Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 16

[Alexandria's POV]

My heart was heavy as I entered Sabrina’s mansion. All the maids greeted me and I just nodded. Iam not in the mood right now. I am thinking about Azrael. His sad look keeps flashing in my head.He's all I could think of at this moment.

"Alex!!" Layla happily ran towards me and engulfed me in a hug. "Thank god, you're okay!" I smilefaintly.

She frowned when she looked at me. "What happened?” Layla knows right away if something waswrong with me.

"Azrael..." I whispered sadly. She looks surprised when I mention the name.

"Tell me, what happened?” she asked, and I nodded. Before I could talk, I noticed an unfamiliarscent. I can tell he was powerful.

"Sabrina has guests?" I asked Layla. She nodded.

"Yeah, Allia and her husband are here." I nodded. I presume that the powerful aura I felt was fromAllia's husband. I guess it's the wizard guy named Clinton.

"Come on, we are waiting for you. What took you so long?" she uttered while we walked up thestairs towards Sabrina's office.

"I went to Azrael because he was also in pain. He almost died because of me, Layla." I said anxiously.She gasped in shock.

"What? He can still feel pain even if he rejects you?" she asked with furrowed eyebrows in confusion.She stops walking and faces me.

"Yes, because we didn't accept each other's rejection back then. He took back his rejection towardsme, Layla. And because of that, he will feel even worse pain.” I said anxiously and let out a deepsigh.

"What changes his mind?" she asked skeptically. I just shrugged my shoulders. Maybe because Lizawas gone? And he has no Luna anymore? Then, am I his last option? I am just an option... I frownedI shrugged it off, and we continued walking until we reached Sabrina's office. The doorautomatically swung open, and we got inside.

All eyes were on me the moment I stepped into the room. I fixed my gaze on the man with a blackhat and black clothing. A wizard indeed.

"Am I late?" I mumbled. Allia smiles at me and I smile back.

Sabrina cleared her throat and spoke, "Yeah, but we understand.” She looks at me knowingly. I knowshe saw what happened.

'Can I tell them your real name?" Sabrina asked through mind-link.

“Okay,’ I said back, while nodding my head in her direction for approval.

"Alex, this is Clinton Valencio, a wizard." Sabrina introduces the man. "And Clinton, this is AlexandriaGregory we were talking about earlier.” Clinton eyed me and extended his hand for a handshake. Iaccepted it.

"Pleasure to meet you, Alexandria." I smiled awkwardly and nodded. "Pleasure to meet you too, Mr.Clinton." I pulled out my hand from his grip. But before that, I swear I saw his eyes change color. Ieyed him cautiously.

Layla and I sat in the vacant seat beside Sabrina. Then Clinton handed Sabrina the thick book. Itlooks so old. I saw the cover that read “The Chosen One’.

That got my interest. I feel like the book will answer some of my questions.

"I already read the entire book," Clinton uttered, and Sabrina nodded her head. Sabrina put thethick book on the center table. She flips the cover and turns the pages.

We are all silent. Only the flipping of the pages creates a sound while Sabrina reads it silently. AllSabrina saw in the book, I also saw. I just leaned my back on the sofa and closed my eyes. Everypage is getting more interesting.

"Look, this phrase here...” Sabrina mumbled out of the blue, and her eyebrows furrowed togetherlike she was assessing something in her mind.

In Layla's curiosity, she went beside Sabrina and read the phrase stated in the book aloud.

"Who is the Chosen One? Is it a girl or a boy? You can never guess. However, you can easily identifythe Chosen One. You can feel her enormous amount of energy that will make you suffocated whenthe Chosen One will use his/her power. It will make all your senses shiver in fear. You should fear theChosen One, as thy power will eliminate your existence in this world. In just a snap of his/her finger,everything will be under control. The Chosen One has no mercy upon provoking his/her emotion.Don't play with the fire as it will fuel his/her emotion. The more he/she will feel emotion, the morethe Chosen One will be dangerous. And will be much more dangerous than the beast." Layla'sforehead creased in confusion. She continued reading aloud.

"If the Chosen One is a hybrid, she will lead all races, including demons and beasts. Everyone mustsubmit themselves to the Chosen One in order to live. Those who are against the Chosen One willreplace a way to kill him/her. They will form an alliance between all races just to kill the Chosen One."Layla looks at me, puzzled. I know what was running through her mind. She was thinking the samething as the others. They thought, what if I am the Chosen One?

"What if Alex is the Chosen One?" Allia voices her thoughts. I couldn't help but gasp a little. I wasright.

"It is not possible,” Clinton mumbled. I cleared my throat and spoke.

"Yes, I am a hybrid, but it doesn't mean that I am the Chosen One. I am not the only hybrid here,you know that.”

"Yes, Luke is also hybrid, right?" Sabrina said while still thinking deeply.

"But, he's still a kid.” Allia protested. Everyone was silent all of a sudden.

I stare at the wall as I'm trying to process the information. I can't be the Chosen One.

We are the Chosen, Alex. All three voices spoke in my head. That gave me goosebumps. My heartbeats faster in anticipation. I frowned. Now, I am confused about who I am. I remember my parentssaid that I am a gift. Am I their true daughter? My heart aches at the thought. What secret still lies inmy entire existence? Who am 1? How different am I from everyone else? I feel like crying because Ithink I don't know myself anymore. It's like I am in complete bewilderment.

There's a lot of questions running in my mind right now, but who will answer those? I should go toTibbertan Mountains as soon as possible.

You will help me along the way, right? I asked my three spirits.

“Of course, Alex." Val assured me.

“Remember, we are just one, Alex." Willow reminded me.

“We will help you as long as we can, Alex." Xandra vowed.

Thanks, guys. I don't know what to do without you. I'm so glad you're here with me.

“We were glad too, Alex.’

I let out a long sigh and closed my eyes.

"Alex, are you okay?" Layla asked worriedly.

I nodded, but suddenly I panicked when my heart rate increased at a quicker pace. I put my handson my chest when it hurts vigorously. It was like something stabbed me in my chest. My three spiritsalso whimpered because of sudden pain. And I feel like my whole body got paralyzed. I am catchingmy breath.

"Alex?! Oh god, what's happening?!" Layla uttered in panic and in fear.

“Alex, our mate..." Xandra cried out.

This can't be. No!

"Uggh," the pain in my chest was now unbearable and tears streamed down my face. I stood up, butthen I fell on my knees while clutching tightly on the sofa's armrest while my other hand was on mychest clutching tightly too.

"Alex?! What's happening?!" they all uttered in fear. Layla tried to touch me, but I shook my headno. She frowned. Sabrina tried to help me too, but I just shook my head.

"M-My mate... s-something happened to him!" I said, while gasping for air. Their eyes widened andgasped like they knew what was happening.

My breathing became irregular and heavy. I gasped for air and screamed. I feel like dying. I criedbecause it was so excruciating. An image flashed in my head, a horrible one. A look of horror wasvisible on my face.



"AZRAEL!" I mutter loudly while crying.


In just a second, I teleported back to where Azrael was. I felt dizzy, but I managed to walk towardsthe crowd, still clutching my chest.

Then I saw him lying on the ground, almost lifeless, and looked pale. The entire pack wassurrounding him and tried to pull something buried in his chest. I frowned when I noticed what itwas. A silver.


No way! That's why I feel weak. If that silver stabbed at me, it would be my last.

"MOVE!" I said in a commanding tone. The werewolves divert their attention from me as I movethem away from Azrael.

Tears poured down my face when I saw his pale face and there was blood oozing from his mouth. Asilver stabbed in his chest deeply. I growled loudly in anger.

"Azrael!" I called him, but he's not responsive anymore. I checked his pulse, and it was getting faint.No!

My three spirits also whimpered at the sight.

“Alex, I can't connect with his wolf. Xandra whimpered

I growled in anger. My eyes glowed more brightly, and I knew my aura was flowing enormously. Icouldn't control it anymore

I glared furiously at the buried silver. My hands were trembling as I slowly grip the thick silver. Itburns my hands. I screamed when I slowly pulled it out from Azrael's chest, careful not to causemore bleeding. And I can feel the wind blowing furiously as I growled loudly because of excruciatingpain.

I looked at the silver, which was tainted with black magic. A poison. I furiously crashed the silver intoashes. I heard gasps from the crowd, but I didn't care if they saw it. I hate that silver. If my mate dies,I'm going to burn all the silver in the world!

I put my hands on Azrael's wound in his chest. My eyes glowed in pure white. I am trying to heal thewounds, but it's too deep and won't close right away. Also, his wolf was slowly fading. I saw the holein Azrael's chest and my heart aches for him. I'm glad the bleeding stops.

"Azrael... please wake up," I whispered nervously. Azrael didn't move. He's now unconscious. Iclenched my fist tightly into a ball while gritting my teeth. I couldn't help but let my tears pourdown my face. I lay my head on his chest to feel his beating heart. His heart rate was so faint, Ialmost couldn't hear it. I whimpered in pain.

"Please wake up, Azrael. Don't leave me..." I uttered painfully as I sobbed. I can barely feel hisheartbeat. I put my two hands on his face while shaking him. Then I put his head in my lap whilehealing him.

I shouldn't have left him. Now, I feel mad at myself.

"Please Azrael... wake up, baby. Please... I need you. I'm so sorry for pushing you away." I sniffled.Suddenly, my anger rose from my heart. I was fuming mad. I wanted to kill that vampire for sendingmy mate in between life and death.

Vorges, I will hunt you down! I swear I am going to make you suffer forever!

I saw the wounds slowly healed but his pulse was still faint. I have to do something.

I turned my head towards the werewolves, who were now kneeling on the ground, lookingsuffocated. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

Nonetheless, I will give them my order as their soon-to-be Luna. They look at me in fear, includingLucian.

"Listen, everyone, I will bring Azrael with me," I said, voice filled with authority. I look at Matthew."Please take care of the entire pack while Azrael is with me. I promise to bring him back alive.” henodded repeatedly.

"Please bring him back, Luna,” Matthew mumbled and followed by the others. They bowed theirheads as a sign of respect. I just nodded at all of them.

I closed my eyes and teleported myself and Azrael into Sabrina’s mansion, specifically in my room,and laid down Azrael in my bed.

I listen to his heartbeat again. I tore his shirt in the chest area, then put my hand in the wounds andclosed my eyes. I let my powers flow from my arms down to my hands. I don't know how I did this,but it just comes out naturally, like I know what I'm doing. As I opened my eyes, I saw a tinge ofgreen light flickered in my palm. I am also glowing with a green aura and my eyes turned all green,and it's now illuminating my darkroom.

I can feel the black smoke coming out of Azrael's body. I engulfed the black smoke with my greenmagic until it disappeared.

I sighed in relief when I saw the wounds completely healed but, there's a scar left. I trace my fingerinto the scar and I will never forget this day.

I will make sure Vorges will pay.

But why did Vorges do this? Is he trying to prove something? Did he know something about me?What was his motive? What if he knew I was the Chosen One? I frowned. What should I do?

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