his ring finger with tears rolling down our faces withlove and joy. Everyone cheered and applauded. We saw all the gods and goddesses standing upwhile smiling at us. The high-ranking spirit of the divine beast flying above us while raining specklesof stardust toward us. The Council of Gods all stood in front of us with a smile.

"And now, by the power vested in me, it is my honor and delight to declare you married. Go forthand live each day to the fullest. You may seal this declaration with a kiss.” Goddess Juno announcedwith full smiles and the others as well.

I faced Azrael with a smile, and he slowly lifted my veil. “You are so beautiful,” he whispered, and wesmiled sweetly with each other, then slowly leaned in. And we kissed passionately. Cheers resonatedthroughout the place. A heavenly scent of magical flowers filled my nostrils. Petals and glitteringmagic dust rain on us continuously.

We pulled apart with a gentle smile.

All bridesmaids and groomsmen, flower girls, and ring bearers perform some magic as a way ofcongratulating us. The angels and guests also joined. No words could describe how enchanting theentire venue became. It is so lively and full of laughter. It is so wonderful.

"Congratulations, mother and father!” Yzzabelle beamed and showered us with her flower petals.Azrael took our baby girl and kissed her cheeks.

“Me too!” I turned beside me and saw my baby boy. I smiled and also took him in my arms andkissed him, too.

My twins giggled, and we both looked up to see the fireworks made by the six high-ranking spiritsof divine beasts. The holy angels blew their trumpets and sang a beautiful melody as a celebration.Then everyone congratulates us. Our parents become so emotional.

The half-fox triplets join us four while looking up at the beautiful fireworks display.

I have dreamed of this moment, and now it's finally coming true. I will forever cherish our beautifulfamily.

My sisters called me, so I excused myself from Azrael and the kids then walked closer to my sisters.We smiled and congratulated each other through group hugs. Then our family, parents, and closefriends joined us for a group picture.

I looked at everyone else and they looked so happy. I can feel the peace and serenity througheveryone's smiling faces. Seeing everyone's smiles erases all my doubts and fears about the future.From this day forward, I will protect those lovely smiles and never let someone ruin them.

This chapter of my life is now closed. It is not the end, but the beginning of another chapter of mylife, together with my loving family and friends.

Rejected by my mate? Yes, I've been rejected, but I choose to accept it, embrace it, and see thegood it brings me, and still choose to love the same person who reclaimed and accepted me afterseeing my true worth. Rejection hurts. It's true. But being rejected doesn’t mean you aren“t goodenough. It means you are being redirected to correct your destiny-to something better. Also,rejection helps you grow and to make you a better person.

[The end]

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