Rejected By My Mate -
Chapter 44
Demonise's POV
Alex and the other spirits are trying to fight me, but I will not let them defeat me. I am Demoniseand no one can defeat me! So, I instantly came up with a plan and that is the kid's powers. Thiswitch-wizard kid is stronger than I thought. All I need is to awaken the wizard's power. Luke hasaugmentation magic, and his powers will enhance my abilities and energy—especially the fourbeasts inside me that became a tattoo. Their soul is now mine and they will obey everything Icommand. Alex and the others had no idea why the beast they fought a few days ago became atattoo. It was me who took their soul.
Now, with the help of Luke's power, I can summon all the souls I collected at once. Bwahahaha."Alex, where are we?" the little boy asked while scanning the whole forest filled with snow. Maybehe’s wondering why we are out there. As much as I hate the snow that is constantly pouring in me, Ihave no choice but to be patient.
“The place you have never been to before,” I replied and shrugged my shoulders. He stoppedwalking and looked at me with a big smile.
"Are we playing hide and seek? And mommy and daddy will replace us?” he blabbers. Ugh, I hate kids.Relax, Demonise! You have to play nice!
I fake a smile at the little boy, “Yes! So, remain quiet, okay? They'll easily replace us if you're so noisy.” Isaid.
“Oh...” he nodded and walked quietly this time while scanning the place.
I stopped walking when I heard a lot of footsteps from afar. A grin plastered on my lips, I quicklyordered Luke to stop walking. He looked at me with a frown
"Do you want to climb on the trees?” I asked while grinning. His eyes widened and pointed out thehuge tree, then said ecstatically, “Up there?!” I nodded.
"Yes! Yes! Awesome!” he said excitedly while jumping. I quickly held him and flew towards the hugetree that was covered with a lot of big leaves. I put Luke on the branches and take a lookdownwards where I heard the footsteps.
As soon as my gaze lingered on the thousands of warriors, my lips twitched. However, Luke had alook of awe while staring at the battalion that was marching to the north. “That was a lot of people!”Luke mumbled in surprise. I shushed him and he suddenly closed his mouth, using his hand. Goodboy.
While Luke is distracted by the sea of warriors, I controlled his body and mind. Then he fell asleep inmy arms. I held the tiny body of Luke and slowly put him down on the huge branch of the tree.Using my ability, I chanted a spell to awaken Luke's power, but it will take time to awaken Luke'spower.
“Demonise, what are you going to do to Luke?!" The girls in my head keep blabbering and I have toblock them out.
An hour later, my breathing became ragged and beads of perspiration were forming on myforehead even if it is so cold. I concentrated and chanted the spell repeatedly. The energy envelopesus and the wind blows furiously and howling creepily.
I could feel Alex and the others trying to stop what I'm doing, but they are too late because hoursfrom now, Luke's power would be awakened. And I can’t wait to enhance my abilities. I doubt theycan defeat me. Bwahahaha.
Soon, all the souls will be mine and that grim reaper couldn't do anything. But an idea popped up inmy head. I grinned mischievously. I could make use of the grim reapers to execute my planssuccessfully. Hahaha.
Sabrina's POV
While waiting for the enemies to cross this mountain, we talked about the plan and revised somemoves that I think would fail. The five of us became silent when we felt strong energy. It was sopowerful. I tried to locate where it was, but I couldn't track the strong aura because someoneblocked me.
“Something is happening,” Clinton mumbled.
“Do you think it's from our enemy?” Allia said.
“I don’t know.” Sighing, I shot up from the rock and walked towards the cliff. I spotted the enemiesfrom afar, but the strong energy I felt wasn't from that direction. It's coming from another directionbut I couldn't pinpoint where. Was it the beast? My heart was pounding at the thought. I hope shedidn't do anything to Luke.
Now we're stuck, whether to wait for our enemies to cross this mountain or replace the owner of thestrong energy. But we also need to hurry to save Luke. I go back from the group. And they are allsilent. Allia saw me and she smiled faintly.
“Do you think Luke is okay?” Allia mumbled, on the verge of crying again. I sighed and sat next toher.
"He'll be fine, Alli,” I said and gave her a reassuring smile.
“It's the first time my baby got away from me for too long. I won't forgive myself if somethinghappened to him,” she said, and a lone tear rolled down on her face. I sighed and engulfed her in ahug while tapping her back.
"He'll be okay. I know Alex will not let the beast do anything bad to Luke. Everything will be alrightsoon, Alli.” I whispered to her. I felt her nod and muffled a cry. I'm not used to seeing Allia cry.
We must replace Luke soon or else Allia will go crazy because of anxiousness.
Third Person's POV
Wizards, witches, demons, vampires, and werewolves are marching through the deserted snowgoing to the first mountain. It's odd to see all of them in unity, but at the back of their mind, theyare still enemies. After they will kill the chosen one, for sure they will be back again as enemies.Because enemies should stay enemies and enemies will never be an ally forever. All of them aretraitors, anyway. In the end, all of them will kill each other.
However, some warriors are afraid of the possibility of dying. This is a war and the moment theyagreed, their life was already put on edge and too much risk. There's only a fifty-fifty chance ofsurvival, and yet they still took the risk. Well, in the first place, they don’t have a choice because itwas an order from their King. Their fears only doubled when they noticed a lot of grim reapers thatwere following them, who couldn't wait to take their soul.
But, some warriors are not afraid, they were excited about the war because of only one reason—tokill. They were itching to kill their enemies and wanted to see blood scattered on the ground. Thevampires are excited too because of the blood. Whenever someone mentions blood, their eyes willbecome darkened. They didn’t drink enough blood to prepare for the war because for sure, theycould drink a lot of blood from their enemies so soon.
Lo-and-behold, werewolves remain quiet. They're thinking about the plan and feel anxious about it.Whereas Liza is not in the mood while walking and her eyebrows furrowed together. She couldn'tbelieve that Azrael kept a secret from her. She couldn't accept that Alexandria is Azrael's mate. Lizawill not give up on Azrael and she will do everything in her power to get Azrael away fromAlexandria. She remembers what happened in the room when Alexandria beat her and it looks likethe two were fighting. But her face darkened as she remembers the beatings she received. She willmake sure to get back to Alexandria. She will kill the girl in her hands. She despised the girl, evenwhen they were little. That omega has no right to hurt her.
Meanwhile, Azrael was thinking deeply. He relives his memories when he was a kid, together withhis mother and father. Suddenly, a vivid memory of him and a little girl popped up on his head. Thelittle girl is around 5 years old and he was 9 years old. He couldn't believe he forgot about hischildhood sweetheart. Is he too late?
“Mom, where are we going?” the 9 years old, Azrael asked his mother while getting in the car.
“To a friend.” her mother replied, and he nodded then put his seatbelt on.
An hour later, they arrived in front of another pack-house. They got out of the car and a couplegreeted them. Azrael saw a little girl peeking behind her mother. Azrael smiled at the little girl, buthe was stunned to see two different colors of eyes. He was stunned and couldn't take his eyes awayfrom the little girl because he thinks that the little girl is so charming.
“Is your eyes real?” Azrael couldn't help but ask. The little girl just stared at him blankly and noddedhesitantly while shrugging her shoulders.
The woman smiled at Azrael and said, “Yes, isn't she beautiful?”
Azrael nodded while still staring at the little girl's eyes. “What's your name?” he asked and walkedcloser to the little girl and looked closer to the little girl's eyes.
“Alexandria...” the little girl mumbled shyly.
“I'm Azrael!” he happily said and looked at his parents who were smiling at him. “Can we play?” heasked.
"Of course! Sweety, take him to your playroom.” Alexandria's mother said and the little girl nodded.Alexandria smiled faintly at Azrael, “Come with me.” Azrael nodded happily and followed the littlegirl.
"Why do you have two colors of eyes?” Azrael asked curiously while examining the little girl's eyesand Alexandria just shrugged her shoulders.
“I don't know,” Alexandria replied and opened the door of the playroom.
"Cool. Is your parents an Alpha?” Alexandria just nodded while taking some toys in the cabinet andplaced them on the floor and sat on the floor. Azrael sat beside her.
"You didn't talk much?” Azrael asked. Alexandria shook her head no while taking out a bottle full ofpuzzle pieces.
“I do, but you are a stranger,” Alexandria said, and Azrael smiled.
"We are not anymore, right? Because our parents knew each other. I think we'll be seeing each otheroften!” Alexandria just looked at him.
“I guess...” the little girl mumbled.
“You talked like a grown-up,” Azrael said. Alexandria just stared at him. Azrael looked at her intentlyand a smile crossed his lips. “When we grow up, I want you to be my Luna!"
Alexandria frowned. “Why me?”
“Because you're different and I like you,” Azrael said while smiling. But Alexandria didn’t smile andjust looked at him like he had grown two heads.
“Shouldn't your mate be your Luna?”
"Oh?" Alexandria nodded. “Then, I want you to be my mate when the time comes. And you will bemy Luna!”
Alexandria didn't reply and was still trying to process what Azrael had said. “But you're older thanme."
“Does it matter? I'm just 4 years older than you!”
“I'll wait for you, I promise!” Azrael said while smiling widely. At a young age, he learns to say apromise because of the pretty little girl, Alexandria.
*end of flashback*
Azrael couldn't help but feel mad at himself. How could he forget his promise? He couldn't believethat his wish came true. When he met Alexandria the first time, every night he wished to the moongoddess that he wanted Alexandria to be his mate when the time came.
But how could he forget? Now, his heart is full of regrets. Will Alex still accept him? But he’s worried.What if Alexandria didn't remember their childhood? They only met twice because she justdisappeared and he heard from his mother and father before that Alexandria's parents were dead.He's hoping that somehow Alexandria will remember him from the past.
Well, if he wasn't stupid, he still has Alex on his side. He knew he did pretty bad things before andwas so arrogant, but he learns his lesson now. He only did not hurt his mate, but also himself. Howcould he heal the wound he caused himself? And he broke Alexandria. Could he repair the damagehe had caused her?
Meanwhile, King Warrick, King Desmond, and King Vladimir (temporary King of the Witches Clan)had another plan. They knew that the werewolves were also planning behind their backs.
But King Desmond didn’t show his hesitation. He's having trouble because of what he had foundout. They are going to kill his daughter. The only daughter he had with Leia. All the time he hasbeen quiet. He let the other King decide what their next moves would be. He knew he's a badvampire and a father, but could he kill his blood? He never thought that he would face this kind ofconsequence. If he just knew, he would come up with a better plan, but there's no way he couldback out from the alliance, or else he will be dead. He couldn't put his people on edge.
On his own accord, he should do the right thing for himself and his clan. But it was too late now. Hethinks about his son. Of how it reacted when he knew what he did to Leia, 18 years ago. He sighedin relief when Vorges didn't join the association because the last thing he wanted was for his son toget hurt in the war or die. He was his only heir, and he couldn't afford to lose him. He doesn’t wantany of the Vampires to get the throne but his son. He already lived a hundred years and maybe it'stime to give the throne to his son, who desires the throne for a long time. If he dies in the war, hewill die in peace because the throne will be in good hands.
On the other side of the first mountain, Vorges was already there, watching Sabrina from afar. Hehad transformed himself into a bat and silently followed Sabrina and her companion. He wanted toshow himself to Sabrina but she won't want to see him so he kept his distance. When he felt strongenergy, he gulped because it was so familiar. He felt it before, and only one person could possesssuch strong energy. It was from Alexandria. He couldn't help but be petrified. He remembered themonster he saw when he choked the girl before. It was the same aura he felt—dangerous.
After how many minutes of debating himself, he temporarily left to replace Alexandria because he knewit was just around the mountain. One last look at Sabrina, he flew away in hesitation. He was flyingaround the mountain until he spotted Alexandria in the tree surrounded by strong dark energy andkept chanting some spell. He flew to the other tree 10 meters away from the huge tree. When hesaw the eyes of the girl, he almost gasped because it was Demonise. The girl who claimed to be hishalf-sister.
He stayed longer than he expected. He wanted to save the little boy, but he knew not to interfere orit would cost his life. What does Demonise do with the little boy? He felt pity towards the boy whenit grunted because of pain.
Minutes had passed. He kept debating whether to help the boy or not, but he stopped when an icycold glare met his gaze. His eyes widened and gulped. He didn't waste any time and flew away fromthe scene, fearing his life. He knew not to mess with his monster half-sister.
But he still had doubts. He wasn't convinced yet that the girl was his half-sister. He doesn’t knowwhy he isn't convinced, but it was his instincts that say they are not blood-related at all. Yes, the girlis also a vampire, but that doesn't justify the truth. He needed proof to believe fully.
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