Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 26

Third Person's POV

As the sea monster roared loudly, the waves furiously swayed the ship causing it to shakeuncontrollably and nearly drowned out. But, Sabrina managed to cast a spell to fight the waves eventhough she found it hard to focus because of the continuous shaking of the ship.

Azrael and Layla were holding tightly to the big wheel, careful not to slip off. The wind also blewfuriously that caused them to almost fall into the infuriated dark blue water. Layla screamed in fearto fall into the water. Good thing, Azrael managed to grip something sturdy and caught Layla thatalmost fell into the water. Layla was shaking and crying because of fear. It turns out Azrael wasclinging into the big anchor. He was grateful for it because it saved their life from drowning.

Seeing how frightened everyone was, Alex was determined to kill the beast. She grabbed hernecklace and took the round pendant. When the round object was in contact in her hand, itsuddenly shone brightly and a long golden scythe with sharp blade revealed. Excitement filled herheart, and quickly maneuvered the scythe like a pro.

Sabrina saw Alex swinging her scythe and she couldn't help but be amazed. Excitement also filledher heart and casted a bow and arrow. Lifting it up, she focused to aim at the eyes of the two-headed snake water dragon.

"Azrael! Can you drive??!" Alex yelled because she was on the edge of the boat opposite Azrael andLayla who was still holding the anchor for their dear life. Azrael swallowed his saliva and nodded.Not wasting any time, he told Layla to grip at the anchor tightly while he made his way to the bigwheel and started maneuvering it.

"I want you to get near the beast, Azrael!" Alex shouted again. Azrael froze

"Are you insane, Alex?? How can I do that? I am not letting ourselves get killed! Or worse be thatmonster's dinner!”

"Ugh, just do what I said, Azrael! I have a plan, okay?" Alex yelled annoyingly. Azrael didn't sayanything back and decided to obey his mate. As frustrating it may seem to him, he knew he trustedAlex. But, he was still shaking and nauseous. His wolf Khael decided to take over Azrael's body andskillfully maneuver the ship that made Alex smile.

The two headed snake let out a loud growl again and made the waves go higher causing their shipto go up too. Khael swiftly turned the wheel and let the ship flow by the current. Alex smirkedknowing that was a perfect timing. Standing at the edge of the ship, her eyes glow brightly and herbody almost as if burning in fire. But, yes, her body was burning in fire right now. But it wasn't theoriginal fire, it was a blue and green fire which is much more dangerous than the actual fire. Herscythe was also burning with blue and green fire like they are one.

Alex closed her eyes to collect herself and when she opened her eyes, there's nothing you couldread in them as it held nothing but a pure deadly fiery blue-green set of eyes like it would burn youto death.

The two-headed snake saw Alex approach but once the giant snake stared at Alex's eyes, it seemedpetrified. When the sea monster was distracted by Alex, Sabrina released her arrow in a swift motionaiming at the monster's eyes.

Alex saw the arrow and she signed Sabrina to fire more arrows which the latter did in just a second.The first arrow hit the sea monster bull's-eye and their scream echoed more loudly causing thewaves to sway furiously and uncontrollably. The ship almost fell down but luckily Khael managed tomaneuver it back to it's position. Another arrow hit the monster and this time Sabrina releases morearrows.

Alex saw the patterns of the arrow and she jumped each one like she never weighs heavy. It's likeshe was a bird flying towards the direction of the monster. Layla's eyes widened in horror and shockbut at the same time amazed at Alex. Of how she easily flew like she had wings. Alex is gettingnearer and nearer to the beast and she grip tightly at her scythe and readied it.

Just as she calculated, the beast tried to attack her using its huge tails but Alex quickly avoided it asSabrina continuously released more arrows. The arrows hit the snake tails and it roared painfully.Layla's eyes widened in horror when the tail of the monster was going to hit the ship. She closed hereyes and readied herself to die right then and there. She thought they were going to drown, butthat didn't happened. When she opened her eyes, the ship was no longer in front of the beast. Shesighed in relief but her heart was still beating erratically in fear. Her eyes widened more when shesaw Alex frequently jumping into the floating ice like stairs making its way to the beast while aburning scythe is on her hand taking its aim to the beast who was still roaring loudly in pain.

The beast's eyes were full of arrows that were thrown by Sabrina a moment ago.

Alex didn't waste any time and skillfully used her scythe to slice the two-headed snake to shredsThe beast excruciating cries stung their ears, almost making their ears bleed. But Alex still wasn'tcontent, swaying the scythe into different movements, she lunged at the beast and sliced it into tinypieces.

Surprisingly, the beast shone brightly and they saw something lifted up into the sky and explodedlike fireworks. But, Alex gasped when something caught her eyes, she was stunned to see a smallbright light coming her way swiftly. And in just a blink of her eyes, the light stopped in front of herand froze when it entered her wrist. But then, she noticed a tattoo in her wrists. It's a two-headedsnake water dragon tattoo that made her flabbergasted. There's a slight burning sensation that runsthrough her veins but it fades quickly.

Alex was still breathing heavily while gripping her now bloody scythe. The thick black blood wasburning by her blue-green fire. The awful smell of the burning blood scattered in the air causingthem to cover their nose and feel nauseous.

Alex teleported herself into the ship and slammed herself to the wet floor while breathing heavily.The scythe suddenly shimmered and returned back to the round object. Alex quickly put back theround object on her neck.

The wind was now blowing normally like it should. The waves were nowhere and the silenceenveloped them. Only their ragged breathing could be heard

Layla was still gripping the anchor like her life depends on it. Azrael was also gripping the wheeltightly when Khael let him back. He had no idea what happened but Khael explained to him whathappened.

Sabrina joined Alex and smiled proudly at her. Alex sat up and smiled at Sabrina. "That was...a mind-blowing fight!" Alex mumbled. Sabrina nodded in agreement.

Soon they bursted out laughing when they saw Layla still gripping the anchor tightly like a tarsier.Azrael joined the laughter and soon Layla laughed too. She quickly released her grip on the anchorin embarrassment even though she was still shaking from nervousness. But she was thankful to thatanchor because it saved her life.

Their gaze diverted ahead. Now, they could almost reach the shore of the black rocky mountainisland. The island is big and they have no idea what was in there. But they shared only one thought---they were hungry.

Alexandria's POV

After releasing my power earlier, I heard my tummy let out a grumble sound. Oh no, I'm hungry.But, I also heard three sounds of a grumbling tummies. We looked at each other and let out a laugh.Guess, we will replace something to eat on that island.

The moment we reached the shore, I stalked out of the ship quickly and stretched my legs.

"How about the ship?” Layla uttered. Oh, right. That's the problem.

They all looked at me. Now what? That ship was my pendant, how will I get it back?

It's like my question was answered when the ship shone brightly again and in just a snap the shipwas gone and my pendant was floating in the air. I grabbed the two pendant and put it back in mynecklace together with my scythe and the book.

"Now, problem solved.” I mumbled and giggled. They had the same reaction when the ship showedup for the first time.

I looked up at the sky and saw that the clouds were getting darker. Oh shoot, it is going to rainagain soon. The three also groaned in frustration.

The rocky shore makes our pace slowly. Our eagerness to replace food and shelter for the meantimenever mind the jagged rocks. I let out a deep breath and dragged my feet towards the forest withthe three behind my back. The forest was dark and I had to let my eyes glow for me to see. It's oddhow the forest became so quiet not even the sounds of the crickets can be heard. Does my earstrick me like my eyes did earlier? I focused on the sounds and our constant breathing. I stoppedwhen my ears caught a slight sound like something was around the forest that moved slowly. Myeyes roamed around and I could feel Layla grip at my arms tightly.

The slight sound suddenly disappeared. I decided to continue walking with Layla gripping at myarms, Sabrina and Azrael following behind. My stomach grumbled again. Uggh, I'm really hungry.As we walked, I also looked up at the big trees hoping to replace some fruits but nothing. This isfrustrating.

The silence was deafening but as much as possible we didn't make much noise fearing the beastwould show up in front of us. We won't want that. I'm too tired to fight right now, plus I am hungry.Soon, I can feel droplets of water pouring from above. Sh*t, it's already raining. We let out afrustrated sigh and cursed under our breath silently. "Let's run!" Sabrina mumbled and ran throughthe big trees to replace something that will prevent us from drenching. But we were already soakingwet and we haven't found some leaves to cover ourselves

Suddenly, I spotted a huge tree that blooms with a lot of flowers and when we got closer, I noticedplenty of fruits hanging. I almost jumped in joy.

"Wait---we should check it first if it's safe to eat.” Sabrina whispered and we nodded. Since thebranches have almost reached the ground, it's not hard to pick some. Sabrina picked one fruit andstudied it. Then she smiled, "Thank God, it's safe.” she uttered in relief and nodded towards us.

I happily took one and brought it to my mouth. I moaned in delight when a sweet apple taste-likehit my taste buds. The sweet aroma of the fruit filled my nostrils. As we devoured the fruit, I noticedsomething lit up in the dark that was 100 meters away from us. I couldn't help but stare at the lightbut it quickly faded. I frowned. I know something was in there. I know it is a pair of eyes. Is it fromthe beast again?

"Alex? What's wrong?" Azrael whispered worriedly when he noticed I stopped eating and just stoodthere frozen. I got back from my trance and met their curious stare.

"The beast is 100 meters away from us.” I whispered back and they gasped silently. Layla swallowedhard and griped at me tightly again like her life depended on me. I saw Sabrina stare at thedirection I was staring earlier. Her eyes also glowed but it didn't stay long.

"He's still there..." she whispered. I nodded. Yes, I can feel the beast aura now. But why is it that Ididn't replace it harmful like the two-headed snake water dragon sea monster earlier?

"He doesn't want to fight us. I guess he saw the fight earlier.” I said. Azrael and Layla let out a deepbreath in relief. But I can still feel Layla's constant shaking. I sighed. I know Layla is traumatizedagain. And this is my fault because I dragged her with me.

"C'mon, let's follow him." I said and they seemed hesitant.

Nevertheless, we started walking towards where the beast is. I can still feel his presence though.When we get closer, that's when I notice a small entrance. I think it's a cave.

But, we stopped walking when suddenly, a huge round yellowish black glowing eyes opened infront of us. It was huge and it almost made me horrified. It shocked me to my core because I didn'texpect it. And that entrance is not a cave, it's his big mouth.

Slowly, the ground started shaking and the beast was completely awakened. Uh oh, did I wake thebeast?

We stepped backwards and I didn't know I was gripping Azrael's hand.

The beast was so huge when it stood up. It's another giant beast. But this time it has four feet.That's when I noticed that it was a huge black dragon with thorns in his back. I also noticed asmaller black dragon. I guess that's the one I saw earlier. Strange how the smaller black dragon wasstaring at my eyes. Suddenly, the smaller black dragon growled and released a small fire at the giantblack dragon like he was saying something.

But I gasped when the smaller black dragon flew away when the giant black dragon shoved him outthe way. I frowned while looking at the smaller black dragon who was now grunting in pain. I glaredat the giant dragon. How dare he hurt her baby dragon??! I can feel my blood boils in anger.

The ground shook again when the giant dragon stomped her feet furiously and let out a loud grow!causing us to cover our ears as it stung.

Okay, looks like this giant dragon wanted a fight. Thanks to the fruit because my lost energy cameback. I looked at Sabrina and she sighed.

My eyes widened when I noticed the giant dragon was forming a fire in his throat.

"Run!" I yelled and held Layla and Azrael's hand. Sabrina ran ahead of us and we yelled when wealmost got hit by the dragon's fire.

Suddenly, the smaller black dragon stopped in front of us and ushered us with his back. He wasasking us to ride in his back? I smiled and jumped on his back. "Hurry!" I yelled to Sabrina, Azraeland Layla. I helped them up and before another fire would hit us, the smaller black dragon flewaway quickly to avoid the coming fire.

Up above, I can see the whole island. It was huge. From up here, we can see the next river on thenorth side but due to the rain and the fog, I have a hard time seeing it clearly. The smaller blackdragon was also having a hard time flying because of the rain. We were all soaked.

The loud sound of wings clattering caught my ears. I saw the giant black dragon flown highertowards us. But it's not just one but two giant black dragons. We didn't see that coming.

Now, what will we do?

“Let me in front, Alex."

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