Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 54

Third Person POV

Being blessed with new strength and power, all werewolves defeated some beasts, demons, andwitches. They became a lot stronger, agile, and dominant.

In ancient history, werewolves are the original beasts and feared by everyone because of theirgrowing race and gifted powers. They were cruel and unbeatable for centuries. When the Lord ofthe Beasts, Invictus, and King of the Demon, Helios, convince all werewolves and other races to joinforces with the promise of infinite powers by taking the magic of the six powerful sisters. Theystarted a war in Magic Realm, which almost lost the balance between Magic Realm and PromiseLand.

With the help of Alice and her five sisters, the great war has stopped, but almost wipe out all theraces. King Helios died, but Lord Invictus survived and escaped. After the great war, the Gods andGoddesses punished all the werewolves and other races because of their hunger for power,resulting in the first great war between all races in Magic Realm.

As a punishment, all the Gods and Goddesses limit the ability of the werewolves, wizards, witches,and vampires. Before, all werewolves can shift even at a young age, and the Moon Goddess willbless them during the full moon. And they can transform back into their human form with fullclothes that didn't tear apart from the transformation. But here and now, they can only shift at ageeighteen, and weak ones couldn't transform into their full wolf form, but if they transformed backinto their human form, they are naked.

All wizards can use their powers without a wand before, but now they can only use their powersusing a wand, and they're considered human if without a wand. Only royal blood could use theirpower without a wand, but it's limited.

Also, witches can transform whatever form they want and can chant all kinds of spells, but as apunishment, they become ugly creatures and only a few can transform into a human form if theirpowers are strong enough to maintain their features like humans. Whilst vampires don't burn in thesunlight and they can hunt whatever they want, but in this day and age they can only go out duringthe night. If sunlight hits them, they will get burned and die.

Meanwhile, all demons and beasts are also being punished. The Gods and Goddesses forbid themto enter the magic realm, if they do, they will get cursed or worse, die and get thrown to theunderworld or purgatory and repent their sins forever while being burned. But of course, theDemon God blessed some demons with powerful dark magic to defeat the child of the AlmightyGod, and that is King Warrick, the late King Helios’ descendant.

Now, King Warrick saw the one who killed King Helios. His anger rose. Then he laughed whilestaring at Damona. At first, he felt a little scared at the beast in front of him, but remembering hisactual ability gives him the confidence to kill the chosen one. He is the great King Warrick of theDemon Clan, and no one can defeat him. Remembering the motive of Lord Invictus, he will kill thechosen one no matter what it takes just to get the infinite powers. And it could make him the mostfearful and powerful being in history, powerful than Lord Invictus.

Damona's eyes glittered in intelligence and amusement. She returned the intense glare that KingWarrick gave her. But she's reading his mind. A grin plastered on her lips and spread her wings wideopen. As if on cue, everyone screamed at the top of their lungs and charged an attack to theirenemies. King Warrick summoned a big black spear which was surrounded by demon magic andlightning. Without a warning, he attacked Damona, but the girl already expected his attack. Damonaknew the demon would summon his proper weapon—the same weapon King Helios used duringthe great war. She knew the ability of the spear and she already had an idea on how to nullify thepower of the spear because it used to stab her and her sisters. And the spear has their bloodpainted on it for a long time.

'l will get that spear no matter what." She thought.

“I will kill you!!!” King Warrick yelled and used the spear to attack her. Damona dodges the spearusing Alex's scythe. It's like she is dancing with the wind at how fast she is. She flapped her wings,and the wind blew. It didn't take any longer until a tornado appeared and Damona motioned herhand towards King Warrick. The tornado ran towards the demon King.

Damona closed her eyes and flew in the air in every direction while dark, powerful energy emitsfrom her body. King Warrick creased his forehead in confusion upon seeing Damona flying aroundin every direction like she was drawing something in the air. He didn’t know what's going on, but hehad to avoid the tornado which followed him around like a tail. It infuriates him because thetornado is too strong. As a counterattack, he also made a wind tornado and released it. Now, twotornados are dancing around and meet in the center. It collided and exploded. Smoke covered theentire place, and the fight below had stopped to save themselves from the explosion.

Damona smirked and stopped in her tracks. She fluttered her eyes open with two distinct colorsshined—silvery red on the left and golden purple on the right. Everything about her screamed deathand ominous. It's her power as one of the chosen Goddess of the Demon Clan. She flapped herwings with full force and an enormous magic circle appeared, separating her and King Warrick fromeveryone.

It stunned King Warrick; he stared at the demon in front of him. For the first time in his life, he felttremendous fear. This demon in front of him is not an ordinary demon because he felt the powerfulpresence of the Demon Goddess. He felt goosebumps and shivered. All his nerves seem to stopfunctioning because of fear. He didn't know that the chosen one is the demon Goddess. It's too lateto back out now because he's trapped in the magic circle Damona made—the magic circle thatdefeated King Helios. Will the history repeat?

"Any last word, King Warrick?” Damona said. Her voice is deep and creepy. King Warrick clenchedhis fist while shaking. He gritted his teeth while calling out the force within him. He started this warand he must stick to his plan. To kill and take the chosen one's infinite power.

He glared at Damona and screamed, “DIE!!!”

Then the fight between the two demons continued, but this time they are using their actual power.Meanwhile, everyone felt scared while looking up at the two demons fighting above them. Azraelcouldn't help but tremble in fear. He learns a lot about the six sisters being the Moon Goddessdaughters, but still he knows nothing about their powers—of how dangerous it was. While lookingup, he saw the real Damona—a veritable demon with a good heart, yet too scary and powerful.

He heard an angry growl and saw Lucian, who also looked up while staring at Damona, gripping onhis weapon. Lucian didn't transform into his full wolf form the entire duration of the war, and heknew Lucian was planning something. He wondered why Lucian didn't use the sword yet.

“Will Lucian be going to use the sword to kill my mate? No! I will not let him!" He thought andclenched his fist.

“Lucian, Vladimir, surrendered now if you don't want to die.” Sabrina let out.

Lucian and Vladimir gritted their teeth and clenched their fist in anger because they cornered them.Their warriors are already dead, and they are the only ones left with King Warrick. They still couldn'tbelieve that they defeated their forces. That's because of the betrayal of the other races—werewolves and vampires, and the cowardly witches who turned their backs at them. All eyes are onthem, watching their every move.

“Lucian...” a voice echoed through the crowd. Lucian looked for the voice and a girl was walkingtowards him.

“Cybelle, what are you doing?” Lucia, Sabrina, and Layla uttered in unison with a creased forehead.“Let her be.” King Alexander said and watched Lucian's reaction.

Lucian gasped and stared at the girl. Had his eyes tricked him? “W-Who are you?” he stammeredwhile scanning the girl's appearance.

“Don't you recognize me?” Cybelle said and stopped five meters away from Lucian. She feltdisappointed in the man. She was spying on him the entire time, of how he slaughtered somewarriors.

Lucian trembled, and he couldn't say a word in shock. The girl is looking like his late wife, Ysabelle.His Ysabelle.

King Alexander walked towards them and stopped beside Cybelle. He looked at Lucian, who wasglaring daggers at him. “Lucian, don't you feel the connection?” he asked, which stopped Lucian.“Don't listen to him, Lucian!” Vladimir shouted and attacked King Alexander and Cybelle using adark lightning ball. It shocked everyone at the sudden attack.

“Uncle! Cybelle!” Sabrina uttered and attacked Vladimir. Layla, Lucia, and Azrael went to KingAlexander and Cybelle. While Vorges, King Stephen, and Clinton gathered all warriors to not dwell inthe fight. All wizards with healing magic help all the warriors to heal their deep wounds. Theydistance themselves because they do not need their presence.

Lucian gasped in shock. His gaze fixated on Cybelle, who grunted in pain. His heart sting and a tearrolled down his face, and his lips trembled and his body shook while being hit in the waves ofnostalgia. He remembered his wife, Ysabelle, who was lying in the ground lifeless, swimming in thepool of blood. He screamed while holding his head and crying. His Ysabelle is dead. He can't acceptit. He will avenge his wife and daughter!

“I WILL KILL YOU, ALEXANDER!" Lucian let out and howled.

"STOP! YOUR DAUGHTER IS ALIVE! YOU IDIOT!" King Desmond yelled, and that stopped Lucian. Hiseyes widened in shock. “THAT GIRL IS YOUR DAUGHTER!" King Desmond continued. The revelationshocked everyone. It stunned King Alexander while looking at King Desmond. He couldn't believethat the vampire King knew their secret. How long had he known?

King Desmond looked at King Alexander and said, “I didn't know your secret. I just read your mind.”King Alexander released a deep sighed then turned to Lucian and said, “Lucian, Cybelle is yourdaughter. We save her from the demon who killed your wife.”

Lucian clenched his fist in anger. All this time he thought wrong. He thought Alexander and Leiakilled his wife. Lucian fell on his knees while staring at Cybelle, who was groaning in pain. He studiedthe girl's face. It looks like his wife is alive. Tears blurred his vision, he couldn't stop the tears frompouring down. It was no doubt the girl is his daughter. His daughter, Bella.

“Bella...” he murmured. “I'm sorry, Bella. I'm sorry, daddy didn't recognize you.” he weeps and stoodup then approached Cybelle.

Cybelle stood up when her wounds healed. She stared at Lucian, his biological father. “My name isCybelle, not Bella.” she blurted out with no emotion. She couldn't believe that the man in front ofher is her father. She looked at King Alexander, who was nodding at her and smiled. King Alexanderis the best father figure for her. He always cared for her and loved her like his own.

Lucian smiled and nodded, “Cybelle...”

A loud explosion distracted them and everybody looked at the two demons above. They saw KingWarrick and Damona exchanging a powerful attack. Everyone was on high alert when the magiccircle like a glass surface cracked. They thought it would explode, but it repaired itself. They sighedin relief. And Sabrina trapped Vladimir, and she tied him up using her glowing silver rope.

Damona cursed under her breath because she goes easy on King Warrick. Her magic circle almostbreaks. Now, King Warrick knows that the black spear can break her magic circle. She has to get theblack spear as soon as possible

King Warrick laughed when Damona stared daggers at him. “Woah, so the spear can break thismagic circle! Bwahahaha!” King Warrick said and buried the spear in the magic circle. Damona letout a loud gasp because the magic circle cracked again. She composed herself and strengthenedthe magic circle, but the power of the spear prevented it. But it didn't break the magic circle. KingWarrick chanted a spell, and the wind blew and moaned. He closed his eyes and felt thesurrounding energy. The sky is getting darker and the blood moon appeared while almost coveringthe sunlight.

Everyone witnesses how the blood moon glowed towards King Warrick. They are all stunnedbecause they thought it's a blue moon, but it turns out it's a blood moon. The blood moonappearance shows a disaster is coming. The wind above formed a whirlwind with lightning strikingeverywhere. And the center of the whirlwind opened and something was going down. It's a big fatman with a long beard covering his face together with a lot of flying creatures coming out from theportal. It's a battalion of demon beasts with dark red eyes.

“Lord Invictus..." Lucian mumbled in shock.

Everyone gulped and trembled in fear because they thought that the war is almost over, but it turnsout it's just started. The problem is, they couldn't fight anymore because of exhaustion and they stillneed to get back their lost energy for fighting for days. Now, they are praying for a miracle.Damona knew the situation was bad, and she had to do something before Lord Invictus charged hisattacks. Damona teleported in front of Layla, Michelle, and Lucia. It startled the three girls uponseeing Damona. “I need your help,” Damona mumbled and shut her eyes. The six sisters decidedAlex should go back because only she can use all their powers in one.

When Alex fluttered her eyes open, everyone's attention was on her. “Alex!” Layla uttered. Alexsmiled, “Guys, I need your help. Come with me.” she said and the three girls nodded in confusion.Alex went towards a magic cube where Cyn was. The three girls followed Alex because they knewit's important the way Alex said it in a hurry.

“Alice! Callie!” Cyn mumbled. Lucia creased her forehead because her mate was calling her “Callie’again. And she's confused why the man called Alex, “Alice’.

Alex removed the magic cube and grabbed Cyn. “Listen, I have to get the diamonds inside yourbody. It's the only thing to stop Invictus.” Alex said.

"What?" they all mumbled.

Alex looked at the four in front of her, “Lucia and Cyn, the diamond in your forehead are ours. AndLayla, Michelle, the diamond inside your body is also ours. I need to get it and form all six diamondsin one.”

"Wait—six?" Lucia asked, confused because there are only four of them.

"Yes, because I already have the other two,” she said, and showed the blue and yellow diamonds."Please, we have no time.” Alex said. They all nodded and Alex chanted a spell towards the four-diamond bearers. “It will be painful,” she said, and the four grunted in pain. Extracting the diamondsis a painful process, but the bearers are strong enough to bear the pain. The diamond extracted,and it went to Alex like they knew it belonged to her. Now that the diamond is complete, she has tofinish their mission now. That is to defeat Lord Invictus, which they failed to do before.

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