I kept hearing Layla calling me nonstop. She was still looking for me. I sighed and went up to thesurface. I walked out of the water and sighed while looking at my wet clothes. Still, there werebloodstains on my clothes. It didn't wash off completely besides staying in the water for long. Ugh, Ineed to change. I should replace Layla.

I close my eyes and track Layla's scent. She's now in the middle of the woods. Damnit! I also feltanother scent around Layla. I run as fast as I can, like a flash.

My eyes darkened when I noticed a brown wolf staring at Layla. My anger rises and quickly pins thewolf to the ground when the wolf is about to attack Layla. The brown wolf was strong and scratchedmy skin. Blood oozed in it, but it healed quickly that made the wolf flabbergasted. My visionchanges color and now it's dark red. I growled then I felt my fangs growing long, and the wolvesstared at me in horror, still wiggling from my firm grasp. I lick my lips and suddenly I crave blood.What was happening to me? Damn, I'm thirsty.

"A-Alex!!! No!" I gasped and looked at Layla, who had eyes widened in shock. She's shaking herhead while saying don't.

I hesitantly released the wolf, and he was gasping for air. I stare at the wolf deadly and he runs off ina flash away from us, never looking back. When I look at Layla, she flinches and steps backward. Ilook at her, confused. "Layla?"

"A-Alex... your e-eyes... it was r-red and y-you h-have f-fangs!" she mumbled, stuttering.

I gasped, and I noticed my vision was still dark red. I closed my eyes and tried to compose myself.When I opened my eyes, it turned back to normal again. And I couldn't feel my fangs anymore.What am 1? A vampire?

Shocked at my realization, I looked at Layla nervously. "L-Layla... I-I'm not a vampire, am 1?" Istammered while my lips were trembling. Layla didn't reply.

I sat on the ground and tears streaming down my face. I was so confused about my real identity.Like, what the hell? I am a wolf, then I am also a vampire? What am 1?

"Alex, what happened to you? Why are you soaking wet? And is that blood in your clothes?" sheasked nervously.

I didn't look at Layla, and I shook my head. "I am a monster, Layla. I... I probably killed them!" I saidand sobbed again. Layla walked towards me, and I gasped when she hugged me.

I sniffed. Layla's scent is so tempting. I lick my lips and my grip on her tightens. Damn, what waswrong with me? Why was I craving blood? Gosh, I don't want to be like a blood-sucking creature!But... I think I already am. What am I going to do now?

I pushed Layla away, and she looked shocked. I shake my head. "Stay away from me, Layla. I c-can'tget near you... I-I'm dangerous..." I said and looked away because all in my mind was blood. I wantblood. My vision became red again.

I stood up and ran as fast as I could while looking for some animals to hunt. I heard Layla shout myname, but I didn't look back. Ugh! I have to control myself when I am around her. Uggh, why wouldI have to be a vampire? A blood-sucking creature?!

“Ouch. That hurts."

Who is that? Who is that voice in my head?

I'm Val.!

I gasped. Suddenly, my pace became slow.

Who are you??

'I'm your vampire spirit."

What?? Are you serious?

'Yes, Alex. I only came out when Vorges touched you.’

Who is Vorges?

"The vampire man that was choking you.

Tsk. That blood-sucking creature. Where is he, anyway?

“Tsk. Stop saying, blood-sucking creature. But anyway, you don't have to know. But he is alive, I canassure you."

I hummed. Tsk. I won't forgive that vampire for choking me.

Not long after, I spotted a deer and tackled it. The deer wasn't able to escape because of shock. Isucked all the deer's blood right away. The deer's blood is terrible, but I have no choice. Damn, whyam I so thirsty?

“Because your power was showing gradually, Alex."

Will I be able to control it? I can't harm Layla.

' Yes, you can. But, you should suck animals’ blood every four hours.’

I will do that even if it sucks.

I sighed and stopped sucking the deer's blood. I wiped my mouth for the excess blood, then burpedloudly. Then, I heard laughing in my head.

"You're now a bloodsucker, Alex." my wolf, Xandra, said while chuckling. Val also laughed. Tsk.

I just chuckled.

“Hey, Alex."

Who is that again?

'Oh, sorry, I am Willow."

What the h*ck? How many are you in my head?

They all laughed in unison.

“Relax, there's only three of us.’

Now, I'm even more confused. Why do I have three spirits? Can you explain why?

“Sorry, Alex, but we also didn't know."

I sighed. I got up, and I spotted Layla running towards me, worried evident in her eyes. She washuffing when she stopped in front of me. "Y-you run so fast,” she said while panting for air. I can'thelp but chuckle.

"I'm sorry, Layla, for worrying you," I said guiltily.

"What happened to you, Alex? You know I was looking for you for hours after I woke up inside thattruck with the humans,” she said while her eyebrows furrowed together. I release a long sigh.

"I will explain everything to you, Lay. But where are the humans?" she nodded, then sighed. "I haveto leave them to replace you. They wanted to come, but I said it was dangerous for them. Afterconvincing them, I ran fast towards the forest. The humans were probably still afraid because of thewolves and they left hurriedly.” She shrugged her shoulders and walked towards the big stone andsat. But she stood up hastily while eyeing me intently.

"You need to change your clothes first. You are soaking wet.” I nodded. I feel uncomfortable with myclothes. It stinks.

She took her backpack and rummaged through it. Then she handed me a blouse and a pair ofshorts. I gladly took it from her and started undressing in front of her. She's just staring at me theentire time, but her mind was wandering somewhere. I know she has a lot of questions. So do I.When I finished, I sat across from her. She keeps sighing and looks bothered. I know I caused it.

I sighed again and fidgeted. "Layla, I'm sorry for leaving you with the humans," I whispered, and shelooked at me with curiosity.

"Why, Alex? Why did you leave me? I am so scared when I can't replace you beside me." she said in acracked voice. Tears were streaming down her face. I frowned. "I thought I lost you,” she said, whilewiping her tears away with her fingers.

I looked down at my hands as I sighed. "It wasn't intentional, Layla. I had to lure away all the wolvesfrom the humans and you. But something happened... The wolves, a vampire, and a witch, weresurrounding me. I have no escape. It's like they were after me." I look up to see Layla's face, hermouth ajar, wide open. Maybe it's because I mentioned the vampire and witch.

I continued, "And then the vampire man was choking me to death. After that, I passed out and whenI woke up, I found the wolves and the witch lifeless on the ground full of blood. What shocked mewas blood-drenched all over me. I couldn't even remember why I had blood all over me. I freakedout and ran away from that horrible scene. Then I ended up jumping in the lake and swam deeper. Ifeel terrible because I thought I killed them, so I stayed under the water. I didn't know I was sulkingfor hours."

"Oh my god, that explains why you were soaking wet!" she exclaimed and I nodded chuckling. "Butyou didn't remember what happened to the wolves? Why would you think you killed them?" sheasked, eyebrows furrowed again in confusion.

I sighed. "Because I was drenched with blood all over me, Layla. So I thought maybe I killed themwithout me knowing because I am the only one alive. And before that, the witch told me that 1am amonster before she passed out completely dead.” I said, feeling guilty.

"You didn't remember killing them, Alex. So it wasn't you, okay?" Layla said, convincing me. I sighed.Or maybe I didn't kill them?

"You did.!


"You killed them all, Alex. Because you were out of control. We tried to stop you but like you, we'realso getting out of control."

I frowned. Why didn't I remember it, Willow?

'I don't know, Alex.’

I rubbed my temple because of stress and too much confusion. Uggh, I need answers. I need toknow what was happening to me. But who will help me?

Wait, dad mentioned before that if I am looking for answers, all I need to do is go to TibbertanMountain.

Yes, I will go to Tibbertan Mountain. But the problem is, where the h*ck Tibbertan Mountain waslocated?

I groaned, and Layla looked at me while raising her eyebrows.

"Layla, I need to go to Tibbertan Mountain. Do you want to come?" her eyes widened.

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